Hillary Clinton: "Trump Has Given Encouragement And Rhetorical Support To The KKK"

Easy Observation:

Democrats: violent Antifa Rioters, Terrorist sympathizers, Sanctuary Cities for illegal alien criminals, Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, racist Aztlán Nationalist, BLM separatist, deranged men in the women’s restrooms, gangs, ghettos, failed schools, cop killers, Mexican drug cartel, human traffickers, high school drop-out losers, crime, corruption, drive-by shootings....….

Republicans: Chamber of Commerce, PTA, Rotary Club, American Legion, 4H Club, Lion’s Club, Boy Scouts, Little League, VFW, great neighborhoods, good schools, National Honor Society, Junior League, juuuuust grilling and chilling…..
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.

Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it

Refuse to renounce the KKK? Are you on acid?

You voted for Trump......so did the KKK

You're too stupid and dishonest to engage further. It's way past time to put you on ignore. Good riddance k*nt.

Looks like I get to claim victory again
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it

Antifa is the KKK of 2017. BLM is the racist organization of 2017. Sharpton, Jackson, are the gran dragons of racism in 2017.

Hillary Clinton is a lying loser bitch. The dems pander to the minorities and then dump on them. But, many minorities are finally seeing through the dem lies. Obama and the Clintons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it

Refuse to renounce the KKK? Are you on acid?

he's a liberal, same thing
There was another Democrat Senator from South Carolina who was in the Klan also. Can't think of his name at this moment though.
Strom Thurman I think?

There's no evidence Strom Thurmond was in the Klan. Prove me wrong.
You're funny.

How about you prove me wrong instead moron
How about it isn't my assertion, asshole. I'm not here to prove a negative -- you're here to prove you can't prove your own ass-sertion.

And you're doing a helluva job, brownie.

So I'll say this one more time only ..... in small words so you can understand.....
--- your evidence is where?
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.

Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.

your libtard propaganda only makes you look like a fool. Those dem/lib talking points have been disproven many times already.

but keep it up, hoppystick. we enjoy laughing at you.
Easy Observation:

Democrats: violent Antifa Rioters, Terrorist sympathizers, Sanctuary Cities for illegal alien criminals, Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, racist Aztlán Nationalist, BLM separatist, deranged men in the women’s restrooms, gangs, ghettos, failed schools, cop killers, Mexican drug cartel, human traffickers, high school drop-out losers, crime, corruption, drive-by shootings....….

Republicans: Chamber of Commerce, PTA, Rotary Club, American Legion, 4H Club, Lion’s Club, Boy Scouts, Little League, VFW, great neighborhoods, good schools, National Honor Society, Junior League, juuuuust grilling and chilling…..

DING What is two collections of random nouns gathered for the purpose of Association Fallacy for 800 Alex.
There was another Democrat Senator from South Carolina who was in the Klan also. Can't think of his name at this moment though.
Strom Thurman I think?

There's no evidence Strom Thurmond was in the Klan. Prove me wrong.
You're funny.

How about you prove me wrong instead moron
How about it isn't my assertion, asshole. I'm not here to prove a negative -- you're here to prove you can't prove your own ass-sertion.

And you're doing a helluva job, brownie.

So I'll say this one more time only ..... in small words so you can understand.....
--- your evidence is where?
I'll say this slowly for you. Prove me wrong jackass.
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it

Refuse to renounce the KKK? Are you on acid?

You voted for Trump......so did the KKK

you voted for Clinton..........so did thousands of dead people and illegal aliens.
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.

Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.

your libtard propaganda only makes you look like a fool. Those dem/lib talking points have been disproven many times already.

but keep it up, hoppystick. we enjoy laughing at you.

Nope that's historical fact, right down to the day. I did round off the figure of "2/3 of a million dollars" -- it was slightly over that. And I'm afraid there's nothing you can do about that except whine and stomp your feet.

I do my homework. So sue me. But hey, if you think you can disprove it --- be my jest.
Go ahead, be the first.
Last edited:
There was another Democrat Senator from South Carolina who was in the Klan also. Can't think of his name at this moment though.
Strom Thurman I think?

There's no evidence Strom Thurmond was in the Klan. Prove me wrong.
You're funny.

How about you prove me wrong instead moron
How about it isn't my assertion, asshole. I'm not here to prove a negative -- you're here to prove you can't prove your own ass-sertion.

And you're doing a helluva job, brownie.

So I'll say this one more time only ..... in small words so you can understand.....
--- your evidence is where?
I'll say this slowly for you. Prove me wrong jackass.

That was easy. Dismissed.
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it
It doesn't matter how long ago that he was in the Klan and served their interests. As a matter of fact, Hillary was officially endorsed by the west coast Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan during the election.

Yyyyeah unfortunatley for your fantasies the "Klan" hasn't existed as an organized entity since April 23 of 1943 when the IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill on it and the Governor of Georgia (Ellis Arnall) revoked its charter. Everything since then is kkklowns playing dress-up fantasy on their own --- which is exactly what David Duke was doing when he declared himself Grand Wanker of Sleaziana.

Oh and Duke endorsed Rump btw. And nagged him for intimating that the Klan Klones were not fine people. Rump quickly and obediently rectalfied rectified that in an infamous and astonishing press conference, earning Duke's approval, which is apparently bigly important to Big Orange, even though he has no idea who he is.

your libtard propaganda only makes you look like a fool. Those dem/lib talking points have been disproven many times already.

but keep it up, hoppystick. we enjoy laughing at you.

Nope that's historical fact, right down to the day. And I'm afraid there's nothing you can do about that except whine and stomp your feet.

I do my homework. So sue me. But hey, if you think you can disprove it --- be my jest.
Go ahead, be the first.

Duke is an asshole. Trump denounced him. Here in Louisiana where he lives he is a pariah, no one wants to be around him. He has zero credibility and zero support from normal people. He lost the governors race to a proven criminal (Edwin Edwards). The people of his state rejected him every time he ran for anything.

your attempts to tie him to Trump are nothing but desperation and fail every time you try it.

Ask MLK's niece or Rosa Parks why they support Trump.

You lefties lost and continue losing because you refuse to accept the reality that your liberal ideology has been rejected by the American people.
Duke is an asshole. Trump denounced him. Here in Louisiana where he lives he is a pariah, no one wants to be around him. He has zero credibility and zero support from normal people. He lost the governors race to a proven criminal (Edwin Edwards). The people of his state rejected him every time he ran for anything.


I lived there when the "vote for the crook -- it's important" bumper stickers were festooned on many a car.

So what?

your attempts to tie him to Trump are nothing but desperation and fail every time you try it.

Hey, are they Dukey's words or are they not?

Meanwhile the OP's attempts to tie Clinton to the Klan, the Association Fallacies of posts 3, 5, 15, 16 and 21 and your own in posts 24 and 25 constitute what?

And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it

Antifa is the KKK of 2017. BLM is the racist organization of 2017. Sharpton, Jackson, are the gran dragons of racism in 2017.

Hillary Clinton is a lying loser bitch. The dems pander to the minorities and then dump on them. But, many minorities are finally seeing through the dem lies. Obama and the Clintons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.
No they are not even close

They haven't broken into your home and tried to lynch you have they?
Duke is an asshole. Trump denounced him. Here in Louisiana where he lives he is a pariah, no one wants to be around him. He has zero credibility and zero support from normal people. He lost the governors race to a proven criminal (Edwin Edwards). The people of his state rejected him every time he ran for anything.


I lived there when the "vote for the crook -- it's important" bumper stickers were festooned on many a car.

So what?

your attempts to tie him to Trump are nothing but desperation and fail every time you try it.

Hey, they're Dukey's words or are they not?
Meanwhile the OP's attempts to tie Clinton to the Klan, the Association Fallacies of post 21 and your own in posts 24 and 25 constitute what?


yes, Duke endorsed Trump. The ayatollah endorsed Hillary, whats your point?
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Byrd belonged to the klan 75 years ago and long ago renounced it

The klan supports Republicans TODAY and republicans refuse to renounce it

Antifa is the KKK of 2017. BLM is the racist organization of 2017. Sharpton, Jackson, are the gran dragons of racism in 2017.

Hillary Clinton is a lying loser bitch. The dems pander to the minorities and then dump on them. But, many minorities are finally seeing through the dem lies. Obama and the Clintons have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy.
No they are not even close

They haven't broken into your home and tried to lynch you have they?

No, but what they are doing in Berkley and last night in St Louis is virtually the same thing.
Duke is an asshole. Trump denounced him. Here in Louisiana where he lives he is a pariah, no one wants to be around him. He has zero credibility and zero support from normal people. He lost the governors race to a proven criminal (Edwin Edwards). The people of his state rejected him every time he ran for anything.


I lived there when the "vote for the crook -- it's important" bumper stickers were festooned on many a car.

So what?

your attempts to tie him to Trump are nothing but desperation and fail every time you try it.

Hey, they're Dukey's words or are they not?
Meanwhile the OP's attempts to tie Clinton to the Klan, the Association Fallacies of posts 3, 5, 15, 16 and 21 and your own in posts 24 and 25 constitute what?


yes, Duke endorsed Trump. The ayatollah endorsed Hillary, whats your point?

Exactly my point to McRacist's post about the Klown in Kalifornia when I pointed out that the Klan hasn't existed as an entity since April 23 1943. Which you claimed had been "disproven" yet can't show it.

So -- what's YOUR point?

We sit, and we wait...........................
Duke is an asshole. Trump denounced him. Here in Louisiana where he lives he is a pariah, no one wants to be around him. He has zero credibility and zero support from normal people. He lost the governors race to a proven criminal (Edwin Edwards). The people of his state rejected him every time he ran for anything.


I lived there when the "vote for the crook -- it's important" bumper stickers were festooned on many a car.

So what?

your attempts to tie him to Trump are nothing but desperation and fail every time you try it.

Hey, they're Dukey's words or are they not?
Meanwhile the OP's attempts to tie Clinton to the Klan, the Association Fallacies of posts 3, 5, 15, 16 and 21 and your own in posts 24 and 25 constitute what?


yes, Duke endorsed Trump. The ayatollah endorsed Hillary, whats your point?

Exactly my point to McRacist's post about the Klown in Kalifornia when I pointed out that the Klan hasn't existed as an entity since April 23 1943. Which you claimed had been "disproven" yet can't show it.

So -- what's YOUR point?

We sit, and we wait...........................

grow up. this isn't 9th grade debate class. The KKK still exists as a few ignorant asshole racist bastards. MY POINT is that there is currently a large and growing group of black racists that are for some reason condoned by morons like you on the left.

BLM, Antifa, black panthers, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Whoopi, etc-----black racist organizations

then we also have the Islamic "racists" who are also condoned by the left and the MSM.

we also have the Hispanic "racists" La Raza etc who also get a pass from the left for their "racism".

the " " are because religion and ethnicity are not races but the term is used by the left to stir up its ignorant base.
And yet, she eulogized the former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan, her mentor, Robert Byrd.

Hillary Clinton:

"Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”


Hillary Clinton: Trump ‘Has Given a Lot of Encouragement and Rhetorical Support’ to the KKK - Breitbart
Man oh man, you really HATE Senator Byrd for turning on you kkk ers, don't you?

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