Hillary Clintion Leads by 1.7 Million in Popular Vote. More than both JFK's and Carter's Victories

We are a Republic, not a Democracy. The Electoral College was put into place because of the fear of the majority. The system has been in place for over 200 years and if we want to change it, then we need to change it. That said we are a nation of laws. We honor the system that is in place.
Ah, therein lies the rub. It is "too hard" to change the process, so we're instructed that we need to ignore it and just do whatever it takes to put a democrat in the White House.

"Fear of the majority" he sez :lol:

Doesn't that sound like setting up an élite class to run the jernt. :eusa_whistle:
Senators are elected by majority vote. Representatives are elected by majority vote. Only the president is not, and never has been. One has to wonder why, if democrats are so dominant, there are not more democrat Senators and Representatives. Never fear, the majority vote is alive and well in the US.

And you left out Governors -- the closest parallel to a President, being the Chief Executive of a state. I bring these up whenever some parrot starts murmuring "mob rule", which they can't defend -- since Governors, Senators, Congresscritters, Mayors, City Councils, Sheriffs etc etc etc etc etc are *ALL* elected by so-called "mob rule", yet nobody calls it that when it's not convenient to do so.

That's because they're working with the rules as they actually exist, not how they want the rules to be. Why NOT elect governors via county vote?

That's exactly my point ---- if "mob rule" were a real thing .... then that's what states would be doing.

None of them do, because it's NOT a real thing. Therefore it's a bullshit argument. Follow me?

Trump Hit With Thanksgiving Surprise As Green Party Files For Recount In WI, MI, and PA

With calls from election security experts growing, the Green Party has announced that they will be filing for a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to help Hillary Clinton win an election that they believe was hacked.…
I notice that none of the agitators are urging that we audit California's vote counts to weed out illegal alien votes. If you want to make sure we got an accurate count, you have to include that.

900,000 provisional ballots in Cali to be counted. From folks too lazy or too illegal to legitimately register before the election. Figure a percentage of them probably should be going to jail. Because it's 2 to 5 years to misrepresent your voting status. Anyone think that will happen??

And that wad of ballots is NOT gonna get resolved before the deadline. Cali needs to learn to focus on accurate REGISTRATION. And not just let anyone wander into polling stations or multiple polling stations on voting day...
Stop being ridiculous. Even you should be able to understand people's frustration with our process. Hillary's clobbering Trump in the national popular vote by over 2 million and growing, and you expect people to not be frustrated?
Their frustration springs from their lack of understanding of the rules of the game. "But we held the ball longer and racked up more yards. We should have won!!!" The only thing they can do is try to change the rules going forward, not apply changes retroactively.

Where has anyone suggested "applying the rules retroactively", carrot-nose?

Just ignore the calls from the usual suspects for the electors to give Hillary the presidency, despite her losing and conceding. Oh, and that's "Applying the changes retroactively", not rules. Do try to keep up.

Keep up with this, Hunior ---- NOWHERE does the Constitution require that electors vote "winner take all". The entire process is left up to the states; all they're prescribed to do is send electors. However those electors are selected, and however they vote, is up to the several states.

Go ahead --- just try to prove me wrong

Sure, and the electors are selected by the party that won the state. That is a good thing, makes them less likely to succumb to democrat bullies. I would, though, love to see electors in a Hillary state vote for Trump. That would make liberal heads explode. You wouldn't be able to find a box of crayons or Silly Putty anywhere in the country.

See, you're still fatally attached to this partisan divisive shit. Political parties and party candidates should not even enter into this analysis. If they do, your argument is a fraud.
Ah, therein lies the rub. It is "too hard" to change the process, so we're instructed that we need to ignore it and just do whatever it takes to put a democrat in the White House.

"Fear of the majority" he sez :lol:

Doesn't that sound like setting up an élite class to run the jernt. :eusa_whistle:
Senators are elected by majority vote. Representatives are elected by majority vote. Only the president is not, and never has been. One has to wonder why, if democrats are so dominant, there are not more democrat Senators and Representatives. Never fear, the majority vote is alive and well in the US.

And you left out Governors -- the closest parallel to a President, being the Chief Executive of a state. I bring these up whenever some parrot starts murmuring "mob rule", which they can't defend -- since Governors, Senators, Congresscritters, Mayors, City Councils, Sheriffs etc etc etc etc etc are *ALL* elected by so-called "mob rule", yet nobody calls it that when it's not convenient to do so.

That's because they're working with the rules as they actually exist, not how they want the rules to be. Why NOT elect governors via county vote?

That's exactly my point ---- if "mob rule" were a real thing .... then that's what states would be doing.

None of them do, because it's NOT a real thing. Therefore it's a bullshit argument. Follow me?
No, it IS mob rule that elects governors. Not sure why you think it's a winning argument. The presidency is a unique office in the way it is won, and the whiners are just upset that their candidate lost. That's the bottom line here.
Their frustration springs from their lack of understanding of the rules of the game. "But we held the ball longer and racked up more yards. We should have won!!!" The only thing they can do is try to change the rules going forward, not apply changes retroactively.

Where has anyone suggested "applying the rules retroactively", carrot-nose?

Just ignore the calls from the usual suspects for the electors to give Hillary the presidency, despite her losing and conceding. Oh, and that's "Applying the changes retroactively", not rules. Do try to keep up.

Keep up with this, Hunior ---- NOWHERE does the Constitution require that electors vote "winner take all". The entire process is left up to the states; all they're prescribed to do is send electors. However those electors are selected, and however they vote, is up to the several states.

Go ahead --- just try to prove me wrong

Sure, and the electors are selected by the party that won the state. That is a good thing, makes them less likely to succumb to democrat bullies. I would, though, love to see electors in a Hillary state vote for Trump. That would make liberal heads explode. You wouldn't be able to find a box of crayons or Silly Putty anywhere in the country.

See, you're still fatally attached to this partisan divisive shit. Political parties and party candidates should not even enter into this analysis. If they do, your argument is a fraud.
I would be entertained, and the results of the election would not change. How can that be a bad thing?
The phrase "outside California" continues to be invalid, and there is no way to make it valid. Because "outside California" -- "outside the Deep South" --- "outside the Midwest" etc etc etc --- are all "outside the definition of the United States". It's no different from "if we hadn't given up those six home runs in the fifth inning we win this game" --- whelp ... you DID give 'em up, and that's why you LOST. You don't get to pick and choose which parts of the game you like and discard the ones you don't. PERIOD.

Pop quiz --- in the phrase "United States of America" ---- what's the first word?

This is yet another attempt to divide and conquer. "Without this". "Without that". Fucking bullshit.

Let California ---- and all states ---- send their vote proportionally to the will of the People. That gives, in this case at present count, .34 California EVs for Clinton and 19 for Rump. Stop dividing people up already.

Here's a little story about that: No.

The Progs are the ones trying to destroy the Electoral College and the integrity of our elections by crying up the False Issue of the Popular Vote. Therefore, analyzing the Poplular Vote is a perfectly valid response. If California had not allowed millions of illegal aliens to vote, then we can see what the result would have been.

This is disappointing from you.

No Sprinkles, some magic fairy didn't just waft down and deposit three million "illegal votes" in California (but magically, nowhere else). That's your self-delusion talking. Some asshat wrote it on the internets -- BFD. That doesn't make it like a real thing.

B'loney. CA passed Motor Voter which enabled illegals to get valid drivers' licenses. There is no voter ID requirement at polling stations. CA's Obamacare service provides coverage for illegals. CA has de facto created a new standard of citizen by ignoring immigration status...for a big reason: The Very Very Rich Liberal Elites like the cheap labor.

You're actually going on the World Wide Web to suggest the fallacy of "here's way it can happen, therefore it happened"?


Countered by your plan to prohibit investigating corruption by saying there's been no proof of corruption so we can't investigate it ...


Whelp --- guess not.

Trump Hit With Thanksgiving Surprise As Green Party Files For Recount In WI, MI, and PA

With calls from election security experts growing, the Green Party has announced that they will be filing for a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to help Hillary Clinton win an election that they believe was hacked.…
I notice that none of the agitators are urging that we audit California's vote counts to weed out illegal alien votes. If you want to make sure we got an accurate count, you have to include that.

900,000 provisional ballots in Cali to be counted. From folks too lazy or too illegal to legitimately register before the election. Figure a percentage of them probably should be going to jail. Because it's 2 to 5 years to misrepresent your voting status. Anyone think that will happen??

And that wad of ballots is NOT gonna get resolved before the deadline. Cali needs to learn to focus on accurate REGISTRATION. And not just let anyone wander into polling stations or multiple polling stations on voting day...
The bottom line, naturally, is that the whiners agitating to recount in specific areas only are NOT truly interested in accuracy, because if they were, they would also go after things like CA's illegal votes. The fact that they do not indicates where their interest solely lies, in overturning this election.
"Fear of the majority" he sez :lol:

Doesn't that sound like setting up an élite class to run the jernt. :eusa_whistle:
Senators are elected by majority vote. Representatives are elected by majority vote. Only the president is not, and never has been. One has to wonder why, if democrats are so dominant, there are not more democrat Senators and Representatives. Never fear, the majority vote is alive and well in the US.

And you left out Governors -- the closest parallel to a President, being the Chief Executive of a state. I bring these up whenever some parrot starts murmuring "mob rule", which they can't defend -- since Governors, Senators, Congresscritters, Mayors, City Councils, Sheriffs etc etc etc etc etc are *ALL* elected by so-called "mob rule", yet nobody calls it that when it's not convenient to do so.

That's because they're working with the rules as they actually exist, not how they want the rules to be. Why NOT elect governors via county vote?

That's exactly my point ---- if "mob rule" were a real thing .... then that's what states would be doing.

None of them do, because it's NOT a real thing. Therefore it's a bullshit argument. Follow me?
No, it IS mob rule that elects governors. Not sure why you think it's a winning argument. The presidency is a unique office in the way it is won, and the whiners are just upset that their candidate lost. That's the bottom line here.

OK well you can point up and go "the sky is green" all you want but the fact is a Governor --- ANY Governor is elected by straight popular vote, all over the diversity of a given state, one vote each urban suburban and rural, and nobody calls that "mob rule" and nobody advocates for "county electors" to proxy-out the state's vote. What they DO do is hold an election and live with it.

That's why applying the "mob rule" argument when it happens to help your POTUS get elected is a bullshit argument. If it were a real thing it would already exist at the state level. Well it doesn't, and it's not even suggested. So that lets the air out of those tires.

In other words the PV already works. Not only does it already work but nobody suggests it doesn't.
There are still over 3 million votes left to count in California. Therefore, Clinton's victory will be over 2 million votes, possibly over 3 million votes.

This is a sad time for democracy in the United States. We have to deal with the corrupt racist and misogynist bully Trump for at least 4 years because of some nonsense known as the electoral college, which no other democracy in the world is stupid enough to have.
We're a Republic, not a mob rule Democracy.

Hilly won 57 counties, Trump won over 3,000.

Republic, not Democracy
i wonder what %%% of Californias population are illegal/barely legal. anyone actually believe that none of them voted?
Here's a little story about that: No.

The Progs are the ones trying to destroy the Electoral College and the integrity of our elections by crying up the False Issue of the Popular Vote. Therefore, analyzing the Poplular Vote is a perfectly valid response. If California had not allowed millions of illegal aliens to vote, then we can see what the result would have been.

This is disappointing from you.

No Sprinkles, some magic fairy didn't just waft down and deposit three million "illegal votes" in California (but magically, nowhere else). That's your self-delusion talking. Some asshat wrote it on the internets -- BFD. That doesn't make it like a real thing.

B'loney. CA passed Motor Voter which enabled illegals to get valid drivers' licenses. There is no voter ID requirement at polling stations. CA's Obamacare service provides coverage for illegals. CA has de facto created a new standard of citizen by ignoring immigration status...for a big reason: The Very Very Rich Liberal Elites like the cheap labor.

You're actually going on the World Wide Web to suggest the fallacy of "here's way it can happen, therefore it happened"?


Countered by your plan to prohibit investigating corruption by saying there's been no proof of corruption so we can't investigate it ...


Whelp --- guess not.

So are you on board with a serious investigation into voter fraud and verifying that voters without IDs are legit? The only way to do that is to follow up with a statistically significant sample and have them prove they are actually citizens. You on board?
Senators are elected by majority vote. Representatives are elected by majority vote. Only the president is not, and never has been. One has to wonder why, if democrats are so dominant, there are not more democrat Senators and Representatives. Never fear, the majority vote is alive and well in the US.

And you left out Governors -- the closest parallel to a President, being the Chief Executive of a state. I bring these up whenever some parrot starts murmuring "mob rule", which they can't defend -- since Governors, Senators, Congresscritters, Mayors, City Councils, Sheriffs etc etc etc etc etc are *ALL* elected by so-called "mob rule", yet nobody calls it that when it's not convenient to do so.

That's because they're working with the rules as they actually exist, not how they want the rules to be. Why NOT elect governors via county vote?

That's exactly my point ---- if "mob rule" were a real thing .... then that's what states would be doing.

None of them do, because it's NOT a real thing. Therefore it's a bullshit argument. Follow me?
No, it IS mob rule that elects governors. Not sure why you think it's a winning argument. The presidency is a unique office in the way it is won, and the whiners are just upset that their candidate lost. That's the bottom line here.

OK well you can point up and go "the sky is green" all you want but the fact is a Governor --- ANY Governor is elected by straight popular vote, all over the diversity of a given state, one vote each urban suburban and rural, and nobody calls that "mob rule" and nobody advocates for "county electors" to proxy-out the state's vote. What they DO do is hold an election and live with it.

That's why applying the "mob rule" argument when it happens to help your POTUS get elected is a bullshit argument. If it were a real thing it would already exist at the state level. Well it doesn't, and it's not even suggested. So that lets the air out of those tires.

In other words the PV already works. Not only does it already work but nobody suggests it doesn't.

Yes, States are the recognized units of government in our Constitution. States decided to operate the way they do. They could have counties operate like States in the Federal elections, they chose not to. Take it up with the States if you don't like it
This is disappointing from you.

No Sprinkles, some magic fairy didn't just waft down and deposit three million "illegal votes" in California (but magically, nowhere else). That's your self-delusion talking. Some asshat wrote it on the internets -- BFD. That doesn't make it like a real thing.

B'loney. CA passed Motor Voter which enabled illegals to get valid drivers' licenses. There is no voter ID requirement at polling stations. CA's Obamacare service provides coverage for illegals. CA has de facto created a new standard of citizen by ignoring immigration status...for a big reason: The Very Very Rich Liberal Elites like the cheap labor.

You're actually going on the World Wide Web to suggest the fallacy of "here's way it can happen, therefore it happened"?


Countered by your plan to prohibit investigating corruption by saying there's been no proof of corruption so we can't investigate it ...


Whelp --- guess not.

So are you on board with a serious investigation into voter fraud and verifying that voters without IDs are legit? The only way to do that is to follow up with a statistically significant sample and have them prove they are actually citizens. You on board?

Of course all votes must be legitimate. I've never suggested anything else. That IS in fact why California votes are still being counted --- it takes time. If they were just rammed through "illegally" we would have had fake numbers the morning after the election!


What you did here is accuse me of, and I quote, "plan[ning] to prohibit investigating corruption", which I challenged you to quote, and you can't because you completely pulled it out of your ass because you're a pathological liar and completely dishonest hack. Which is why you're still on Ignore.
B'loney. CA passed Motor Voter which enabled illegals to get valid drivers' licenses. There is no voter ID requirement at polling stations. CA's Obamacare service provides coverage for illegals. CA has de facto created a new standard of citizen by ignoring immigration status...for a big reason: The Very Very Rich Liberal Elites like the cheap labor.

You're actually going on the World Wide Web to suggest the fallacy of "here's way it can happen, therefore it happened"?


Countered by your plan to prohibit investigating corruption by saying there's been no proof of corruption so we can't investigate it ...


Whelp --- guess not.

So are you on board with a serious investigation into voter fraud and verifying that voters without IDs are legit? The only way to do that is to follow up with a statistically significant sample and have them prove they are actually citizens. You on board?

Of course all votes must be legitimate. I've never suggested anything else. That IS in fact why California votes are still being counted --- it takes time. If they were just rammed through "illegally" we would have had fake numbers the morning after the election!


What you did here is accuse me of, and I quote, "plan[ning] to prohibit investigating corruption", which I challenged you to quote, and you can't because you completely pulled it out of your ass because you're a pathological liar and completely dishonest hack. Which is why you're still on Ignore.

I asked you and you didn't answer it. You on board with government calculating a statistically significant percentage of voters and going to their homes and forcing them to prove they are citizens who voted legally? You're not going to start screaming Gestapo?

The phrase "outside California" continues to be invalid, and there is no way to make it valid. Because "outside California" -- "outside the Deep South" --- "outside the Midwest" etc etc etc --- are all "outside the definition of the United States". It's no different from "if we hadn't given up those six home runs in the fifth inning we win this game" --- whelp ... you DID give 'em up, and that's why you LOST. You don't get to pick and choose which parts of the game you like and discard the ones you don't. PERIOD.

Pop quiz --- in the phrase "United States of America" ---- what's the first word?

This is yet another attempt to divide and conquer. "Without this". "Without that". Fucking bullshit.

Let California ---- and all states ---- send their vote proportionally to the will of the People. That gives, in this case at present count, .34 California EVs for Clinton and 19 for Rump. Stop dividing people up already.

Here's a little story about that: No.

The Progs are the ones trying to destroy the Electoral College and the integrity of our elections by crying up the False Issue of the Popular Vote. Therefore, analyzing the Poplular Vote is a perfectly valid response. If California had not allowed millions of illegal aliens to vote, then we can see what the result would have been.

This is disappointing from you.

No Sprinkles, some magic fairy didn't just waft down and deposit three million "illegal votes" in California (but magically, nowhere else). That's your self-delusion talking. Some asshat wrote it on the internets -- BFD. That doesn't make it like a real thing.

B'loney. CA passed Motor Voter which enabled illegals to get valid drivers' licenses. There is no voter ID requirement at polling stations. CA's Obamacare service provides coverage for illegals. CA has de facto created a new standard of citizen by ignoring immigration status...for a big reason: The Very Very Rich Liberal Elites like the cheap labor.

Bullshit. DL issued to illegals is for driving privileges only NOTHING more. You cannot even use that ID to buy liquor. And for your information they do check ID at the polling stations.
You posted quite a bit of lie and you are lying again.
Link? ....... 1. Illegals voted. 2. California don't check I'd at polling stations.
I'm still trying to figure how the hell an illegals can just walk in to a polling stations and vote. They are scared to exposed themselves let alone walk in to polling stations.

The phrase "outside California" continues to be invalid, and there is no way to make it valid. Because "outside California" -- "outside the Deep South" --- "outside the Midwest" etc etc etc --- are all "outside the definition of the United States". It's no different from "if we hadn't given up those six home runs in the fifth inning we win this game" --- whelp ... you DID give 'em up, and that's why you LOST. You don't get to pick and choose which parts of the game you like and discard the ones you don't. PERIOD.

Pop quiz --- in the phrase "United States of America" ---- what's the first word?

This is yet another attempt to divide and conquer. "Without this". "Without that". Fucking bullshit.

Let California ---- and all states ---- send their vote proportionally to the will of the People. That gives, in this case at present count, .34 California EVs for Clinton and 19 for Rump. Stop dividing people up already.

Here's a little story about that: No.

The Progs are the ones trying to destroy the Electoral College and the integrity of our elections by crying up the False Issue of the Popular Vote. Therefore, analyzing the Poplular Vote is a perfectly valid response. If California had not allowed millions of illegal aliens to vote, then we can see what the result would have been.

This is disappointing from you.

No Sprinkles, some magic fairy didn't just waft down and deposit three million "illegal votes" in California (but magically, nowhere else). That's your self-delusion talking. Some asshat wrote it on the internets -- BFD. That doesn't make it like a real thing.

B'loney. CA passed Motor Voter which enabled illegals to get valid drivers' licenses. There is no voter ID requirement at polling stations. CA's Obamacare service provides coverage for illegals. CA has de facto created a new standard of citizen by ignoring immigration status...for a big reason: The Very Very Rich Liberal Elites like the cheap labor.

Bullshit. DL issued to illegals is for driving privileges only NOTHING more. You cannot even use that ID to buy liquor. And for your information they do check ID at the polling stations.
You posted quite a bit of lie and you are lying again.
Link? ....... 1. Illegals voted. 2. California don't check I'd at polling stations.
I'm still trying to figure how the hell an illegals can just walk in to a polling stations and vote. They are scared to exposed themselves let alone walk in to polling stations.

Do you live in CA? I do, and have for years. It's incredibly easy to vote; one doesn't have to show ID. One just needs an address on the rolls. As the DMV automatically enrolls those granted drivers licenses into the voter rolls, illegals can easily vote.

So, sit on it and spin, SoreLoserPerson.
The phrase "outside California" continues to be invalid, and there is no way to make it valid. Because "outside California" -- "outside the Deep South" --- "outside the Midwest" etc etc etc --- are all "outside the definition of the United States". It's no different from "if we hadn't given up those six home runs in the fifth inning we win this game" --- whelp ... you DID give 'em up, and that's why you LOST. You don't get to pick and choose which parts of the game you like and discard the ones you don't. PERIOD.

Pop quiz --- in the phrase "United States of America" ---- what's the first word?

This is yet another attempt to divide and conquer. "Without this". "Without that". Fucking bullshit.

Let California ---- and all states ---- send their vote proportionally to the will of the People. That gives, in this case at present count, .34 California EVs for Clinton and 19 for Rump. Stop dividing people up already.

Here's a little story about that: No.

The Progs are the ones trying to destroy the Electoral College and the integrity of our elections by crying up the False Issue of the Popular Vote. Therefore, analyzing the Poplular Vote is a perfectly valid response. If California had not allowed millions of illegal aliens to vote, then we can see what the result would have been.

This is disappointing from you.

No Sprinkles, some magic fairy didn't just waft down and deposit three million "illegal votes" in California (but magically, nowhere else). That's your self-delusion talking. Some asshat wrote it on the internets -- BFD. That doesn't make it like a real thing.

B'loney. CA passed Motor Voter which enabled illegals to get valid drivers' licenses. There is no voter ID requirement at polling stations. CA's Obamacare service provides coverage for illegals. CA has de facto created a new standard of citizen by ignoring immigration status...for a big reason: The Very Very Rich Liberal Elites like the cheap labor.

Bullshit. DL issued to illegals is for driving privileges only NOTHING more. You cannot even use that ID to buy liquor. And for your information they do check ID at the polling stations.
You posted quite a bit of lie and you are lying again.
Link? ....... 1. Illegals voted. 2. California don't check I'd at polling stations.
I'm still trying to figure how the hell an illegals can just walk in to a polling stations and vote. They are scared to exposed themselves let alone walk in to polling stations.

Do you live in CA? I do, and have for years. It's incredibly easy to vote; one doesn't have to show ID. One just needs an address on the rolls. As the DMV automatically enrolls those granted drivers licenses into the voter rolls, illegals can easily vote.

So, sit on it and spin, SoreLoserPerson.

Oh izzat right.
Mind essplaining to us then why it's taking three weeks to count those votes, if it's not the verifying process? Hm?

Having it both ways are we?
Last edited:
Here's a little story about that: No.

The Progs are the ones trying to destroy the Electoral College and the integrity of our elections by crying up the False Issue of the Popular Vote. Therefore, analyzing the Poplular Vote is a perfectly valid response. If California had not allowed millions of illegal aliens to vote, then we can see what the result would have been.

This is disappointing from you.

No Sprinkles, some magic fairy didn't just waft down and deposit three million "illegal votes" in California (but magically, nowhere else). That's your self-delusion talking. Some asshat wrote it on the internets -- BFD. That doesn't make it like a real thing.

B'loney. CA passed Motor Voter which enabled illegals to get valid drivers' licenses. There is no voter ID requirement at polling stations. CA's Obamacare service provides coverage for illegals. CA has de facto created a new standard of citizen by ignoring immigration status...for a big reason: The Very Very Rich Liberal Elites like the cheap labor.

Bullshit. DL issued to illegals is for driving privileges only NOTHING more. You cannot even use that ID to buy liquor. And for your information they do check ID at the polling stations.
You posted quite a bit of lie and you are lying again.
Link? ....... 1. Illegals voted. 2. California don't check I'd at polling stations.
I'm still trying to figure how the hell an illegals can just walk in to a polling stations and vote. They are scared to exposed themselves let alone walk in to polling stations.

Do you live in CA? I do, and have for years. It's incredibly easy to vote; one doesn't have to show ID. One just needs an address on the rolls. As the DMV automatically enrolls those granted drivers licenses into the voter rolls, illegals can easily vote.

So, sit on it and spin, SoreLoserPerson.

Oh izzat right.
Mind essplaining to us then why it's taking three weeks to count those votes, if it's not the verifying process? Hm?

Incompetency and slow response times are the norms for bureaucracies in CA, sugah.

We vote by paper ballot in my precinct. Nobody has ever contacted me to verify The Process. Occam's Razor says: paid bureaucrats take a long time to do something because that is how they earn money.
This is disappointing from you.

No Sprinkles, some magic fairy didn't just waft down and deposit three million "illegal votes" in California (but magically, nowhere else). That's your self-delusion talking. Some asshat wrote it on the internets -- BFD. That doesn't make it like a real thing.

B'loney. CA passed Motor Voter which enabled illegals to get valid drivers' licenses. There is no voter ID requirement at polling stations. CA's Obamacare service provides coverage for illegals. CA has de facto created a new standard of citizen by ignoring immigration status...for a big reason: The Very Very Rich Liberal Elites like the cheap labor.

Bullshit. DL issued to illegals is for driving privileges only NOTHING more. You cannot even use that ID to buy liquor. And for your information they do check ID at the polling stations.
You posted quite a bit of lie and you are lying again.
Link? ....... 1. Illegals voted. 2. California don't check I'd at polling stations.
I'm still trying to figure how the hell an illegals can just walk in to a polling stations and vote. They are scared to exposed themselves let alone walk in to polling stations.

Do you live in CA? I do, and have for years. It's incredibly easy to vote; one doesn't have to show ID. One just needs an address on the rolls. As the DMV automatically enrolls those granted drivers licenses into the voter rolls, illegals can easily vote.

So, sit on it and spin, SoreLoserPerson.

Oh izzat right.
Mind essplaining to us then why it's taking three weeks to count those votes, if it's not the verifying process? Hm?

Incompetency and slow response times are the norms for bureaucracies in CA, sugah.

We vote by paper ballot in my precinct. Nobody has ever contacted me to verify The Process. Occam's Razor says: paid bureaucrats take a long time to do something because that is how they earn money.

:eusa_clap: "Occam's Razor" exactly. "It coulda happened, I can imagine a way it coulda happaned, therefore it did happen, an' we don' nee no steenkeeng evidence". Already called you out for this fallacy, sweetums.
B'loney. CA passed Motor Voter which enabled illegals to get valid drivers' licenses. There is no voter ID requirement at polling stations. CA's Obamacare service provides coverage for illegals. CA has de facto created a new standard of citizen by ignoring immigration status...for a big reason: The Very Very Rich Liberal Elites like the cheap labor.

Bullshit. DL issued to illegals is for driving privileges only NOTHING more. You cannot even use that ID to buy liquor. And for your information they do check ID at the polling stations.
You posted quite a bit of lie and you are lying again.
Link? ....... 1. Illegals voted. 2. California don't check I'd at polling stations.
I'm still trying to figure how the hell an illegals can just walk in to a polling stations and vote. They are scared to exposed themselves let alone walk in to polling stations.

Do you live in CA? I do, and have for years. It's incredibly easy to vote; one doesn't have to show ID. One just needs an address on the rolls. As the DMV automatically enrolls those granted drivers licenses into the voter rolls, illegals can easily vote.

So, sit on it and spin, SoreLoserPerson.

Oh izzat right.
Mind essplaining to us then why it's taking three weeks to count those votes, if it's not the verifying process? Hm?

Incompetency and slow response times are the norms for bureaucracies in CA, sugah.

We vote by paper ballot in my precinct. Nobody has ever contacted me to verify The Process. Occam's Razor says: paid bureaucrats take a long time to do something because that is how they earn money.

:eusa_clap: "Occam's Razor" exactly. "It coulda happened, therefore it did happen, an' we don' nee no steenkeeng evidence". Already called you out for this fallacy, sweetums,
Answer the question ask by Kaz. Shall we investigate for illegals voting by verifying citizenship of a significant number of voters? Or would you whine about that?

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