History is repeating itself


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Here is a chilling comparison to the Russian revolution to what is going on now in the US.

Terrorism was used by the radicals by burning down things, looting, etc. Check

PC was used to control speech and terrorize people into submission. Check

The wealthy in Russia funded these radicals, and without them, they could not have succeeded. Check.

The party was everything, infallible, and ruled with an iron fist as many who founded the party were later murdered by it like its founder Lennon. The party was the source all morality. Check

The revolutionaries were mostly atheistic, socialistic, and dedicated to all intellectualism devoid of religion. Check.
Here is the article in a nut shell

During the early 20th century, bombing, robberies, extortion, and riots were as common as traffic accidents in Russia. It was said that anyone in uniform or public office was a candidate for a bullet in the head or sulfuric acid in the face. During those tumultuous years, there was a political party named the Constitutional Democratic (Kadet) Party. "Though the Kadets advocated democratic, constitutional procedures, and did not themselves engage in terrorism, they aided the terrorists in any way they could." Among other things, the Kadets collected money for anarchists and terrorists and called for amnesty for those arrested. The party's position was that it considered those involved in the mayhem not criminals, but saints and martyrs. Does that sound familiar?

The Kadets were not alone. The terrorists also had support from much of the Russian intelligentsia, and money flowed to them from doctors, lawyers, industrialists, and bankers. This calls to mind the old axiom that revolutions never succeed without the support of the wealthy, the liberal, and the educated in society. Another axiom is that revolutions devour their own, and so it was in Russia. When Lenin came to power, his Bolsheviks liquidated all opposition starting with the Kadets and the foolish liberals and those in the business class who aided and abetted the destruction of orderly society.
I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the cult-like, aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.
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I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.

Here is the thing. If the left-extreme gain full control they can and will fundamentally change the US forever. They will expand the Supreme Court so they can stack it, they will likely attemp to remove the electoral college, decrease border control, give illegals free healthcare creating a huge increase in illegal border crossings, raise taxes on the working classes(not the ultra-wealthy, they have many ways to offset income), etc. Anyone who has actually thought it through can recognize the dangeres of letting a party like that gain control.

The problem is the hatred for Trump, the man, as evidenced your first paragraph. It is a very childish way of determining how to vote, like voting for the popular kid running for elementary school class president who promises free pizza on Fridays instead of the kid who has actual plans that will work to help the school. You guys can't get out of elementary school. It is a sad plight, but God knows you can't tell anything to pretensious liberals who think they know everything.
I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.

Here is the thing. If the left-extreme gain full control they can and will fundamentally change the US forever. They will expand the Supreme Court so they can stack it, they will likely attemp to remove the electoral college, decrease border control, give illegals free healthcare creating a huge increase in illegal border crossings, raise taxes on the working classes(not the ultra-wealthy, they have many ways to offset income), etc. Anyone who has actually thought it through can recognize the dangeres of letting a party like that gain control.

The problem is the hatred for Trump, the man, as evidenced your first paragraph. It is a very childish way of determining how to vote, like voting for the popular kid running for elementary school class president who promises free pizza on Fridays instead of the kid who has actual plans that will work to help the school. You guys can't get out of elementary school. It is a sad plight, but God knows you can't tell anything to pretensious liberals who think they know everything.
Or, we just disagree with his observable behaviors, impulses and actions.

But you can certainly run with the story that you are provided in your reality.
I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.

Here is the thing. If the left-extreme gain full control they can and will fundamentally change the US forever. They will expand the Supreme Court so they can stack it, they will likely attemp to remove the electoral college, decrease border control, give illegals free healthcare creating a huge increase in illegal border crossings, raise taxes on the working classes(not the ultra-wealthy, they have many ways to offset income), etc. Anyone who has actually thought it through can recognize the dangeres of letting a party like that gain control.

The problem is the hatred for Trump, the man, as evidenced your first paragraph. It is a very childish way of determining how to vote, like voting for the popular kid running for elementary school class president who promises free pizza on Fridays instead of the kid who has actual plans that will work to help the school. You guys can't get out of elementary school. It is a sad plight, but God knows you can't tell anything to pretensious liberals who think they know everything.
Or, we just disagree with his observable behaviors, impulses and actions.

But you can certainly run with the story that you are provided in your reality.

You still don't get it. I don't care about this behavior. I care about results. Evidently many care more about form over substance..tricked by a pretty face or a slick talker. I am not that person.
I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.

Here is the thing. If the left-extreme gain full control they can and will fundamentally change the US forever. They will expand the Supreme Court so they can stack it, they will likely attemp to remove the electoral college, decrease border control, give illegals free healthcare creating a huge increase in illegal border crossings, raise taxes on the working classes(not the ultra-wealthy, they have many ways to offset income), etc. Anyone who has actually thought it through can recognize the dangeres of letting a party like that gain control.

The problem is the hatred for Trump, the man, as evidenced your first paragraph. It is a very childish way of determining how to vote, like voting for the popular kid running for elementary school class president who promises free pizza on Fridays instead of the kid who has actual plans that will work to help the school. You guys can't get out of elementary school. It is a sad plight, but God knows you can't tell anything to pretensious liberals who think they know everything.
Or, we just disagree with his observable behaviors, impulses and actions.

But you can certainly run with the story that you are provided in your reality.

You still don't get it. I don't care about this behavior. I care about results. Evidently many care more about form over substance..tricked by a pretty face or a slick talker. I am not that person.
Somehow you didn't see the word "actions" in my post. That is "substance".

I can't force you to read what I write.
Not saying what came after was better but it seems there needs to be reminder here that Russia had been a brutal absolute monarchy before the Bolshevik revolution. They have never known anything that resembles freedom and democracy in their entire history and seem to prefer strongman autocrats over democracy. That is where any parallels to our current strife fail. No one in America is looking to follow a glorious dictatorial leader except the Trumpbots.

Here is a chilling comparison to the Russian revolution to what is going on now in the US.

Terrorism was used by the radicals by burning down things, looting, etc. Check

PC was used to control speech and terrorize people into submission. Check

The wealthy in Russia funded these radicals, and without them, they could not have succeeded. Check.

The party was everything, infallible, and ruled with an iron fist as many who founded the party were later murdered by it like its founder Lennon. The party was the source all morality. Check

The revolutionaries were mostly atheistic, socialistic, and dedicated to all intellectualism devoid of religion. Check.
Nice post, thank you.
Here is the article in a nut shell

During the early 20th century, bombing, robberies, extortion, and riots were as common as traffic accidents in Russia. It was said that anyone in uniform or public office was a candidate for a bullet in the head or sulfuric acid in the face. During those tumultuous years, there was a political party named the Constitutional Democratic (Kadet) Party. "Though the Kadets advocated democratic, constitutional procedures, and did not themselves engage in terrorism, they aided the terrorists in any way they could." Among other things, the Kadets collected money for anarchists and terrorists and called for amnesty for those arrested. The party's position was that it considered those involved in the mayhem not criminals, but saints and martyrs. Does that sound familiar?

The Kadets were not alone. The terrorists also had support from much of the Russian intelligentsia, and money flowed to them from doctors, lawyers, industrialists, and bankers. This calls to mind the old axiom that revolutions never succeed without the support of the wealthy, the liberal, and the educated in society. Another axiom is that revolutions devour their own, and so it was in Russia. When Lenin came to power, his Bolsheviks liquidated all opposition starting with the Kadets and the foolish liberals and those in the business class who aided and abetted the destruction of orderly society.
Thanks for this info.
I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the cult-like, aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.
I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the cult-like, aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.
Why? Was this too complicated for you? Was I incorrect somewhere?
I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the cult-like, aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.
Why? Was this too complicated for you? Was I incorrect somewhere?
Not saying what came after was better but it seems there needs to be reminder here that Russia had been a brutal absolute monarchy before the Bolshevik revolution. They have never known anything that resembles freedom and democracy in their entire history and seem to prefer strongman autocrats over democracy. That is where any parallels to our current strife fail. No one in America is looking to follow a glorious dictatorial leader except the Trumpbots.
I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.

Here is the thing. If the left-extreme gain full control they can and will fundamentally change the US forever. They will expand the Supreme Court so they can stack it, they will likely attemp to remove the electoral college, decrease border control, give illegals free healthcare creating a huge increase in illegal border crossings, raise taxes on the working classes(not the ultra-wealthy, they have many ways to offset income), etc. Anyone who has actually thought it through can recognize the dangeres of letting a party like that gain control.

The problem is the hatred for Trump, the man, as evidenced your first paragraph. It is a very childish way of determining how to vote, like voting for the popular kid running for elementary school class president who promises free pizza on Fridays instead of the kid who has actual plans that will work to help the school. You guys can't get out of elementary school. It is a sad plight, but God knows you can't tell anything to pretensious liberals who think they know everything.
Or, we just disagree with his observable behaviors, impulses and actions.

But you can certainly run with the story that you are provided in your reality.

You still don't get it. I don't care about this behavior. I care about results. Evidently many care more about form over substance..tricked by a pretty face or a slick talker. I am not that person.
Somehow you didn't see the word "actions" in my post. That is "substance".

I can't force you to read what I write.
I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.

Here is the thing. If the left-extreme gain full control they can and will fundamentally change the US forever. They will expand the Supreme Court so they can stack it, they will likely attemp to remove the electoral college, decrease border control, give illegals free healthcare creating a huge increase in illegal border crossings, raise taxes on the working classes(not the ultra-wealthy, they have many ways to offset income), etc. Anyone who has actually thought it through can recognize the dangeres of letting a party like that gain control.

The problem is the hatred for Trump, the man, as evidenced your first paragraph. It is a very childish way of determining how to vote, like voting for the popular kid running for elementary school class president who promises free pizza on Fridays instead of the kid who has actual plans that will work to help the school. You guys can't get out of elementary school. It is a sad plight, but God knows you can't tell anything to pretensious liberals who think they know everything.
Or, we just disagree with his observable behaviors, impulses and actions.

But you can certainly run with the story that you are provided in your reality.

You still don't get it. I don't care about this behavior. I care about results. Evidently many care more about form over substance..tricked by a pretty face or a slick talker. I am not that person.
I thought this might be a thread about how one profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, white, authoritarian, nationalist man can somehow gain the aggressive, unconditional adoration of millions of people who enable all of his worst impulses and actions by refusing to hold him accountable for anything. The world saw this play out 80, 90 years ago, and it's stunning that we're seeing it again, in America, of all places. This is un-American.

But yes, our hardcore (Regressive) Left has systematically been ignoring and mocking the most liberal of all American values, Freedom of Expression. America is the last country on the planet that should have a populace that is afraid to express itself for fear of literal punishment and damage to their very lives. The last country on the planet that should have a populace that feels intimidated from speaking its mind in the first place. This is un-American.

The two ends of our spectrum, as they currently exist, are killing us. In real time, as we watch. They're suffocating America and shattering its uniqueness with their tribalism, egos, narcissism, hubris and actions.

Self-inflicted wound.

Here is the thing. If the left-extreme gain full control they can and will fundamentally change the US forever. They will expand the Supreme Court so they can stack it, they will likely attemp to remove the electoral college, decrease border control, give illegals free healthcare creating a huge increase in illegal border crossings, raise taxes on the working classes(not the ultra-wealthy, they have many ways to offset income), etc. Anyone who has actually thought it through can recognize the dangeres of letting a party like that gain control.

The problem is the hatred for Trump, the man, as evidenced your first paragraph. It is a very childish way of determining how to vote, like voting for the popular kid running for elementary school class president who promises free pizza on Fridays instead of the kid who has actual plans that will work to help the school. You guys can't get out of elementary school. It is a sad plight, but God knows you can't tell anything to pretensious liberals who think they know everything.
Or, we just disagree with his observable behaviors, impulses and actions.

But you can certainly run with the story that you are provided in your reality.

You still don't get it. I don't care about this behavior. I care about results. Evidently many care more about form over substance..tricked by a pretty face or a slick talker. I am not that person.
Somehow you didn't see the word "actions" in my post. That is "substance".

I can't force you to read what I write.
You had to do that again? Weird.

Let's see you try to put a few intelligent words together and provide some kind of thoughtful response to my post.

It would be very interesting to watch you try.

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