Hillary Clinton's top 8 reasons she's not to blame for losing


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Byron York: Hillary Clinton's top 8 reasons she's not to blame for losing

1) She blamed what she said was a massive Russian disinformation campaign spearheaded by 1,000 Russian agents working to defeat her.

1,000 Russians....WOW. Of course I am sure she has the evidence to prove that on her server. Oh wait, the FBI confiscated that during their multiple investigations of her crimes, and now she can't prove this claim. Gosh darn it! :p

2) She blamed Americans who she said colluded with the Russian campaign.

Ah yes, the infamous 'the Russians hacked the election' Conspiracy Theory...

3) She blamed GOP donor Rebekah Mercer.

The GOP's rich donor out-maneuvered and out-spent SOROS and all of Hillary's big donors / Foundation donors...

4) She blamed the press. "The use of my email account was turned into the biggest scandal since lord knows when.

Oh yes, the Fake News, All-In media - like CNN - who biasedly did everything they could to try to help her win, to include admittingly refusing to cover her scandals are responsible:

5) She blamed then-FBI Director James Comey, who re-opened the email investigation shortly before the election.

Comey ater testified under oath before Congress that Hillary DID break laws and jeopardized our national security...but Hillary blames COMEY for doing his job rather than herself for breaking those laws.

6) She blamed the Democratic Party for giving her a weak organization and a poor data operation.

Hillary is blaming the DNC - who cheated, rigged, and stole just to be able to hand Hillary an Un-Deserved Nomination, and she blames them for HER incompetent staff and inability to 'Find' Wisconsin? :p

7) She blamed sexism. "I never said I was a perfect candidate, and I certainly have never said I ran perfect campaigns, but I don't know who is or did. And at some point it sort of bleeds into misogyny."

Hillary pulls the 'It was because I was a woman' card. Even though Bill claimed to be the 1st Black President she was still too white to pull the 'Race' card , so the 'Misogyny' card was the only one she could play.

8) She blamed what she called Republican "voter suppression."

The DNC engaged in election fraud during their Primaries to help Hillary steal the nomination from Bernie. During the election many Americans simply did not vote because they did not like either choice.

Notice NO WHERE in that list does she list herself. Hillary Clinton should never have been allowed to remain in the race because of being under Multiple FBI investigations into crimes it turned out she DID commit. She was rejected in 2008, and she lost again in 2016. Hillary has n one to blame but herself.
Democrats do not believe in personal responsibility or holding anyone - especially themselves - accountable for anything.

1) She blamed a massive Russian disinformation campaign spearheaded by 1,000 Russian agents working to defeat her. "They did it through paid advertising, false news sites, through machine learning.

Then she will have no problem naming these agents! A hundred will do! Ten? Just One! She wouldn't have any trouble naming the advertisements, news sites, etc., and showing the Russian connection.

2) She blamed Americans who she said colluded with the Russian campaign.

I can't wait to see who was involved.

3) She blamed GOP donor Rebekah Mercer. "The Mercers did not invest all that money just for their own amusement," Clinton said. 'We will marry that with the RNC on two conditions: You pick Steve Bannon, and you pick Kellyanne Conway. And then we're in.' Trump says, 'Fine, who cares,' right? So Bannon, who'd been running the Breitbart operation, supplying a lot of the untrue, false stories…they married content with delivery and data."

She is inditing Mercer, Bannon, Conway and the President! Great! Can't wait for the proof! Can't wait for the lawsuits.

4) She blamed the press. "The use of my email account was turned into the biggest scandal since lord knows when. And you know, in [her upcoming] book I'm just using everything that anybody else said about it besides me to basically say this was the biggest nothing-burger ever."

Right! Even as when Comey listed all of the email crimes involved, enough to put a hundred people away for 50 years each, just that no prosecutor would ever touch it. Just as with Benghazi, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? I mean, Hillary is just above the law and so what if she flippantly handled hundreds of top secret documents and allowed foreign interests to hack all of them then tried to destroy the evidence? I think this calls for renewed investigations.

5) She blamed then-FBI Director James Comey, who re-opened the email investigation shortly before the election. "He dumps that on me on October 28th, and I immediately start falling," Clinton said.

In other words, it was Comey doing his job looking into her crimes, not the fact that SHE DID THEM, did so many things that warranted an FBI investigation of a presidential candidate! Just as with the Podesta leaks. It was the leaks, AND NOT THE FACT that in them contained all kinds of heinous activity the democrats had been doing trying to game the system and hide from the voters.

6) She blamed the Democratic Party for giving her a weak organization and a poor data operation. "I inherit[ed] nothing from the Democratic Party. I mean, it was bankrupt, it was on the verge of insolvency, its data was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong. I had to inject money into the DNC to keep it going."

Yet somehow she raised a billion dollars! Twice the amount of money that Trump had to go on.

7) She blamed sexism. "I never said I was a perfect candidate, and I certainly have never said I ran perfect campaigns, but I don't know who is or did. And at some point it sort of bleeds into misogyny."

Wasn't it Hillary who ran on the woman's platform? On woman's issues? There she goes bleeding all over the place. I was a big Carly Fiorina supporter, but after this, misogyny is starting to look pretty good.

8) She blamed what she called Republican "voter suppression." After the Citizens United decision, "Republican governors and legislatures began doing everything they could to suppress the vote," Clinton said. In particular, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker "has been one of the leaders in voter suppression" across the nation. "The best estimate is that 200,000 people in Wisconsin were either denied or chilled in their efforts to vote." (The study Clinton cited was commissioned by a Democratic advocacy group, and the 200,000 figure has been rated "mostly false" by PolitiFact Wisconsin.)

Gee, I see another slander law suit!!! Now she brings in a governor! I can't wait to see the hard documentation to prove these things.

Notice NO WHERE in that list does she list herself. Hillary Clinton should never have been allowed to remain in the race because of being under Multiple FBI investigations into crimes it turned out she DID commit. She was rejected in 2008, and she lost again in 2016. Hillary has no one to blame but herself.

Clinton made clear there were still others to blame -- a list compiled by Fox News Thursday morning included Facebook, bad polling, low-information voters, and, of all places, Hollywood.

Here is that Fox list:


So basically, she blamed hostile advertising and websites, Russian or otherwise, though still unproven, other people who were against her, rich donors donating in support of the GOP, the press reporting on her government email scandal and related FBI investigation, she blamed her own party for only raising a billion dollars and not being able to forecast the outcome with absolute certainty, she blamed sexism (did she blame sexism for losing to Obama?), she blamed the GOP for opposing her and voter suppression.

In other words, HILLARY LOST, because not everyone liked her and actually advertised against her or for the other candidate, sponsored her opponent, and dared to investigate her many glaring scandals. And because she was a woman. Never mind that she won senator-ship and lots of other women do great in politics, or that her party advertised heavily against Trump, smeared him, rich donors sponsored her, they ran violent protestors at all of Trump's rallies to disrupt them, she brought on a bunch of investigations on herself through repeated criminal wrongdoing, and the polls had her winning right up to the night of the election!

Hillary lost because the GOP, Trump campaign and its supporters actually put up a race and fought equally to win. There is not a thing there she and the DNC did not do themselves, first and to a far greater extent. I am amazed that Hillary has spared the electoral college! She has yet to blame the Founders, the Constitutional Convention, the 12th Amendment and James Madison for costing her the election by enacting the Electoral College so she couldn't win by a simple majority!!! DAMN them wig-wearing old farts!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Here little piggy! Stop squealing!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Never mind asking Hillary that if her information was SO BAD before, what the hell maskes her think it is any better now? And why is she only coming out with this stuff SEVEN MONTHS after the fact?

Is it any wonder why people cannot stand democrats?! If they aren't lying and twisting the truth, repeating half-baked information from hack sources, they whine and complain like little children when things do not go their way. People are going to watch this shit and they will NEVER vote for Hillary to be Dog-Catcher now, they are just sick and tired of the entire democratic dog and pony show of BAD LOSERS. This will all be remembered in the next elections.
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she probably honestly believes it wasn't primarily her fault.

nice to see she's kept her sense of self-delusion intact.
she probably honestly believes it wasn't primarily her fault.

nice to see she's kept her sense of self-delusion intact.

Oh, if you have studied the Clintons, I firmly believe her to be a congenital liar. With Bill it is a skill, a tact, but with Hillary, I really think she convinces herself it is all true. Here is a person who honestly cannot tell reality from fiction. She has an unmet need for approval and to blame others for her failings. The stories go all the way back to her days as First Lady.

ALL OF THIS, Hillary's lies, her book, her TV interviews, the charges of Russian Collusion, the attacks against Trump, Kushner, Comey and Flynn, this all comes right out of her mentor's book: RULE #13 of Rules For Radicals. Tie up the system. Freeze and isolate your opponent. Collapse the system. Commit so many bizarre crimes, that the mere allegation of it all seems implausible, and the prosecution of it all simply overwhelms the system. Meantime, all of the lawyers are so tied up, they have no time left (and the public no appetite for) the REAL investigations surrounding her, Abedin, Rice, Comey, Lynch, Obama, Lerner, and so many others.
"Nigel Farage had some harsh words for Hillary Clinton‘s recent reaction to the 2016 election, calling her sad and pathetic Thursday morning on “Fox & Friends.”

“I don’t think it’s worth getting angry about Hillary. I just think she looks sad and pathetic. There is nothing worse then a bad loser. Nothing worse than somebody who blames absolutely everybody else for their own failings,” Farage, British politician and leader of the Brexit movement said."

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