History channel on Robotics discusses the Jewish Folk Lore of the Golem


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Golem was an animation(come to life) of an amorphous, (unformed material) in Psalms.
History channel on Robotics agrees with my commentary of how this describes robotics as I described months ago from a piece I wrote years ago, how unformed material from the clay/ground can form an animated entity(Golem)- silver,-gold,-sand,-(silica&oxygen make) silicon.
And in writing the name on the forehead this human form natural material from the ground came to life.
That name for these "Computers "
in Hebrew= machshev-.
how unformed material from the clay/ground can form an animated entity(Golem)

- how unformed material ... form an animated entity.


everything in the universe is alive, physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when the "animated" spirit is removed that is added for them at their birth to exist. even jews. the metaphysical maternity.
Daniel 12 :4 mentioned right after Michael is named as the great prince....Uses the term “knowledge “ which in Hebrew is melechet machshev... Using no vowels machshev becomes MiCHael SHeV of course Ha in Hebrew means the. So it becomes Michael Hashev.... Very Very interesting... By the way the word “ Understanding” is rendered melechet machshevet is not the ”shevet” referred to as the staff of Aaron... Either the physical staff or his offspring being RETURNED RESTORED or DELIVERED to the temple... The other thing is the Golem was formed from the clay or dust of the earth and given life .... It is a scenario that man was formed from the clay and dust of the earth and we all RETURN there but we also at some point will be able to RETURN back to life by the means of Knowledge which is melechet machshev which is codified as computer would mean our age or in the not to distant future....
The irony is when we die & return to the dust of the earth we become that material which is used for robotics therefore even those who don't believe we will become Transhumanist integrated or inserted in partial or fully robotic, have to concede the circle of life still ends up as us technically becoming reborn as Robots. *L*
It is interesting because melechet mashevet was mentioned as well in the purposeful building of the temporary mishkan before the actual building of the more durable and stable temple... The reason I bring this up is because of your mentioning robotics as we are in temporary bodies which through purposefull means could be turned into stronger more durable robotic bodies... The funny thing is all kidding aside regarding robots when we use our computers and there is a glitch do we not shut them down and ReBoot them ( Robot no vowels same as ReBooT) getting a fresh start without the glitches or weaknesses.... Maybe instead of Robot bodies we need to Reboot society and our bodies removing the errors and weaknesses we carry around with us... The technology is availiable using nano robots and other methods now undreamed of in bygone ages before ours.. Most people do not realize that almost everything we use and consume is actually from some other life form that died previously so yes when we eventually die we become part of whatever or whoever goes on after us... Since the earth is in reality a giant cemetery and Since Gd is the ultimate recycler it only makes sense that everything on this planet is recycled reused and rejuvenated with each layer built upon the previous layer much like an onion...
Good thoughts, great post.
I remember once someone tried to describe the Temple instructed measurements and style from above view to be an image of a Robotic persona. Interesting cause when doing computerized texture art by chance my
graphic wallpaper ended up looking like the Temple in design and it wasn't till later seeing an above view picture that I realized this glaring similarity.

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