CDZ Homosexual activism


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Why does the corporate media push forward homosexual activists so obsessively?

The super rich want to emasculate the Democratic party. The super rich want working folk, who are less devoted to gay activism, marginalized in the Democratic party. The plutocrats desire a Democratic party that doesn't subtract from the plutocrats' immense piles of cash.

Corporatism and Gay Marriage: Natural Bedfellows

Goldman Sachs flies rainbow flag for same-sex ruling

Have we all figured it out by now? Just curious.
The national corporate spokesman for same-sex marriage is corrupt Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein:

Is homosexuality a religion, an ethnic group/race, or a behavior?
  • Homosexuality is not a religion.
  • Homosexuality is not a race or ethnic group, something you are born into. Many in the LGBT movement have a choice.

    Yes, gay is a choice. Get over it.

    And here's an actress quoted in the liberal NYT: And they tried to get me to change it, because they said it implies that homosexuality can be a choice. And for me, it is a choice. I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don’t get to define my gayness for me. A certain section of our community is very concerned that it not be seen as a choice, because if it’s a choice, then we could opt out.


    Gay writer Brandon Ambrosino has made a similar point.

    Moreover, No one must engage in homosexual acts.

    Also using the suffering of African Americans to further the gay activist agenda is insulting and wrong. If African Americans don't want their history to be used in this fashion we should respect their wishes: Poll: 55% of Blacks Say Gay Rights Not the Same as Civil Rights
  • Homosexuality is a behavior.
We are allowed to withhold approval for damaging behaviors like cocaine use, overeating, and homosexuality. This is not discrimination.
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Is homosexuality a religion, an ethnic group/race, or a behavior?
  • Homosexuality is not a religion.
  • Homosexuality is not a race or ethnic group, something you are born into. Many in the LGBT movement have a choice.

    Yes, gay is a choice. Get over it.

    And here's an actress quoted in the liberal NYT: And they tried to get me to change it, because they said it implies that homosexuality can be a choice. And for me, it is a choice. I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don’t get to define my gayness for me. A certain section of our community is very concerned that it not be seen as a choice, because if it’s a choice, then we could opt out.


    Gay writer Brandon Ambrosino has made a similar point.

    Moreover, No one must engage in homosexual acts.

    Also using the suffering of African Americans to further the gay activist agenda is insulting and wrong. If African Americans don't want their history to be used in this fashion we should respect their wishes: Poll: 55% of Blacks Say Gay Rights Not the Same as Civil Rights
  • Homosexuality is a behavior.
We are allowed to withhold approval for damaging behaviors like cocaine use, overeating, and homosexuality. This is not discrimination.

During his trial for obscenity, famous Beat Generation homosexual poet Allen Ginsberg was asked by a not unsympathetic judge, whether homosexuality could transcend sexual deviance and evolve into something bigger, like a political movement. Ginsberg responded, "Well in a way that already happened with the Nazis in Germany."
I've never understood why the gays get some guys' panties in such a wad.
Why does the corporate media push forward homosexual activists so obsessively?


Media makes money off of promoting what is popular.

If media is 'pushing homosexual activists' whatever the hell you think that they are, its because the American public is buying.

Now- why does that bother you?
Religion is a choice.

If the state recognizes same sex marriage, you still don't have to.

If you aren't being coerced to celebrate homosexuality, then stop trying to coerce gay people to not be gay or get married.
Is homosexuality a religion, an ethnic group/race, or a behavior?.

Religion is a behavior. Homosexuality may or may not be ingrained- but people choose their religion.

I don't know why you think that it is okay to discriminate against Americans just so long as you don't discriminate against them based upon their religion or race.

I don't.
Is homosexuality a religion, an ethnic group/race, or a behavior?
  • Homosexuality is not a religion.
  • Homosexuality is not a race or ethnic group, something you are born into. Many in the LGBT movement have a choice.

    Yes, gay is a choice. Get over it.

    And here's an actress quoted in the liberal NYT: And they tried to get me to change it, because they said it implies that homosexuality can be a choice. And for me, it is a choice. I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don’t get to define my gayness for me. A certain section of our community is very concerned that it not be seen as a choice, because if it’s a choice, then we could opt out.


    Gay writer Brandon Ambrosino has made a similar point.

    Moreover, No one must engage in homosexual acts.

    Also using the suffering of African Americans to further the gay activist agenda is insulting and wrong. If African Americans don't want their history to be used in this fashion we should respect their wishes: Poll: 55% of Blacks Say Gay Rights Not the Same as Civil Rights
  • Homosexuality is a behavior.
We are allowed to withhold approval for damaging behaviors like cocaine use, overeating, and homosexuality. This is not discrimination.

During his trial for obscenity, famous Beat Generation homosexual poet Allen Ginsberg was asked by a not unsympathetic judge, whether homosexuality could transcend sexual deviance and evolve into something bigger, like a political movement. Ginsberg responded, "Well in a way that already happened with the Nazis in Germany."

Feel free to prove that statement.

A quick search of the internet didn't come up with any transcripts for the trial.

I am guessing you just pulled that out of your ass- feel free to show me that I am wrong.
Religion is a choice.

If the state recognizes same sex marriage, you still don't have to.

If you aren't being coerced to celebrate homosexuality, then stop trying to coerce gay people to not be gay or get married.
Not if you run a cake shop!
Religion is a choice.

If the state recognizes same sex marriage, you still don't have to.

If you aren't being coerced to celebrate homosexuality, then stop trying to coerce gay people to not be gay or get married.
Not if you run a cake shop!

If you run a business that sells cakes, then sell cakes regardless of whether the customer is homosexual, Jewish, Christian, blind, black or Bavarian.
How is this so hard? It is really going to affect your life to make a wedding cake for two guys? Make the cake, sell it for a profit, everyone wins.
One could always boycott the businesses who are in favor of equality.
I think you mean intolerance not equality.

No he meant equality

Boycotts by folks like you, against companies that dare treat homosexuals equally.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The Southern Baptist Convention, which kick-started a widespread conservative religious boycott of Walt Disney Co. eight years ago, voted Wednesday to end the action but warned Disney that it was keeping its eye on the company.

The vote by the 11,000 "messengers" here at the convention’s annual meeting added the nation’s largest non-Catholic denomination to the list of conservative evangelical groups that have stood down from a confrontation that the American Family Association began in 1996. The AFA began the boycott to protest what it saw as Disney’s promotion of a gay agenda.

Southern Baptists end Disney boycott - US news NBC News
Religion is a choice.
Not always. Some people are considered Jewish even though they are atheist.

If the state recognizes same sex marriage, you still don't have to.

If you aren't being coerced to celebrate homosexuality, then stop trying to coerce gay people to not be gay or get married.
Photographers and bakers are being compelled to celebrate homosexual marriage.

Baker Faces Prison for Refusing to Bake Same-Sex Wedding Cake - Breitbart

And homosexuals got married all the time before government sanctioned gay marriage. Stop the histrionics.
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How is this so hard? It is really going to affect your life to make a wedding cake for two guys? Make the cake, sell it for a profit, everyone wins.
How about go to another baker if someone prefers not to be involved in a homosexual marriage. Stand up for freedom. Everyone wins. How is this so hard? It is really going to affect your life to go to another baker?
Religion is a choice.

If the state recognizes same sex marriage, you still don't have to.

If you aren't being coerced to celebrate homosexuality, then stop trying to coerce gay people to not be gay or get married.
Not if you run a cake shop!

Can a cake maker who is Muslim refuse to bake a wedding cake for a Christian couple? Equality under the law. Just because the equality others want doesn't fit your brand of bigotry doesn't make it less valid.

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