Horrors of "Russian" hospitals. so was S. Brin right about Muscovy ?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
so, was S. Brin right about Muscovy ?

Foreign woman in Russian hell...


Hannah Roon happened to visit the Russian hospital: probably, the end of the world looks like this.

“I was sure that they would put me to sleep and cut them in order to get organs that would be sold later,” recalls Hannah Rune, who had a real nightmare when she and her Russian husband, Nikita, came to visit Nikita’s parents.

You cannot call Penza as a small town, more than 750 thousand people live here [in fact, just over 500 thousand]. The spouses Hannah and Nikita spent a wonderful two weeks of vacation in Russia, and when there were only a few days before returning home to Iceland, Hannah suddenly fell ill. About what happened, about how a dream vacation turned into a real Armageddon, Hanna tells in her blog HannaRun.is.

“At about three o'clock in the morning I woke up with terrible chest pain. It didn't matter if I was lying, I was sitting, I was standing - the pain was only getting worse,” Hannah recalls. "But the wounds were sprinkled with salt. To tolerate such pain was unbearable. I could not stand on my feet anymore, I just lay on the floor and writhed in agony."

Nikita's husband insisted that Hannah should be immediately taken to the hospital, and she subsequently agreed. This is where the real horror began. At first, due to intense pain, Hannah didn’t pay much attention to what was happening around her, only gloomy nurses in white coats, slippers and hats were stored in her memory.

Like a horror movie

"I remember the first thing that came to my mind at the time was: these nurses are dressed like typical horror nurses. They put me in a ward and for some reason they put me on a hard wooden bench, although there were ordinary beds in the ward."


While Nikita filled out the necessary forms, his mother and Hannah waited in the ward. Then mom went out to find out how things were going.

"For some time I was lying alone in the ward, then I heard the door open and someone enters. And then, without a word, I was turned over on my side, pulled off my clothes and made an injection into the buttock. It felt like I was given an injection not with a thin needle, as they usually do at home in Iceland, but with a needle, the real needle itself. "

As Hannah writes on her page at HannaRun.is, she speaks a little Russian, but she’s completely taken aback at the hospital. She did not understand at all what kind of a doctor entered the ward and, without any explanation, made an injection, and for what purpose. She asked the nurses, but they had no idea what kind of injection and the doctor she was talking about. The hospital began the search for a mysterious doctor who, as it turned out, really injected Hanna with a dilating drug.

“I did not have time to come to my senses when I found myself in an ambulance, as they decided to transfer me to another hospital. They put me in a car on a hard metal bed without any straps. While we were driving, I had to hold on to the walls of the car so as not to fall. another hospital we traveled about 20 minutes. "

"The driver rushed like mad, and several times I almost fell down, because I had nothing to hold on to. The road we were on was awful, as probably a rural road somewhere far away on a farm in Iceland. Car constantly bounced, "- remembers Hannah.

Admission to another hospital, where Hannah got, began with noise and swearing. Nikita and his parents were not allowed to accompany Hannah.

“One nurse screamed at everyone who passed by, screaming at the other nurses, and they answered her the same way. I was just shocked by how the hospital workers talked to each other. But Nikita and his mother said that there was such a communication - the norm, and that I did not pay attention to it. "

Hannah Rune was put in a wheelchair and taken somewhere along the corridors of the hospital. She had no idea where and why she was being taken. Is it worth it for her to morally prepare for the fact that now some nurse or doctor will meet her and again without warning will give her something.

While Hannah was being driven through the labyrinths of the hospital, she realized that she needed to go to the toilet, and she informed the nurse about it. Annoyed by Hannah's whim, the nurse thumped her into the toilet room.


"When I found myself in a hospital toilet, I was speechless. The floor was poured with urine, the toilet paper was lying around, the toilet seat was hanging on some pipe along the wall. The toilet itself was splashed with urine and clogged with feces.

I pulled the sweater on my nose and tried not to breathe so that I would not vomit. While I was in need, I tried in no way to touch anything. The sink was covered in blood, so washing your hands after using the toilet was a bad choice. "


"I wanted to run where my eyes were."

At that moment, when Hannah didn’t want anything but to just return home, it was time for an ultrasound. Hannah was escorted to a reception room. There she was told to take off her pants and underwear, as she had to examine the vagina for internal bleeding.

"I took off my clothes from the lower part of the body and went to the couch, hiding behind a sweater, so as not to be completely naked," writes Hannah.

“When the inspection was over, I was told to go. I asked for a napkin to wipe the gel in the perineum after the ultrasound, but I was told that they don’t have any napkins. I had to put on my underwear right away, the gel leaked through the clothes outside.”

Then followed an argument with the doctors, who decided to leave Hannah in the hospital for a more thorough examination. Doctors insisted that Nikita and his father go home, and Nikita's mother, who does not speak a word of English and could not help with the translation, was allowed to stay.

"I was put in a ward that smelled horribly of mold and exhaust gas, as the ambulance was set right under the window. It felt like I was standing at the gas station. I sat down on the bed, but I was disgusted with it, as my pillow was all covered with yellow spots, and it smelled of it. Nikitina's mother spread her jacket over the pillow so that I could lie down. "



A rubber-gloved nurse entered the room. She spoke on the phone. And then in the same gloves in which she held a cell phone, she took out a needle and put a drip to Hannah.

"After the nurse stuck the needle from the drip into my hand, she just got up and left without saying a word. I thought that maybe she would come back with some kind of band-aid or bandage to fix the needle, but she and did not come. I lay and looked at the needle in my hand, the cord from the dropper pulled the needle up, I could not move my hand so as not to pull out the needle, it was very painful. So I lay until I turned off. "

Hannah does not know how long she was unconscious, but when she came to herself again, she really wanted to go to the toilet in a small way.

"The nurse got the vessel with the old sticky urine out from under the bed. Nikitina, my mother overtook me with a request to pull the dropper out of my hand for a minute so that I could quickly run to the toilet, but the nurse did not allow it.

I was told that if I want to go to the toilet, then either endure it or the ship. Nikitin's mother went and washed the ship for me, and then helped me sit on this damned duck, which I still had to defend myself. "

A little while later, Nikita’s mother and nurse started a dispute, as the nurse wanted to give Hannah a strong anesthetic. As it turned out, Hanna was trained for the operation ...

"I started to panic. What are they going to cut me for? !!! I wanted to run as far as I could see!"

Hannah got through to Nikita, who helped with the translation. Fears of Hannah were confirmed:

"The doctors decided to operate me in order to JUST ENSURE that the internal organs are in order. Nikita was furious. He told the doctors that there could be no question of any operation."

After a heated discussion, it was decided to send Hannah to gastroscopy. There, the strength tests continued: “No one responded to my requests. I was again put in a chair and taken along long hospital corridors resembling corridors from horror films.”


Before that, Hannah had already had an experience of going to a gastroenterologist. In Iceland, before a similar procedure, an anesthetic is given, and the tube that is inserted into the esophagus is as thin as a string. In Russia, they use something like a hose.

“The doctor began to put this hose down my throat. I started vomiting. It was hard to breathe and it seemed to me that I was being strangled. I struggled to calm down and think about something pleasant. It was very hard to breathe. it seemed that the doctor would never again pull this tube out of me. I could feel how she was pressing on the walls of my stomach. I was looking at Nikita's mother, who was crying from helplessness. "

“At the end of the procedure, the doctor praised me. He said that he rarely has such patients who lie quietly and do not kick him during the examination,” says Hannah.

"It seemed to me that the doctors would come after me."

Hannah Rune was kept in a closed ward, constantly giving her some injections. She was told that she would spend three days in the hospital, and all this time she would have to starve.


"I was going crazy. I wanted to get out of there faster. I asked Nikita to pick me up, since I was almost sure: sooner or later I would be cut into organs."



Hannah’s whole body ached from numerous injections. She did not understand what was happening and what should be expected. In the corridor of the hospital there was a constant din and op: either the doctors and nurses swore among themselves, or the patients screamed in pain. When another howl filled with patience, Hannah knocked Nikita to help her escape from this ill-fated hospital.


“On the way to the exit, we saw some dirty-dressed people who were lying and sitting right on the floor in the corridor of the hospital, they watched us leave. It was obvious that they were very bad.”

"As soon as we returned home to Nikita's parents, I first took off my clothes and shoes and ran into the shower. I left the shoes in which I was in the hospital, my clothes were washed by Nikita's mother. For some time after returning I felt anxiety at home. It seemed to me that the doctors of this terrible hospital would come for me and bring me back. "


"For a long time I thought about what had happened and imagined what would have happened to me if I had stayed in that hospital. I was glad that I made the decision to run away from there."

Hannah thinks that her illness at that moment has a simple explanation: “I often have stomach problems and heartburn. The day before the night attack of pain, I vomited, then I drank the juice on an empty stomach, resulting in gastric juice horrible heartburn. "

By the way, Hannah looks like this:

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