Hospital delays are killing America's war veterans - take that liberals!


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Hospital delays are killing America's war veterans Hospital delays are killing America's war veterans -
I will be honest, I care about people equally, who ever they are. and I believe the CNN story title it self is a flame bait, because why should veterans be singled out? are they more important than the rest of "the scum"???? so I admit, my thread title is just a flame like with most other posts I see on these boards. but it does bring a valid point for the patriots of the nation: are you proud that the only thing you have to blame for this is the other party of your own two party circus? my point is this: if all republicans would stop voting republican, then democrat party would collapse by itself, and vice verse if all democrats would stop voting for democrats, GOP would show what a loser it is as well, because each party only hangs on, on being able to blame the other party for the failures

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