hillary 2020 !!!!!

2020 race lures sprawling Democratic field

A sprawling roster of potential primary candidates is already surveying the political climate and reaching out to campaign consultants in stealthy meetings and calls, according to roughly a half-dozen party operatives familiar with the initial conversations.

At least a dozen senators are widely thought to be in the mix — including Vermont’s Bernie Sanders, Massachusetts’ Elizabeth Warren, New Jersey’s Cory Booker, California’s Kamala Harris, Ohio’s Sherrod Brown, Oregon’s Jeff Merkley, New York’s Kirsten Gillibrand, Connecticut’s Chris Murphy, and both Minnesotans, Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken. But the depleted bench of Democratic governors is also stocked with possible White House hopefuls, expanding the list of credible presidential prospects to as many as two dozen.

"You say there are 7,000 Democrats who think they’re going to be president? Well 3,500 of them have a good shot at it,” said Democratic strategist Erik Smith, a veteran of multiple presidential campaigns, including Barack Obama’s. “There are so many candidates who have held back over the last 10 years. A lot of them didn’t get into the race because Hillary Clinton was running in 2007, and then a lot stayed out in 2016 because she ran again, so you have a whole generation that’s been waiting in the wings for years. Those calls are definitely happening."
i would love to see hillary run , one more time, in 2020 !!!! who agrees with me ? thanks
Hillary is not going to be able to raise enough money to do it.

Kaine is the most likely candidate for the DEMs in 2020.

Bernie may try again if he is still cognitive by then.
i would love to see hillary run , one more time, in 2020 !!!! who agrees with me ? thanks
Hillary is not going to be able to raise enough money to do it.

Kaine is the most likely candidate for the DEMs in 2020.

Bernie may try again if he is still cognitive by then.

And Trump will run again if he's not impeached or committed for non compos mentis.
Highly unlikely. Looks like the Democrats have settled on a fake Indian to replace her.
hiLIARY won't be able to run in 2020. Waddle maybe, but definitely Not Run.
Gavin Newsom would be my choice. Newsom would stand head and shoulders above this crowd of frightened old men. The republicans are a sad, backward bunch of bigots and cranks, their transgender nonsense should give people an idea of how off the wall they have become. Sessions represents their narrow minds. Trump is an aberration along with being an embarrassment. Pence is a religious bigot, another head in the sand guy. Whenever anyone uses state's rights you know you are in Bigot_land USA. McCain looks so much more American than this bunch of nationalist crybabies.

Analysis | John McCain just systematically dismantled Donald Trump’s entire worldview
John McCain’s brutal rejoinder to Sean Spicer

"The Trump administration plans to roll back protections for transgender students, reversing federal guidance that required the nation’s public schools to allow children to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that matched their gender identities."
Trump administration poised to change transgender student bathroom guidelines

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