
You invented a 1C increase based upon the fictional accounting
Everyone understands. All the data says you're a delusional crank. Being honest is not an option for those in your cult, since honest people are ejected from your cult, and the cult is your life. Thus, you see making up an idiot story about fake data as your only viable option.

Since you're openly rejecting reality, there's no point talking to you. You're comic relief. That's why the normal people, upon seeing you, just twirl a finger around their ear and walk away.
Everyone understands. All the data says you're a delusional crank. Being honest is not an option for those in your cult, since honest people are ejected from your cult, and the cult is your life. Thus, you see making up an idiot story about fake data as your only viable option.

Since you're openly rejecting reality, there's no point talking to you. You're comic relief. That's why the normal people, upon seeing you, just twirl a finger around their ear and walk away.

We've been asking for someone, anyone to post an experiment controlling for 120PPM increase in CO2. Recently, Old Rocks posted an experiment that used 100% CO2 which showed a temperature delta of 0 to 20F.

Now, unless you're telling us that the first 120PPM of CO2 has magical properties, it means that CO2 does not generate the "excess heat" your Theory supposes.

Your reply is always, "Come on, Man! Everyone knows 120PPM of CO2 generates 1C!!"
Just like the round-earth high priests have spoken, and only brainwashed sheep believe them.

Dave, being into his cult as deeply as flat-earthers are into their cult, has been reduced to using flat-earther logic. Sadly for him, his cult-inspired delusions have no affect on reality.

Normal people go where the data leads. Deniers go the opposite way, entirely because their political cult has ordered them to. If left wing politics vanished completely, climate science wouldn't change a bit. If right-wing politics vanished completely, denialism would instantly vanish along with it.

I do understand why the deniers here are so cranky. If all the facts, data and science said I was a deluded cult pissguzzler, and the whole world was laughing at my stupidity, I'd probably be as cranky as they are.
Sheer projection. You need a new act, Slappy. This one's old and busted.
We've been asking for someone, anyone to post an experiment controlling for 120PPM increase in CO2.

We have that experiment. It's called "earth". It's reality, and you deny it. Hence, we correctly classify you as "denier".

Recently, Old Rocks posted an experiment that used 100% CO2 which showed a temperature delta of 0 to 20F.
Was it done over the whole earth?


Then someone would have to be profoundly stupid to apply it to the whole earth.

Now, unless you're telling us that the first 120PPM of CO2 has magical properties, it means that CO2 does not generate the "excess heat" your Theory supposes.
Again, that's retarded because temperature change in a box can not be transferred to temperature change of the whole earth.

You can't really be as stupid as you look here. You must be trolling, right?

Notice how even the other deniers won't jump on your idiot bandwagon? That should give you some idea of just how stupid you sound.

Your reply is always, "Come on, Man! Everyone knows 120PPM of CO2 generates 1C!!"
If you're going to lie for the glory of fascism, don't lie so badly. You know I've never said or implied such a thing.

If you're just going to lie openly, there's no point in speaking to you. After all, we know you'll just lie again. In order for this conversation to continue, you'll have to admit to lying, apologize for it, and then pledge to stop doing it.
We have that experiment. It's called "earth". It's reality, and you deny it. Hence, we correctly classify you as "denier".

Was it done over the whole earth?


Then someone would have to be profoundly stupid to apply it to the whole earth.

Again, that's retarded because temperature change in a box can not be transferred to temperature change of the whole earth.

You can't really be as stupid as you look here. You must be trolling, right?

Notice how even the other deniers won't jump on your idiot bandwagon? That should give you some idea of just how stupid you sound.

If you're going to lie for the glory of fascism, don't lie so badly. You know I've never said or implied such a thing.

If you're just going to lie openly, there's no point in speaking to you. After all, we know you'll just lie again. In order for this conversation to continue, you'll have to admit to lying, apologize for it, and then pledge to stop doing it.

So, all you have is your collected Feelz that CO2 is "warming the planet" which causes "Climate Change"....that's not science.

All we know for certain is that 120PPM of CO2 has almost no measurable effect on temperature
We have that experiment. It's called "earth". It's reality, and you deny it. Hence, we correctly classify you as "denier".

Was it done over the whole earth?


Then someone would have to be profoundly stupid to apply it to the whole earth.

Again, that's retarded because temperature change in a box can not be transferred to temperature change of the whole earth.

You can't really be as stupid as you look here. You must be trolling, right?

Notice how even the other deniers won't jump on your idiot bandwagon? That should give you some idea of just how stupid you sound.

If you're going to lie for the glory of fascism, don't lie so badly. You know I've never said or implied such a thing.

If you're just going to lie openly, there's no point in speaking to you. After all, we know you'll just lie again. In order for this conversation to continue, you'll have to admit to lying, apologize for it, and then pledge to stop doing it.

We can't ever show you that 120PPM of CO2 is causing Global Climate Warming Change because there are far too many variables, just trust us, cuz, science! We have consensus!!
Everyone understands. All the data says you're a delusional crank. Being honest is not an option for those in your cult, since honest people are ejected from your cult, and the cult is your life. Thus, you see making up an idiot story about fake data as your only viable option.

Since you're openly rejecting reality, there's no point talking to you. You're comic relief. That's why the normal people, upon seeing you, just twirl a finger around their ear and walk away.

Show us where the "data" is mattering? :iyfyus.jpg:

The energy policy-makers could not possibly care less. They are obviously not impressed with the "data" presented by the AGW obsessed. :bye1:

Links please!

You stupidly misunderstood my comments or dishonestly misrepresented them.

I said "all the evidence". All of it.

Can you post the "Evidence" that an additional 120PPM of CO2 will have a measurable effect on temperature?

No, you can't

And since 120PPM of CO2 has no measurable effect on temperature how can you say it's causing global climate warming change?
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Why would I need to do that?

Would you like the email address of a climate scientist?

Please post the responses here.

How do you think that's going to go?

You won't do that. Maybe you're afraid of asking a question?

Give me the address, I'm happy to ask.

BTW I contacted the lab that did the Mythbusters Fake AGW "experiment" and they never responded - probably embarrassed they lied so obviously
The sun made the inside of my car get very hot.

According to Franktard logic, that means the whole planet should get just as hot.

He really is a special type of stoopid.
We've done so many times. You've run every time.

Since you'll just run again, what's the point? Everyone already understands how gutless you are, so there's no need to highlight it again.

It just feeeeeeelllzzzzzz like 120PPM of CO2 raises temperature; it just does.


See, right there under my pinkie is the evidence I showed mamooth that 120PPM of CO2 raises temperature - by a lot too!!!
The biggest problem is how the AGW Backers cucked real scientists into silently acquiescing to the AGW scam. Can you imagine an MIT astrophysicist who has to be silent rather than challenge the fake science?

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