Prosecutor dismisses charges against Kenneth Walker - boyfriend of Breonna Taylor


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2011

Charges dismissed against the man who fired at plain clothes police officers as they executed a "no-knock" warrant. When the indictment was obtained, the grand jury was never informed that the defendant repeatedly said he did not know it was police breaking into his house when he fired and hit one officer.

I have no idea why Kenneth Walker was charged anyway.

The NRA has been strangely silent on this blatant abuse by police. KY has Stand Your Ground Laws, and so Walker was well with his rights to defend his home.

Walker's girlfriend, Breonna Taylor was shot 8 times by police entering their home on a No-Knock warrant.
I have no idea why Kenneth Walker was charged anyway.
The scourge of Democrat authoritarian police departments and prosecutors in Democrat-controlled major cities across the country is an endemic problem in the USA.

It's good to see that someone was at least a little bit victorious against the Louisville Democrats. Albeit at the price of losing his lovely wife who is gone forever due to the Democrat thuggish boot on the neck of the people.

Democrats are just authoritarian Nazi/commie evil slimeballs.
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Charges dismissed against the man who fired at plain clothes police officers as they executed a "no-knock" warrant. When the indictment was obtained, the grand jury was never informed that the defendant repeatedly said he did not know it was police breaking into his house when he fired and hit one officer.

I have no idea why Kenneth Walker was charged anyway.

The NRA has been strangely silent on this blatant abuse by police. KY has Stand Your Ground Laws, and so Walker was well with his rights to defend his home.

Walker's girlfriend, Breonna Taylor was shot 8 times by police entering their home on a No-Knock warrant.
I know if this was me I would wind up in prison or dead anyway because I would make sure I got the fuckers that did this. I cant imagine how he feels knowing those bastards killed his wife.

Charges dismissed against the man who fired at plain clothes police officers as they executed a "no-knock" warrant. When the indictment was obtained, the grand jury was never informed that the defendant repeatedly said he did not know it was police breaking into his house when he fired and hit one officer.

I have no idea why Kenneth Walker was charged anyway.

The NRA has been strangely silent on this blatant abuse by police. KY has Stand Your Ground Laws, and so Walker was well with his rights to defend his home.

Walker's girlfriend, Breonna Taylor was shot 8 times by police entering their home on a No-Knock warrant.
“KY has Stand Your Ground Laws, and so Walker was well with his rights to defend his home.”

Not necessarily.

SYG/Castle Doctrine laws are not carte blanche to kill someone who has unlawfully entered your home.

Each states’ laws are different and unique, subject to unique case law and jurisprudence.

In any event, the charges were likely politically motivated – a prosecutorial CYA – hence the charges now being dropped.

As for ‘no knock’ warrants and the like, they’re here to stay.

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