House judiciary chairman Jerry Nadler calls for border agency heads to be prosecuted for child abuse

This is a travesty. The leadership positions in the House of Representatives are occupied by political hacks who have been perennially elected in out-of-touch districts where - as N. Pelosi put it - a glass of water could be elected if it were labelled with a 'D'.

And yet they are treated as though they represent some large swath of the population, rather than a third of one percent of the U.S. population. They represent no one but the retards in their own district.
Nadler needs to get off his fat ass and tour those detention centers himself. He would find out AOC lied her stupid ass off.

The head of Border Patrol and CBP should call that fat slob and arrange it.

He sure is a POS to believe what AOC had to say. He's about as bright as that airhead is.

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