Hitler's circle of evil: Netflix


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Interesting series. I haven't read Hitler in depth, but I really had no idea that the people that surrounded Hitler were responsible for a great deal of the atrocities committed by his regime. Mein Kampf for instance would have never been written if not for Rudolph Hess's insistence that he write a book. And Hess heavily rewrote Hitler's words and injected much of it himself.
I didn't know that Hitler was against rounding up the jews at first, and that it was Goebbels who began persecuting them in the beginning. And Hitler had little to do with the building/planning of the concentration camps, but it was Himmler. Unlike Goebbels who wanted to publicly kidnap/kill jews, Himmler wanted it to be done out of sight of the German people. And thus built the camps, and gas chambers to quietly mass murder them out of the public eye.
Not to defend Hitler, of course he was an absolute monster... but he was way more off hands than I knew.

Well sure, just like Obama was "off hands" when it came to the IRS targeting conservatives or "hands off" when it came to running guns across the border to drug lords.

Not to compare Hitler to Obama, but the point is that those at the top don't want any dirt attached to their name if such illegal activity is discovered. It should then not be that surprising.
I thought this was going to be a netflix bashing thread. I mean, netflix has its issues, but I wouldn't call it Hitler's circle of evil.

And speaking of Hitler, Votto's propaganda is in the same style as Nazi propaganda. Not to compare Votto to a Nazi, but the point is it should not be surprising how he uses the same tactics.
Well sure, just like Obama was "off hands" when it came to the IRS targeting conservatives or "hands off" when it came to running guns across the border to drug lords.

Not to compare Hitler to Obama, but the point is that those at the top don't want any dirt attached to their name if such illegal activity is discovered. It should then not be that surprising.
Oh for sure to an extent. No one did anything without Hitlers approval, but over the years in history classes, movies, books I have read on WW II... documentaries... all of his inner circle leaders were more described as facilitators under his iron rule. But apparently that is not how it was at all. I always thought Hitler was a micro manager of sorts... everything had to go through him in detail. Flat out not the case.
Meh, while this particular documentary may be interesting or even correct I don't trust anything in a documentary at all.

Just take a look at Michael Moore's filmography.
I have done some looking into this on the web as well, seems to be quite true.
Hitler was more of an easily manipulated figure head than an actual hands on ruler in many things.
He would give a general order per say... like "Hey Rohm go bomb Britian, do it this week... let me know your plan". And Rohm would plan it all out. And apparently this is basically how things went across the board.
Hitler spent a great deal of time at his Berghof personal resort. The actual work was done by others.
I have done some looking into this on the web as well, seems to be quite true.
Hitler was more of an easily manipulated figure head than an actual hands on ruler in many things.
He would give a general order per say... like "Hey Rohm go bomb Britian, do it this week... let me know your plan". And Rohm would plan it all out. And apparently this is basically how things went across the board.
Hitler spent a great deal of time at his Berghof personal resort. The actual work was done by others.

Wasnt that the Eagles Nest?
I have done some looking into this on the web as well, seems to be quite true.
Hitler was more of an easily manipulated figure head than an actual hands on ruler in many things.
He would give a general order per say... like "Hey Rohm go bomb Britian, do it this week... let me know your plan". And Rohm would plan it all out. And apparently this is basically how things went across the board.
Hitler spent a great deal of time at his Berghof personal resort. The actual work was done by others.

Wasnt that the Eagles Nest?
Actually no, Eagles Nest was a small building above Berghof that was a gift to Hitler. Berghof is 100 times larger than the Eagles Nest.
I have done some looking into this on the web as well, seems to be quite true.
Hitler was more of an easily manipulated figure head than an actual hands on ruler in many things.
He would give a general order per say... like "Hey Rohm go bomb Britian, do it this week... let me know your plan". And Rohm would plan it all out. And apparently this is basically how things went across the board.
Hitler spent a great deal of time at his Berghof personal resort. The actual work was done by others.

Wasnt that the Eagles Nest?
Actually no, Eagles Nest was a small building above Berghof that was a gift to Hitler. Berghof is 100 times larger than the Eagles Nest.

Apparently the whole gift thing isnt true.

And the town was Berchtesgaden.
Interesting series. I haven't read Hitler in depth, but I really had no idea that the people that surrounded Hitler were responsible for a great deal of the atrocities committed by his regime. Mein Kampf for instance would have never been written if not for Rudolph Hess's insistence that he write a book. And Hess heavily rewrote Hitler's words and injected much of it himself.
I didn't know that Hitler was against rounding up the jews at first, and that it was Goebbels who began persecuting them in the beginning. And Hitler had little to do with the building/planning of the concentration camps, but it was Himmler. Unlike Goebbels who wanted to publicly kidnap/kill jews, Himmler wanted it to be done out of sight of the German people. And thus built the camps, and gas chambers to quietly mass murder them out of the public eye.
Not to defend Hitler, of course he was an absolute monster... but he was way more off hands than I knew.

Hilarious Clinton said it best, "it takes a village to raise a monster." Well, that last part is mine, I must confess, but it fits the theme and author.
Interesting to me...like I say I never really delved all that deep into Hitler and the Third Reich. Everything I have ever seen always painted Hitler as the driving force of all of the terrible events done by the Nazis. The camps/holocaust etc. But that simply isn't true. Hitler was psychopath. He was a narcissistic egomaniac. He indeed was a racist, an extreme nationalist - all of these things.
The Final Solution.... the infamous creed and document all loyalist had to sign. - He wasn't the author, it was Reinhard Heydrich.
The concentration camps and wholesale mass murdering Jews.... Himmler. Heydrich was having jews dig deep trenches and lining them up and shooting them. Himmler didn't like the "messiness" of this and wanted it to be more organized, so he and Heydrich devised the gas chambers. - Hitler approved them, but he didn't think of them.
In fact at the beginning Hitler wasn't interested or motivated to even beat jews...that was Goebbels that used the SA troops to start riots and beat jews. Hitler was worried everyday Germans wouldn't accept the violence... he himself had no problem with it, but was worried about the political fallout.

Not in any way trying to defend Hitler in any way. Absolute mad man.
But he wasn't really the one who sought out to eradicate jews, and certainly not by genocide.
That was a combination of Goebbels, Himmler and Heydrich.
Interesting to me...like I say I never really delved all that deep into Hitler and the Third Reich. Everything I have ever seen always painted Hitler as the driving force of all of the terrible events done by the Nazis. The camps/holocaust etc. But that simply isn't true. Hitler was psychopath. He was a narcissistic egomaniac. He indeed was a racist, an extreme nationalist - all of these things.
The Final Solution.... the infamous creed and document all loyalist had to sign. - He wasn't the author, it was Reinhard Heydrich.
The concentration camps and wholesale mass murdering Jews.... Himmler. Heydrich was having jews dig deep trenches and lining them up and shooting them. Himmler didn't like the "messiness" of this and wanted it to be more organized, so he and Heydrich devised the gas chambers. - Hitler approved them, but he didn't think of them.
In fact at the beginning Hitler wasn't interested or motivated to even beat jews...that was Goebbels that used the SA troops to start riots and beat jews. Hitler was worried everyday Germans wouldn't accept the violence... he himself had no problem with it, but was worried about the political fallout.

Not in any way trying to defend Hitler in any way. Absolute mad man.
But he wasn't really the one who sought out to eradicate jews, and certainly not by genocide.
That was a combination of Goebbels, Himmler and Heydrich.
no hitler = no WW2 = no Holocaust/etc ..he was the driving force
Interesting to me...like I say I never really delved all that deep into Hitler and the Third Reich. Everything I have ever seen always painted Hitler as the driving force of all of the terrible events done by the Nazis. The camps/holocaust etc. But that simply isn't true. Hitler was psychopath. He was a narcissistic egomaniac. He indeed was a racist, an extreme nationalist - all of these things.
The Final Solution.... the infamous creed and document all loyalist had to sign. - He wasn't the author, it was Reinhard Heydrich.
The concentration camps and wholesale mass murdering Jews.... Himmler. Heydrich was having jews dig deep trenches and lining them up and shooting them. Himmler didn't like the "messiness" of this and wanted it to be more organized, so he and Heydrich devised the gas chambers. - Hitler approved them, but he didn't think of them.
In fact at the beginning Hitler wasn't interested or motivated to even beat jews...that was Goebbels that used the SA troops to start riots and beat jews. Hitler was worried everyday Germans wouldn't accept the violence... he himself had no problem with it, but was worried about the political fallout.

Not in any way trying to defend Hitler in any way. Absolute mad man.
But he wasn't really the one who sought out to eradicate jews, and certainly not by genocide.
That was a combination of Goebbels, Himmler and Heydrich.
no hitler = no WW2 = no Holocaust/etc ..he was the driving force
Absolutely not true.
If you went back in time and shot Hitler, there most likely would have still been a WW II.
There were PLENTY of other people in high power who believed the only way Germany could get out poverty and shame was war. Specifically Ernst Rohm. One of the founding members of the Nazi Party and ran their militia before Hitler was a blip on the radar. He was the most decorated German officer in WW I. And was relegated to performing air stunts to make a living. He was desperate for a return of German glory and military might.
Joseph Goebbels, some in the party wanted him to lead not Hitler. He was fanatically an anti Semite and like I said orchestrated Jewish persecution that Hitler frowned upon, but tolerated it because of the support he had by ranking party members.
What I am saying is it seems it is over simplistic to think Hitler "did it all". The truth is, he actually did little of it. Hitler was more interested in glorifying himself with pomp and flare than getting his hands dirty and doing the work. He spent weeks high in the mountains of his retreat in the middle of the war. He wasn't even present in many of the war room meetings. Hitlers power was in Himmler's fanatical devotion to him and the SS troops he controlled. The first sign of a HINT of anything but total devotion to Hitler and your done. That was the hold he had.
Well sure, just like Obama was "off hands" when it came to the IRS targeting conservatives or "hands off" when it came to running guns across the border to drug lords.

Not to compare Hitler to Obama, but the point is that those at the top don't want any dirt attached to their name if such illegal activity is discovered. It should then not be that surprising.
Oh for sure to an extent. No one did anything without Hitlers approval, but over the years in history classes, movies, books I have read on WW II... documentaries... all of his inner circle leaders were more described as facilitators under his iron rule. But apparently that is not how it was at all. I always thought Hitler was a micro manager of sorts... everything had to go through him in detail. Flat out not the case.
And all that managing while doped up from the morning, maybe everyday? I heard he needed dope to help him fall asleep and then dope to help him wake up.

And his facillitators found him agreeable? Probably very patient men? :oops:
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Interesting to me...like I say I never really delved all that deep into Hitler and the Third Reich. Everything I have ever seen always painted Hitler as the driving force of all of the terrible events done by the Nazis. The camps/holocaust etc. But that simply isn't true. Hitler was psychopath. He was a narcissistic egomaniac. He indeed was a racist, an extreme nationalist - all of these things.
The Final Solution.... the infamous creed and document all loyalist had to sign. - He wasn't the author, it was Reinhard Heydrich.
The concentration camps and wholesale mass murdering Jews.... Himmler. Heydrich was having jews dig deep trenches and lining them up and shooting them. Himmler didn't like the "messiness" of this and wanted it to be more organized, so he and Heydrich devised the gas chambers. - Hitler approved them, but he didn't think of them.
In fact at the beginning Hitler wasn't interested or motivated to even beat jews...that was Goebbels that used the SA troops to start riots and beat jews. Hitler was worried everyday Germans wouldn't accept the violence... he himself had no problem with it, but was worried about the political fallout.

Not in any way trying to defend Hitler in any way. Absolute mad man.
But he wasn't really the one who sought out to eradicate jews, and certainly not by genocide.
That was a combination of Goebbels, Himmler and Heydrich.
no hitler = no WW2 = no Holocaust/etc ..he was the driving force
Absolutely not true.
If you went back in time and shot Hitler, there most likely would have still been a WW II.
There were PLENTY of other people in high power who believed the only way Germany could get out poverty and shame was war. Specifically Ernst Rohm. One of the founding members of the Nazi Party and ran their militia before Hitler was a blip on the radar. He was the most decorated German officer in WW I. And was relegated to performing air stunts to make a living. He was desperate for a return of German glory and military might.
Joseph Goebbels, some in the party wanted him to lead not Hitler. He was fanatically an anti Semite and like I said orchestrated Jewish persecution that Hitler frowned upon, but tolerated it because of the support he had by ranking party members.
What I am saying is it seems it is over simplistic to think Hitler "did it all". The truth is, he actually did little of it. Hitler was more interested in glorifying himself with pomp and flare than getting his hands dirty and doing the work. He spent weeks high in the mountains of his retreat in the middle of the war. He wasn't even present in many of the war room meetings. Hitlers power was in Himmler's fanatical devotion to him and the SS troops he controlled. The first sign of a HINT of anything but total devotion to Hitler and your done. That was the hold he had.
wrong --absolutely true ---they didn't vote and elect someone else to lead--they elected and appointed hitler
..and a lot of generals/admirals were against wars/etc....
Goebbels, etc would not have had any power if it wasn't for hitler
..hitler had a LOT more to do with it because he was a DICTATOR !! it was much, much different than the American or UK way of doing things---they didn't MURDER people to get their way!! the American way was more Democratic
.....also we see how he handled the Battle of the Bulge as an example of his way or the highway [ death ].....the generals knew hitler's plan was folly, but hitler insisted on it and--demanded it
Interesting to me...like I say I never really delved all that deep into Hitler and the Third Reich. Everything I have ever seen always painted Hitler as the driving force of all of the terrible events done by the Nazis. The camps/holocaust etc. But that simply isn't true. Hitler was psychopath. He was a narcissistic egomaniac. He indeed was a racist, an extreme nationalist - all of these things.
The Final Solution.... the infamous creed and document all loyalist had to sign. - He wasn't the author, it was Reinhard Heydrich.
The concentration camps and wholesale mass murdering Jews.... Himmler. Heydrich was having jews dig deep trenches and lining them up and shooting them. Himmler didn't like the "messiness" of this and wanted it to be more organized, so he and Heydrich devised the gas chambers. - Hitler approved them, but he didn't think of them.
In fact at the beginning Hitler wasn't interested or motivated to even beat jews...that was Goebbels that used the SA troops to start riots and beat jews. Hitler was worried everyday Germans wouldn't accept the violence... he himself had no problem with it, but was worried about the political fallout.

Not in any way trying to defend Hitler in any way. Absolute mad man.
But he wasn't really the one who sought out to eradicate jews, and certainly not by genocide.
That was a combination of Goebbels, Himmler and Heydrich.
no hitler = no WW2 = no Holocaust/etc ..he was the driving force
Absolutely not true.
If you went back in time and shot Hitler, there most likely would have still been a WW II.
There were PLENTY of other people in high power who believed the only way Germany could get out poverty and shame was war. Specifically Ernst Rohm. One of the founding members of the Nazi Party and ran their militia before Hitler was a blip on the radar. He was the most decorated German officer in WW I. And was relegated to performing air stunts to make a living. He was desperate for a return of German glory and military might.
Joseph Goebbels, some in the party wanted him to lead not Hitler. He was fanatically an anti Semite and like I said orchestrated Jewish persecution that Hitler frowned upon, but tolerated it because of the support he had by ranking party members.
What I am saying is it seems it is over simplistic to think Hitler "did it all". The truth is, he actually did little of it. Hitler was more interested in glorifying himself with pomp and flare than getting his hands dirty and doing the work. He spent weeks high in the mountains of his retreat in the middle of the war. He wasn't even present in many of the war room meetings. Hitlers power was in Himmler's fanatical devotion to him and the SS troops he controlled. The first sign of a HINT of anything but total devotion to Hitler and your done. That was the hold he had.
hitler loved Jews?
Well sure, just like Obama was "off hands" when it came to the IRS targeting conservatives or "hands off" when it came to running guns across the border to drug lords.

Not to compare Hitler to Obama, but the point is that those at the top don't want any dirt attached to their name if such illegal activity is discovered. It should then not be that surprising.
Oh for sure to an extent. No one did anything without Hitlers approval, but over the years in history classes, movies, books I have read on WW II... documentaries... all of his inner circle leaders were more described as facilitators under his iron rule. But apparently that is not how it was at all. I always thought Hitler was a micro manager of sorts... everything had to go through him in detail. Flat out not the case.
And all that managing while doped up from the morning, maybe everyday? I heard he needed dope to help him fall asleep and then dope to help him wake up.

And his facillitators found him agreeable? Probably very patient men? :oops:
Kind of interesting, apparently he had terrible problems sleeping. Often staying up till 3-4 in the morning and getting out of bed noon or after.

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