Taxpayers to foot bill for amnesty under House proposal


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Democrats are shitting on America. From the open border to destroying good-paying jobs in the energy sector, to openly flouting their own mask demands while servants are masked-up, to this.

House Democrats unveiled their plan to legalize millions of illegal immigrants — and to make taxpayers pay billions of dollars to process their applications.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler’s proposal, released late Friday, calls for $2.8 billion in federal funds to help U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services build capacity to handle the expected surge of paperwork and decision-making.

USCIS is almost entirely fee-funded, under the theory that immigrants should pay their own way. Mr. Nadler’s proposal would subvert that model.

His plan would also kick in the amnesty by May 1, giving USCIS little time to get up and running.

Previous directors have told The Washington Times it would take at least 18 months to prepare for a mass amnesty.

Mr. Nadler, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, envisions legalizing “Dreamers,” who came to the U.S. before age 18, those in the U.S. under the Temporary Protected Status program and illegal immigrants who held “essential” jobs during the pandemic. That covers more than three-quarters of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants believed to be in the country.

The plan does not contain new border security or enforcement measures. That marks a major break with past immigration plans, whose security measures were considered critical elements to prevent the amnesty from enticing more people to come to the U.S.

The eligibility date is the start of this year, meaning any illegal immigrant who made it to the U.S. by that time could qualify. That includes hundreds of thousands of people who jumped the border during the surge in 2019 and who should have been deported.

Those who file for legalization would have to pay a $1,500 “supplemental fee” and processing costs.

Mr. Nadler’s plan would apply to those already ordered deported but who absconded, giving them a chance to petition to join the amnesty.

On Monday, Senate Democrats unveiled an initial framework for a proposed federal budget resolution for the 2022 fiscal year, which begins in October. The framework includes two items pertaining to immigration — "lawful permanent status for qualified immigrants" and "investments in smart and effective border security measures."

No further details were provided, but Democrats have long championed providing legal status to a large proportion of the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants in America — a first step toward potential U.S. citizenship.

The chairman of the Senate Budget Committee that produced the framework, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, on Monday tweeted, "We will bring undocumented people out of the shadows and provide them with a pathway to citizenship, including those who courageously kept our economy running in the middle of a deadly pandemic."

I think Daca adults should be legalized, beats me why they are not.
From what I've read this has already been kicked to the curb.

If it came to pass I doubt any Democrat could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

Reagan tried this and it back fired big time.
From what I've read this has already been kicked to the curb.

If it came to pass I doubt any Democrat could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

Reagan tried this and it back fired big time.

Well Regan did succeed in letting a shit load of Mexicans do it in California in the late 80s and turn California from a red state to a blue state by letting them come in and give them citizenship. Up till then California had been red for decades until that moment and it turned blue and stayed that way up till today.

But Biden and his administration want this to happen to stack the deck in their favor. They will do anything and everything they can to try and make it happen. It may not happen but mark my words, they will try like hell. Even if it doesn't pass this time it won't be the last you hear about it, even if they try and sneak it into a stimulus package or that trillion dollar infrastructure plan.
America last Democrats and neocons are killing this country and putting us in the poor house with their insane spending.
Here's a thought, taxpayers pay for EVERYTHING!

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