House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Tower was wiretapped

March 20 is the deadline given to Donald Trump by members of both parties in the House Intelligence Committee. House lawmakers ask DOJ to offer wiretapping evidence by Monday
In this thread, conservatives are asked to predict what evidence, if any (microwaves, etc) they think Trump will submit.

1. Or else WHAT?

2. Where did they get '7 Days'?

3. Maybe they should give Mueller 7 Days to prove 'Trump-Russian Collusion' or shut the whole thing down?!
Paul Manifort received $17 million directly from foreign agents.
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
Trump was wiretapped by proxy through Manafort being wiretapped. That's illegal.
That's is no thing as "wiretap by proxy". Don't make up your own criminal code.
Its called Reverse Targeting and it is unlawful.

The wiretapping went on before and after Manafort joined Trump's campaign. How did Obama know Manafort would join Trump's campaign before it happened? Or did Obama have Obi-Wan-Kenobi like powers?
Paul Manifort received $17 million directly from foreign agents.
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
Trump was wiretapped by proxy through Manafort being wiretapped. That's illegal.
That's is no thing as "wiretap by proxy". Don't make up your own criminal code.
Its called Reverse Targeting and it is unlawful.
Name one case in which someone was charged with "reverse targeting".
Clearly you don't understand what Nunes said.

"Nunes said Wednesday that Trump's wiretapping claim, if taken literally, is wrong. But he added that he still wants to figure out if other surveillance took place, saying he wants more information on intercepted communications related to people associated with the Trump campaign, including ousted National Security Advisor Michael Flynn."

Key congressmen say they have no evidence that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower

In other words, Nunes intends to investigate if Obama illegally surveilled the Trump campaign and transitional government by other means than wiretaps.

You are just making this shit up.
If there are any surveillance of some sort..... Trump and his cronies could have come up blasting. Don't you think?

The bottom line there are no wiretapping and surveillance against Trump. Trump is a lying hypocrite.
The bottom line is you don't care if the Obama administration broke the law or jeopardized national security as long as it produces some negative propaganda about Trump.

I do care if Obama broke the law...... HOWEVER Trump the lying hypocrite asshole cannot provide a single proof of evidence except that he was told by Breitbart. Give it up dude.
This is a serious accusation against Obama and he should pay for this. For a president of the free world to act like this kind of nonsense is quite disgusting and disturbing.
You have no idea what can be proved. The Congressional investigation begins tomorrow and attempts by the Obama administration to use our intelligence agencies to surveil the Trump campaign and transitional government will get close attention. We know for a fact that in at least one case, Mike Flynn, the security of the NSA database was breached by some one in the Obama administration to illegally attack Flynn.

You are making all these shit up.
Nunes, NSA & FBI director, Paul Ryan already told the Americans that Trump is lying.
What made you think congressional hearings will come up any difference?
Feel used, now?


Lied to?

You should.
It was under secret FISA warrant. It's not good news for Trump to have hired a foreign agent to run his campaign.

So then, Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Obama and Susan Rice belong in prison for the rest of their natural lives for this.

None dare call it treason, but that's exactly what it is.
Moron.... even your link doesn't say Obama spied on the opposition campaign. Your link sources the story from CNN, which clearly states the wiretapping occurred before and after the election. It says nothing about during the election.

When do you stop listening to those voices in your head long enough to absorb even a modicum of reality?


You can lie all you like, but reality is....
Just guessing here ... because Sessions isn't insane like you?

Opposing treason is hardly "insane."

Your desire to overthrown the Constitution and establish a Marxist dictatorship on the other hand.....

Here's the thing stupid, your little tin god used the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign. That violates all kinds of laws. I get it, you fascist democrats are not subject to laws, even so you went well beyond the pale this time.

It's treason.
It was under secret FISA warrant. It's not good news for Trump to have hired a foreign agent to run his campaign.

So then, Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Obama and Susan Rice belong in prison for the rest of their natural lives for this.

None dare call it treason, but that's exactly what it is.
Moron.... even your link doesn't say Obama spied on the opposition campaign. Your link sources the story from CNN, which clearly states the wiretapping occurred before and after the election. It says nothing about during the election.

When do you stop listening to those voices in your head long enough to absorb even a modicum of reality?


Traitor, the leader of the filthy fascist democrats used the government to spy on the opposition during an election. You filth have no integrity but that is low even for you.
Post a link to a valid website stating Trump was spied on "during the election".....

Failure to do so reveals you're even more insane than I gave you credit for.

Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign, moron. By spying on Manafort, the fascist democrats used the federal government to spy on the opposition campaign.

Even for a traitor and a Stalinist, you're dumb as a dog turd Fawn.
It was under secret FISA warrant. It's not good news for Trump to have hired a foreign agent to run his campaign.

So then, Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Obama and Susan Rice belong in prison for the rest of their natural lives for this.

None dare call it treason, but that's exactly what it is.
Moron.... even your link doesn't say Obama spied on the opposition campaign. Your link sources the story from CNN, which clearly states the wiretapping occurred before and after the election. It says nothing about during the election.

When do you stop listening to those voices in your head long enough to absorb even a modicum of reality?


Traitor, the leader of the filthy fascist democrats used the government to spy on the opposition during an election. You filth have no integrity but that is low even for you.
Post a link to a valid website stating Trump was spied on "during the election".....

Failure to do so reveals you're even more insane than I gave you credit for.

Weaponzing intelligence against political opponents is very NAZI.

Bad form for Obama to act like Hitler.
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
Trump was wiretapped by proxy through Manafort being wiretapped. That's illegal.
That's is no thing as "wiretap by proxy". Don't make up your own criminal code.
Its called Reverse Targeting and it is unlawful.

The wiretapping went on before and after Manafort joined Trump's campaign. How did Obama know Manafort would join Trump's campaign before it happened? Or did Obama have Obi-Wan-Kenobi like powers?

Who needs special powers when you can spy on people? And his administration most certainly did.

It was under secret FISA warrant. It's not good news for Trump to have hired a foreign agent to run his campaign.

So then, Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Obama and Susan Rice belong in prison for the rest of their natural lives for this.

None dare call it treason, but that's exactly what it is.
Moron.... even your link doesn't say Obama spied on the opposition campaign. Your link sources the story from CNN, which clearly states the wiretapping occurred before and after the election. It says nothing about during the election.

When do you stop listening to those voices in your head long enough to absorb even a modicum of reality?


You can lie all you like, but reality is....

Imbecile -- your own link calls you an idiot. It doesn't say what you say.
Paul Manifort received $17 million directly from foreign agents.
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
Manifort's business office was in Trump tower. So yes, the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower.
Paul Manifort received $17 million directly from foreign agents.
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
And BTW, Podesta did the exact same thing as Manifort. He registered with FARA retroactively. Except Podesta was doing PR work and lobbying the State Department for the opposing party in Ukraine. The only significant difference is that Podesta may have actually affected U.S. policy. The State Department backed the military coup against democratically elected government of Ukraine.

That is unsurprising. The ironically named Democratic party also supported coups against the democratically elected governments in Egypt, Libya and Syria. Each time claiming the election was rigged. Kinda funny how the Democratic party leadership got caught rigging the primary election after they accused countries across the globe of having rigged elections, isn't it?
Paul Manifort received $17 million directly from foreign agents.
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
Manifort's business office was in Trump tower. So yes, the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower.
Prove he was wiretapped in Trump Tower....
Paul Manifort received $17 million directly from foreign agents.
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
Manifort's business office was in Trump tower. So yes, the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower.
Prove he was wiretapped in Trump Tower....
It's all unraveling for the left.

You poor poor things.....
It was under secret FISA warrant. It's not good news for Trump to have hired a foreign agent to run his campaign.

So then, Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Obama and Susan Rice belong in prison for the rest of their natural lives for this.

None dare call it treason, but that's exactly what it is.
Moron.... even your link doesn't say Obama spied on the opposition campaign. Your link sources the story from CNN, which clearly states the wiretapping occurred before and after the election. It says nothing about during the election.

When do you stop listening to those voices in your head long enough to absorb even a modicum of reality?


You can lie all you like, but reality is....

Imbecile -- your own link calls you an idiot. It doesn't say what you say.

But all your news people are warming up to the idea. It's in what they aren't saying. None of you will prevent proof that Trump was NOT captured on any surveillance during his campaign. What is becoming apperant is that Bammer's staff knew what was going on. No way your cult leader diddnt know it was happening. To continue to hold the dude up as gods light on the world only demonstrates your delusion.
Paul Manifort received $17 million directly from foreign agents.
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
Manifort's business office was in Trump tower. So yes, the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower.
Prove he was wiretapped in Trump Tower....
It's all unraveling for the left.

You poor poor things.....
LOL ^^^ That doesn't prove it.

Not only is the news not reporting Trump Tower was wiretapped, the Department of Justice recently revealed they could find no evidence it was. Then factor in that Manafort had multiple residences, offices, cell phones -- and you idiots look like morons claiming Trump Tower was wiretapped with no evidence to support your baseless claims.
It was under secret FISA warrant. It's not good news for Trump to have hired a foreign agent to run his campaign.

So then, Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Obama and Susan Rice belong in prison for the rest of their natural lives for this.

None dare call it treason, but that's exactly what it is.
Moron.... even your link doesn't say Obama spied on the opposition campaign. Your link sources the story from CNN, which clearly states the wiretapping occurred before and after the election. It says nothing about during the election.

When do you stop listening to those voices in your head long enough to absorb even a modicum of reality?


You can lie all you like, but reality is....

Imbecile -- your own link calls you an idiot. It doesn't say what you say.

But all your news people are warming up to the idea. It's in what they aren't saying. None of you will prevent proof that Trump was NOT captured on any surveillance during his campaign. What is becoming apperant is that Bammer's staff knew what was going on. No way your cult leader diddnt know it was happening. To continue to hold the dude up as gods light on the world only demonstrates your delusion.
The news is reporting that Manafort was not wiretapped while he was working on Trump's campaign. You have any lucidity left to deal with that?
Paul Manifort received $17 million directly from foreign agents.
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
Manifort's business office was in Trump tower. So yes, the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower.
Legally or not? And does Manafort not have a residence in Virginia?
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
Manifort's business office was in Trump tower. So yes, the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower.
Prove he was wiretapped in Trump Tower....
It's all unraveling for the left.

You poor poor things.....
LOL ^^^ That doesn't prove it.

Not only is the news not reporting Trump Tower was wiretapped, the Department of Justice recently revealed they could find no evidence it was. Then factor in that Manafort had multiple residences, offices, cell phones -- and you idiots look like morons claiming Trump Tower was wiretapped with no evidence to support your baseless claims.
They're gonna continue to pretend that Manafort didn't have his own house in Virginia.

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