House Intelligence Committee to announce they are done with Russia probe interviews

Even though Rosenstein gave the Mueller "investigation" a very broad brush, he still hasn't come up with any concrete evident of the left's wacko "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory.

And just today, the GOP-led House Intel committee came out and announced that they have found absolutely no evidence of "collusion" between the Donald trump campaign and Russia.

So now what?

"WASHINGTON — Republicans on the House intelligence committee have completed a draft report concluding there was no collusion or coordination between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia.

The finding is sure to please the White House and enrage panel Democrats who have not yet seen the document.

After a yearlong investigation, Texas Rep. Mike Conaway says the committee has finished conducting dozens of witness interviews and will share the report with Democrats on Tuesday. Conaway is the Republican leading the House probe."

GOP-led House Intel finds no evidence of collusion between Trump campaign, Russia
Lol oh If the GOP says so it must be true!

You people are a joke.

No kidding, you've got evidence?
Why would I have the evidence? I know it exists because Mueller - an INDEPENDENT investigator - is still building an actual case. You just like to believe anything the GOP tells you l.

Good for you, stick with it, stand up in what you believe....even if you don't have any facts. 5 - 10 years from now you can kick yourself in the butt and write it off as just being another dumbass liberal.
Even though Rosenstein gave the Mueller "investigation" a very broad brush, he still hasn't come up with any concrete evident of the left's wacko "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory.

And just today, the GOP-led House Intel committee came out and announced that they have found absolutely no evidence of "collusion" between the Donald trump campaign and Russia.

So now what?

"WASHINGTON — Republicans on the House intelligence committee have completed a draft report concluding there was no collusion or coordination between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia.

The finding is sure to please the White House and enrage panel Democrats who have not yet seen the document.

After a yearlong investigation, Texas Rep. Mike Conaway says the committee has finished conducting dozens of witness interviews and will share the report with Democrats on Tuesday. Conaway is the Republican leading the House probe."

GOP-led House Intel finds no evidence of collusion between Trump campaign, Russia
Lol oh If the GOP says so it must be true!

You people are a joke.
Since you have the evidence perhaps you should call Schiff for brains
Even though Rosenstein gave the Mueller "investigation" a very broad brush, he still hasn't come up with any concrete evident of the left's wacko "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory.

And just today, the GOP-led House Intel committee came out and announced that they have found absolutely no evidence of "collusion" between the Donald trump campaign and Russia.

So now what?

"WASHINGTON — Republicans on the House intelligence committee have completed a draft report concluding there was no collusion or coordination between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia.

The finding is sure to please the White House and enrage panel Democrats who have not yet seen the document.

After a yearlong investigation, Texas Rep. Mike Conaway says the committee has finished conducting dozens of witness interviews and will share the report with Democrats on Tuesday. Conaway is the Republican leading the House probe."

GOP-led House Intel finds no evidence of collusion between Trump campaign, Russia
Lol oh If the GOP says so it must be true!

You people are a joke.

No kidding, you've got evidence?
Why would I have the evidence? I know it exists because Mueller - an INDEPENDENT investigator - is still building an actual case. You just like to believe anything the GOP tells you l.
Oh I get it. There was collusion cuz you say so, and the nra told you to vote for trump
I'm waiting for Nunes to say "there were good people on both sides".

And dat's dat. No surprise obviously, the witch hunt is one racket. Anyone who willingly misrepresented this on behalf of the global socialists are no friends of America.

Mueller needs to do what is right. He knows what's going on and he must accept that Trump was not in bed with Putin, it's clear that he was a businessman with a message and it resonated with so many unhappy with the status quo and Establishment candidates.

House Intelligence Committee to announce they are done with Russia probe interviews - CNNPolitics

(CNN)The House Intelligence Committee has concluded its interviews for the investigation into possible collusion between President Donald Trump's campaign operation and Russia, a move that signals the beginning of the end for the panel's Russia probe, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Rep. Mike Conaway, the Texas Republican leading the Russia investigation, is expected to announce Monday that the committee has concluded its interviews and will now be moving onto writing a final report summarizing its findings.
Hey, didn't the British just accuse Russia of poisoning dozens if not hundreds of British citizens because Putin had a vendetta?
You know what Trump said?
Well, this is a pretty big deal. One country attacking another's citizens. And Great Britain our closest ally?
So what did Trump say?
Just as a matter of diplomacy?

Ted Lieu @tedlieu
My prediction: Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee will look even more stupid when more and more people get indicted.

Special Counsel Mueller didn't get Flynn and Papadopoulos and Nader to flip for no reason. …

7:16 PM - Mar 12, 2018
“They are liars. They know they are liars. And they know that we know they are liars. However, they still lie, and very loudly so.”
Ted Lieu @tedlieu
My prediction: Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee will look even more stupid when more and more people get indicted.

Special Counsel Mueller didn't get Flynn and Papadopoulos and Nader to flip for no reason. …

7:16 PM - Mar 12, 2018
I'm thinking some Republicans might be in trouble. I don't know if they are shielded while in office. But what if they did something before they took office? Or what if they aren't shielded?

Nunes just threw away his career. No one will ever trust him again. He's given every appearance of protecting Russian Connections who mean harm to this country. Who does that for free? Either a huge payday, payoff or blackmail.

So many questions.
And dat's dat. No surprise obviously, the witch hunt is one racket. Anyone who willingly misrepresented this on behalf of the global socialists are no friends of America.

Mueller needs to do what is right. He knows what's going on and he must accept that Trump was not in bed with Putin, it's clear that he was a businessman with a message and it resonated with so many unhappy with the status quo and Establishment candidates.

House Intelligence Committee to announce they are done with Russia probe interviews - CNNPolitics

(CNN)The House Intelligence Committee has concluded its interviews for the investigation into possible collusion between President Donald Trump's campaign operation and Russia, a move that signals the beginning of the end for the panel's Russia probe, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Rep. Mike Conaway, the Texas Republican leading the Russia investigation, is expected to announce Monday that the committee has concluded its interviews and will now be moving onto writing a final report summarizing its findings.

The chairman announced that there is no evidence of collusion by the Trump Campaign.

Defund Mueller immediately!
And dat's dat. No surprise obviously, the witch hunt is one racket. Anyone who willingly misrepresented this on behalf of the global socialists are no friends of America.

Mueller needs to do what is right. He knows what's going on and he must accept that Trump was not in bed with Putin, it's clear that he was a businessman with a message and it resonated with so many unhappy with the status quo and Establishment candidates.

House Intelligence Committee to announce they are done with Russia probe interviews - CNNPolitics

(CNN)The House Intelligence Committee has concluded its interviews for the investigation into possible collusion between President Donald Trump's campaign operation and Russia, a move that signals the beginning of the end for the panel's Russia probe, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Rep. Mike Conaway, the Texas Republican leading the Russia investigation, is expected to announce Monday that the committee has concluded its interviews and will now be moving onto writing a final report summarizing its findings.

The chairman announced that there is no evidence of collusion by the Trump Campaign.

Defund Mueller immediately!
I can't wait to hear what Ryan says.
What in the Lord's name does Russia/Putin have on President Trump, or what in the world makes Trump praise the murdering thug Putin???

I just do not get this ass kissing of trump/putin???

Can anyone explain it? Seriously.....?
Ted Lieu @tedlieu
My prediction: Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee will look even more stupid when more and more people get indicted.

Special Counsel Mueller didn't get Flynn and Papadopoulos and Nader to flip for no reason. …

7:16 PM - Mar 12, 2018
I'm thinking some Republicans might be in trouble. I don't know if they are shielded while in office. But what if they did something before they took office? Or what if they aren't shielded?

Nunes just threw away his career. No one will ever trust him again. He's given every appearance of protecting Russian Connections who mean harm to this country. Who does that for free? Either a huge payday, payoff or blackmail.

So many questions.

Sarah Sanders refuses to blame or even mention Russia in UK poisoning — which she calls ‘indiscriminate’
The chairman announced that there is no evidence of collusion by the Trump Campaign.

Defund Mueller immediately!
“The special counsel is not an unguided missile. I don’t believe there is any justification at this point for terminating the special counsel.”:1peleas:

— Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, quoted by USA Today.
And dat's dat. No surprise obviously, the witch hunt is one racket. Anyone who willingly misrepresented this on behalf of the global socialists are no friends of America.

Mueller needs to do what is right. He knows what's going on and he must accept that Trump was not in bed with Putin, it's clear that he was a businessman with a message and it resonated with so many unhappy with the status quo and Establishment candidates.

House Intelligence Committee to announce they are done with Russia probe interviews - CNNPolitics

(CNN)The House Intelligence Committee has concluded its interviews for the investigation into possible collusion between President Donald Trump's campaign operation and Russia, a move that signals the beginning of the end for the panel's Russia probe, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Rep. Mike Conaway, the Texas Republican leading the Russia investigation, is expected to announce Monday that the committee has concluded its interviews and will now be moving onto writing a final report summarizing its findings.

The chairman announced that there is no evidence of collusion by the Trump Campaign.

Defund Mueller immediately!
Whacko!!! :cuckoo:

What are you afraid of with the Special Counsel investigation Longknife, that Trump has committed some crimes???

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