Homicide and the law in Georgia.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Let’s begin this by saying I am not a lawyer. However, I think I can explain it to the satisfaction of the legal folks in simple English.

There are three possible criminal charges when you kill someone. Of course, justified is not a criminal charge, but let’s continue.

The first possible charge is Voluntary Manslaughter.

Now, what does that cover? Basically it is the act of passion argument. Let’s say you come home and find your wife in bed with your best friend. You kill one or both of them in a fit of passion. If any time goes by, say a half hour, and then you kill them, nope. What Georgia is saying is look, we know how upset you must have been. We would have been upset too. But you still should not have killed them. So we’re going to give you a few years to think about it. We can’t give you less than one year, so we’re going to give you a few to really consider your actions.

Second is Involuntary Manslaughter.

This is the death was a result of a stupid choice charge. Normally this is the reckless driver who clips and kills a motorcyclist. Or is preceded by the famous phrases. “Hold my beer“ or ”Watch this”. This is a situation where someone died because the offender was doing something stupid, possibly criminal, but never a Felony. It is the Misdemeanor death charge. If you were committing a Felony, you don’t qualify for this charge. Where you did not intend to kill anyone, but it happened by accident more than anything. In this case, Georgia says you can’t get less than one year, nor more than ten. We Understand that stupid things happen and if you had thought about it, you probably wouldn’t have done it. You certainly would not have done it if you knew it would result in a death.

Finally, we have the last option. Murder.

This one is for everything else. We don’t have degrees in Georgia. All of the other illegal deaths not covered above, are dumped in here. From spending months planning on killing your Husband, to killing the clerk during a robbery of a Gas Station. Anything that is the unlawful taking of a life that does not fall into the first category are outlined here.

Because we have eliminated the other actions that violate the law, the rest here are only punishable by three possible sentences. The offender can be put to death. Sentenced to Life without Parole, or Life. Those are the only three options available.

Now, again, this is slightly dumbed down, and simplified, but realistically speaking, that is the way the folks in Georgia see those laws. The sort of understandable reaction to an event leading you to take action that you wouldn’t have done with time to come to terms with it. The act of passion. The dumbass killed a guy doing something stupid. The Hold my Beer and watch this charge. And the no extenuating circumstances Murder charge.

I hope this helps those who have had some questions concerning the laws in Georgia regarding the Illegal Death of another human.
I hope this helps those who have had some questions concerning the laws in Georgia regarding the Illegal Death of another human.
"Illegal death of another human being"?


Perhaps it was phrased badly. This does not cover justified homicide.
You still don't get where this is going. Any able lawyer is going to make sure the jury has an iota of common sense and the McMichaels walk.

It's not our first rodeo.
I hope this helps those who have had some questions concerning the laws in Georgia regarding the Illegal Death of another human.
"Illegal death of another human being"?


Perhaps it was phrased badly. This does not cover justified homicide.
You still don't get where this is going. Any able lawyer is going to make sure the jury has an iota of common sense and the McMichaels walk.

It's not our first rodeo.

Well. The McMichaels committed at least three Felonies for those of us with Common Sense In Georgia. So unless their lawyer is better than average for this sort of capital case. Them boys are in trouble.
I hope this helps those who have had some questions concerning the laws in Georgia regarding the Illegal Death of another human.
"Illegal death of another human being"?


Perhaps it was phrased badly. This does not cover justified homicide.
You still don't get where this is going. Any able lawyer is going to make sure the jury has an iota of common sense and the McMichaels walk.

It's not our first rodeo.

Well. The McMichaels committed at least three Felonies for those of us with Common Sense In Georgia. So unless their lawyer is better than average for this sort of capital case. Them boys are in trouble.
As I suggested before, you are pretty clueless. Given your uncompromising bias and compromised acuity, there is little chance for even a fleeting moment of lucidity on this matter.
I hope this helps those who have had some questions concerning the laws in Georgia regarding the Illegal Death of another human.
"Illegal death of another human being"?


Perhaps it was phrased badly. This does not cover justified homicide.
You still don't get where this is going. Any able lawyer is going to make sure the jury has an iota of common sense and the McMichaels walk.

It's not our first rodeo.

Well. The McMichaels committed at least three Felonies for those of us with Common Sense In Georgia. So unless their lawyer is better than average for this sort of capital case. Them boys are in trouble.
As I suggested before, you are pretty clueless. Given your uncompromising bias and compromised acuity, there is little chance for even a fleeting moment of lucidity on this matter.

Great. So where do you practice law? When did you start to practice law in Georgia?
..that's right ---you are not a lawyer--and you can't explain it
AND --so what???
I hope this helps those who have had some questions concerning the laws in Georgia regarding the Illegal Death of another human.
"Illegal death of another human being"?


Perhaps it was phrased badly. This does not cover justified homicide.
You still don't get where this is going. Any able lawyer is going to make sure the jury has an iota of common sense and the McMichaels walk.

It's not our first rodeo.

Well. The McMichaels committed at least three Felonies for those of us with Common Sense In Georgia. So unless their lawyer is better than average for this sort of capital case. Them boys are in trouble.
As I suggested before, you are pretty clueless. Given your uncompromising bias and compromised acuity, there is little chance for even a fleeting moment of lucidity on this matter.

Great. So where do you practice law? When did you start to practice law in Georgia?
As I said , common sense. A jury is going to decide, and given the video and a host of other facts that will come out, they will find that a thug died as thugs often do.

That's life...and death,

Just raise whatever spawn you have better than Arbery's.
Last edited:
I hope this helps those who have had some questions concerning the laws in Georgia regarding the Illegal Death of another human.
"Illegal death of another human being"?


Perhaps it was phrased badly. This does not cover justified homicide.
You still don't get where this is going. Any able lawyer is going to make sure the jury has an iota of common sense and the McMichaels walk.

It's not our first rodeo.

Well. The McMichaels committed at least three Felonies for those of us with Common Sense In Georgia. So unless their lawyer is better than average for this sort of capital case. Them boys are in trouble.
As I suggested before, you are pretty clueless. Given your uncompromising bias and compromised acuity, there is little chance for even a fleeting moment of lucidity on this matter.

Great. So where do you practice law? When did you start to practice law in Georgia?
As I said , common sense. A jury is going to decide, and given the video and a host of other facts that will come out, they will find that a thug died as thugs often do.

That's life...and death,

Just raise whatever spawn you have better than Arbery's.

Common sense is often reflected in law. Georgian’s don’t want armed vigilante’s running about screaming self defense after chasing someone. I know. Because we’ve had these laws on the books for a long long time. In fact, technically holding someone at gunpoint for the police, is a Felony right now. Now that might have a hard time getting a conviction for the McMichael’s if that is all they had done, caught a Burglar. But they didn’t. They did not catch a Burglar, they did not catch a criminal. They shot someone who was not committing any crime. In fact, they hunted him down, chased him, without any legal justification, and killed him in an altercation.

Now, according to you, all that matters is that AA attacked them. Fine. Every Armed Robber can now claim Self Defense, common sense right? Whatever crime he was committing does not matter, so long as the other guys comes at him. The McMichaels were attempting to illegally imprison someone. If they had caught AA, and held him, the police would not have been able to charge him with any crime. Common Sense says what? The only ones charged would have been the McMichael’s.
..that's right ---you are not a lawyer--and you can't explain it
AND --so what???

No I am not a lawyer. I am a CCW holder, who attended two classes taught by police. Guess what. The McMichaels did everything the police officer told us not to do. So now, what can we say? The police told me if I tried to hold someone at gunpoint, I would be arrested for Aggravated Assault. Travis tried to hold him at gunpoint, hence the coming out of the truck with the shotgun. The police told me if I tried to arrest someone using Citizens Arrest, I would be responsible. If the person turned out to be innocent of a crime, I would be charged with a felony. Two if I had my gun on him.

Now, we could argue that the police have no idea what the law is. But I think that we would then have to consult with an attorney. And Prosecutors, as well as Defense Attorney’s have said that the McMichaels committed crimes.

So I am not a lawyer. But I am coherent enough to comprehend what is being said to me. And when I attend two different classes, taught by two different people, and they both tell me the same thing, I have to assume it is true. When I look up the law online, I see it is as they said. It is true. Then we have an issue.

When I read Lawyers online who say that the McMichaels committed the exact crimes the police told me I would be guilty of if I did that, damn it I have to believe it is true.

So here we are. I have posted links to the laws. I have posted links to the lawyers. I have posted news articles quoting the lawyers. Yet you stubbornly sit there refusing to believe any of them, and instead insist that none of them are right.

Ok, what is your basis for this belief? Mine is my training, the lawyers, the police, and more than twenty five years as a Resident of Georgia. What is yours?
..that's right ---you are not a lawyer--and you can't explain it
AND --so what???

No I am not a lawyer. I am a CCW holder, who attended two classes taught by police. Guess what. The McMichaels did everything the police officer told us not to do. So now, what can we say? The police told me if I tried to hold someone at gunpoint, I would be arrested for Aggravated Assault. Travis tried to hold him at gunpoint, hence the coming out of the truck with the shotgun. The police told me if I tried to arrest someone using Citizens Arrest, I would be responsible. If the person turned out to be innocent of a crime, I would be charged with a felony. Two if I had my gun on him.

Now, we could argue that the police have no idea what the law is. But I think that we would then have to consult with an attorney. And Prosecutors, as well as Defense Attorney’s have said that the McMichaels committed crimes.

So I am not a lawyer. But I am coherent enough to comprehend what is being said to me. And when I attend two different classes, taught by two different people, and they both tell me the same thing, I have to assume it is true. When I look up the law online, I see it is as they said. It is true. Then we have an issue.

When I read Lawyers online who say that the McMichaels committed the exact crimes the police told me I would be guilty of if I did that, damn it I have to believe it is true.

So here we are. I have posted links to the laws. I have posted links to the lawyers. I have posted news articles quoting the lawyers. Yet you stubbornly sit there refusing to believe any of them, and instead insist that none of them are right.

Ok, what is your basis for this belief? Mine is my training, the lawyers, the police, and more than twenty five years as a Resident of Georgia. What is yours?
...your teacher wasn't THERE and has no idea about the case
..you're the SUPERMAN--aren't you? always bad mouthing cops/etc?
I hope this helps those who have had some questions concerning the laws in Georgia regarding the Illegal Death of another human.
"Illegal death of another human being"?


Perhaps it was phrased badly. This does not cover justified homicide.
You still don't get where this is going. Any able lawyer is going to make sure the jury has an iota of common sense and the McMichaels walk.

It's not our first rodeo.

Well. The McMichaels committed at least three Felonies for those of us with Common Sense In Georgia. So unless their lawyer is better than average for this sort of capital case. Them boys are in trouble.
As I suggested before, you are pretty clueless. Given your uncompromising bias and compromised acuity, there is little chance for even a fleeting moment of lucidity on this matter.

Great. So where do you practice law? When did you start to practice law in Georgia?
As I said , common sense. A jury is going to decide, and given the video and a host of other facts that will come out, they will find that a thug died as thugs often do.

That's life...and death,

Just raise whatever spawn you have better than Arbery's.

Common sense is often reflected in law. Georgian’s don’t want armed vigilante’s running about screaming self defense after chasing someone. I know. Because we’ve had these laws on the books for a long long time. In fact, technically holding someone at gunpoint for the police, is a Felony right now. Now that might have a hard time getting a conviction for the McMichael’s if that is all they had done, caught a Burglar. But they didn’t. They did not catch a Burglar, they did not catch a criminal. They shot someone who was not committing any crime. In fact, they hunted him down, chased him, without any legal justification, and killed him in an altercation.

Now, according to you, all that matters is that AA attacked them. Fine. Every Armed Robber can now claim Self Defense, common sense right? Whatever crime he was committing does not matter, so long as the other guys comes at him. The McMichaels were attempting to illegally imprison someone. If they had caught AA, and held him, the police would not have been able to charge him with any crime. Common Sense says what? The only ones charged would have been the McMichael’s.
1. he went where he should not have been--HE started the crap that led to HIS death --no one else MADE him do the stupid CRIMINAL shit
2. like Eric Garner, if you keep and keep and keep doing dumb, criminal shit--EVENTUALLY your dumbshit and criminality catches up to you
..that's right ---you are not a lawyer--and you can't explain it
AND --so what???

No I am not a lawyer. I am a CCW holder, who attended two classes taught by police. Guess what. The McMichaels did everything the police officer told us not to do. So now, what can we say? The police told me if I tried to hold someone at gunpoint, I would be arrested for Aggravated Assault. Travis tried to hold him at gunpoint, hence the coming out of the truck with the shotgun. The police told me if I tried to arrest someone using Citizens Arrest, I would be responsible. If the person turned out to be innocent of a crime, I would be charged with a felony. Two if I had my gun on him.

Now, we could argue that the police have no idea what the law is. But I think that we would then have to consult with an attorney. And Prosecutors, as well as Defense Attorney’s have said that the McMichaels committed crimes.

So I am not a lawyer. But I am coherent enough to comprehend what is being said to me. And when I attend two different classes, taught by two different people, and they both tell me the same thing, I have to assume it is true. When I look up the law online, I see it is as they said. It is true. Then we have an issue.

When I read Lawyers online who say that the McMichaels committed the exact crimes the police told me I would be guilty of if I did that, damn it I have to believe it is true.

So here we are. I have posted links to the laws. I have posted links to the lawyers. I have posted news articles quoting the lawyers. Yet you stubbornly sit there refusing to believe any of them, and instead insist that none of them are right.

Ok, what is your basis for this belief? Mine is my training, the lawyers, the police, and more than twenty five years as a Resident of Georgia. What is yours?
...your teacher wasn't THERE and has no idea about the case
..you're the SUPERMAN--aren't you? always bad mouthing cops/etc?

Deflecting. And refusing to answer the question. Odd isn’t it. I can post links backing up my opinion. All you can do is deflect.
I hope this helps those who have had some questions concerning the laws in Georgia regarding the Illegal Death of another human.
"Illegal death of another human being"?


Perhaps it was phrased badly. This does not cover justified homicide.
You still don't get where this is going. Any able lawyer is going to make sure the jury has an iota of common sense and the McMichaels walk.

It's not our first rodeo.

Well. The McMichaels committed at least three Felonies for those of us with Common Sense In Georgia. So unless their lawyer is better than average for this sort of capital case. Them boys are in trouble.
As I suggested before, you are pretty clueless. Given your uncompromising bias and compromised acuity, there is little chance for even a fleeting moment of lucidity on this matter.

Great. So where do you practice law? When did you start to practice law in Georgia?
As I said , common sense. A jury is going to decide, and given the video and a host of other facts that will come out, they will find that a thug died as thugs often do.

That's life...and death,

Just raise whatever spawn you have better than Arbery's.

Common sense is often reflected in law. Georgian’s don’t want armed vigilante’s running about screaming self defense after chasing someone. I know. Because we’ve had these laws on the books for a long long time. In fact, technically holding someone at gunpoint for the police, is a Felony right now. Now that might have a hard time getting a conviction for the McMichael’s if that is all they had done, caught a Burglar. But they didn’t. They did not catch a Burglar, they did not catch a criminal. They shot someone who was not committing any crime. In fact, they hunted him down, chased him, without any legal justification, and killed him in an altercation.

Now, according to you, all that matters is that AA attacked them. Fine. Every Armed Robber can now claim Self Defense, common sense right? Whatever crime he was committing does not matter, so long as the other guys comes at him. The McMichaels were attempting to illegally imprison someone. If they had caught AA, and held him, the police would not have been able to charge him with any crime. Common Sense says what? The only ones charged would have been the McMichael’s.
1. he went where he should not have been--HE started the crap that led to HIS death --no one else MADE him do the stupid CRIMINAL shit
2. like Eric Garner, if you keep and keep and keep doing dumb, criminal shit--EVENTUALLY your dumbshit and criminality catches up to you

Going into the house under construction was not a crime.

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