Holocaust deniers

3 years after the war the Russian's restored the alleged "gas chamber" buildings as part of their propaganda campaign to further demonize the german nazi's.
Accept that gas chambers were actually there rather than "alleged". Eye witnesses, Rudolf Hoess and other confessing Nazi guards confirm their existence and their use. You need to read more history.
Facing the death penalty by the allies.

I have no doubt the so called "confessions" were rather easy to obtain. .... :cool:
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1st post
3 years after the war the Russian's restored the alleged "gas chamber" buildings as part of their propaganda campaign to further demonize the german nazi's.
Accept that gas chambers were actually there rather than "alleged". Eye witnesses, Rudolf Hoess and other confessing Nazi guards confirm their existence and their use. You need to read more history.
Facing the death penalty by the allies.

I have no doubt so called "confessions" were rather easy to obtain. .... :cool:
3 years after the war the Russian's restored the alleged "gas chamber" buildings as part of their propaganda campaign to further demonize the german nazi's.
Accept that gas chambers were actually there rather than "alleged". Eye witnesses, Rudolf Hoess and other confessing Nazi guards confirm their existence and their use. You need to read more history.
Facing the death penalty by the allies.

I have no doubt the so called "confessions" were rather easy to obtain. .... :cool:
Obviously coerced with promises of lenient punishment .... by hanging.
5th post
3 years after the war the Russian's restored the alleged "gas chamber" buildings as part of their propaganda campaign to further demonize the german nazi's.

And you're just about as fucking stupid as you can possibly be.
There is no reason to be upset or to call names.

If you want to believe in the Holohoax myth that's fine with me.

I just chose not to based on the spurious evidence. ...... :cool:
Do you deny the possibility of perjury?

Lol, I think they were just telling the truth.

They were the holocaust experts and they admitted there is no scientific proof for gas chambers and there are no holes for the introduction of such a gas.

Plenty of evidence, but you wouldn't know because you don't read your own sources.

Lol, you're very confused, Dis.

They said what they said, they stated fact, but you cant accept fact if it upsets your received wisdom.

You need to put down your blinkers.
Yes, there were gas chambers....but the conspiracy theorists here will say that the Russians built them after the fact to denigrate the Germans.

Your own expert agrees there is no proof of that, he's your expert, this is the reality...

10th post
Case against Oskar Gröning highlights Germany judiciary's Holocaust problem
With only 50 out of 6,500 SS guards at Auschwitz convicted, critics say German law has been too slow to seek justice.

Gröning caught public attention in 2005 when he appeared in the BBC documentary Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution', in which he described how being confronted by Holocaust deniers had led to him to speak out. "I see it as my task now, at my age, to face up to these things that I experienced, and to oppose the Holocaust deniers who claim that Auschwitz never happened," he said. "I saw the crematoria, I saw the burning pits."

Case against Oskar Gröning highlights Germany judiciary's Holocaust problem
With only 50 out of 6,500 SS guards at Auschwitz convicted, critics say German law has been too slow to seek justice.

Gröning caught public attention in 2005 when he appeared in the BBC documentary Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution', in which he described how being confronted by Holocaust deniers had led to him to speak out. "I see it as my task now, at my age, to face up to these things that I experienced, and to oppose the Holocaust deniers who claim that Auschwitz never happened," he said. "I saw the crematoria, I saw the burning pits."

Case against Oskar Gr ning highlights Germany judiciary s Holocaust problem World news The Guardian

Oskar had to choose his words correctly or the zionists would be baying for his blood...and so it came to pass.

The zionists need to keep the holomyth alive to feed the insatiable holocaust industry and to deflect from the lebensraum and genocide of the Palestinians.
3 years after the war the Russian's restored the alleged "gas chamber" buildings as part of their propaganda campaign to further demonize the german nazi's.
Accept that gas chambers were actually there rather than "alleged". Eye witnesses, Rudolf Hoess and other confessing Nazi guards confirm their existence and their use. You need to read more history.
Facing the death penalty by the allies.

I have no doubt so called "confessions" were rather easy to obtain. .... :cool:


You think its nuts that people were tortured...are you that naive?
Case against Oskar Gröning highlights Germany judiciary's Holocaust problem
With only 50 out of 6,500 SS guards at Auschwitz convicted, critics say German law has been too slow to seek justice.

Gröning caught public attention in 2005 when he appeared in the BBC documentary Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution', in which he described how being confronted by Holocaust deniers had led to him to speak out. "I see it as my task now, at my age, to face up to these things that I experienced, and to oppose the Holocaust deniers who claim that Auschwitz never happened," he said. "I saw the crematoria, I saw the burning pits."

Case against Oskar Gröning highlights Germany judiciary's Holocaust problem
With only 50 out of 6,500 SS guards at Auschwitz convicted, critics say German law has been too slow to seek justice.

Gröning caught public attention in 2005 when he appeared in the BBC documentary Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution', in which he described how being confronted by Holocaust deniers had led to him to speak out. "I see it as my task now, at my age, to face up to these things that I experienced, and to oppose the Holocaust deniers who claim that Auschwitz never happened," he said. "I saw the crematoria, I saw the burning pits."

Case against Oskar Gr ning highlights Germany judiciary s Holocaust problem World news The Guardian

Oskar had to choose his words correctly or the zionists would be baying for his blood...and so it came to pass.

The zionists need to keep the holomyth alive to feed the insatiable holocaust industry and to deflect from the lebensraum and genocide of the Palestinians.

Nothing new. The times I've heard this. Ad infinitum.

"Some 300 of the 600 prisoners in the camp at the time escaped, but only 50 to 70 of them are believed to have survived. Others died in the minefields that surrounded the camp, or were recaptured in the days that followed"

so who told them all this? they don't even know who the survivors were. This is getting real old , this H stuff. They are still trying to get money from Germany, they got a few subs for pennies on the dollar.

That pic looks like a tiny house.

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