Horowitz, Beck & The Lunatic Right Wing

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Tuesday, September 08, 2009 FOX News

HOROWITZ: Well, I have watched the growth of the left, you know, for 40 or 50 years, and this presence of movement to the left started in 1972 with McGovern. There used to be a communist party, and that communist party imploded.

Most of the people who created this new left, this — we'll call it the Alinsky left era, after its guru Saul Alinsky, supported the communists. They supported the communists. They still think that America should have pulled out of Vietnam and let 2.5 million people be slaughtered, but I have never seen it so powerful and it has never controlled a major party.

BECK: They are in control.

They are in control. The Democratic Party is no longer the party — certainly not the party of John F. Kennedy who had the same politics as Ronald Reagan.

BECK: Yes.

they go on...
HOROWITZ: It's the great thing about this country. Everybody gets a second and a third chance, but it's becoming increasingly dangerous with these people. You have to take them at their word. What we're seeing here is what I have called — I wrote a book about it called "The Shadow Party," which has been put together by George Soros. So, you get billionaires, you get unions — radical unions, the head of the SEIU is an old SDS radical with a Leninist perspective, and you get street radicals — and Soros put them together in a coalition.

And you see it embodied in a Van Jones, a street radical who graduated from Yale Law School, and who's a protege of the Center for American Progress, which is run by Clinton's former chief of staff John Podesta. That alliance was put together about five years ago, and what you are seeing unfold now are the plans that Soros laid for the 2004 election. He was defeated then when Bush unexpectedly won.

BECK: Tell me — tell me, David, when you hear — it sounds crazy and it's almost like these things are ghosts, you know? It's like you are chasing ghosts. Well, OK, he was in STORM. Big deal, that's over. Now, he's in the Apollo Alliance. There is credible people there, credible businesses.


BECK: The Center of American Progress — I mean, it's John Podesta, he's worked in the White House.

HOROWITZ: Yes. The Apollo Alliance is a broad coalition to advance very radical agendas. And it includes very respectable businessmen, powers in the Democratic Party, but its muscle is unions and radicals. And it was created out of Rob Borosage's the Center for the American Future. Borosage is an old SDS radical.

When you become disillusioned with the left and you see its destructive agendas and you see the way it supports America's enemies abroad and you see the way it doesn't really advance the interests of...people...when you become disillusioned, you turn, and you — because you are very political person, you want to tell other people.

And that's been my career and other people like me, but it's not Van Jones' career. And it's not Rob Borosage's. They buy the agenda...seeking to overthrow the system and to create a socialist future.

BECK: Do you think the president of the United Sates, Barack Obama has that agenda?

HOROWITZ: Absolutely. I have no doubt about it. You have to see where he came from. First of all, he was an operative for ACORN. He's out of the Alinsky school. He worked for the Gamaliel Foundation.

and on and on and on...Reformed Radical on Militant Movement - Glenn Beck - FOXNews.com

What is there to say? They go on and on about crazy shit. Horowitz himself is a former commie who is stuck in a world where he views what others do through a prism of his former life. He's a nut, but where does that leave Beck? Maybe Beck is just a phony and a dry drunk who is out to make a buck while playing everyone for the dupes they are?
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oh neat ........

This is a guy who almost died when the Berlin Wall fell. His whole cause for living, his justification (his financial foundation...selling shit) was taken away. But he's found a new enemy (Americans), a new patron (FOX News commentators) and a new audience to shovel his shit to.

HOROWITZ: It's the great thing about this country. Everybody gets a second and a third chance, but it's becoming increasingly dangerous with these people. You have to take them at their word. What we're seeing here is what I have called — I wrote a book about it called "The Shadow Party," which has been put together by George Soros. So, you get billionaires, you get unions — radical unions, the head of the SEIU is an old SDS radical with a Leninist perspective, and you get street radicals — and Soros put them together in a coalition.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
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He's a former Trotskyite and they're all fucking nutters anyway, plenty of them have gone from way out on the left to way out on the right without a pause in the middle. His parents were like it too. Batshit crazy.
yeah, well you could copy/paste in lefty loonies here talking up their discontent in the same manner


the labels might change, but the blame game continues

while the aristo's laugh all the way through your bank!

He's a former Trotskyite and they're all fucking nutters anyway, plenty of them have gone from way out on the left to way out on the right without a pause in the middle. His parents were like it too. Batshit crazy.

i grew up with a guy like that...anarchist and trotskyite, then a Reagan Revolution nut.

Went form hanging around MIT lefties to hanging around bigots, and angry white people, and wealthy manipulators of malleable dupes. .
He's a former Trotskyite and they're all fucking nutters anyway, plenty of them have gone from way out on the left to way out on the right without a pause in the middle. His parents were like it too. Batshit crazy.

i grew up with a guy like that...anarchist and trotskyite, then a Reagan Revolution nut.

Went form hanging around MIT lefties to hanging around bigots, and angry white people, and wealthy manipulators of malleable dupes. .

It must be a condition - one day (if it isn't already) - it will make it into the DSM.
Horowitz is one of the brightest most in-tune commentators out there today.
No wonder he appears crazy to the nut jobs on the Left.
He's a former Trotskyite and they're all fucking nutters anyway, plenty of them have gone from way out on the left to way out on the right without a pause in the middle. His parents were like it too. Batshit crazy.

i grew up with a guy like that...anarchist and trotskyite, then a Reagan Revolution nut.

Went form hanging around MIT lefties to hanging around bigots, and angry white people, and wealthy manipulators of malleable dupes. .

It must be a condition - one day (if it isn't already) - it will make it into the DSM.


If it helps you to sleep better at night to call Glen Beck and others like him 'loony' so be it. Ad hominem attacks are easier to make than to discuss the logic of those on the far right. Yeah buddy.

Glen Beck... keep up the good work sniffing out these communists and progressive ideals of team Obama. Some of us appreciate the work you are doing in this endeavor. Thank you.
Beck gets a bit - emotional/dramatic at times, but overall, his concerns are valid.

Horowitz is very-very bright, and knows the liberal agenda well as he was once an active member of said cult...
If it helps you to sleep better at night to call Glen Beck and others like him 'loony' so be it. Ad hominem attacks are easier to make than to discuss the logic of those on the far right. Yeah buddy.

Glen Beck... keep up the good work sniffing out these communists and progressive ideals of team Obama. Some of us appreciate the work you are doing in this endeavor. Thank you.

The man is a drunkard and a loon.

nuf said
If it helps you to sleep better at night to call Glen Beck and others like him 'loony' so be it. Ad hominem attacks are easier to make than to discuss the logic of those on the far right. Yeah buddy.

Glen Beck... keep up the good work sniffing out these communists and progressive ideals of team Obama. Some of us appreciate the work you are doing in this endeavor. Thank you.

The man is a drunkard and a loon.

nuf said

And he has a top rated show and you're an anonymous asshole on a message board.
'nuf said.

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