Hillary Clinton: "Trump Has Given Encouragement And Rhetorical Support To The KKK"

Duke is an asshole. Trump denounced him. Here in Louisiana where he lives he is a pariah, no one wants to be around him. He has zero credibility and zero support from normal people. He lost the governors race to a proven criminal (Edwin Edwards). The people of his state rejected him every time he ran for anything.


I lived there when the "vote for the crook -- it's important" bumper stickers were festooned on many a car.

So what?

your attempts to tie him to Trump are nothing but desperation and fail every time you try it.

Hey, they're Dukey's words or are they not?
Meanwhile the OP's attempts to tie Clinton to the Klan, the Association Fallacies of posts 3, 5, 15, 16 and 21 and your own in posts 24 and 25 constitute what?


yes, Duke endorsed Trump. The ayatollah endorsed Hillary, whats your point?

Exactly my point to McRacist's post about the Klown in Kalifornia when I pointed out that the Klan hasn't existed as an entity since April 23 1943. Which you claimed had been "disproven" yet can't show it.

So -- what's YOUR point?

We sit, and we wait...........................

grow up. this isn't 9th grade debate class. The KKK still exists as a few ignorant asshole racist bastards. MY POINT is that there is currently a large and growing group of black racists that are for some reason condoned by morons like you on the left.

BLM, Antifa, black panthers, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Whoopi, etc-----black racist organizations

then we also have the Islamic "racists" who are also condoned by the left and the MSM.

we also have the Hispanic "racists" La Raza etc who also get a pass from the left for their "racism".

the " " are because religion and ethnicity are not races but the term is used by the left to stir up its ignorant base.

"Grow up""???? Dood, you float several association fallacies, claim my facts have been disproven yet can't disprove them, and you want ME to "grow up"? You're fucking pathetic. At least the OP and that Thurmond klown had enough sense to run away when they're licked.

None of this has anything to do with any "black racists". Clayton Bigsbee is a comedy act. And not part of anything here.

You've floated association fallacies like turds, and they got flushed. And you're trying to point to a different toilet?
Duke is an asshole. Trump denounced him. Here in Louisiana where he lives he is a pariah, no one wants to be around him. He has zero credibility and zero support from normal people. He lost the governors race to a proven criminal (Edwin Edwards). The people of his state rejected him every time he ran for anything.


I lived there when the "vote for the crook -- it's important" bumper stickers were festooned on many a car.

So what?

your attempts to tie him to Trump are nothing but desperation and fail every time you try it.

Hey, they're Dukey's words or are they not?
Meanwhile the OP's attempts to tie Clinton to the Klan, the Association Fallacies of posts 3, 5, 15, 16 and 21 and your own in posts 24 and 25 constitute what?


yes, Duke endorsed Trump. The ayatollah endorsed Hillary, whats your point?

Exactly my point to McRacist's post about the Klown in Kalifornia when I pointed out that the Klan hasn't existed as an entity since April 23 1943. Which you claimed had been "disproven" yet can't show it.

So -- what's YOUR point?

We sit, and we wait...........................

grow up. this isn't 9th grade debate class. The KKK still exists as a few ignorant asshole racist bastards. MY POINT is that there is currently a large and growing group of black racists that are for some reason condoned by morons like you on the left.

BLM, Antifa, black panthers, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Whoopi, etc-----black racist organizations

then we also have the Islamic "racists" who are also condoned by the left and the MSM.

we also have the Hispanic "racists" La Raza etc who also get a pass from the left for their "racism".

the " " are because religion and ethnicity are not races but the term is used by the left to stir up its ignorant base.

"Grow up""???? Dood, you float several association fallacies, claim my facts have been disproven yet can't disprove them, and you want ME to "grow up"? You're fucking pathetic. At least the OP and that Thurmond klown had enough sense to run away when they're licked.

None of this has anything to do with any "black racists". Clayton Bigsbee is a comedy act. And not part of anything here.

You've floated association fallacies like turds, and they got flushed. And you're trying to point to a different toilet?

this thread is about a false claim made by the hildebeast. She and you libs are trying, and failing, to make a connection between the KKK and Duke to Trump.

it didn't work, the facts are against you. the black racist organizations that I listed are real, the KKK is a joke, Byrd and Thurman were racists and supported or were members of the KKK.

go away hopstick, you guys lost this one. time to move to your next failure.

I lived there when the "vote for the crook -- it's important" bumper stickers were festooned on many a car.

So what?

Hey, they're Dukey's words or are they not?
Meanwhile the OP's attempts to tie Clinton to the Klan, the Association Fallacies of posts 3, 5, 15, 16 and 21 and your own in posts 24 and 25 constitute what?


yes, Duke endorsed Trump. The ayatollah endorsed Hillary, whats your point?

Exactly my point to McRacist's post about the Klown in Kalifornia when I pointed out that the Klan hasn't existed as an entity since April 23 1943. Which you claimed had been "disproven" yet can't show it.

So -- what's YOUR point?

We sit, and we wait...........................

grow up. this isn't 9th grade debate class. The KKK still exists as a few ignorant asshole racist bastards. MY POINT is that there is currently a large and growing group of black racists that are for some reason condoned by morons like you on the left.

BLM, Antifa, black panthers, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Whoopi, etc-----black racist organizations

then we also have the Islamic "racists" who are also condoned by the left and the MSM.

we also have the Hispanic "racists" La Raza etc who also get a pass from the left for their "racism".

the " " are because religion and ethnicity are not races but the term is used by the left to stir up its ignorant base.

"Grow up""???? Dood, you float several association fallacies, claim my facts have been disproven yet can't disprove them, and you want ME to "grow up"? You're fucking pathetic. At least the OP and that Thurmond klown had enough sense to run away when they're licked.

None of this has anything to do with any "black racists". Clayton Bigsbee is a comedy act. And not part of anything here.

You've floated association fallacies like turds, and they got flushed. And you're trying to point to a different toilet?

this thread is about a false claim made by the hildebeast. She and you libs are trying, and failing, to make a connection between the KKK and Duke to Trump.

it didn't work, the facts are against you. the black racist organizations that I listed are real, the KKK is a joke, Byrd and Thurman were racists and supported or were members of the KKK.

go away hopstick, you guys lost this one. time to move to your next failure.

So you just cannot admit that you're wrong and you fucked up?

Such as here -----
Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.

your libtard propaganda only makes you look like a fool. Those dem/lib talking points have been disproven many times already.

--- and yet you have NOTHING to offer as any evidence of this "disproof"? Nothing but running away?

Not to mention this -----

you voted for Clinton..........so did thousands of dead people and illegal aliens.

Again --- evidence?


Seeeeeems to me something that's been "disproven many times already" should be easy to demonstrate even one of those times, should it not?

The asshat who tried to put Strom Thurmond in the Klan had nothing either. And nor can you.
He ran away to avoid further embarrassment. You're still here running the same bullshit expecting different results.

On the basis of no evidence whatsoever.

How fucking stupid is that exactly? Just give me a number. I'm thinking on a scale of ten --- 214?
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it

Antifa is the KKK of 2017. BLM is the racist organization of 2017. Sharpton, Jackson, are the gran dragons of racism in 2017.

Hillary Clinton is a lying loser bitch. The dems pander to the minorities and then dump on them. But, many minorities are finally seeing through the dem lies. Obama and the Clintons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.
No they are not even close

They haven't broken into your home and tried to lynch you have they?

No, but what they are doing in Berkley and last night in St Louis is virtually the same thing.
Are you confusing protesting with KKK Terrorism?
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.
it was just bull crud...the news was reporting how the KKK in the nation was supporting Trump and Trump was getting bad press on it, so this supposed KKKer fom California said the KKK was supportin clinton and donated 10 thousand dollars to her campaign yadadadada....

Only problem with his jargon, was there was no donation to the Clinton campaign from him or any group associated with the KKK....
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.

Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.
Breaking Update!

American Patriot Steve McGarrett exposes Pogo as a Liar.

David Duke NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. The lying media, like Pogo want you to believe he did. At the time, Duke put out a statement but the media wouldn't report it.

From his own words!
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.
it was just bull crud...the news was reporting how the KKK in the nation was supporting Trump and Trump was getting bad press on it, so this supposed KKKer fom California said the KKK was supportin clinton and donated 10 thousand dollars to her campaign yadadadada....

Only problem with his jargon, was there was no donation to the Clinton campaign from him or any group associated with the KKK....

And it wouldn't matter since anybody who wants to can call themselves "Klan" and there's no actual Klan to disown or confirm them. There hasn't been since 1944.

--- which I understand has been "disproven many times" yet mysteriously such disproof can't be seen by humans.
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.

Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.

your libtard propaganda only makes you look like a fool. Those dem/lib talking points have been disproven many times already.

but keep it up, hoppystick. we enjoy laughing at you.

Nope that's historical fact, right down to the day. And I'm afraid there's nothing you can do about that except whine and stomp your feet.

I do my homework. So sue me. But hey, if you think you can disprove it --- be my jest.
Go ahead, be the first.

Duke is an asshole. Trump denounced him. Here in Louisiana where he lives he is a pariah, no one wants to be around him. He has zero credibility and zero support from normal people. He lost the governors race to a proven criminal (Edwin Edwards). The people of his state rejected him every time he ran for anything.

your attempts to tie him to Trump are nothing but desperation and fail every time you try it.

Ask MLK's niece or Rosa Parks why they support Trump.

You lefties lost and continue losing because you refuse to accept the reality that your liberal ideology has been rejected by the American people.
Well, thanks to Louisiana voters and his message, Duke did knock incumbent Governor Buddy Roemer out of the race.
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Man oh man, you really HATE Senator Byrd for turning on you kkk ers, don't you?
Publicly, he might have. Privately, I doubt he turned on them.
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
Bullshit, no prominent Republican politician has ever supported the klan or accepted their support the Democrats are another story.
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.

Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.
Breaking Update!

American Patriot Steve McGarrett exposes Pogo as a Liar.

David Duke NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. The lying media, like Pogo want you to believe he did. At the time, Duke put out a statement but the media wouldn't report it.

From his own words!

>> “This represents a turning point for the people of this country,” said Duke in video uploaded to Twitter by Indianapolis Star photojournalist Mykal McEldowney. “We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump. Because he said he’s going to take our country back. That’s what we gotta do.” << -- Ex Klan Klown Dukey says White Supremacists Will Fulfill Rump's Promises

>> Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is calling Donald Trump's electoral victory "one of the most exciting nights of my life."

Duke, a white nationalist who unsuccessfully ran for Louisiana Senate, tweeted early Wednesday that his supporters played a major part in paving Trump's road to the presidency.

"Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!" he wrote.<< --- Dukey: Rump Win is "A Great Victory For Our People"
Look McRacist --- he mentioned you on TV! :eusa_dance: They misspell the word Yuge though.


>> Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is running for U.S. Senate and tells NPR that he believes he'll be getting the votes of Donald Trump supporters.

And he reiterated his own support for Trump, saying he's "100 percent behind" the Republican presidential candidate's agenda.

"As a United States senator, nobody will be more supportive of his legislative agenda, his Supreme Court agenda, than I will," Duke said.
<< -- Dukey says "Of Course" Rumpbots Are His Own Bots

Dukey can endorse anybody he likes and there's nothing Rump can do about it other than channel Sargent Shultz and stammer "I know nothing". That doesn't make Rump guilty by association. But you're the kkklown who opened this very thread with an Association Fallacy, so fall on your own sword.

---- or are you admitting that the whole premise for this thread always was bullshit?

Last edited:
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.
Sure. It made headlines!


“All the stuff she’s saying now, she’s saying so she can get into office, OK?” Mr. Quigg said. “She doesn’t care about illegal immigrants — she’s acting like she does so she can get into office. Once she’s in office, then she’ll implement her policies. She’s a Democrat. The Klan has always been a Democratic organization.”

The Grand Dragons endorsement- Fox News
LOOK: Video Shows KKK Grand Dragon Endorsing Hillary
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
Bullshit, no prominent Republican politician has ever supported the klan or accepted their support the Democrats are another story.

Already debunked with multiple examples. See post 18.

Here's a supplement:

And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.

Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.
Breaking Update!

American Patriot Steve McGarrett exposes Pogo as a Liar.

David Duke NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. The lying media, like Pogo want you to believe he did. At the time, Duke put out a statement but the media wouldn't report it.

From his own words!

>> “This represents a turning point for the people of this country,” said Duke in video uploaded to Twitter by Indianapolis Star photojournalist Mykal McEldowney. “We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump. Because he said he’s going to take our country back. That’s what we gotta do.” << -- Ex Klan Klown Dukey says White Supremacists Will Fulfill Rump's Promises
>> Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is calling Donald Trump's electoral victory "one of the most exciting nights of my life."

Duke, a white nationalist who unsuccessfully ran for Louisiana Senate, tweeted early Wednesday that his supporters played a major part in paving Trump's road to the presidency.

"Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!" he wrote.<< --- Dukey: Rump Win is "A Great Victory For Our People"
Look McRacist --- he mentioned you on TV! :eusa_dance: They misspell the word Yuge though.


>> Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is running for U.S. Senate and tells NPR that he believes he'll be getting the votes of Donald Trump supporters.

And he reiterated his own support for Trump, saying he's "100 percent behind" the Republican presidential candidate's agenda.

"As a United States senator, nobody will be more supportive of his legislative agenda, his Supreme Court agenda, than I will," Duke said.
<< -- Dukey says "Of Course" Rumpbots Are His Own Bots

Dukey can endorse anybody he likes and there's nothing Rump can do about it other than stammer "I know nothing". That doesn't make Rump guilty by association. But you're the kkklown who opened this very thread with an Association Fallacy, so fall on your own sword.

---- or are you admitting that the whole premise for this thread always was bullshit?


You Lied! Steve McGarrett destroyed your credibility! One more time! David Duke NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. In his own words:

David Duke Responds To CNN LIE. I Never endorsed Trump
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.

Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.
Breaking Update!

American Patriot Steve McGarrett exposes Pogo as a Liar.

David Duke NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. The lying media, like Pogo want you to believe he did. At the time, Duke put out a statement but the media wouldn't report it.

From his own words!

>> “This represents a turning point for the people of this country,” said Duke in video uploaded to Twitter by Indianapolis Star photojournalist Mykal McEldowney. “We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump. Because he said he’s going to take our country back. That’s what we gotta do.” << -- Ex Klan Klown Dukey says White Supremacists Will Fulfill Rump's Promises
>> Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is calling Donald Trump's electoral victory "one of the most exciting nights of my life."

Duke, a white nationalist who unsuccessfully ran for Louisiana Senate, tweeted early Wednesday that his supporters played a major part in paving Trump's road to the presidency.

"Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!" he wrote.<< --- Dukey: Rump Win is "A Great Victory For Our People"
Look McRacist --- he mentioned you on TV! :eusa_dance: They misspell the word Yuge though.


>> Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is running for U.S. Senate and tells NPR that he believes he'll be getting the votes of Donald Trump supporters.

And he reiterated his own support for Trump, saying he's "100 percent behind" the Republican presidential candidate's agenda.

"As a United States senator, nobody will be more supportive of his legislative agenda, his Supreme Court agenda, than I will," Duke said.
<< -- Dukey says "Of Course" Rumpbots Are His Own Bots

Dukey can endorse anybody he likes and there's nothing Rump can do about it other than stammer "I know nothing". That doesn't make Rump guilty by association. But you're the kkklown who opened this very thread with an Association Fallacy, so fall on your own sword.

---- or are you admitting that the whole premise for this thread always was bullshit?


You Lied! Steve McGarrett destroyed your credibility! One more time! David Duke NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. In his own words:

David Duke Responds To CNN LIE. I Never endorsed Trump

Already quoted three times, McKlan. You lose. And by the way that guy back in your OP (Byrd) repudiated the Klan. Yet one counts and the other doesn't? Fuck you and everybody who hypocrites like you.

Your entire thread premise is bullshit. Always was.
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.

Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.
Breaking Update!

American Patriot Steve McGarrett exposes Pogo as a Liar.

David Duke NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. The lying media, like Pogo want you to believe he did. At the time, Duke put out a statement but the media wouldn't report it.

From his own words!

>> “This represents a turning point for the people of this country,” said Duke in video uploaded to Twitter by Indianapolis Star photojournalist Mykal McEldowney. “We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump. Because he said he’s going to take our country back. That’s what we gotta do.” << -- Ex Klan Klown Dukey says White Supremacists Will Fulfill Rump's Promises
>> Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is calling Donald Trump's electoral victory "one of the most exciting nights of my life."

Duke, a white nationalist who unsuccessfully ran for Louisiana Senate, tweeted early Wednesday that his supporters played a major part in paving Trump's road to the presidency.

"Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!" he wrote.<< --- Dukey: Rump Win is "A Great Victory For Our People"
Look McRacist --- he mentioned you on TV! :eusa_dance: They misspell the word Yuge though.


>> Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is running for U.S. Senate and tells NPR that he believes he'll be getting the votes of Donald Trump supporters.

And he reiterated his own support for Trump, saying he's "100 percent behind" the Republican presidential candidate's agenda.

"As a United States senator, nobody will be more supportive of his legislative agenda, his Supreme Court agenda, than I will," Duke said.
<< -- Dukey says "Of Course" Rumpbots Are His Own Bots

Dukey can endorse anybody he likes and there's nothing Rump can do about it other than stammer "I know nothing". That doesn't make Rump guilty by association. But you're the kkklown who opened this very thread with an Association Fallacy, so fall on your own sword.

---- or are you admitting that the whole premise for this thread always was bullshit?


You Lied! Steve McGarrett destroyed your credibility! One more time! David Duke NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. In his own words:

David Duke Responds To CNN LIE. I Never endorsed Trump

Already quoted three times, McKlan. You lose. And by the way that guy back in your OP (Byrd) repudiated the Klan. Yet one counts and the other doesn't? Fuck you and everybody who hypocrites like you.

Your entire thread premise is bullshit. Always was.
As an American Patriot blessed by God with White Privilege, I only post the truth! You said David Duke endorsed Donald Trump. Once again, I expose you as a Liar. David Duke will verify you're a liar in his own words, liar!

And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
Bullshit, no prominent Republican politician has ever supported the klan or accepted their support the Democrats are another story.

Already debunked with multiple examples. See post 18.

Here's a supplement:

Oh yeah there was that one time in the 1920's, in Indiana but then there was the rest of the country and all that time before and after when the KKK was the militant arm of the Democratic party and enjoyed its most popular support under said party.
To be fair, Byrd renounced the Klan ages ago and worked on behalf of civil rights for decades afterward, up until his death.

Not that it makes irrelevant Clinton's words any more meaningful. But let's not act like she was embracing a frothing racist here people.
Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.
Breaking Update!

American Patriot Steve McGarrett exposes Pogo as a Liar.

David Duke NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. The lying media, like Pogo want you to believe he did. At the time, Duke put out a statement but the media wouldn't report it.

From his own words!

>> “This represents a turning point for the people of this country,” said Duke in video uploaded to Twitter by Indianapolis Star photojournalist Mykal McEldowney. “We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump. Because he said he’s going to take our country back. That’s what we gotta do.” << -- Ex Klan Klown Dukey says White Supremacists Will Fulfill Rump's Promises
>> Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is calling Donald Trump's electoral victory "one of the most exciting nights of my life."

Duke, a white nationalist who unsuccessfully ran for Louisiana Senate, tweeted early Wednesday that his supporters played a major part in paving Trump's road to the presidency.

"Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!" he wrote.<< --- Dukey: Rump Win is "A Great Victory For Our People"
Look McRacist --- he mentioned you on TV! :eusa_dance: They misspell the word Yuge though.


>> Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is running for U.S. Senate and tells NPR that he believes he'll be getting the votes of Donald Trump supporters.

And he reiterated his own support for Trump, saying he's "100 percent behind" the Republican presidential candidate's agenda.

"As a United States senator, nobody will be more supportive of his legislative agenda, his Supreme Court agenda, than I will," Duke said.
<< -- Dukey says "Of Course" Rumpbots Are His Own Bots

Dukey can endorse anybody he likes and there's nothing Rump can do about it other than stammer "I know nothing". That doesn't make Rump guilty by association. But you're the kkklown who opened this very thread with an Association Fallacy, so fall on your own sword.

---- or are you admitting that the whole premise for this thread always was bullshit?


You Lied! Steve McGarrett destroyed your credibility! One more time! David Duke NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. In his own words:

David Duke Responds To CNN LIE. I Never endorsed Trump

Already quoted three times, McKlan. You lose. And by the way that guy back in your OP (Byrd) repudiated the Klan. Yet one counts and the other doesn't? Fuck you and everybody who hypocrites like you.

Your entire thread premise is bullshit. Always was.
As an American Patriot blessed by God with White Privilege, I only post the truth! You said David Duke endorsed Donald Trump. Once again, I expose you as a Liar. David Duke will verify you're a liar in his own words, liar!

"Liar"? You want "liar"? Roll tape.

There was another Democrat Senator from South Carolina who was in the Klan also. Can't think of his name at this moment though.
Strom Thurman I think?
You'd be correct! He served 48 years in the Senate which was surpassed by Robert Byrd.

He is "correct" huh?


Here, to be fair maybe this will help...

Thurmond first came to prominent office in 1946 when he was elected governor. Two years after the Klan officially dissolved Oops, maybe that doesn't help.

After trying to run for President with his own breakaway party in 1948, he first got into the Senate in 1952 --- as a write-in, because the state Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot.

That at least establishes your 48 years.

Watcha got, McDuncecap?

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