Hottest Summer on Record


No, it's when you see increases in all that stuff plus melting glaciers, rising seas, pole ward movement of species, ocean acidification, etc, that you know something big is going on.

The glaciers have been melting ever since the end of the last ice age. We are in a post glacier warming period and it will probably continue until the next ice age. The earth has generally been warmer than it is now. We are actually in a fairly cool period for the earth.

We are in a period of very good weather world wide and that is why we are able to grow enough food to feed seven billion people.

There is a silly correlation between the start of the industrial age and increased CO2 concentrations but that doesn't mean jackshit because there have been periods in the earth's history where CO2 concentrations have been higher than they are today but the earth has been cooler and times when the CO2 has been higher and the temperature higher. In fact there is significant data that shows CO2 concentrations lags temperature increases instead of the other way around.

You have been taken in by the Scammers. They make up data and you are gullible enough to believe it. So sad.
CO2 is the foundation of photosynthesis without which no life can exist.

What has happened is that the canny fools leading the ignorant have successfully and deliberately confused carbon dioxide, without which all plant life dies, with carbon monoxide.

Complete and utter retarded nonsense.
What is retarded mean? Making fun of the handicapped?

Go away! You're like the little yippy rat dog nipping at my ankles.
Do you find that role satisfying?

Not human life reliant on predictable seasons for food and a productive economy there professor. You think we have wars and refugees now? How about when there are billions of displaced people who can no longer live where they were?

Climate change has decreased the population of humans several times in the past and it will probably do it again in the future.

For instance, at the time when humans were migrating out of Africa there was significant climate change that affected humans and scientist think the entire human population was reduced to probably less than 50K.

We all know about the ice ages and later the really bad weather that indirectly caused the plague killing half the people in Europe and Asia.

The earth is straining to support over seven billion humans now (soon to be ten billion) and it is reasonable to expect nature to make a correction. Unless we decide to kill ourselves through war the contribution by Man to that correction will be minimal.

Global warming is a scam. It has no real basis in science. The scammers have invented the science and it is bogus.

Not human life reliant on predictable seasons for food and a productive economy there professor. You think we have wars and refugees now? How about when there are billions of displaced people who can no longer live where they were?

Climate change has decreased the population of humans several times in the past and it will probably do it again in the future.

For instance, at the time when humans were migrating out of Africa there was significant climate change that affected humans and scientist think the entire human population was reduced to probably less than 50K.

We all know about the ice ages and later the really bad weather that indirectly caused the plague killing half the people in Europe and Asia.

The earth is straining to support over seven billion humans now (soon to be ten billion) and it is reasonable to expect nature to make a correction. Unless we decide to kill ourselves through war the contribution by Man to that correction will be minimal.

Global warming is a scam. It has no real basis in science. The scammers have invented the science and it is bogus.

Oh ok then. It happened before so no worries. You said nothing.

Not human life reliant on predictable seasons for food and a productive economy there professor. You think we have wars and refugees now? How about when there are billions of displaced people who can no longer live where they were?

Climate change has decreased the population of humans several times in the past and it will probably do it again in the future.

For instance, at the time when humans were migrating out of Africa there was significant climate change that affected humans and scientist think the entire human population was reduced to probably less than 50K.

We all know about the ice ages and later the really bad weather that indirectly caused the plague killing half the people in Europe and Asia.

The earth is straining to support over seven billion humans now (soon to be ten billion) and it is reasonable to expect nature to make a correction. Unless we decide to kill ourselves through war the contribution by Man to that correction will be minimal.

Global warming is a scam. It has no real basis in science. The scammers have invented the science and it is bogus.

Oh ok then. It happened before so no worries. You said nothing.

We have plenty to worry about.

Mother nature is a bitch and the earth is hard put to sustain almost ten billion humans. There will be a correction one of the days.

This man made climate change is a scam that has nothing to do with nature. The science is just not there to prove that man is having a significant impact on the climate. Humans do a significant amount of pollution and that is very provable but the facts are just not there when it comes to climate change. That is why the scammers have to fabricate data as we see all the time.

The irony of this scam is that the economy disruption that would happen if the scammers got their way would cause significant lost of life across the earth. Like it or not the economies of the world run on fossil fuels and that is what provides energy for the mass agriculture that feed the world.

I know you Moon Bats think we can just wave a magic wand and "green" energy would just appear and we all could just sit around Walden Pond singing folk songs and everything would be groovy but that is not the reality.

Green technology cannot compete with the cost of fossil fuels and that disparity would result in a tremendous economic cost to the world.

Not human life reliant on predictable seasons for food and a productive economy there professor. You think we have wars and refugees now? How about when there are billions of displaced people who can no longer live where they were?

Climate change has decreased the population of humans several times in the past and it will probably do it again in the future.

For instance, at the time when humans were migrating out of Africa there was significant climate change that affected humans and scientist think the entire human population was reduced to probably less than 50K.

We all know about the ice ages and later the really bad weather that indirectly caused the plague killing half the people in Europe and Asia.

The earth is straining to support over seven billion humans now (soon to be ten billion) and it is reasonable to expect nature to make a correction. Unless we decide to kill ourselves through war the contribution by Man to that correction will be minimal.

Global warming is a scam. It has no real basis in science. The scammers have invented the science and it is bogus.

Oh ok then. It happened before so no worries. You said nothing.

We have plenty to worry about.

Mother nature is a bitch and the earth is hard put to sustain almost ten billion humans. There will be a correction one of the days.

This man made climate change is a scam that has nothing to do with nature. The science is just not there to prove that man is having a significant impact on the climate. Humans do a significant amount of pollution and that is very provable but the facts are just not there when it comes to climate change. That is why the scammers have to fabricate data as we see all the time.

The irony of this scam is that the economy disruption that would happen if the scammers got their way would cause significant lost of life across the earth. Like it or not the economies of the world run on fossil fuels and that is what provides energy for the mass agriculture that feed the world.

I know you Moon Bats think we can just wave a magic wand and "green" energy would just appear and we all could just sit around Walden Pond singing folk songs and everything would be groovy but that is not the reality.

Green technology cannot compete with the cost of fossil fuels and that disparity would result in a tremendous economic cost to the world.

The science is there. For whatever reason you all deciding to ignore it doesn't change that. I don't know if you're an advocate for energy concerns or just a partisan zealot but there are people far more serious and learned than you or I that find this to be concerning. Why do you suppose so many world governments and their various entities take this seriously? Are they all dumber than you? Not likely.

DOD: Climate Change Is A Volatile Factor In International Security
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The science is there. For whatever reason you all decide to ignore it doesn't change that. I don't know if you're an advocate for energy concerns or just a partisan zealot but there are people far more serious and learned than you or I that find this to be concerning. Why do you suppose so many world governments and their various entities take this seriously? Are they all dumber than you? Not likely.

DOD: Climate Change Is A Volatile Factor In International Security

The science is absolutely not there. You are being scammed. The reason the scammers have to fabricate data and use fudge factors is because the real data doesn't support it.

The US government is run by a stupid environmental wacko so anything put out by the DOD is suspect. Your Boy Obama is getting tens of millions for the Democrat Party from environmental wacko billionaire Tom Steyer so anything that his shop puts out is political bullshit. The sonofabitch is even claiming that climate change is more of a threat than radical Islam. How stupid is that?

Earlier in this thread I posted information about NASA and NOAA fabricating data because of Obama's political agenda so if you have any trust in the government then you are a fool.

Governments are run by corrupt power hungry assholes for the most part and if this AGW bullshit fits their agenda then they will go for it. That has nothing to do with the science that has been proven to be bogus.

You will note that some countries like Spain jumped on this scam a few years ago and decided to go with a "green economy" and it almost bankrupted them. Australia dumped the concept recently.

Don't be naive or stupid. The data has been fabricated all across the board and only fools buy into the bullshit.

Humanity has a lot to be worried about. We are polluting the crap out of the earth, we are destroying the oceans, we are over populating putting a strain on the biosphere and we really love the idea of killing one another. Man made climate is not one of the things we need to worry about.

More Christians are being murdered by Muslims each year than will die of climate change.

The science is there. For whatever reason you all decide to ignore it doesn't change that. I don't know if you're an advocate for energy concerns or just a partisan zealot but there are people far more serious and learned than you or I that find this to be concerning. Why do you suppose so many world governments and their various entities take this seriously? Are they all dumber than you? Not likely.

DOD: Climate Change Is A Volatile Factor In International Security

The science is absolutely not there. You are being scammed. The reason the scammers have to fabricate data and use fudge factors is because the real data doesn't support it.

The US government is run by a stupid environmental wacko so anything put out by the DOD is suspect. Your Boy Obama is getting tens of millions for the Democrat Party from environmental wacko billionaire Tom Steyer so anything that his shop puts out is political bullshit. The sonofabitch is even claiming that climate change is more of a threat than radical Islam. How stupid is that?

Earlier in this thread I posted information about NASA and NOAA fabricating data because of Obama's political agenda so if you have any trust in the government then you are a fool.

Governments are run by corrupt power hungry assholes for the most part and if this AGW bullshit fits their agenda then they will go for it. That has nothing to do with the science that has been proven to be bogus.

You will note that some countries like Spain jumped on this scam a few years ago and decided to go with a "green economy" and it almost bankrupted them. Australia dumped the concept recently.

Don't be naive or stupid. The data has been fabricated all across the board and only fools buy into the bullshit.

Humanity has a lot to be worried about. We are polluting the crap out of the earth, we are destroying the oceans, we are over populating putting a strain on the biosphere and we really love the idea of killing one another. Man made climate is not one of the things we need to worry about.

More Christians are being murdered by Muslims each year than will die of climate change.

So yes then? You feel the world's gov'ts are dumber than you. Good to know.
As usual, the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) is the first to report in, saying October 2015 had a global average temperature anomaly of +0.53C. That's the highest monthly global anomaly the JMA ever recorded, beating the previous all-time record high of +0.51C (Sep 2015), not to mention the previous October record of +0.34C (2014).

Global Average Surface Temperature Anomalies

Note that the JMA benchmark uses a different baseline from NASA GISS or HadCRUT4, so temperatures across benchmarks are not comparable. NASA GISS usually weighs in around the 18th, and the British Met a week later.

There is no significant record, dumbass.

Why are you acting so fucking ignorant?

How stupid can you be?

So yes then? You feel the world's gov'ts are dumber than you. Good to know.


I am an Environmental Engineer that spent 30 years in the field. I have actually cleaned up more pollution than 10,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their lives. The idiots that are elected by special interest groups to run governments wouldn't know what a pollutant was if it was to bite them in the ass.

Leaders and governments don't do the smart thing. They do the political thing and if that means catering to environmental wackos then so be it. There is a big difference between the two.

Government has given us $19 trillion in debt. That is a dumb thing to do. My household is debt free, which is smart. Who is the dumb one there? If you think that this government or any other government is not dumb or don't do stupid things like participate in this AGW scam then you are a very naive person.

So yes then? You feel the world's gov'ts are dumber than you. Good to know.


I am an Environmental Engineer that spent 30 years in the field. I have actually cleaned up more pollution than 10,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their lives. The idiots that are elected by special interest groups to run governments wouldn't know what a pollutant was if it was to bite them in the ass.

Leaders and governments don't do the smart thing. They do the political thing and if that means catering to environmental wackos then so be it. There is a big difference between the two.

Government has given us $19 trillion in debt. That is a dumb thing to do. My household is debt free, which is smart. Who is the dumb one there? If you think that this government or any other government is not dumb or don't do stupid things like participate in this AGW scam then you are a very naive person.

Impossible that you know anything about climate science and believe that 400ppm means nothing. You are arrogant to say the least.
I am an Environmental Engineer that spent 30 years in the field.

So you have zero experience in Climate Science. You're just another boring conspiracy cultist and poster child for Dunning-Kruger Syndrome, too incompetent to ever understand how incompetent you are.

Anyways, good luck with your lunatic political conspiracy theories, as they're clearly all you're capable of. All the sane and intelligent people will be ignoring you and moving on without you.
Back in the real world, NASA GISS has their numbers out for October 2015. Either +1.03C or +1.04C, depending on the rounding, I suppose. Either way, it shatters all the old records for any month. 2015 will be the hottest year by a wide margin, so the desperate won't be able to use a "but statistics say it only had a 38% chance of being the hottest year!" evasion.


Look at the bright side, deniers. Even though your lunatic babbling has been completely discredited, you'll have the opportunity for some brand new lunatic babbling after 2015. In 2017 or so, after the El Nino subsides, you'll be able to chant "There's been no warming since 2015, so global warming is a fraud!".

No, it's when you see increases in all that stuff plus melting glaciers, rising seas, pole ward movement of species, ocean acidification, etc, that you know something big is going on.

The glaciers have been melting ever since the end of the last ice age. We are in a post glacier warming period and it will probably continue until the next ice age. The earth has generally been warmer than it is now. We are actually in a fairly cool period for the earth.

We are in a period of very good weather world wide and that is why we are able to grow enough food to feed seven billion people.

There is a silly correlation between the start of the industrial age and increased CO2 concentrations but that doesn't mean jackshit because there have been periods in the earth's history where CO2 concentrations have been higher than they are today but the earth has been cooler and times when the CO2 has been higher and the temperature higher. In fact there is significant data that shows CO2 concentrations lags temperature increases instead of the other way around.

You have been taken in by the Scammers. They make up data and you are gullible enough to believe it. So sad.
CO2 is the foundation of photosynthesis without which no life can exist.

What has happened is that the canny fools leading the ignorant have successfully and deliberately confused carbon dioxide, without which all plant life dies, with carbon monoxide.

Complete and utter retarded nonsense.
What is retarded mean? Making fun of the handicapped?

Go away! You're like the little yippy rat dog nipping at my ankles.
Do you find that role satisfying?
making fun of those who can't defend themselves is so low. Learn some new words. Not the ones you used as a kid to make fun of those different than you.

Typical leftist elites thinking he's better than others. Feels the need to denigrate someone because they don't think as him.

I supposed if you make things up any day, month or year can be the hottest cause you say so. However, there are satellites that state otherwise.

Impossible that you know anything about climate science and believe that 400ppm means nothing. You are arrogant to say the least.

It actually doesn't mean anything of significance.

The earth was an ice ball one in the past and the CO2 concentrations were ten times what they are now.

There have been times when the earth was cooler and the concentrations of CO2 were higher and there have been times when the earth was warmer and the concentration was lower like in the Medieval Warm Period.

The data show that CO2 concentration usually lags temperature change, not cause it.

In theory CO2 should be a greenhouse gas. However, in the chemistry of the earth it doesn't work out that way. That is why the scammers have to fabricate data. The real measurements don't prove the greenhouse theories so that is why the scammers have been caught making shit up.

Water in the atmosphere absorbs and washes out most of the CO2 before it can react in a greenhouse manner and that is why the data fails in real life. That is why we have haven't measured any real significant climate change in the last 15 years and we may be even heading for a mini ice age in a couple of decades even though the CO2 level is increasing.

Don't be naive and stupid. It just makes you look like a fool.

If you want to worry about things then worry about how we are going to pay off Obama's enormous debt or Muslims killing Christians.

So yes then? You feel the world's gov'ts are dumber than you. Good to know.


I am an Environmental Engineer that spent 30 years in the field. I have actually cleaned up more pollution than 10,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their lives. The idiots that are elected by special interest groups to run governments wouldn't know what a pollutant was if it was to bite them in the ass.

Leaders and governments don't do the smart thing. They do the political thing and if that means catering to environmental wackos then so be it. There is a big difference between the two.

Government has given us $19 trillion in debt. That is a dumb thing to do. My household is debt free, which is smart. Who is the dumb one there? If you think that this government or any other government is not dumb or don't do stupid things like participate in this AGW scam then you are a very naive person.

Impossible that you know anything about climate science and believe that 400ppm means nothing. You are arrogant to say the least.
so what does 400PPM of CO2 mean? Come now genius tell us your experiment that shows the dangers of 400 PPM. What, ain't got one? Then you must have meant something else with that post.

You can't even prove hottest summer eva, and yet here you are arguing for it. I laugh at little fks like you.

Impossible that you know anything about climate science and believe that 400ppm means nothing. You are arrogant to say the least.

It actually doesn't mean anything of significance.

The earth was an ice ball one in the past and the CO2 concentrations were ten times what they are now.

There have been times when the earth was cooler and the concentrations of CO2 were higher and there have been times when the earth was warmer and the concentration was lower like in the Medieval Warm Period.

The data show that CO2 concentration usually lags temperature change, not cause it.

In theory CO2 should be a greenhouse gas. That is why the scammers have to fabricate data. The real measurements don't prove the greenhouse theories so that is why the scammers have been caught making shit up.

Water in the atmosphere absorbs and washes out most of the CO2 before it can react in a greenhouse manner and that is why the data fails in real life. That is why we have haven't measured any real significant climate change in the last 15 years and we may be even heading for a mini ice age in a couple of decades even though the CO2 level is increasing.

Don't be naive and stupid. It just makes you look like a fool.

If you want to worry about things then worry about how we are going to pay off Obama's enormous debt or Muslims killing Christians.

In theory CO2 should be a greenhouse gas. However, in the chemistry of the earth it doesn't work out that way.

Utter bullshit. You in no way have a science background.

CO2 absolutely is a greenhouse gas.
What process in the atmosphere negates the greenhouse effect of CO2?

So yes then? You feel the world's gov'ts are dumber than you. Good to know.


I am an Environmental Engineer that spent 30 years in the field. I have actually cleaned up more pollution than 10,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their lives. The idiots that are elected by special interest groups to run governments wouldn't know what a pollutant was if it was to bite them in the ass.

Leaders and governments don't do the smart thing. They do the political thing and if that means catering to environmental wackos then so be it. There is a big difference between the two.

Government has given us $19 trillion in debt. That is a dumb thing to do. My household is debt free, which is smart. Who is the dumb one there? If you think that this government or any other government is not dumb or don't do stupid things like participate in this AGW scam then you are a very naive person.

Impossible that you know anything about climate science and believe that 400ppm means nothing. You are arrogant to say the least.
so what does 400PPM of CO2 mean? Come now genius tell us your experiment that shows the dangers of 400 PPM. What, ain't got one? Then you must have meant something else with that post.

You can't even prove hottest summer eva, and yet here you are arguing for it. I laugh at little fks like you.

I'm done with you. You're just a noisy little troll running interference with nothing ever to add. Buh bye.
The earth was an ice ball one in the past and the CO2 concentrations were ten times what they are now.

When the sun was much cooler. Did you masters just not tell you that, or did you deliberately leave that out? The only way for the earth to melt was when CO2 levels gradually increased more from volcanoes. So congratulations, you've just provided more yet evidence for how CO2 is a greenhouse gas that causes global warming.

There have been times when the earth was cooler and the concentrations of CO2 were higher

When the sun was cooler, or other factors were at play. You may think CO2 is the only driver of climate, but no real scientist every claimed such a crazy thing.

and there have been times when the earth was warmer and the concentration was lower like in the Medieval Warm Period

The MWP was local, and cooler than it is now. You're parroting more denier fables.

The data show that CO2 concentration usually lags temperature change, not cause it.

Is there any debunked denier talking point you're not going to parrot here?

First, better measurements show that's questionable.

Second, it doesn't matter. Basic logic should tell anyone that the present is not constrained to act like the past if conditions in the present are wildly different, as they are now. Forest fires were always natural in the past, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for humans to cause forest fires.

In theory CO2 should be a greenhouse gas. However, in the chemistry of the earth it doesn't work out that way. That is why the scammers have to fabricate data. The real measurements don't prove the greenhouse theories so that is why the scammers have been caught making shit up.

There's no conspiracy. You just fail at every bit of science and logic.

Water in the atmosphere absorbs and washes out most of the CO2 before it can react in a greenhouse manner and that is why the data fails in real life.

Completely and hilariously wrong. Water does not "wash out" CO2.

That is why we have haven't measured any real significant climate change in the last 15 years

Given the evidence presented on this thread, you have no excuse for parroting a lie of that magnitude.

and we may be even heading for a mini ice age in a couple of decades even though the CO2 level is increasing.

Don't be naive and stupid. It just makes you look like a fool.

Speaking of stupid, your cult has been making those cooling predictions for decades now, and failing at them for decades. And despite that denier record of perfect failure, you're still loyal. But then, it's your religion, so in your eyes, no evidence can disprove it.

If you want to worry about things then worry about how we are going to pay off Obama's enormous debt or Muslims killing Christians.

As that demonstrates further, nearly every denier is a hardcore member of the right-wing-fringe extremist cult. Denialism is purely politics. In contrast, the mainstream science crosses all political boundaries all across the world, because it's actually science.

So yes then? You feel the world's gov'ts are dumber than you. Good to know.


I am an Environmental Engineer that spent 30 years in the field. I have actually cleaned up more pollution than 10,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their lives. The idiots that are elected by special interest groups to run governments wouldn't know what a pollutant was if it was to bite them in the ass.

Leaders and governments don't do the smart thing. They do the political thing and if that means catering to environmental wackos then so be it. There is a big difference between the two.

Government has given us $19 trillion in debt. That is a dumb thing to do. My household is debt free, which is smart. Who is the dumb one there? If you think that this government or any other government is not dumb or don't do stupid things like participate in this AGW scam then you are a very naive person.

Impossible that you know anything about climate science and believe that 400ppm means nothing. You are arrogant to say the least.
so what does 400PPM of CO2 mean? Come now genius tell us your experiment that shows the dangers of 400 PPM. What, ain't got one? Then you must have meant something else with that post.

You can't even prove hottest summer eva, and yet here you are arguing for it. I laugh at little fks like you.

I'm done with you. You're just a noisy little troll running interference with nothing ever to add. Buh bye.

You are done with me because I am telling you things you don't want to hear. At least be honest about it. This AGW scam is the point of being a religion to you Moon Bats and you don't like anybody challenging your faith.

Being an Environmental Engineer I have no problem in acknowledging man made climate change if the facts prove it. However, the facts don't prove it. Not even close. That is why the scammers have to fabricate data.

You are naive and stupid to believe in this AGW scam. The sooner you understand that the sooner you will be able to pull your head out of your ass.

So yes then? You feel the world's gov'ts are dumber than you. Good to know.


I am an Environmental Engineer that spent 30 years in the field. I have actually cleaned up more pollution than 10,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their lives. The idiots that are elected by special interest groups to run governments wouldn't know what a pollutant was if it was to bite them in the ass.

Leaders and governments don't do the smart thing. They do the political thing and if that means catering to environmental wackos then so be it. There is a big difference between the two.

Government has given us $19 trillion in debt. That is a dumb thing to do. My household is debt free, which is smart. Who is the dumb one there? If you think that this government or any other government is not dumb or don't do stupid things like participate in this AGW scam then you are a very naive person.

Impossible that you know anything about climate science and believe that 400ppm means nothing. You are arrogant to say the least.
so what does 400PPM of CO2 mean? Come now genius tell us your experiment that shows the dangers of 400 PPM. What, ain't got one? Then you must have meant something else with that post.

You can't even prove hottest summer eva, and yet here you are arguing for it. I laugh at little fks like you.

I'm done with you. You're just a noisy little troll running interference with nothing ever to add. Buh bye.
so you concede it isn't the hottest summer eva? Thanks, I knew you had no evidence and you have no idea what the scientist do to manipulate the data. I love it. buh bye LOSER Punk

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