Holocaust deniers

You're not even a good Holocaust denier......you don't read your own sources.

Do you deny that Hilberg admitted under oath that there is no scientific evidence for gas chambers?

Do you deny that Van Pelt admitted under oath that despite his many visits to Auschwitz he never saw any holes in the gas chamber roof?
Do you deny the possibility of perjury?
66 Questions and Answers on the "Holocaust"By The Institute for Historical Review

1. What proof exists that the Nazis killed six million Jews?

None. All we have is postwar testimony, mostly of individual "survivors." This testimony is contradictory, and very few claim to have actually witnessed any "gassing." There are no contemporaneous documents or hard evidence: no mounds of ashes, no crematories capable of disposing of millions of corpses, no "human soap," no lamp shades made of human skin, and no credible demographic statistics.

2. What evidence exists that six million Jews were not killed by the Nazis?
Extensive forensic, demographic, analytical and comparative evidence demonstrates the impossibility of such a figure. The widely repeated "six million" figure is an irresponsible exaggeration.

3. Did Simon Wiesenthal state in writing that "there were no extermination camps on German soil"?
Yes. The famous "Nazi hunter" wrote this in Stars and Stripes, Jan. 24, 1993. He also claimed that "gassings" ofJews took place only in Poland.

4. If Dachau was in Germany, and even Wiesenthal says that it was not an extermination camp, why do many American veterans say it was an extermination camp?
After the Allies captured Dachau, many GIs and others were led through the camp and shown a building alleged to have been a "gas chamber." The mass media widely, but falsely, continues to assert that Dachau was a "gassing" camp.

5. What about Auschwitz? Is there any proof that gas chambers were used to kill people there?
No. Auschwitz, captured by the Soviets, was modified after the war, and a room was reconstructed to look like a large "gas chamber." After America’s leading expert on gas chamber construction and design, Fred Leuchter,examined this and other alleged Auschwitz gassing facilities, he stated that it was an "absurdity" to claim that they were, or could have been, used for executions.

6. If Auschwitz wasn’t a "death camp," what was its true purpose?
It was an internment center and part of a large-scale manufacturing complex. Synthetic fuel was produced there, and its inmates were used as a workforce.

7. Who set up the first concentration camps?
During the Boer War (1899-1902), the British set up what they called "concentration camps" in South Africa to hold Afrikaner women and children. Approximately 30,000 died in these hell-holes, which were as terrible as German concentration camps of World War II.

8. How did German concentration camps differ from American "relocation" camps in which Japanese-Americans were interned during WWII?
The only significant difference was that the Germans interned persons on the basis of being real or suspected security threats to the German war effort, whereas the Roosevelt administration interned persons on the basis of race alone.

9. Why did the German government intern Jews in camps?
It considered Jews a direct threat to national security. (Jews were overwhelmingly represented in Communist subversion.) However, all suspected security risks – not just Jews – were in danger of internment.

10. What hostile measure did world Jewry undertake against Germany as early as 1933?
In March 1933, international Jewish organizations declared an international boycott of German goods.

11. Did the Jews of the world "declare war on Germany"?
Yes. Newspapers around the world reported this. A front-page headline in the London Daily Express (March 24,1933), for example, announced "Judea Declares War on Germany."

12. Was this before or after the "death camp" stories began?
This was years before the "death camp" stories, which began in 1941-1942.

13. What nation is credited with being the first to practice mass civilian bombing?
Britain— on May 11, 1940.

14. How many "gas chambers" to kill people were there at Auschwitz?

15. How many Jews were living in the areas that came under German control during the war?
Fewer than six million.

16. If the Jews of Europe were not exterminated by the Nazis, what happened to them?
After the war millions of Jews were still alive in Europe. Hundreds of thousands (perhaps as many as one and a half million) had died of all causes during the war. Others had emigrated to Palestine, the United States, and other countries. Still more Jews left Europe after the war.

17. How many Jews fled or were evacuated to deep within the Soviet Union?
More than two million fled or were evacuated by the Soviets in 1941-1942. These Jews thus never came under German control.

18. How many Jews emigrated from Europe prior to the war, thus putting them outside of German reach?
Perhaps a million (not including those absorbed by the USSR).

19. If Auschwitz was not an extermination camp, why did the commandant, Rudolf Hoess, confess that it was?
He was tortured by British military police, as one of his interrogators later admitted.

20. Is there any evidence of American, British and Soviet policy to torture German prisoners in order to exact "confessions" for use at the trials at Nuremberg and elsewhere?
Yes. Torture was extensively used to produce fraudulent "evidence" for the infamous Nuremberg trials, and in other postwar "war crimes" trials.

21. How does the Holocaust story benefit Jews today?
It helps protect Jews as a group from criticism. As a kind of secular religion, it provides an emotional bond between Jews and their leaders. It is a powerful tool in Jewish money-raising campaigns, and is used to justify US aid to Israel.

22. How does it benefit the State of Israel?
It justifies the billions of dollars in "reparations" Germany has paid to Israel and many individual "survivors." It is used by the Zionist/Israeli lobby to dictate a pro-Israel American foreign policy in the Middle East, and to force American taxpayer aid to Israel, totaling billions of dollars per year.

23. How is it used by many Christian clergymen?
The Holocaust story is cited to justify the Old Testament notion of Jews as a holy and eternally persecuted "Chosen People."

24. How did it benefit the Communists?
It diverted attention from Soviet war mongering and atrocities before, during and after the Second World War.

25. How does it benefit Britain?
In much the same way it benefited the Soviet Union.

26. Is there any evidence that Hitler ordered mass extermination of Jews?

27. What kind of gas was used in German wartime concentration camps?
Hydrocyanic gas from "Zyklon B," a commercial pesticide that was widely used throughout Europe.

28. For what purpose was "Zyklon B" manufactured?
It was a pesticide used to fumigate clothing and quarters to kill typhus-bearing lice and other pests.

29. Was this product suitable for mass extermination?
No. If the Nazis had intended to use poison gas to exterminate people, far more efficient products were available. Zyklon is a slow-acting fumigation agent.

30. How long does it take to ventilate an area after fumigation with Zyklon B?
Normally about 20 hours. The whole procedure is very complicated and dangerous. Gas masks must be used, and only trained technicians are employed.

31. Auschwitz commandant Hoess said that his men would enter the "gas chambers" to remove bodies ten minutes after the victims had died. How do you explain this?
It can’t be explained because had they done so they would have suffered the same fate as the "gassing" victims.

32. Hoess said in his "confession" that his men would smoke cigarettes as they pulled bodies out of gas chambers, ten minutes after gassing. Isn’t Zyklon B explosive?
Yes. The Hoess confession is obviously false.

33. What was the exact procedure the Nazis allegedly used to exterminate Jews?
The stories range from dropping gas canisters into a crowded room from a hole in the ceiling, to piping gas through shower heads, to "steam chambers," to "electrocution" machinery. Millions are alleged to have been killed in these ways.

34. How could a mass extermination program have been kept secret from those who were scheduled to be killed?
It couldn’t have been kept secret. The fact is that there were no mass gassings. The extermination storiesoriginated as wartime atrocity propaganda.

35. If Jews scheduled for execution knew the fate in store for them, why did they go along with the Germans without resisting?
They didn’t fight back because they did not believe there was any intention to kill them.

36. About how many Jews died in the concentration camps?
Competent estimates range from about 300,000 to 500,000.

37. How did they die?
Mainly from recurring typhus epidemics that ravaged war-torn Europe during the war, as well as from starvation and lack of medical attention during the final months of the conflict, when virtually all road and rail transportation had been bombed out by the Allies.

38. What is typhus?
This disease always appears when many people are jammed together under unsanitary conditions. It is carried by lice that infest hair and clothes. Ironically, if the Germans had used more Zyklon B, more Jews might have survived the camps.

39. What is the difference if six million or 300,000 Jews died during the Second World War?

40. Some Jewish "death camp" survivors say they saw bodies being dumped into pits and burned. How much fuel would have been required for this?
A great deal more than the Germans had access to, as there was a substantial fuel shortage during the war.

41. Can bodies be burned in pits?
No. It is impossible for human bodies to be totally consumed by flames in this manner because of lack of oxygen.

42. Holocaust historians claim that the Nazis were able to cremate bodies in about ten minutes. How long does it take to incinerate one body, according to professional crematory operators?
About an hour and a half, although the larger bones require further processing afterwards.

43. Why did the German concentration camps have crematory ovens?
To dispose efficiently and sanitarily of the corpses of those who had died.

44. Given a 100 percent duty cycle of all the crematories in all the camps in German-controlled territory, what is the maximum number of corpses it would have been possible to incinerate during the entire period such crematories were in operation?
About 430,600.

45. Can a crematory oven be operated 100 percent of the time?
No. Fifty percent of the time is a generous estimate (12 hours per day). Crematory ovens have to be cleaned thoroughly and regularly when in heavy operation.

46. How much ash is left from a cremated corpse?
After the bone is all ground down, about a shoe box full.

47. If six million people had been incinerated by the Nazis, what happened to the ashes?
That remains to be "explained." Six million bodies would have produced many tons of ashes, yet there is no evidence of any large ash depositories.

48. Do Allied wartime aerial reconnaissance photos of Auschwitz (taken during the period when the "gas chambers" and crematoria were supposedly in full operation) show evidence of extermination?
No. In fact, these photographs do not even reveal a trace of the enormous amount of smoke that supposedly was constantly over the camp, nor do they show evidence of the "open pits" in which bodies were allegedly burned.

49. What was the main provision of the German "Nuremberg Laws" of 1935?
They forbid marriage and sexual relations between Germans and Jews, similar to laws existing in Israel today.

50. Were there any American precedents for the Nuremberg Laws?
Years before Hitler’s Third Reich, most states in the USA had enacted laws prohibiting marriage between personsof different races.

51. What did the International Red Cross have to report with regard to the "Holocaust" question?
An official report on the visit of an IRC delegation to Auschwitz in September 1944 pointed out that internees were permitted to receive packages, and that rumors of gas chambers could not be verified.

52. What was the role of the Vatican during the time six million Jews were allegedly being exterminated?
If there had been an extermination plan, the Vatican would most certainly have been in a position to know about it. But because there was none, the Vatican had no reason to speak out against it, and didn’t.

53. What evidence is there that Hitler knew of an on-going Jewish extermination program?

54. Did the Nazis and the Zionists collaborate?
As early as 1933, Hitler’s government signed an agreement with the Zionists permitting Jews to emigrate fromGermany to Palestine, taking large amounts of capital with them.

55. How did Anne Frank die?
After surviving internment in Auschwitz, she succumbed to typhus in the Bergen-Belsen camp, just a few weeks before the end of the war. She was not gassed.

56. Is the Anne Frank Diary genuine?
No. Evidence compiled by Dr. Robert Faurisson of France establishes that the famous diary is a literary hoax.

57. What about the familiar photographs and film footage taken in the liberated German camps showing piles of emaciated corpses? Are these faked?
Photographs can be faked, but it’s far easier merely to add a misleading caption to a photo or commentary to apiece of footage. Piles of emaciated corpses do not mean that these people were "gassed" or deliberately starved to death. Actually, these were tragic victims of raging epidemics or of starvation due to a lack of food in the camps toward the end of the war.

58. Who originated the term "genocide"?
Raphael Lemkin, a Polish Jew, in a book published in 1944.

59. Are films such as "Schindler’s List" or "The Winds of War" documentaries?
No. Such films are fictional dramatizations loosely based on history. Unfortunately, all too many people accept them as accurate historical representations.

60. How many books have been published that refute some aspect of the standard "Holocaust" story?
Dozens. More are in production.

61. What happened when the Institute for Historical Review offered $50,000 to anyone who could prove that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz?
No proof was submitted as a claim on the reward, but the Institute was sued for $17 million by former Auschwitz inmate Mel Mermelstein, who claimed that the reward offer caused him to lose sleep and his business to suffer, and represented "injurious denial of established fact."

62. What about the charge that those who question the Holocaust story are merely anti-Semitic or neo-Nazi?
This is a smear designed to draw attention away from facts and honest arguments. Scholars who refute Holocaust story claims are of all persuasions and ethnic-religious backgrounds (including Jewish). There is no correlation between "Holocaust" refutation and anti-Semitism or neo-Nazism. Increasing numbers of Jewish scholars openly admit the lack of evidence for key Holocaust claims.

63. What has happened to "revisionist" historians who have challenged the Holocaust story?
They have been subjected to smear campaigns, loss of academic positions, loss of pensions, destruction of their property and physical violence.

64. Has the Institute for Historical Review suffered any retaliation for its efforts to uphold the right of freedom of speech and academic freedom?
The IHR had been bombed three times, and was completely destroyed on July 4, 1984, in a criminal arson attack. Numerous death threats by telephone have been received. Media coverage of the IHR has been overwhelmingly hostile.

65. Why is there so little publicity for the revisionist view?
Because for political reasons the Establishment does not want any in-depth discussion about the facts surrounding the Holocaust story.

66. Where can I get more information about the "other side" of the Holocaust story, as well as facts concerning other aspects of World War II historical revisionism?
The Institute for Historical Review, P.O. Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA 92659, carries a wide variety of books, cassette and video tapes on significant historical subjects.

This information originally published by:
The Institute for Historical Review
P.O. Box 2739
Newport Beach, California 92659
The official Holocaust story has more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese.

Today it has morphed into a giant ponzi scheme used by the zionist to extort guilt money from naive western people and governments.

The term "Holohoax" is a much better word to describe the absurd fantasy story that has been foisted on the public by the zionist controlled media.
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Historians are constantly revising well established "facts" of historical events as new information is discovered.

Only the so called Holocaust was set in stone early on and not open to discussion and debate by academics.
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Historians are constantly revising well established "facts" of historical events as new information is discovered.

Only the so called Holocaust was set in stone early on and not open to discussion and debate by academics.
Dismissing the information already established concerning the Holocaust is not equivalent to discovering new information. Believing the lies of other Holocaust deniers is not equivalent to discovery of new evidence. You and all other Holocaust deniers are simply misguided fools.
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Show me which ones are incorrect and the data proving it.
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Historians are constantly revising well established "facts" of historical events as new information is discovered.

Only the so called Holocaust was set in stone early on and not open to discussion and debate by academics.
Dismissing the information already established concerning the Holocaust is not equivalent to discovering new information. You and all other Holocaust deniers are simply misguided fools.
Personally, all that I advocate is for the "official" holocaust story to be opened for discussion and debate without reprisal and name calling.

It will soon be 70 years since WWII ended and it's time to reexamine the so called Holocaust and let the chips fall where they may.

All historical events eventually fall under the microscope of scholars and historians in order to sort out the truth.

The Holocaust should not be an exception........ :cool:
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Historians are constantly revising well established "facts" of historical events as new information is discovered.

Only the so called Holocaust was set in stone early on and not open to discussion and debate by academics.
Dismissing the information already established concerning the Holocaust is not equivalent to discovering new information. You and all other Holocaust deniers are simply misguided fools.
Personally, all that I advocate is for the "official" holocaust story to be opened for discussion and debate without reprisal and name calling.

It will soon be 70 years since WWII ended and it's time to reexamine the so called Holocaust and let the chips fall where they may.

All historical events eventually fall under the microscope of scholars and historians in order to sort out the truth.

The Holocaust should not be an exception........ :cool:
It is open for discussion and debate. All topics are open for discussion and debate...including the historical fact that man has walked on the moon. There are still some imbecilic deniers of that achievement...having made up stories such as its having been filmed filmed in the desert and replayed in slow motion, and pointing out that there is no wind on the moon so the flag could not have stood out from the pole (despite its being supported by a stick attached perpendicularly to the pole). These people are misguided fools too.

Most of those that were imprisoned in the death camps and witnessed the horror of it are dead now. Much of the evidence has been destroyed. We can thank Eisenhower for ordering that pictures be taken.

General Dwight Eisenhower said:
The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they [there] were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit [to Gotha] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to “propaganda.”

It may have been less than 6 million Jews...say even as few as 4 million. That does not take away from the evidence of its having happened.
for those who are unfamiliar with the fact of islamo Nazi propaganda-----you lucky folks have me. I was under 10 years of age when I first ecountered the islamo Nazi propaganda-----at that time I was quite naïve and certainly not educated in
geography, or history or anthropology. I read the old beat up pamphlets (starting
before 1960) simply because they were THERE----and they were all about "JOOOS"

ok---now for the pertinent information-----the islamo Nazi literature I read was largely written by Nazi war criminals----who ---as it turned out lived in countries---
named "Egypt" and "Syria" but some of it was written in the USA and Germany---the stuff from the USA and Germany--was written in the 1930s---
and in the 1940s. Besides JOOOOS----the issues were "blue-eyed gentiles"---
and "arabs" As a child I did hear a bit about concentration camps----having
relatives who were murdered over there. One of my playmates---MOTHER ---
was sent to England about 1935-----from Germany. Her parents died in Germany.---and lots of other people. There always seemed to be CANDLES--
burning in her kitchen----the things called "yartzeit" candles. Thus at about age 10 and up-------I found out that all those people who died----my grandfather's brothers and their wives and kids-----the whole mess of people related to the girl
next door------were not really killed--------according to the people who wrote the
islamo Nazi stuff WAY BACK in the 1930s and since. Holocaust denial dates all
the way back to the mid 1930s. ----thus I asked my mom---"how old were you when
you first knew jews were being killed in Germany"? "when did you father first know"? she recounted specific events and discussions that took place when she was 16 years old--- 1936. Back there in 1960----I noticed that while the
girl whose parents were born in Germany knew about "HITLER"------my gentile
friends had no idea-------and when the issue came up----they tended to deny it and did not want to know. The movie DIARY OF ANNE FRANK ---came to my town
very quickly because one of the actors was FROM OUR TOWN------lots of
people OBJECTED-------simply did not want to know. Holocaust denial
precedes the holocaust-----the entire "philosophy" of islamo Nazism DEPENDS
ON IT-------in fact THE CALIPHATE depends on it.------Keep in mind----like the
THIRD REICH-----the CALIPHATE is a totalitarian UTOPIAN STATE-----both depend on creating a "history"------something like 1984-----of the 1960 (?) novel that also described a TOTALITARAN UTOPIAN SOCIETY

always remember----the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE----denied the Armenian
genocide until -----they gave in a little this year. Baghdadi's caliphate----
will also DENY
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Historians are constantly revising well established "facts" of historical events as new information is discovered.

Only the so called Holocaust was set in stone early on and not open to discussion and debate by academics.
Dismissing the information already established concerning the Holocaust is not equivalent to discovering new information. You and all other Holocaust deniers are simply misguided fools.
Personally, all that I advocate is for the "official" holocaust story to be opened for discussion and debate without reprisal and name calling.

It will soon be 70 years since WWII ended and it's time to reexamine the so called Holocaust and let the chips fall where they may.

All historical events eventually fall under the microscope of scholars and historians in order to sort out the truth.

The Holocaust should not be an exception........ :cool:
It is open for discussion and debate...just as is our having landed on the moon. There are still imbecilic fools that claim it was filmed in the desert and played back in slow motion. There are imbecilic fools that will forever deny that the Holocaust happened.

Most of the eye witnesses are dead now. This makes it much simpler for deniers to mislead others into thinking it never happened.

It may be that fewer than 6 million Jews were murdered...say even it was just 4 million. That does not justify denial of its happening, nor does it lessen the hideousness of the campaign.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower 8220 The things I saw beggar description 8230 8221 Scrapbookpages Blog
“The things I saw beggar description…The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering…I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations to propaganda.”--Dwight Eisenhower
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Historians are constantly revising well established "facts" of historical events as new information is discovered.

Only the so called Holocaust was set in stone early on and not open to discussion and debate by academics.
Dismissing the information already established concerning the Holocaust is not equivalent to discovering new information. You and all other Holocaust deniers are simply misguided fools.
Personally, all that I advocate is for the "official" holocaust story to be opened for discussion and debate without reprisal and name calling.

It will soon be 70 years since WWII ended and it's time to reexamine the so called Holocaust and let the chips fall where they may.

All historical events eventually fall under the microscope of scholars and historians in order to sort out the truth.

The Holocaust should not be an exception........ :cool:
It is open for discussion and debate. All topics are open for discussion and debate...including the historical fact that man has walked on the moon. There are still some imbecilic deniers of that achievement...having made up stories such as its having been filmed filmed in the desert and replayed in slow motion, and pointing out that there is no wind on the moon so the flag could not have stood out from the pole (despite its being supported by a stick attached perpendicularly to the pole). These people are misguided fools too.

Most of those that were imprisoned in the death camps and witnessed the horror of it are dead now. Much of the evidence has been destroyed. We can thank Eisenhower for ordering that pictures be taken.

General Dwight Eisenhower said:
The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they [there] were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit [to Gotha] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to “propaganda.”

It may have been less than 6 million Jews...say even as few as 4 million. That does not take away from the evidence of its having happened.

no one was "gassed"...no one was "marched into ovens". The premise is ridiculous on the face of it.

44 million "gentiles" were killed in WWII...I don't see the jews wailing about that.

Over 20 million people were killed in/after the russian revolution by jews...they don't wail about that...

but oy vey!..the NAZIS...HITLER! ....ANTISEMITISM!
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Historians are constantly revising well established "facts" of historical events as new information is discovered.

Only the so called Holocaust was set in stone early on and not open to discussion and debate by academics.
Dismissing the information already established concerning the Holocaust is not equivalent to discovering new information. You and all other Holocaust deniers are simply misguided fools.
Personally, all that I advocate is for the "official" holocaust story to be opened for discussion and debate without reprisal and name calling.

It will soon be 70 years since WWII ended and it's time to reexamine the so called Holocaust and let the chips fall where they may.

All historical events eventually fall under the microscope of scholars and historians in order to sort out the truth.

The Holocaust should not be an exception........ :cool:
It is open for discussion and debate. All topics are open for discussion and debate...including the historical fact that man has walked on the moon. There are still some imbecilic deniers of that achievement...having made up stories such as its having been filmed filmed in the desert and replayed in slow motion, and pointing out that there is no wind on the moon so the flag could not have stood out from the pole (despite its being supported by a stick attached perpendicularly to the pole). These people are misguided fools too.

Most of those that were imprisoned in the death camps and witnessed the horror of it are dead now. Much of the evidence has been destroyed. We can thank Eisenhower for ordering that pictures be taken.

General Dwight Eisenhower said:
The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they [there] were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit [to Gotha] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to “propaganda.”

It may have been less than 6 million Jews...say even as few as 4 million. That does not take away from the evidence of its having happened.

no one was "gassed"...no one was "marched into ovens". The premise is ridiculous on the face of it.

44 million "gentiles" were killed in WWII...I don't see the jews wailing about that.

Over 20 million people were killed in/after the russian revolution by jews...they don't wail about that...

but oy vey!..the NAZIS...HITLER! ....ANTISEMITISM!

In view of evidence to the contrary, all you foolish deniers can do is:

Here! Chew on this for a while.
Proving the Gas Chambers Crematoria
Revisionists point out that Broad's four minutes for the total process is at odds with the statements of others such as the commandant Hoess, who claim it was more like 20 minutes. Because of these minor discrepancies, revisionists dismiss the account entirely (Cole, 1994). But this is an inappropriate use of historical data. A dozen different accounts give a dozen different figures for time of death by gassing. Does the fact that their times are not perfectly matched mean that people were not actually gassed at all? Of course not. In fact, the gassing process would take different lengths of time due to any number of conditions, including the temperature (Zyklon-B dispersal depends on the air temperature), number of people in the room, the size of the room, and the amount of gas poured into the room; not to mention the psychological differences in time perception by different observers. If the estimation of times were exactly the same, in fact, we would have to be suspicious that they were all taking their story from a single account.

Revisionists make a similar argument about the confession of SS- Obersturmbannfuehrer Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz from May 20, 1940 to November 11, 1943. Hoess made his statement on April 5, 1946, completely unaware of Pery Broad's memoir (and vice versa). Further, the Nuremberg Tribunal, when trying Hoess, were also unaware of the Broad document. This is important because even if revisionists completely discount the Hoess testimony, which they do (Cole, 1994, Weber, 1994b), they still have the problem of explaining why the two accounts coincide so well. Hoess talks about the temporary gassing experiments at Auschwitz I, the two "Bunkers" at Birkenau, the construction of the four large structures at Birkenau that included undressing rooms, gas chambers, and crematoria, just like Broad.
Last edited:
In view of evidence to the contrary, all you foolish deniers can do is:

What proof do you have that 6 million jews were killed by nazis?

Where are they?

If germany wanted to "kill jews" why did they take the trouble to round them up, guard them (in wartime where they needed every man), divert trains (in wartime when they needed every bit of supplies) to transport them, build camps to hold them for years, just to (allegedly) march them into "gas chambers" and "ovens"?

Germany is known for efficiency. If they wanted to kill jews they could have dropped them where they stood and save all the time and trouble.

Do the math..in order to kill 6 million jews it would require "gassing" over 4000 every day...24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 1460 days.

then there are the bodies to be removed and disposed of..that would take thousands of troops ..24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 1460 days....all this during a war you were steadily losing..

Not even remotely plausible.
The official Holocaust story has more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese.

Today it has morphed into a giant ponzi scheme used by the zionist to extort guilt money from naive western people and governments.

The term "Holohoax" is a much better word to describe the absurd fantasy story that has been foisted on the public by the zionist controlled media.

in the Islamic world---sing song parroting of nonsense is considered
"GENIUS" In fact the crap is done five times per day----during which
time idiots repeat muhummad ibn kanzeer and some other
meaningless syllables and on Friday afternoon there is an event
called KHUTBAH JUMAAT which is Arabic for "weekly feces fling"
Saturday is a good day for anyone to learn just what feces was flung
on the preceding Friday-------the post above---is an example of

the faces flingers of the mosques are generally illiterate ---
besides being unwashed and smelly ------the term "zionist controlled
media" merely reflects the anxiety of the mosque feces flingers
Like many other unwashed illiterates----the feces flingers
of the mosques blame their own stench on anyone who can read.
ZIONISTS have been GENERALLT literate for the past 2500 years---
In shariah cesspits ----it was, at times, ONLY the Zionists who
could read and write.---------a fact which frightens the kanzeerin
of the mosques
Last edited:
I am not equipped to perform the research necessary to convince you of the truth. I leave you with a well researched (and reference-filled) expose found on Wikipedia.

Criticism of Holocaust denial - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I suggest you read it...at least to a point a bit beyond halfway down the page...where the existence of gas chambers is discussed (and documented)

...and you might be enlightened by reading from the following links.

Of course, the only response I expect from you is....

The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Historians are constantly revising well established "facts" of historical events as new information is discovered.

Only the so called Holocaust was set in stone early on and not open to discussion and debate by academics.
Dismissing the information already established concerning the Holocaust is not equivalent to discovering new information. You and all other Holocaust deniers are simply misguided fools.
Personally, all that I advocate is for the "official" holocaust story to be opened for discussion and debate without reprisal and name calling.

It will soon be 70 years since WWII ended and it's time to reexamine the so called Holocaust and let the chips fall where they may.

All historical events eventually fall under the microscope of scholars and historians in order to sort out the truth.

The Holocaust should not be an exception........ :cool:
It is open for discussion and debate. All topics are open for discussion and debate...including the historical fact that man has walked on the moon. There are still some imbecilic deniers of that achievement...having made up stories such as its having been filmed filmed in the desert and replayed in slow motion, and pointing out that there is no wind on the moon so the flag could not have stood out from the pole (despite its being supported by a stick attached perpendicularly to the pole). These people are misguided fools too.

Most of those that were imprisoned in the death camps and witnessed the horror of it are dead now. Much of the evidence has been destroyed. We can thank Eisenhower for ordering that pictures be taken.

General Dwight Eisenhower said:
The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they [there] were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit [to Gotha] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to “propaganda.”

It may have been less than 6 million Jews...say even as few as 4 million. That does not take away from the evidence of its having happened.

no one was "gassed"...no one was "marched into ovens". The premise is ridiculous on the face of it.

44 million "gentiles" were killed in WWII...I don't see the jews wailing about that.

Over 20 million people were killed in/after the russian revolution by jews...they don't wail about that...

but oy vey!..the NAZIS...HITLER! ....ANTISEMITISM!

In view of evidence to the contrary, all you foolish deniers can do is:

Here! Chew on this for a while.
Proving the Gas Chambers Crematoria
Revisionists point out that Broad's four minutes for the total process is at odds with the statements of others such as the commandant Hoess, who claim it was more like 20 minutes. Because of these minor discrepancies, revisionists dismiss the account entirely (Cole, 1994). But this is an inappropriate use of historical data. A dozen different accounts give a dozen different figures for time of death by gassing. Does the fact that their times are not perfectly matched mean that people were not actually gassed at all? Of course not. In fact, the gassing process would take different lengths of time due to any number of conditions, including the temperature (Zyklon-B dispersal depends on the air temperature), number of people in the room, the size of the room, and the amount of gas poured into the room; not to mention the psychological differences in time perception by different observers. If the estimation of times were exactly the same, in fact, we would have to be suspicious that they were all taking their story from a single account.

Revisionists make a similar argument about the confession of SS- Obersturmbannfuehrer Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz from May 20, 1940 to November 11, 1943. Hoess made his statement on April 5, 1946, completely unaware of Pery Broad's memoir (and vice versa). Further, the Nuremberg Tribunal, when trying Hoess, were also unaware of the Broad document. This is important because even if revisionists completely discount the Hoess testimony, which they do (Cole, 1994, Weber, 1994b), they still have the problem of explaining why the two accounts coincide so well. Hoess talks about the temporary gassing experiments at Auschwitz I, the two "Bunkers" at Birkenau, the construction of the four large structures at Birkenau that included undressing rooms, gas chambers, and crematoria, just like Broad.

Hoess was tortured while in custody and with his life on the line would tell them anything they wanted to hear....

The math doesn't add up...like I said in post #735.
I'm not going around and around over the same ground arguing over minutia.

Some jews died in WWII...tough..

44 million gentiles were killed. You don't see us waving a bloody shirt around to keep people agitated 70 years later.

What about the 20 million people murdered by russian jews during/after the 1917 russian revolution?

Lucky for you christians don't seek revenge for all of that...but..american gvmt has been infiltrated and subverted..The "israel first" faction have warped the process while playing the "poor mistreated jews" card for sympathy.

There are valid reasons jews have been historically despised (essentially) worldwide.
Look to yourself for the reasons and stop trying to blame others.
After all..you're "gods chosen people"..and we're just "goyim, shiksas and unclean"...
maybe that supremacist attitude has something to do with the universal dislike?..just sayin...
The official Holocaust story has more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese.

Today it has morphed into a giant ponzi scheme used by the zionist to extort guilt money from naive western people and governments.

The term "Holohoax" is a much better word to describe the absurd fantasy story that has been foisted on the public by the zionist controlled media.

in the Islamic world---sing song parroting of nonsense is considered
"GENIUS" In fact the crap is done five times per day----during which
time idiots repeat muhummad ibn kanzeer and some other
meaningless syllables and on Friday afternoon there is an event
called KHUTBAH JUMAAT which is Arabic for "weekly feces fling"
Saturday is a good day for anyone to learn just what feces was flung
on the preceding Friday-------the post above---is an example of

the faces flingers of the mosques are generally illiterate ---
besides being unwashed and smelly ------the term "zionist controlled
media" merely reflects the anxiety of the mosque feces flingers
Like many other unwashed illiterates----the feces flingers
of the mosques blame their own stench on anyone who can read.
ZIONISTS have been GENERALLT literate for the past 2500 years---
In shariah cesspits ----it was, at times, ONLY the Zionists who
could read and write.---------a fact which frightens the kanzeerin
of the mosques
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Historians are constantly revising well established "facts" of historical events as new information is discovered.

Only the so called Holocaust was set in stone early on and not open to discussion and debate by academics.
Dismissing the information already established concerning the Holocaust is not equivalent to discovering new information. You and all other Holocaust deniers are simply misguided fools.
Personally, all that I advocate is for the "official" holocaust story to be opened for discussion and debate without reprisal and name calling.

It will soon be 70 years since WWII ended and it's time to reexamine the so called Holocaust and let the chips fall where they may.

All historical events eventually fall under the microscope of scholars and historians in order to sort out the truth.

The Holocaust should not be an exception........ :cool:
It is open for discussion and debate. All topics are open for discussion and debate...including the historical fact that man has walked on the moon. There are still some imbecilic deniers of that achievement...having made up stories such as its having been filmed filmed in the desert and replayed in slow motion, and pointing out that there is no wind on the moon so the flag could not have stood out from the pole (despite its being supported by a stick attached perpendicularly to the pole). These people are misguided fools too.

Most of those that were imprisoned in the death camps and witnessed the horror of it are dead now. Much of the evidence has been destroyed. We can thank Eisenhower for ordering that pictures be taken.

General Dwight Eisenhower said:
The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they [there] were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit [to Gotha] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to “propaganda.”

It may have been less than 6 million Jews...say even as few as 4 million. That does not take away from the evidence of its having happened.

no one was "gassed"...no one was "marched into ovens". The premise is ridiculous on the face of it.

44 million "gentiles" were killed in WWII...I don't see the jews wailing about that.

Over 20 million people were killed in/after the russian revolution by jews...they don't wail about that...

but oy vey!..the NAZIS...HITLER! ....ANTISEMITISM!

how would an islamo Nazi pig like you KNOW -----about what jews "wail"???

an interesting factoid-----I knew about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE----when I was
only seven years old. My mom told me. By that time I already knew a tiny
bit about HITLER and "CONCENTRATION CAMPS" and the fact that----
there is a reason why -----unlike my gentile neighbors-----I HAD NO COUSINS----
no possibility of giant COUSIN PICNICS -------and my friend whose mom
was transported out of Germany circa 1935----also had no cousins. No cousins
even though my grandfather was one of SEVEN SONS------well---the others never
made it out of Austria. --------there were a few snapshots of children-----in my grand-
mother's house------those Austrian cousins.

getting back to the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE-----my mom told me when I was about seven-----As I grew up not only did I find out that most of my gentile friends knew
nothing about HITLER----or concentration camps or the KINDERTRANSPORT--
that had saved the mother of our mutual playmate-----NONE ever heard of the
ARMENIAN GENOCIDE-----------decades later I sat by the deathbed of an aged
women-----Armenian------who recounted her childhood experience----the murder
of her parents, her sibs and all of her village----by the turks. Both she and my
supervisor in the hospital were SURPRISED that I knew about that event-----the TURKS DENIED IT
The official Holocaust story has more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese.

Today it has morphed into a giant ponzi scheme used by the zionist to extort guilt money from naive western people and governments.

The term "Holohoax" is a much better word to describe the absurd fantasy story that has been foisted on the public by the zionist controlled media.

in the Islamic world---sing song parroting of nonsense is considered
"GENIUS" In fact the crap is done five times per day----during which
time idiots repeat muhummad ibn kanzeer and some other
meaningless syllables and on Friday afternoon there is an event
called KHUTBAH JUMAAT which is Arabic for "weekly feces fling"
Saturday is a good day for anyone to learn just what feces was flung
on the preceding Friday-------the post above---is an example of

the faces flingers of the mosques are generally illiterate ---
besides being unwashed and smelly ------the term "zionist controlled
media" merely reflects the anxiety of the mosque feces flingers
Like many other unwashed illiterates----the feces flingers
of the mosques blame their own stench on anyone who can read.
ZIONISTS have been GENERALLT literate for the past 2500 years---
In shariah cesspits ----it was, at times, ONLY the Zionists who
could read and write.---------a fact which frightens the kanzeerin
of the mosques
The Institute for Historical Review is misnamed. It should be INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVISIONISM --

The "information" above ^^^^ is nothing more than conspiracy theory promoted under the guise of academic freedom.
Historians are constantly revising well established "facts" of historical events as new information is discovered.

Only the so called Holocaust was set in stone early on and not open to discussion and debate by academics.
Dismissing the information already established concerning the Holocaust is not equivalent to discovering new information. You and all other Holocaust deniers are simply misguided fools.
Personally, all that I advocate is for the "official" holocaust story to be opened for discussion and debate without reprisal and name calling.

It will soon be 70 years since WWII ended and it's time to reexamine the so called Holocaust and let the chips fall where they may.

All historical events eventually fall under the microscope of scholars and historians in order to sort out the truth.

The Holocaust should not be an exception........ :cool:
It is open for discussion and debate. All topics are open for discussion and debate...including the historical fact that man has walked on the moon. There are still some imbecilic deniers of that achievement...having made up stories such as its having been filmed filmed in the desert and replayed in slow motion, and pointing out that there is no wind on the moon so the flag could not have stood out from the pole (despite its being supported by a stick attached perpendicularly to the pole). These people are misguided fools too.

Most of those that were imprisoned in the death camps and witnessed the horror of it are dead now. Much of the evidence has been destroyed. We can thank Eisenhower for ordering that pictures be taken.

General Dwight Eisenhower said:
The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they [there] were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit [to Gotha] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to “propaganda.”

It may have been less than 6 million Jews...say even as few as 4 million. That does not take away from the evidence of its having happened.

no one was "gassed"...no one was "marched into ovens". The premise is ridiculous on the face of it.

44 million "gentiles" were killed in WWII...I don't see the jews wailing about that.

Over 20 million people were killed in/after the russian revolution by jews...they don't wail about that...

but oy vey!..the NAZIS...HITLER! ....ANTISEMITISM!

how would an islamo Nazi pig like you KNOW -----about what jews "wail"???

an interesting factoid-----I knew about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE----when I was
only seven years old. My mom told me. By that time I already knew a tiny
bit about HITLER and "CONCENTRATION CAMPS" and the fact that----
there is a reason why -----unlike my gentile neighbors-----I HAD NO COUSINS----
no possibility of giant COUSIN PICNICS -------and my friend whose mom
was transported out of Germany circa 1935----also had no cousins. No cousins
even though my grandfather was one of SEVEN SONS------well---the others never
made it out of Austria. --------there were a few snapshots of children-----in my grand-
mother's house------those Austrian cousins.

getting back to the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE-----my mom told me when I was about seven-----As I grew up not only did I find out that most of my gentile friends knew
nothing about HITLER----or concentration camps or the KINDERTRANSPORT--
that had saved the mother of our mutual playmate-----NONE ever heard of the
ARMENIAN GENOCIDE-----------decades later I sat by the deathbed of an aged
women-----Armenian------who recounted her childhood experience----the murder
of her parents, her sibs and all of her village----by the turks. Both she and my
supervisor in the hospital were SURPRISED that I knew about that event-----the TURKS DENIED IT

Nothing on 44 million gentiles killed in WWII...only jewish deaths matter..

Nothing on the 20 million people that jews killed during/after the russian revolution in 1917...only jewish deaths matter.

but oy vey!..the poor jews!..so mistreated!

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