Hillary BOOed at Debate For Madeleine Albright’s ‘Special Place in Hell’ Comment

“vast, right-wing conspiracy”

"Bimbo eruption"

“You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We’re with you,” Clinton said in the video, which she addressed to “every survivor of sexual assault.”

See how she lies?

Forget it...not one Hillary supporter in this forum is going to so much as take a glance at what she did to the numerous women in Bill's past.
Jillian is a perfect example...she approaches Hillary with "eye's wide shut"
What difference does it make?

She gets the superdelegates and the nomination.

hell she could be under investigation by the FBI and she'd still get the nomination. Progs are too sheepish and docile to do anything than accept St Hillary the Inevitable

let me know when she sent an email that was marked secret when she sent it and not reclassified after she RECEIVED it.

but then again, the right thinks trump isn't an fascist bigoted pig.

go figure.
Heck Hillary could have committed murder and she'd still have the DNC's nod for the nomination. The DNC knows she has the super delegates (they made that decision long ago and the delegates are toeing the party line) so they're not worried about the public groundswell for Bernie. The RNC on the other hand wishes desperately that Trump would just go away cause (it seems) the fix isn't already in for their choice, Jeb......... Funny, which organization is being more honest with their constituencies........? Letting the voters make the choice......... For now it appears to be the RNC though that may prove false when the actual nomination time comes. :dunno:

no. she's just better than anything the GOP has offered.

or should we vote for the guy who called someone he's running against a p***y?

"no. she's just better than anything the GOP has offered."

Not quite
Kasich has her beat hands down

But, she does have a D behind her name.

a requirement for some voters
A new low for the Democratic Party. Two corrupt incompetent slags passing judgment on others. What a sad scam.
Forget it...not one Hillary supporter in this forum is going to so much as take a glance at what she did to the numerous women in Bill's past.
Jillian is a perfect example...she approaches Hillary with "eye's wide shut"

if you open your eyes, you'd see the topic's been addressed repeatedly by many of us, including jill.

face it, you're not interested in the truth about hillary and why she has enduring support.

you're only interested in bashing the woman, just because you can.

i bet none of you even bothered to watched last night, or any of the other debates..

just wind up and spew lies is your big plan against her..
no. she's just better than anything the GOP has offered.

or should we vote for the guy who called someone he's running against a p***y?

No, Jill, by all means vote for the woman who was so incompetent in her last job that she 'misplaced' $6 billion and got 4 Americans needlessly killed.

By all means vote for the woman who demonized, bullied, threatened, and tried to silence the women her husband sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had affairs with.

Vote for the woman who takes millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, engage in female genital mutilation, has sex with little boys, and murders homosexuals.

Vote for the woman who jeopardized this nation's national security for her own 'expediency'.

Vote for the woman who did not know her own staff denied over 600 pleas for additional security from an Ambassador, stripped 14 members of his security team after 2 terrorist attacks - the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in his compound wall, and who hired AL QAEIDA to protect him.

Vote for the woman who did not know, according to her, that her closest staff members sent her e-mails and loaded information so classified that it can not be released in any capacity onto her server...

Yeah, vote for a woman who - according to her - was so incompetent she could not control or run her own agency or staff but who wants to run the country.

God bless America, you can vote for whoever you want! (You're welcome by the way...)
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Well, aside from basically propaganda in attempts to diss Hillary about something that really didn't happen, shouldn't the issue be should Albright have said it? Hill says Albright's been saying the same for decades, and that's very likely, given Albright has probably seen sexism in her career. But in 2016, is saying women should support women because they are women something that helps Hillary? Nooooo.

Hillary's old. But what's worse? What Hillary said or clinging to a view of socialism as a relevant econ theory?
Don't know who was doing the booing, but it was the question, not the answer, being booed
It was the fact that Hillary and the dinosaur Albright would even stoop to emotional blackmail to try to guilt women into voting for Hillary. In NH Hillary lost EVERY demographic, most notable all women categories, except for the '64+yo' group. Her pathetic attempt failed....

and by the looks of it, I hope that 'special place' is pretty big because it's going to be FULL of women who don't vote for her.
She deserves much worse, she is a proven liar of the first order. You being a operative for her doesn't change that fact.

look at you, telling lies with such ease...

Merely an observation based on empirical evidence, everyone knows that. But your response does indicate to me the only real reason for your support of Mrs. Bosnia Clinton. You can't recognize lies.

That said, if you think I am lying, then I suggest you don't vote for me for POTUS.
What difference does it make?

She gets the superdelegates and the nomination.

hell she could be under investigation by the FBI and she'd still get the nomination. Progs are too sheepish and docile to do anything than accept St Hillary the Inevitable

let me know when she sent an email that was marked secret when she sent it and not reclassified after she RECEIVED it.

but then again, the right thinks trump isn't an fascist bigoted pig.

go figure.
Heck Hillary could have committed murder and she'd still have the DNC's nod for the nomination. The DNC knows she has the super delegates (they made that decision long ago and the delegates are toeing the party line) so they're not worried about the public groundswell for Bernie. The RNC on the other hand wishes desperately that Trump would just go away cause (it seems) the fix isn't already in for their choice, Jeb......... Funny, which organization is being more honest with their constituencies........? Letting the voters make the choice......... For now it appears to be the RNC though that may prove false when the actual nomination time comes. :dunno:

no. she's just better than anything the GOP has offered.

or should we vote for the guy who called someone he's running against a p***y?

"no. she's just better than anything the GOP has offered."

Not quite
Kasich has her beat hands down

But, she does have a D behind her name.

a requirement for some voters

in your opinion, which you're entitled to.

me? i will never vote for anyone who is anti-choice and will appoint anti-choice judges to appease the theocrats. just how it is.

we all have our deal breakers.

she will be a great president.

if your party was, however, smart enough to vote for kasich, he could bring ohio and you might actually win....

but he's not vile enough for "the base"
What difference does it make?

She gets the superdelegates and the nomination.

hell she could be under investigation by the FBI and she'd still get the nomination. Progs are too sheepish and docile to do anything than accept St Hillary the Inevitable

let me know when she sent an email that was marked secret when she sent it and not reclassified after she RECEIVED it.

but then again, the right thinks trump isn't an fascist bigoted pig.

go figure.
Heck Hillary could have committed murder and she'd still have the DNC's nod for the nomination. The DNC knows she has the super delegates (they made that decision long ago and the delegates are toeing the party line) so they're not worried about the public groundswell for Bernie. The RNC on the other hand wishes desperately that Trump would just go away cause (it seems) the fix isn't already in for their choice, Jeb......... Funny, which organization is being more honest with their constituencies........? Letting the voters make the choice......... For now it appears to be the RNC though that may prove false when the actual nomination time comes. :dunno:

no. she's just better than anything the GOP has offered.

or should we vote for the guy who called someone he's running against a p***y?

"no. she's just better than anything the GOP has offered."

Not quite
Kasich has her beat hands down

But, she does have a D behind her name.

a requirement for some voters

in your opinion, which you're entitled to.

me? i will never vote for anyone who is anti-choice and will appoint anti-choice judges to appease the theocrats. just how it is.

we all have our deal breakers.

she will be a great president.

if your party was, however, smart enough to vote for kasich, he could bring ohio and you might actually win....

but he's not vile enough for "the base"

she will be a great president.

Hopefully, we'll never know if she would have been or not.
let me know when she sent an email that was marked secret when she sent it and not reclassified after she RECEIVED it.

but then again, the right thinks trump isn't an fascist bigoted pig.

go figure.
Heck Hillary could have committed murder and she'd still have the DNC's nod for the nomination. The DNC knows she has the super delegates (they made that decision long ago and the delegates are toeing the party line) so they're not worried about the public groundswell for Bernie. The RNC on the other hand wishes desperately that Trump would just go away cause (it seems) the fix isn't already in for their choice, Jeb......... Funny, which organization is being more honest with their constituencies........? Letting the voters make the choice......... For now it appears to be the RNC though that may prove false when the actual nomination time comes. :dunno:

no. she's just better than anything the GOP has offered.

or should we vote for the guy who called someone he's running against a p***y?

"no. she's just better than anything the GOP has offered."

Not quite
Kasich has her beat hands down

But, she does have a D behind her name.

a requirement for some voters

in your opinion, which you're entitled to.

me? i will never vote for anyone who is anti-choice and will appoint anti-choice judges to appease the theocrats. just how it is.

we all have our deal breakers.

she will be a great president.

if your party was, however, smart enough to vote for kasich, he could bring ohio and you might actually win....

but he's not vile enough for "the base"

she will be a great president.

Hopefully, we'll never know if she would have been or not.

yes, why have a great president when you can have a theocrat who appoints sub-par hacks like clarence thomas to the bench.
What difference does it make?

She gets the superdelegates and the nomination.

hell she could be under investigation by the FBI and she'd still get the nomination. Progs are too sheepish and docile to do anything than accept St Hillary the Inevitable

let me know when she sent an email that was marked secret when she sent it and not reclassified after she RECEIVED it.

but then again, the right thinks trump isn't an fascist bigoted pig.

go figure.
Let us know when the Secretary of State is NOT expected to identify and properly handle classified information when he/she sees it.
What difference does it make?

She gets the superdelegates and the nomination.

hell she could be under investigation by the FBI and she'd still get the nomination. Progs are too sheepish and docile to do anything than accept St Hillary the Inevitable

let me know when she sent an email that was marked secret when she sent it and not reclassified after she RECEIVED it.

but then again, the right thinks trump isn't an fascist bigoted pig.

go figure.
Heck Hillary could have committed murder and she'd still have the DNC's nod for the nomination. The DNC knows she has the super delegates (they made that decision long ago and the delegates are toeing the party line) so they're not worried about the public groundswell for Bernie. The RNC on the other hand wishes desperately that Trump would just go away cause (it seems) the fix isn't already in for their choice, Jeb......... Funny, which organization is being more honest with their constituencies........? Letting the voters make the choice......... For now it appears to be the RNC though that may prove false when the actual nomination time comes. :dunno:

no. she's just better than anything the GOP has offered.

or should we vote for the guy who called someone he's running against a p***y?
If you say so........


Personally i think it would be a hoot to elect either Sanders or Trump and watch either attempt to rule by fiat........ :lol:
in your opinion, which you're entitled to.

me? i will never vote for anyone who is anti-choice and will appoint anti-choice judges to appease the theocrats. just how it is.

we all have our deal breakers.

she will be a great president.

if your party was, however, smart enough to vote for kasich, he could bring ohio and you might actually win....
Jill, PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY is a choice as well, one your party hates / run from / does not believe in. Are you willing to condemn those who get pregnant and want to use abortions as if they were post-sexual contraceptives? Are you willing to demand that such abortions be considered 'elective surgeries' and be completely fully funded by those who want them?

Too many Liberals want on-demand abortions - any time, any where, at any stage of pregnancy, to the point where they support the barbaric murder of babies capable of surviving outside the womb. Such late-term abortions need to be stopped!

I don't give a damn if people have abortions - have as many as they want as long as they pay for it themselves and as long as they are not killing a baby capable of surviving outside the womb.

I know you believe that not one penny of tax dollars go to support abortions in this country. If that's true then you and I agree on something. I hope we can agree on that 2nd point as well.
Personally i think it would be a hoot to elect either Sanders or Trump and watch either attempt to rule by fiat........ :lol:
Thanks to Obama, any President who is elected from this time forth now has the option to rule by EO. Bypass Congress whenever you want. Allow your EPA and other agencies to make their own laws. Obama has proved we no longer need Congress for much and that a President can do pretty much whatever he wants without them. Part of me wants to see a Republican get in and start doing so, just to see the Liberals' head explode, whining / bitching / complaining.

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