Hillary After the Election


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
I have seen a lot of presidential elections, but I cannot recall anyone falling so far so fast in their aftermath. Had she won, even in a squeaker, she would have been queen. Having lost the election, Hillary has obviously become completely inconsequential ; a mere afterthought today.

While we all know that this is true, why is it?
All I know is that she looked frightful yesterday with little to no make-up and greasy looking hair. She should take her own advice and stay home curled up to a good book and her dogs.
Because she was the promised one for the lefties....she failed and to a candidate that everyone laughed at, now we're the ones laughing.
Yes, but others had failed. Nixon even came back to become president. Hillary's a completely spent force.The irony is that she didn't lose in a landslide and came very close to becoming the queen bee.
Because she was the promised one for the lefties....she failed and to a candidate that everyone laughed at, now we're the ones laughing.

It used to be considered in poor taste to laugh at losers;.............but when it comes to todays far leftist Democrat Party, to quote a phrase from the old Reader's Digest, laughter is the best medicine!
The answer is clear.

She is not only a crook, not only did she suffer from a cornucopia of personality disorders, not only was she was a hateful conniving bitch, but all that aside----she was manifestly Unqualified.

She married a man who became President.

That was her sole qualification for President, and that is not a qualification--its mere Nepotism. He got her every job she ever had and she fucked them all up. Bill was a rogue, a pussy-lovin Southern boy, who happened to be a political genius...and she rode his coat-tails very nearly into the White House.

He asked her to marry him, but he was in Arkansas pursuing a political career. She was way to High & Mighty to ever condescend to live in a Flyover like Arkansas, so she said NO.

At just about that time she failed the D. C. Bar Exam---and then and only then did she decide she needed a man's coat-tails to ride, and then and only then did she go to Arkansas and marry the Southern Boy.

America is ready for a woman President...but it must be someone who has earned it...like Margaret Thatcher in England did.

If the craven bitch had not married Bill, she would have risen, on her own, to maybe Night Court Judge in some sequestered borough in Chicago---which is where the old termagant is from, as anyone would know...without being told...who has observed her behavior over the years.

Good Riddance to her self-centered ass. America is sick to death of her.
Because she was the promised one for the lefties....she failed and to a candidate that everyone laughed at, now we're the ones laughing.

It used to be considered in poor taste to laugh at losers;.............but when it comes to todays far leftist Democrat Party, to quote a phrase from the old Reader's Digest, laughter is the best medicine!

The woman is known around the country and world, is a multi, multi-millionaire, has traveled all around the world several times, lived the life of luxury, and I don't feel sorry for her one bit. Oh! She didn't become President, well boo-hoo. I'll trade my problems with her any day of the week, and I'm sure most here would do the same.

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