Holder.. Screwing Over The Citizens..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Damn.. Does this Eric Holder/Obama/Democratic Party Corruption have a limit?.....Nope...it doesn't..

-------------------- The (no shame) Democratic Party screws over the American Citizens...:wtf:

Eric Holder’s kickbacks for community organizers

The government has quite the tidy little deal going in terms of getting money out of large banking interests lately. The latest example was the $13B dollar “settlement” reached with JP Morgan, which certainly must have taught them a thing or two. But some observers have been digging into the details of the deal and finding that it might be even sweeter for certain progressive interest groups than anyone had previously imagined. Rather than simply settling for the smug satisfaction of seeing some Wall Street Fat Cats get taken down a peg or two, how about getting your hands on some of the cash yourself?

It seems Attorney General Eric Holder has created a multi-million dollar backdoor kickback for activist groups in the $13 billion JP Morgan Chase subprime loan deal recently settled, WND reports.

It appears the Obama administration has a strategy for reviving subprime mortgage lending by coercing banks to fund community organizing groups that may once more put low-income families into mortgages beyond their means.

But wait… you can’t just take the penalty money and hand it out to your friends, can you? According to the breakdown from Investors.com, apparently you can.

Eric Holder?s kickbacks for community organizers « Hot Air
Doesn't funding of Acorn groups come from Congress? Doesn't funding of this type come from Congress? It seems to me that courts or something should be involved with the handling of these funds. Is this just another scandal between these two? I hope there is more investigation into this.
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Doesn't funding of Acorn groups come from Congress? Doesn't funding of this type come from Congress? It seems to me that courts or something should be involved with the handling of these funds. Is this just another scandal between these two? I hope there is more investigation into this.

Looks like a shakedown for funds from J.P. Morgan Chase and the American taxpayer/homeowners are getting screwed over yet again by the Democratic Party Machine.
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Doesn't funding of Acorn groups come from Congress? Doesn't funding of this type come from Congress? It seems to me that courts or something should be involved with the handling of these funds. Is this just another scandal between these two? I hope there is more investigation into this.

Looks like a shakedown for funds from J.P. Morgan Chase and the American taxpayer/homeowners are getting screwed over yet again by the Democratic Party Machine.

Three more years.....:eek:
Doesn't funding of Acorn groups come from Congress? Doesn't funding of this type come from Congress? It seems to me that courts or something should be involved with the handling of these funds. Is this just another scandal between these two? I hope there is more investigation into this.

Looks like a shakedown for funds from J.P. Morgan Chase and the American taxpayer/homeowners are getting screwed over yet again by the Democratic Party Machine.

Three more years.....:eek:

Way too long but we're stuck with it..
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