Tommy Tainant
Diamond Member

‘Homeless people given free lunch’ to attend Trump Jr event in Greenland
People in Maga hats at meal last week did not know Donald Trump’s son and were invited off the street, hotel boss says
This is heartwarming stuff. Greenlandland is bloody cold in winter and a free lunch would be well apprecciated by the local peasentry.
They are less impressed by their kids being approahed in the street bymaga wierdos.
“It’s really borderline shocking to find out that my 11-year-old son has received money from an adult he doesn’t know.”
Whats that commie whining about ? Its probably the most exciting thing ever on the froxen isle.
Meabwhile the rest of us wait excitedly for the Make Greenland Great Again bill that trumps toadies are preparing in Congress. Mike Jesus Jounson is the boy for the job. #maga