Homeland...? Security...?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
Today in a small town just south of Columbus, OH Dick(less) Cheney spoke of the Bush administration's commitment to preventing NBC attacks on US soil. This commitment rings hollow in light of the facts.

Our seaports are largely unsecured, and only a tiny fraction, about 5%, of cargo containers entering the US are inspected. More money is spent on the war in Iraq in 3 days than has been spent on securing our seaports in the last three years.

Thanks to the Republican controlled Congress a bill to tighten security at nuclear facilities and petro-chemical plants was scuttled. "It would cost too much..." industy lobbyists poor-mouthed. 123 of the sites are in areas where 1 million or more people could be sickened injured or killed outright.

Nearly half of all cargo on US airliners is screened, and instead of no-fly zones over US nuclear and chemical facilities, they are instituted over Disneyworld, Disneyland and the SuperBowl.

Nearly $99 billion is needed to bring US first responders up to even mininmal capacity to deal with large scale attacks, yet in its 2006 budget, cuts are made in funding to firefighters and first responders, with funding for police cut nearly in half.

Yes boys and girls, America is (not) safer under the firm hand and steadfast leadership of the Bush administration and the neocon chicken-shits...er...hawks that currently infest the halls of our nation's capitol. So, you can('t) sleep safer tonight knowing that the Bush Administration is(n't) on the ball and (sure as hell) is(n't) working hard to keep America secure.
"Blah, blah blah"

Same blabbering shit, different day. Time for a new schtick, bully. Your lack of thought and repetitive gibberish are shining through brightly.
jimnyc said:
"Blah, blah blah"

Same blabbering shit, different day. Time for a new schtick, bully. Your lack of thought and repetitive gibberish are shining through brightly.

(SigH) How utterly typical...You can't refute the message, so you attack the messenger. You're way off your game Jimmy m'boy.
Do you have any idea how much it would cost to inspect 100% of cargo containers entering America. We are spending billions on it already. So lets double it. There. We doubled a multi-billion dollar budget and are still only inspecting 10 percent of the containers. This is why we are fighting terrorists on their turf.

Nuclear facilities are already extremely well protected, including concrete barriers, retinal scanners, and floor scales that make sure only one person enters restriced zones at a time. Short of installing a battery of SAMs, I don't see much need for improvement.

Nuclear Reactors are also enclosed in a concrete and steel chamber which can withstand a direct hit by a 747.

So yeah, I do feel safe. Much safer than with Kerry and his Global Test.
Bullypulpit said:
(SigH) How utterly typical...You can't refute the message, so you attack the messenger. You're way off your game Jimmy m'boy.

I'm not off my game. It's just that it gets rather boring arguing the same points and same arguments from someone for months on end. We got the point a long, long time ago that you despise the Bush administration. Your repetitiveness only makes you look desperate, and does nothing at all to persuade those reading it.
jimnyc said:
I'm not off my game. It's just that it gets rather boring arguing the same points and same arguments from someone for months on end. We got the point a long, long time ago that you despise the Bush administration. Your repetitiveness only makes you look desperate, and does nothing at all to persuade those reading it.

It's how you teach the developementally disabled...REPITITION. :teeth:
WOW! The same lies repeated by Kerry/Edwards on a daily basis. Tell me Bully, did you have cracked black pepper, salt and a little wasabi on those words as you engulfed them like a two dollar whore engulfing a 6 in pecker?

You are ridiculous sir.
Can you protect yourself from everything? Can you ensure everyday your blood stays in your body without a doubt? NO!! No you can't if these terrorists want to do something to attack us they will. It's the truth. So to say either way we'll be all the way safe is foolish just like pinnig the blame on Bush. Yes maybe making it harder for them to get to us is better, but not fool proof. The test is not to be Terrorised and go on every day living your life like your not scared, Cause if you are they accomplished thier goal by scaring you. So Thhtp!!! to both your post's and replies.

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