Honest discussion about Abortion. Be prepared for FACTS

The second woman at the start, basically, doesn't have the brain power to keep her legs shut if not wanting a baby. In a way, abortion does stop the low IQ from breeding. If a woman wants an abortion, she should be given an hysterectomy as well.
I will reassert exactly what I stated in my abortion narrative thread. Except in rare cases, abortion is only necessary because the woman who didn't want a baby was having sex without birth control or protection. Abortion is NOT about "Reproductive Rights" or "Women's Rights". That is a fake narrative. I have yet to hear an abortionist present a compelling counter argument.
It ends the life of a clump of cells, which have no claim of priority to the host.
You are correct, it ends a life. You are for killing a developing human life for any reason. Mostly for convenience as stats show.
It ends a clump of cells the which you have nothing to make a determination about. It is not your business, as the eight states that are voting on abortion issues will show you. It is not your business.
That is up to the mother and her doctor, not you.
So a human life has no intrinsic rights in your opinion? Isn't life the ultimate right? Why are people like you somehow in charge of another being's right to life?

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