Hillary on SUICIDE WATCH..Julian Assange: My Next Leak Will Ensure Hillary’s Arrest

Yeah, we'll put this in the same category as all your threads about how millions of Americans will die because of ebola, Vagifail.

Bullshitter how is that RCP presidential poll you always quote doing????

RCP Average 7/11 - 7/24 -- -- 44.3 44.1 Trump +0.2

Will you be posting this in a month when Hillary is up by 5 again, Vagifail?


Bullshitter, your lying, corrupt, criminal, murdering bitch isnever going to see a
+5 lead again! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!
Wait until the first debate and trump cleans her clock.

He's not qualified to clean her toilet.
She can clean his toilet, she messed in it
I thought his last leak was supposed to assure her arrest. What happened? I've been hearing any day now for a LOOOOOOOONG time.

I thought the Benghazi hearings was going to do it. Then the next one....then the next one...then..
Doesn't mean she isn't guilty, her friends won't prosecute, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Compressed?

Right. It's all another conspiracy. You know that's nuts, right? The world really isn't conspiring against you and your politicians.
Sure it is. We will see. It isn't going away. Just an FYI.

I'm sure of that.
I thought his last leak was supposed to assure her arrest. What happened? I've been hearing any day now for a LOOOOOOOONG time.

I thought the Benghazi hearings was going to do it. Then the next one....then the next one...then..
Doesn't mean she isn't guilty, her friends won't prosecute, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Compressed?

Right. It's all another conspiracy. You know that's nuts, right? The world really isn't conspiring against you and your politicians.
Sure it is. We will see. It isn't going away. Just an FYI.

I'm sure of that.
Me too. So you got nothing. Just like the dnc!
here you go:

Sanders Supporters Protest: 'Hell No, DNC, We Won't Vote for Hillary' - Breitbart

"Hundreds of Bernie Sanders supporters took to the streets of Philadelphia to show their disdain for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton by chanting while marching, “Hell no, DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary!”"

And Bernie will appear at the DNC convention and urge them to vote for her. I can understand that they are disappointed that their candidate didn't win, but a true Bernie supporter would never do anything to help Trump win.
The Bernie Brats boo him every time he mentions her name.
here you go:

Sanders Supporters Protest: 'Hell No, DNC, We Won't Vote for Hillary' - Breitbart

"Hundreds of Bernie Sanders supporters took to the streets of Philadelphia to show their disdain for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton by chanting while marching, “Hell no, DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary!”"

And Bernie will appear at the DNC convention and urge them to vote for her. I can understand that they are disappointed that their candidate didn't win, but a true Bernie supporter would never do anything to help Trump win.
The Bernie Brats boo him every time he mentions her name.
And they sat on their hands tonight
DNC email leaks prove once again, and we all know it already, that Democrats are not so PC when they think that nobody is watching.

They'll say all the "right things" publicly, and behind your back they always show their real face.
Honestly what would one expect
Honestly what would you expect when the AG is held in contempt by Congress and the Manchurian muslim writes an E.O. to protect him!!!!! The evidence discovered will be used by the next Trump appointed AG.

Exactly which EO was that?
President Obama Grants Executive Privilege to Eric Holder Over 'Fast ...
Jun 20, 2012 - (The Blaze/AP) – President Obama has granted Attorney General Eric Holder’s request to assert executive privilege in regard to documents pertaining to Operation “Fast and Furious.”. ... Issa responded to President Obama’s decision to grant the attorney general executive ...

Your welcome, Dogshit!

Shut up Bernie is talking.
Gets a bigger hand than all other speakers combined....so far!

Now to see if he has a set of BALLS and confront the DNC for FUCKING HIM....$100 says he's a fucking WIMP!

Sanders has lost his way... and if he won't stand up for himself and his ideals, then there is no reason for me to respect him any longer.

Exactly...he showed his true colors when he let a couple of hags from BLM take his microphone away from him...in a nutshell a wimpy socialist/communist/marxist promoting a economic theory that has never worked anyplace in the world.
DNC email leaks prove once again, and we all know it already, that Democrats are not so PC when they think that nobody is watching.

They'll say all the "right things" publicly, and behind your back they always show their real face.

All the democrats do is to pander to the minorities....the black vote is not enough to elect them.....they seem not to understand that.
DNC email leaks prove once again, and we all know it already, that Democrats are not so PC when they think that nobody is watching.

They'll say all the "right things" publicly, and behind your back they always show their real face.

All the democrats do is to pander to the minorities....the black vote is not enough to elect them.....they seem not to understand that.

By the elections day, they might not even have majority of black votes.
Bernie still trying to make promises he can't pay for.

We are trillions of dollars in debt and he wants to raise the minimum wage to l5 dollars an hour...ridiculous....anyone wanna guess what a hamburger would cost if the burger flipper is earning l5 bucks an hour?

The only way to raise the standard of living in America is to quit allowing companies to ship jobs overseas....Trump knows how to accomplish that and he understands the necessity of it. Bill Clinton, hillarys mentor...is one of those primarily responsible for so many of our good paying jobs going overseas.
DNC email leaks prove once again, and we all know it already, that Democrats are not so PC when they think that nobody is watching.

They'll say all the "right things" publicly, and behind your back they always show their real face.

All the democrats do is to pander to the minorities....the black vote is not enough to elect them.....they seem not to understand that.

By the elections day, they might not even have majority of black votes.

A lot of blacks are waking up to the fact all the democrats really want is their vote...the democrits have no desire to stop the horrendous level of black on black crime, they have no understanding that what black folks need is what white folks need....good paying jobs. The democrats only plan is to keep black folks poor and dependent on the federal government...aka keep them on the democrat plantation.
DNC email leaks prove once again, and we all know it already, that Democrats are not so PC when they think that nobody is watching.

They'll say all the "right things" publicly, and behind your back they always show their real face.

All the democrats do is to pander to the minorities....the black vote is not enough to elect them.....they seem not to understand that.

By the elections day, they might not even have majority of black votes.

A lot of blacks are waking up to the fact all the democrats really want is their vote...the democrits have no desire to stop the horrendous level of black on black crime, they have no understanding that what black folks need is what white folks need....good paying jobs. The democrats only plan is to keep black folks poor and dependent on the federal government...aka keep them on the democrat plantation.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Fool me for another 50 years, you better promise to give more free shit. :D
I thought his last leak was supposed to assure her arrest. What happened? I've been hearing any day now for a LOOOOOOOONG time.

I thought the Benghazi hearings was going to do it. Then the next one....then the next one...then..
Doesn't mean she isn't guilty, her friends won't prosecute, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Compressed?

Right. It's all another conspiracy. You know that's nuts, right? The world really isn't conspiring against you and your politicians.
Sure it is. We will see. It isn't going away. Just an FYI.

I'm sure of that.
I thought the Benghazi hearings was going to do it. Then the next one....then the next one...then..
Doesn't mean she isn't guilty, her friends won't prosecute, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Compressed?

Right. It's all another conspiracy. You know that's nuts, right? The world really isn't conspiring against you and your politicians.
Sure it is. We will see. It isn't going away. Just an FYI.

I'm sure of that.
Giuliani: FBI's Comey Putting Hillary Clinton Above the Law

Giuliani: FBI's Comey Putting Hillary Clinton Above the Law | Fox Business
I hope he will wait until a week before the election then so the ClusterFuck Criminal party doesn't have time to do shit.
I thought the Benghazi hearings was going to do it. Then the next one....then the next one...then..
Doesn't mean she isn't guilty, her friends won't prosecute, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Compressed?

Right. It's all another conspiracy. You know that's nuts, right? The world really isn't conspiring against you and your politicians.
Sure it is. We will see. It isn't going away. Just an FYI.

I'm sure of that.
Wait and watch her SEIZURES force her out of the race as the SHIT HITS THE FAN!

YourNewsWire ^ | 7/24/2016 | Sean Adl-Tabatabai
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said that Wikileaks have obtained information that, when released soon, will guarantee a Hillary Clinton indictment. During a recent interview with ITV, Assange said his next release will “provide enough evidence” to see Hillary arrested. Silenceisconsent.net reports: WikiLeaks has already published 30,322 emails from Clinton’s private email server, spanning from June 30, 2010 to August 12, 2014. While Assange didn’t specify what exactly was in the emails, he did tell ITV that WikiLeaks had “accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton, which could proceed to an indictment.” Assange hinted that the emails slated for...


1) I doubt it; and
2) waiting until she had the nomination is a disservice to America if the information really exists in his possession, which I doubt.
Don't think Assange and his handlers give a hoot about America.

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