She screams and yells at her husband. Belittles subordinates. Yet Libtards continue to support her. I cannot understand it. And, her supporters will instantly attack the source of this story instead of trying to discover and present factual information to the contrary. It's the way they are. They can't act differently.
Dolly Kyle, a trusted friend of Bill Clinton, took to the airwaves this week to point out Hillary Clinton’s less-than-savory view of minorities, especially those of African-American heritage.
“Kyle said to Sean Hannity, ‘Watch the imperious way Hillary treats anyone beneath her, especially young black women.’
“’I am absolutely suggesting she’s racist,’ she said. ‘And I talk in [my book] about the racial discrimination lawsuits that were filed against Billy when he was governor that were filed by blacks and by Hispanics. Did you know that at one point he told the Arkansas state police to stop and search every car driven by a Hispanic in the state of Arkansas? And they sued him, took him to federal court, he got reprimanded by a federal judge, and he got so mad about that, he told the state troopers they could stop and search any car they wanted to search.'”
Clinton’s racism has been on display this election cycle in incidents with Black Lives Matter protesters who approached her for comment.
Story has a link to more @ Hillary "Absolutely" Racist Says Childhood Friend Of Bill
Dolly Kyle, a trusted friend of Bill Clinton, took to the airwaves this week to point out Hillary Clinton’s less-than-savory view of minorities, especially those of African-American heritage.
“Kyle said to Sean Hannity, ‘Watch the imperious way Hillary treats anyone beneath her, especially young black women.’
“’I am absolutely suggesting she’s racist,’ she said. ‘And I talk in [my book] about the racial discrimination lawsuits that were filed against Billy when he was governor that were filed by blacks and by Hispanics. Did you know that at one point he told the Arkansas state police to stop and search every car driven by a Hispanic in the state of Arkansas? And they sued him, took him to federal court, he got reprimanded by a federal judge, and he got so mad about that, he told the state troopers they could stop and search any car they wanted to search.'”
Clinton’s racism has been on display this election cycle in incidents with Black Lives Matter protesters who approached her for comment.
Story has a link to more @ Hillary "Absolutely" Racist Says Childhood Friend Of Bill