Hillary Could Be The Worst Candidate Democrats Have Produced Since The Advent Of Television


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
We're being told that it's all over for the 2016 election. Nobody else need even run, because Hillary is the greatest and she'll win in a landslide. Problem is, she knows that the less she exposes her true self, the higher her approval ratings are. She's not naturally outgoing like her husband, (She can't even read a teleprompter without sounding like she's acting) and she has so much baggage that we don't even know if she'll be qualified to even run. She's currently under investigation for racketeering and could be indicted for obstruction of justice in a Congressional investigation. This is the Democrat frontrunner (only runner) and she sucks.


Yes......Hillary really cares about you typical random 'Average Americans'

John Sununu: Hillary Dodges 'Ordinary' Folks, Press on Road Trip
Friday, 17 Apr 2015 03:02 PM

By Bill Hoffmann

John Sununu Hillary Dodges Ordinary Folks Press on Road Trip

Hillary Clinton's road trip from New York to Iowa to hear from "ordinary Americans" was a carefully orchestrated way for her to avoid people, duck the press and keep from putting her "foot in her mouth," says John Sununu, former chief of staff to President George H.W. Bush.

"It's amazing. They go through this whole process of driving from the East Coast to Iowa and sit down with eight pre-selected folks and have a conversation, and that's it," Sununu, also a former governor of New Hampshire, said Friday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

Hillary's staged impromptu meeting with highly vetted 'Average Americans'. They tried to make it look like this question and answer meeting just happened, but the participants were vetted and delivered to this coffee shop. I don't even think what was discussed was ever made public. It was simply a photo-op designed to make Hillary look assessable to the public.

OMG!!! Hillary eats the same food we do!!!!!


What was quickly apparent was there were more members of the media present at Hillary's "events" than bystanders. Can you spot any real people chasing after Hillary's Scooby Van???

Hillary getting into her Scooby Van after a stop. Notice the handicapped parking sign. Is Hillary handicapped or is she just too good to have to walk a few extra feet?


Hillary even lugs her own luggage folks. Here she is talking to another Average American....in a deserted airport terminal......and a bag that is obviously way too big to put in overhead luggage. Sorry, but I'm not buying it.


April 18, 2015
Why Hillary Can't Be in the Moment
By Doris O'Brien

Watching Hillary Clinton reach out and touch ordinary Americans is excruciating. In working a crowd of regular folks, Hillary is fingernails on the blackboard in a pantsuit. It is difficult to imagine anyone more out of touch with their own affect, movement, and connection to the people around them. She is unable to talk, touch, listen or smile in a natural manner. She doesn't seem to know what to do with her hands, where to direct her eyes, her scope of awareness is restricted. A blind person with a stick would be better than Hillary Clinton at reading people around them.

In the staged and rigidly controlled glimpses of her we see people positioned a handshake away wishing to be noticed by this woman, who may be the next president, growing discouraged and becoming commensurately uncomfortable because Hillary can't see them. Everyone is down on Hillary. The right hates her for moral, patriotic, and ideological reasons, the left wing has a worsening case of Hillaphobia. Those on the left who are not too drug-addled to be aware of politics don't like her because they are driven by narcissistic emotional needs which she does not meet. She cannot reach the anti-traditionalist places where the left likes to be massaged, nor can she humor them with hipness. It's too late for Hillary to blow the smoke of radical transformation, on someone else's dime, up the left-wing's collective keister. Hillary can trot out plausible transgenders when necessary, but fundamentally she chose to stand by her man and political expedience at every point in her career. Just being around her makes people feel uncomfortable and she clearly returns the unhappy condition.

It is understandable that Hillary is postponing contact with the press. Special factors in the way Hillary Clinton has lived her life, beyond the typical cautiousness of the front runner, make it difficult for her to be present with herself or open to anybody else in a room full of strangers.

When one observes married couples who have been together for a long time it is often possible to recognize a complementary-compensatory dynamic wherein the partners automatically cover for the limitations of the other. As a benign example, if the wife is naturally shy, the husband may become increasingly outgoing and voluble over time to compensate for his wife and prevent the isolation which shyness might cause. There is a degree of filling in for each other that redistributes responsibilities in a practical way and is healthy. But this compensatory dynamic can become destructive by enabling weaknesses as the couple patches each other’s problems rather than confront themselves and grow as individuals.

The Clintons are the most married couple in the world. They are stuck with each other. The demands of their joint political careers have made the complementary-compensatory dynamic especially powerful in their marriage and destructive to their individual integrity. Their marriage was called upon to support fantastic ambitions and hide weaknesses in both of them.

Bill Clinton is a famously gifted retail campaigner. A friend of mine who met President Clinton and spoke with him for a few minutes says he made her feel like the only person in the room. His brash presentfulness is a skill especially valued in a leader. But President Clinton's ability to connect to and take in the people around him is a double-edged rapier, with a predatory blade. His natural ability to connect allows him to select those who will benefit him but also cull the vulnerable from the herd for his nefarious purposes. We know he consumes and abuses women around him, offenses of impulsive domination and aggression. Hillary has her own history of ethical, legal and financial scandal. But the scandals that have stuck to her are the stuff of malfeasant calculation, monies and memos appearing and disappearing in wrongful ways. Hillary's scandals are the machinations that leave a paper trail (or a no e-mail trail), not the wreckages of foolhardy moments.

In driving the Clinton franchise to the highest levels of power on earth, Hillary has wretchedly compensated for her husband's porous boundaries by constructing impenetrable walls around herself. As he became more reckless, she must have become more wary. Many years ago Hillary accepted the job of being Bills' after-party cleanup crew. In the service of their upward march, she had no choice. Many people think Hillary Clinton is a psychopath without a conscience who cares nothing about her husband's betrayals on a personal level. That formulation does not seem supported by what has leaked out about the Clinton's relationship. It is more likely that she is a wellspring of anger hiding behind a smile you can hang laundry on.

What is certain is she spent years mopping up and deodorizing Bill's messes. Bill's affairs with and attacks on women have been more destructive to Hillary's psychological integrity and self-worth than some miraculous hundred grand showing up in the Clinton cookie jar have been to him. His sexist violence strikes at the heart of who she claims to be, and continues to damage her basic sense of security and candidacy. For forty years, a room full of strangers is where the party starts for Bill, and where the messes are made for Hillary. For forty years every time Hillary entered a room full of strangers she had her bucket and mop. A bimbo splatter might be found anywhere. For forty years a room full of strangers, interacting in an unscripted moment, has been Hillary's worst nightmare.

Articles Why Hillary Can t Be in the Moment

lol, I told you so.

The RWnuts would say that Obama was the worst everything, until the possible successor came along, and then that person would be the worst everything.
Since Hillary seems to have no opposition from the GOP, the right will not acknowledge them by actually discussing them.....I can see why see will win....
Hillary will win by at least 100 electoral votes
All you need to know
Hillary Clinton To Nation: ‘Do Not Fuck This Up For Me’
News in BriefPoliticspoliticianshillary clinton ISSUE 51•14 • Apr 12, 2015

WASHINGTON—After several seconds spent sitting motionless and glaring directly into the camera, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly began Sunday’s video announcing her 2016 presidential bid by warning the nation not to fuck this up for her. “Listen up, assholes, ’cause I’m only saying this once: I’ve worked way too goddamn hard to let you morons blow this thing for me,” said Clinton, repeatedly jabbing her index finger toward the viewers at home while adding that if they thought she was going to simply sit back and watch them dick her over like they did in 2008, they were out of their fucking minds. “Seriously, don’t you dare even think about it. If you shitheads can just get in line, we can breeze through this whole campaign in 19 months and be done with it. Or, if you really want, we can do this the hard way. Because make no mistake, I’m not fucking around. Got it?” Clinton then ended her announcement by vowing to fight for a better future for all working-class families like the one she grew up in.
Hillary Clinton To Nation Do Not Fuck This Up For Me The Onion - America s Finest News Source
Hillary Clinton To Nation: ‘Do Not Fuck This Up For Me’
News in BriefPoliticspoliticianshillary clinton ISSUE 51•14 • Apr 12, 2015

WASHINGTON—After several seconds spent sitting motionless and glaring directly into the camera, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly began Sunday’s video announcing her 2016 presidential bid by warning the nation not to fuck this up for her. “Listen up, assholes, ’cause I’m only saying this once: I’ve worked way too goddamn hard to let you morons blow this thing for me,” said Clinton, repeatedly jabbing her index finger toward the viewers at home while adding that if they thought she was going to simply sit back and watch them dick her over like they did in 2008, they were out of their fucking minds. “Seriously, don’t you dare even think about it. If you shitheads can just get in line, we can breeze through this whole campaign in 19 months and be done with it. Or, if you really want, we can do this the hard way. Because make no mistake, I’m not fucking around. Got it?” Clinton then ended her announcement by vowing to fight for a better future for all working-class families like the one she grew up in.
Hillary Clinton To Nation Do Not Fuck This Up For Me The Onion - America s Finest News Source
This is a reprint of the original Onion piece....Even the RW media was fooled by the Onion this time..
To be worse than Obama is saying something
She's possibly more pragmatic.....but she can't relate to anyone. She's faking being nice. She's not nice. The White House staff would be the first to tell you that.....if they weren't worried about being either destroyed in the media or assassinated.

Well you may not relate to her because she is a woman, but there are millions of women who would disagree with your statement.
I think that many women can relate to Hillary more so than some horny joker trying to tell a woman what she can do with her own reproductive rights while they get viagra for free.
While democrats feel free to use immense propaganda networks like (tax exempt) Media Matters to delve into the family background of female republican candidates using sleazy lawyers to pry into family disputes and family history and even their looks, so far Hillary has escaped scrutiny about her family life and her husband's serial infidelity. She gets away with giggling comments and barbs directed at the media but the media has actually protected Hillary for years. Now that she is officially a candidate for the most important office in the world the question is whether her background will be kept secret by the fawning media and if she will have to answer tough questions about her personal as well as professional life. My guess is that the media will continue to circle the wagons around her.
Hillary Clinton To Nation: ‘Do Not Fuck This Up For Me’
News in BriefPoliticspoliticianshillary clinton ISSUE 51•14 • Apr 12, 2015

WASHINGTON—After several seconds spent sitting motionless and glaring directly into the camera, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly began Sunday’s video announcing her 2016 presidential bid by warning the nation not to fuck this up for her. “Listen up, assholes, ’cause I’m only saying this once: I’ve worked way too goddamn hard to let you morons blow this thing for me,” said Clinton, repeatedly jabbing her index finger toward the viewers at home while adding that if they thought she was going to simply sit back and watch them dick her over like they did in 2008, they were out of their fucking minds. “Seriously, don’t you dare even think about it. If you shitheads can just get in line, we can breeze through this whole campaign in 19 months and be done with it. Or, if you really want, we can do this the hard way. Because make no mistake, I’m not fucking around. Got it?” Clinton then ended her announcement by vowing to fight for a better future for all working-class families like the one she grew up in.
Hillary Clinton To Nation Do Not Fuck This Up For Me The Onion - America s Finest News Source
This is a reprint of the original Onion piece....Even the RW media was fooled by the Onion this time..

The RW media said the day it came out that is was a spoof.
While democrats feel free to use immense propaganda networks like (tax exempt) Media Matters to delve into the family background of female republican candidates using sleazy lawyers to pry into family disputes and family history and even their looks, so far Hillary has escaped scrutiny about her family life and her husband's serial infidelity. She gets away with giggling comments and barbs directed at the media but the media has actually protected Hillary for years. Now that she is officially a candidate for the most important office in the world the question is whether her background will be kept secret by the fawning media and if she will have to answer tough questions about her personal as well as professional life. My guess is that the media will continue to circle the wagons around her.
I saw a video today from back in 07' where Hillary wouldn't comment on the ice-cream she was stuffing in her face.

To be worse than Obama is saying something
She's possibly more pragmatic.....but she can't relate to anyone. She's faking being nice. She's not nice. The White House staff would be the first to tell you that.....if they weren't worried about being either destroyed in the media or assassinated.

Well you may not relate to her because she is a woman, but there are millions of women who would disagree with your statement.
I think that many women can relate to Hillary more so than some horny joker trying to tell a woman what she can do with her own reproductive rights while they get viagra for free.
Yeah, that shit is really fucking important to women. Especially since it hasn't been a legal issue for 20 years.

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