Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question..

But sexualizing children, describing young children in terms of homosexuality, transgenderism, or other sick sexual deviations, or encouraging children to so identify and describe themselves, indoctrinating young children into deviant sexual behavior, and so on…assuming that you are using the word “pedo” to mean what most of us are likely to understand it to mean, then yes, all of these abuses fall under it.

But I just told you that Toddler beauty queen freak shows are creepy because of the SEXUALIZATION of the innocent kid. And that any Pedo might appreciate the fact that Bravo or some other dumpy network turned it into the TOP show for pedoes. But the parents are NOT pedos. They are stupid self-aggrandizing losers who gain GLORY by having their children win trophies for wiggling their asses and emulating lingerie models.
Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

Sexual abuse of a child by definition occurs when an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor. The only evidence seems to be your warped imagination.

Not a thorough definition. It can also be exposure to porn or fornication or other inappropriate media. It could be over-emphasizing sexuality convos at too young an age. It COULD be choosing a gender FOR a child before they even comprehend their behaviors or preferences. Or taking them to nudist activities or Gay Pride parades before they have an adequate understanding of such things.

Where have you been for the last 25 years?
No, taken a child to a nudist camp is not sexual abuse. Many nudist camps cater to families. If fact, you are likely to see some families with very young children. A legit nudists camp does not allow any sexual activity. Going to gay pride parade does not mean you are gay. It simple means you support gay rights.
Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

Sexual abuse of a child by definition occurs when an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor. The only evidence seems to be your warped imagination.

Not a thorough definition. It can also be exposure to porn or fornication or other inappropriate media. It could be over-emphasizing sexuality convos at too young an age. It COULD be choosing a gender FOR a child before they even comprehend their behaviors or preferences. Or taking them to nudist activities or Gay Pride parades before they have an adequate understanding of such things.

Where have you been for the last 25 years?
No, taken a child to a nudist camp is not sexual abuse. Many nudist camps cater to families. If fact, you are likely to see some families with very young children at these camps. A legit nudists camp does not allow any sexual activity. Going to gay pride does not mean you are gay. It simple means you support gay rights.

Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

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Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

I spent an hour researching this kid on the Internet and discovered some interest stuff. First off your assumption of sexual abuse is totally unsupported. His family appears perfectly normal. He has a younger sister, plays soccer, and has been singing in public for the last 4 or 5 years. He's 13 now and has been interested in makeup since he was 8. He is not a cross dresser. He has a fantastic voice, preforms in the UK and has his own channel on the Internet. When he's performing and has his makeup on he looks very feminine. Without his make he appears to be a bit effeminate but not near as much as when he has his makeup on. Other than being effeminate, there is no indication that he is gay. About half of the men who are effeminate are not gay. If this kid doesn't make it as a singer, he will certain make it as a makeup artist.

Here's some picture of him with his mother without makeup and performing.



reuben de maid parents - Google Search
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But sexualizing children, describing young children in terms of homosexuality, transgenderism, or other sick sexual deviations, or encouraging children to so identify and describe themselves, indoctrinating young children into deviant sexual behavior, and so on…assuming that you are using the word “pedo” to mean what most of us are likely to understand it to mean, then yes, all of these abuses fall under it.

But I just told you that Toddler beauty queen freak shows are creepy because of the SEXUALIZATION of the innocent kid. And that any Pedo might appreciate the fact that Bravo or some other dumpy network turned it into the TOP show for pedoes. But the parents are NOT pedos. They are stupid self-aggrandizing losers who gain GLORY by having their children win trophies for wiggling their asses and emulating lingerie models.

I don't see how your reply even addresses any of what I said.

Pedophilia is about the sexualization of children, about viewing, describing, and treating children as sex objects. Child beauty pageants may or may not qualify. There's nothing inherently sexual about appreciating the beauty of a young child, in a non-sexual way.

Intentionally exposing children to sexual deviancy certainly qualifies as pedophilia; as does describing or treating children in ways relating to sexual deviancy; and as does putting children under the control of known sexual deviants.

This thread is sort of an indirect offshoot of another thread about a three-year-old boy who has been manipulated into describing himself as “gay”. That absolutely falls under pediophilia, as does a remark earlier in this thread suggesting that the child in question may be a transsexual.

Can we at least agree that describing a child in terms of such deviancy is something that ought to be serious cause for concern about any person who would make such a description having access to children? As a society, are we not obligated to protect children from this sort of perverted crap?
It is stunning to me that anyone can look at the complex, complicated, difficult job of effective parenting and raising a sane, functional, productive human being, which is incredibly hard to do even when you have a mother and father working at it together, and just casually decide that it's no big hairy deal if you simply subtract one of them from the equation. Meh. It's like looking at the schematics for building a nuclear reactor, and then deciding that the lead shielding isn't necessary.

No kidding.

My family bought into that feel good the devil be damned marriage is just a piece of paper single women have a right to raise their kids alone bs that was pushed on our society during the 60s and 80s...and it decimated it. There is a reason we celebrate and support traditional family values..and it's because children in traditional families do better. That's the beginning and end of it. That isn't to say there isn't the occasional non traditional family that doesn't produce an amazing set of kids..but for the most part, homosexual families and single parent families are poorer, are more dysfuctional in every way, and have children who suffer for their selfish decisions for their entire lives.
Prove it!! Put up or shut up.
Until all parties can agree on a standard of "morality" y'all gonna be spending a lot of time blue in the face... the word 'futile' comes to mind

How do you agree on a standard of morality with people who find the whole idea of a standard of morality offensive?

aka every pervert and criminal to ever walk the earth.

Well, yes, but in this case, I was talking about leftists, who get ALL in a kerfuffle at the very notion that "morality" isn't defined as "what I want to consider acceptable at the moment, if it doesn't inconvenience me".
No kidding.

My family bought into that feel good the devil be damned marriage is just a piece of paper single women have a right to raise their kids alone bs that was pushed on our society during the 60s and 80s...and it decimated it. There is a reason we celebrate and support traditional family values..and it's because children in traditional families do better. That's the beginning and end of it. That isn't to say there isn't the occasional non traditional family that doesn't produce an amazing set of kids..but for the most part, homosexual families and single parent families are poorer, are more dysfuctional in every way, and have children who suffer for their selfish decisions for their entire lives.
Prove it!! Put up or shut up.
Until all parties can agree on a standard of "morality" y'all gonna be spending a lot of time blue in the face... the word 'futile' comes to mind

How do you agree on a standard of morality with people who find the whole idea of a standard of morality offensive?

aka every pervert and criminal to ever walk the earth.

Well, yes, but in this case, I was talking about leftists, who get ALL in a kerfuffle at the very notion that "morality" isn't defined as "what I want to consider acceptable at the moment, if it doesn't inconvenience me".

Leftists are criminals...in thought and usually in person as well. That's why they object to any ideology that holds criminals accountable..which is what a moral, Christian and law-based ideology does.
But sexualizing children, describing young children in terms of homosexuality, transgenderism, or other sick sexual deviations, or encouraging children to so identify and describe themselves, indoctrinating young children into deviant sexual behavior, and so on…assuming that you are using the word “pedo” to mean what most of us are likely to understand it to mean, then yes, all of these abuses fall under it.

But I just told you that Toddler beauty queen freak shows are creepy because of the SEXUALIZATION of the innocent kid. And that any Pedo might appreciate the fact that Bravo or some other dumpy network turned it into the TOP show for pedoes. But the parents are NOT pedos. They are stupid self-aggrandizing losers who gain GLORY by having their children win trophies for wiggling their asses and emulating lingerie models.

You are right. They are SUPER creepy, how they put makeup and adult women clothing on these little tiny babies. There are too many weirdos in the world to be exploiting your child in such a way, even if you personally might find it "cute." The safety and well being of your child always should come first. But it is not in any way sicker than insinuating that your 3-year-old child is gay or a transsexual. It is even MORE odd because I can see where a parent would want their little baby to be the "most cute." I can't see how you would want to have a "gay baby." It is totally messed up.
Yes, the heterosexual community never sexualizes children...oh wait


We already did this 19 pages ago already, please attempt to keep up with the thread, we already did the child beauty pageant thing which I denounced in my below post which is on page 3, so I have denounced the Homos sexualising children and I also have denounced the beauty pageants:

Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question..
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
No one is forcing you to that lifestyle. If you cannot accept that others embrace that lifestyle with no harm to you and others then yes you would be considered a bigot.
70% of this country thinks these people should have the right to live their lives the way they see fit. Why is it such a problem?

Do you really want to make life hell for these people or what? It isn't right and I think some people need to learn to respect peoples personal liberties.
If people have struggled at life, I feel for them. Do not force me to hire them.
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
The word "bigot applies to someone who continuously refers to homosexuality as a "lifestyle:" or "behavior, " insinuates that how and with who they have sex is the primary factor that defines them, and refuses to acknowledge the whole person and that gayness is part of the essence of who they are as human beings
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
No one is forcing you to that lifestyle. If you cannot accept that others embrace that lifestyle with no harm to you and others then yes you would be considered a bigot.
No one is forcing Losers to accept The Don as POTUS. Yet most Losers do nothing but bitch and whine about him and those who voted for him.

The Losers can't accept that others embrace his lifestyle even though it doesn't harm them.
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
The word "bigot applies to someone who continuously refers to homosexuality as a "lifestyle:" or "behavior, " insinuates that how and with who they have sex is the primary factor that defines them, and refuses to acknowledge the whole person and that gayness is part of the essence of who they are as human beings
Homos are bigoted against heteros. They refuse to accept the hetero lifestyle and can't accept that hetero is part of the essence of who they are.

My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
If by reject their lifestyle, you mean you can not tolerate the existence of such, the answer is a definite yes. If you just don't like it, the answer is no.
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
The word "bigot applies to someone who continuously refers to homosexuality as a "lifestyle:" or "behavior, " insinuates that how and with who they have sex is the primary factor that defines them, and refuses to acknowledge the whole person and that gayness is part of the essence of who they are as human beings
Homos are bigoted against heteros. They refuse to accept the hetero lifestyle and can't accept that hetero is part of the essence of who they are.

What do you mean by accept their lifestyle?
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
No one is forcing you to that lifestyle. If you cannot accept that others embrace that lifestyle with no harm to you and others then yes you would be considered a bigot.
What if the lifestyle was buttsex trying to pass itself off as "mom and dad" to kids with a contract pinning that on them for life? Can't reject that either I suppose? Conform or be cast out?

Well fuck that. 1st Amendment says "sorry pal".
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
No one is forcing you to that lifestyle. If you cannot accept that others embrace that lifestyle with no harm to you and others then yes you would be considered a bigot.
What if the lifestyle was buttsex trying to pass itself off as "mom and dad" to kids with a contract pinning that on them for life? Can't reject that either I suppose? Conform or be cast out?

Well fuck that. 1st Amendment says "sorry pal".
The bizarre implication that gays have but sex -or any kind of sex in front of children to teach them about it is further proof of you shameless and depraved bigotry.

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