Home Churches


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Dropping off weekend batch of cookies to my neighbor a couple doors down (whose wife just had their 3rd baby hence the kindness,) the husband said "You know, one of these days you'll have to stay for services." Didn't register until I got back to my place he probably meant church.

Anyone attend a home-based church? Thoughts?
Liberals want to drive Christianity underground. Home churches are an essential part of making Christ illegal. It's pretty much how Church services are handled in many parts of China.

If services are held in private homes, it's much harder to force them to accept homosexuality, or other forms of perversion.
Essentially, I practice my own brand of religion, and I am the only member, so it's wherever I am. ;)
Essentially, I practice my own brand of religion, and I am the only member, so it's wherever I am. ;)

Well, since you are still just practicing it, would you do me a solid and let me know when you iron out all the kinks?

The first church of Jung could always use some nice landscaping.
Anyone attend a home-based church? Thoughts?

I have never done so, but Jesus said that whenever two or three gather together that's cool with him (my Bible uses the official "child of the sixties" translation) , so this seems more in keeping with the spirit of His teachings than all those mega-churches.
In remote areas "home churches" are not unique. Most are non-denominational of one protestant variety of another. Not enough who have attached themselves to a single variety. In some ways their services have found compromise in traditions - a sort of agreeing to disagree.

I am aware of one "home church" in a more urban area where it's just low numbers that make having even a rented meeting place practical. They're "Friends" - what most call "Quakers". One of the few faiths whose beliefs are well enough understood that even the feds didn't make much fuss when one of their number applied for conscientious objector status during the various Democrat Draft eras.
Judaism has something similar but requires 10 men for a simple prayer gathering. :)

I've always figured if God was everywhere all the time, any where I can kneel down to pray would suffice.
Liberals want to drive Christianity underground. Home churches are an essential part of making Christ illegal. It's pretty much how Church services are handled in many parts of China.

If services are held in private homes, it's much harder to force them to accept homosexuality, or other forms of perversion.

and China is ridding itself of that magical thinking low IQ crap the know science is the only way the can compete, not having a nation of religious lunatics
Dropping off weekend batch of cookies to my neighbor a couple doors down (whose wife just had their 3rd baby hence the kindness,) the husband said "You know, one of these days you'll have to stay for services." Didn't register until I got back to my place he probably meant church.

Anyone attend a home-based church? Thoughts?

Never been to a service at one, but am aware they exist. I have known of it being done by ubber fundamentalists and I have known of it being done for the elderly who can't make it to service so a service comes to them. The latter cases I am aware of are mostly in the black apostolic community.
Essentially, I practice my own brand of religion, and I am the only member, so it's wherever I am. ;)

Well, since you are still just practicing it, would you do me a solid and let me know when you iron out all the kinks?

The first church of Jung could always use some nice landscaping.
I like a sort of wild native look to my environment. :tongue:
Liberals want to drive Christianity underground. Home churches are an essential part of making Christ illegal. It's pretty much how Church services are handled in many parts of China.

If services are held in private homes, it's much harder to force them to accept homosexuality, or other forms of perversion.

and China is ridding itself of that magical thinking low IQ crap the know science is the only way the can compete, not having a nation of religious lunatics
I'm sure all that is a direct expression of the will of the people. China has been a big supporter of the will of the people throughout its history.
So, uh, does he get a break on his property taxes?

Dropping off weekend batch of cookies to my neighbor a couple doors down (whose wife just had their 3rd baby hence the kindness,) the husband said "You know, one of these days you'll have to stay for services." Didn't register until I got back to my place he probably meant church.

Anyone attend a home-based church? Thoughts?

Absolutely. Home churches are the future, Delta. I believe eventually these wide road false gospel churches are going to be a thing of the past and God will raise up more home churches.

I think your neighbor should be sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with you. I am praying for the LORD to bring Christians across your path to reveal the love of Christ to you, Delta. I know that you need that. The more laborers he sends across your path the more you will realize this is God trying to get your attention! That he knows you by name! He knows who you are and that he is a personal God who loves you very much.

I do think that your making batches of cookies for your neighbors is a thoughtful thing for you to do. Very kind of you, Delta.
Dropping off weekend batch of cookies to my neighbor a couple doors down (whose wife just had their 3rd baby hence the kindness,) the husband said "You know, one of these days you'll have to stay for services." Didn't register until I got back to my place he probably meant church.

Anyone attend a home-based church? Thoughts?

Never been to a service at one, but am aware they exist. I have known of it being done by ubber fundamentalists and I have known of it being done for the elderly who can't make it to service so a service comes to them. The latter cases I am aware of are mostly in the black apostolic community.

The early church was all home churches and those in attendance were mainly Jews - then Greeks were added and people of all nations. That was the early church, people. Home church. Read the Book of Acts.

The Catholic Church is not the early church. The Romans came in to slaughter the Jews in 70 A.D. and the Jewish Christians / Gentile Christians that were added later - all fled prior to the Roman invasion. The Christians and Jews fled from the Romans not to the Romans.

Nero had Rome set on fire and then blamed the Christians - the Romans fed the early Christians to the lions - you need to realize that the Roman Church is a false church - that teaches doctrines of devils - there is no fellowship of Christianity with the Roman church - they do not teach from the bible -they withheld the bible from the people to keep them in the dark and not realizing the truth in Scripture - they worship a demon god called the queen of heaven. Totally different teaching that is not of God.
Liberals want to drive Christianity underground. Home churches are an essential part of making Christ illegal. It's pretty much how Church services are handled in many parts of China.

If services are held in private homes, it's much harder to force them to accept homosexuality, or other forms of perversion.

and China is ridding itself of that magical thinking low IQ crap the know science is the only way the can compete, not having a nation of religious lunatics
I'm sure all that is a direct expression of the will of the people. China has been a big supporter of the will of the people throughout its history.

China has an underground church of over 100 million born again Christians who follow Christ and meet in home church settings in secret. The Three Self Church is a communist false church that the communist leaders set up and is the official church of China - true christians do not attend that church - they are all part of the underground home church network.
you need to realize that the Roman Church is a false church - that teaches doctrines of devils - there is no fellowship of Christianity with the Roman church - they do not teach from the bible -they withheld the bible from the people to keep them in the dark and not realizing the truth in Scripture - they worship a demon god called the queen of heaven. Totally different teaching that is not of God.
................. ^^ At least Jeremiah is an equal opportunity hater. ... :cuckoo: . :lol::lol:
That is a personal attack, Sunni, and as I have confronted you about it before I would suggest you have a look at USMB rules and note that you are to remain on topic and not use personal attacks against members.. Stop waging personal attacks against me, Sunni man.

You are breaking USMB rules.

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