Homo Liberalis: A Field Guide to Identifying Liberals in the Wild


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
First off, for you liberals who do not understand, this is HUMOR, SATIRE. It is meant to bring about tee-hees and chuckles in spite of the truths it contains. I know this is difficult to accept so we who understand these things will shrug our shoulders and enjoy anyhow. And yes, the author IS a conservative so that clearly gives you liberals a reason to rant.
Zoologists have long been fascinated by the species Homo Liberalis, known widely by its non-scientific designation as the Wild North American Yellow-Bellied Liberal. This species, found all across North America, differs somewhat from its more successful European cousins. Though widely considered a pest creature by farmers, small business owners, and taxpayers, this species has nevertheless garnered the interest of scientists seeking to study it in its natural habitats.

To read the entire piece, go to Homo Liberalis: A Field Guide to Identifying Liberals in the Wild
This is what is called "dehumanization" a common ploy in propagandist literature.

CIA?s final report: No WMD found in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News
CNN.com - Report: No WMD stockpiles in Iraq - Oct 7, 2004
Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study | Reuters
Study: Iraq, Afghan war costs to top $4 trillion - The Washington Post
This is what is called "dehumanization" a common ploy in propagandist literature.

Yet is is disturbingly accurate, even I have to admit. I know a "homo liberalis affluentus" and it is a spot on definition down to the letter of this person. They didn't miss a detail.
This is what is called "dehumanization" a common ploy in propagandist literature.

Yet is is disturbingly accurate, even I have to admit. I know a "homo liberalis affluentus" and it is a spot on definition down to the letter of this person. They didn't miss a detail.

Just because something confirms your prejudices does not mean it is a reflection on reality, it's just a reflection on you.
This is what is called "dehumanization" a common ploy in propagandist literature.
This is what is called "thin skin", a common affliction amongst dour, humorless liberals.

Even with a warning this was satire, the thin-skins have to rant.

I will admit though that I found a lot of the descriptions spot on. And they can be seen in the responses to this thread. :eusa_whistle:
For all homosexuals from left to right.

This OP recognizes that you have won the fight.
This is what is called "dehumanization" a common ploy in propagandist literature.
This is what is called "thin skin", a common affliction amongst dour, humorless liberals.

Political humor is like that, the butt of the joke is often accused of having no sense of humor.

Little Jhonny goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?"
Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way. I’m the breadwinner of the family, so let’s call me Capitalism. Mommy is the administrator of the money, so we’ll call her the Government. We’re here to take care of your needs, so we’ll call you The People. The nanny, well, consider her The Working Class. Your baby brother, we’ll call him The Future. Now go think about this and see if it makes sense."
So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said.
Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying and runs to his room only to find that his diapers are very soiled.
So the little boy goes to his parents’ room. Mom is sound asleep.
Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny’s room. Finding the door locked, he looks through the peephole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed.

The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I think I understand what politics is now."

"Good son, tell me in your own words then what politics are."
The little boy replies, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored and the Future is in deep shit."

Laugh goddammit!
First off, for you liberals who do not understand, this is HUMOR, SATIRE. It is meant to bring about tee-hees and chuckles in spite of the truths it contains. I know this is difficult to accept so we who understand these things will shrug our shoulders and enjoy anyhow. And yes, the author IS a conservative so that clearly gives you liberals a reason to rant.
Zoologists have long been fascinated by the species Homo Liberalis, known widely by its non-scientific designation as the Wild North American Yellow-Bellied Liberal. This species, found all across North America, differs somewhat from its more successful European cousins. Though widely considered a pest creature by farmers, small business owners, and taxpayers, this species has nevertheless garnered the interest of scientists seeking to study it in its natural habitats.

To read the entire piece, go to Homo Liberalis: A Field Guide to Identifying Liberals in the Wild

It was both humorous and accurate.
This is what is called "dehumanization" a common ploy in propagandist literature.

This is a joke and you sound pissed.

Were you pissed when black conservatives were called names, like ventriloquist dummy, in a serious manner by the left? That wasn't a joke and was even more dehumanizing. Black conservatives are always dismissed by the left as unimportant, sub-human beings by the left. The racist who uttered that should called out for that, but liberals just nodded in agreement.

Sad that some people can't tell the different between a joke and a serious comment by politicians.
This is what is called "dehumanization" a common ploy in propagandist literature.

This is a joke and you sound pissed.

Were you pissed when black conservatives were called names, like ventriloquist dummy, in a serious manner by the left? That wasn't a joke and was even more dehumanizing. Black conservatives are always dismissed by the left as unimportant, sub-human beings by the left. The racist who uttered that should called out for that, but liberals just nodded in agreement.

Sad that some people can't tell the different between a joke and a serious comment by politicians.

Those people who get pissed are by default adding credibility to the material. I like it all the more now!
Homo Liberalis: A Field Guide to Identifying Liberals in the Wild

Spotted one last month;


And it was bow season.

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This is what is called "dehumanization" a common ploy in propagandist literature.
This is what is called "thin skin", a common affliction amongst dour, humorless liberals.

Political humor is like that, the butt of the joke is often accused of having no sense of humor.

Little Jhonny goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?"
Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way. I’m the breadwinner of the family, so let’s call me Capitalism. Mommy is the administrator of the money, so we’ll call her the Government. We’re here to take care of your needs, so we’ll call you The People. The nanny, well, consider her The Working Class. Your baby brother, we’ll call him The Future. Now go think about this and see if it makes sense."
So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said.
Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying and runs to his room only to find that his diapers are very soiled.
So the little boy goes to his parents’ room. Mom is sound asleep.
Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny’s room. Finding the door locked, he looks through the peephole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed.

The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I think I understand what politics is now."

"Good son, tell me in your own words then what politics are."
The little boy replies, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored and the Future is in deep shit."

Laugh goddammit!
Part of a good sense of humor is telling jokes that were created. at the very least. within the last century.

I'm so sorry for you.
First off, for you liberals who do not understand, this is HUMOR, SATIRE. It is meant to bring about tee-hees and chuckles in spite of the truths it contains. I know this is difficult to accept so we who understand these things will shrug our shoulders and enjoy anyhow. And yes, the author IS a conservative so that clearly gives you liberals a reason to rant.
Zoologists have long been fascinated by the species Homo Liberalis, known widely by its non-scientific designation as the Wild North American Yellow-Bellied Liberal. This species, found all across North America, differs somewhat from its more successful European cousins. Though widely considered a pest creature by farmers, small business owners, and taxpayers, this species has nevertheless garnered the interest of scientists seeking to study it in its natural habitats.

To read the entire piece, go to Homo Liberalis: A Field Guide to Identifying Liberals in the Wild

When you see a "homo liberal" how do you signal that you would like to suck their dick or allow them to fuck you in the ass?

Just bat your eyes?
First off, for you liberals who do not understand, this is HUMOR, SATIRE. It is meant to bring about tee-hees and chuckles in spite of the truths it contains. I know this is difficult to accept so we who understand these things will shrug our shoulders and enjoy anyhow. And yes, the author IS a conservative so that clearly gives you liberals a reason to rant.
Zoologists have long been fascinated by the species Homo Liberalis, known widely by its non-scientific designation as the Wild North American Yellow-Bellied Liberal. This species, found all across North America, differs somewhat from its more successful European cousins. Though widely considered a pest creature by farmers, small business owners, and taxpayers, this species has nevertheless garnered the interest of scientists seeking to study it in its natural habitats.

To read the entire piece, go to Homo Liberalis: A Field Guide to Identifying Liberals in the Wild

this guy has to be a usmb member that was inspired by TM


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