Hilarious: White House accuses Bergdahl's fellow soldiers of "Swiftboating"!!!

Wow. Just watch the left dodge and try to erect a MASSIVE straw man.

I don't give a rats ass about Kerry - he is not the subject of this thread. This term in this specific case is an attempt to besmirch and discredit the myriad of soldiers that were working along side Bergdahl who have come out against the governments original assertions. Define swift boating however you want - this is the manner is which it is being used in this case.

The guy spent five years wondering if he would live to see the next day

I am willing to let all the facts come out before I throw him under the bus

The more facts that come out, the worst it looks. But, by all means, pretend you suddenly care about facts.

Well let's see some facts then

Still looking for any fact that would justify the rightwing outrage over his release
I am going to post this on all the Bergdal threads.

I was there in AFG at Kandahar AFB in June of 2009. The whole theater was abuzz about the "missing soldier", and indeed there was a lot of sudden changes in operation tempo.

As rumors go, the stories varied widely.

The story I heard most consistently was that he was "misled" off post. "Tricked" by some local nationals to sneak away in order to score some alcohol.

That was pretty much all I knew up until the moonbat messiah sold us out and gave up 5 dangerous sociopaths in exchange for this dipshit. The stories that have come out from the people in the bunkers with this dipshit paint an even worse picture, but the most glaringly consistent aspect is that the dipshit voluntarily left a secure area to do something he shouldn't have been doing.

Turns out it was another "introverted" bed wetter. YES, ANOTHER GODDAMNED LIBERAL with no friends. Too fucking arrogant of course to consider some introspection, he blamed the people around him for his social failure.

Now as far as the bed wetters are allowed to "think", the dipshit is somehow a hero. The moonbat messiah made a great decision on by putting a price on the lives of US military personnel.

That's because he saved one of "their own", another sniveling, spoiled, self absorbed anti-American douchebag who should have been aborted.

Take heart about the five. Next American "taken" will require release of six (6, libs) or more depending upon how weak our alleged leader appears when the negotiations begin.
Are democrats going to claim that the 14 men who died as a result of Bergdahl's desertion didn't really die? Maybe Susan Rice will say the deaths were faked as part of a republican plot.
Wow, it's gone from 5 men, to 6 and now 14. :popcorn:
I have never seen an American POW attacked the way Bergdahl has been

His biggest crime is that Obama secured his release
Oh, was it? Deserting his platoon which suffered 7 deaths because he ran away?

What did Obama have to do with that?

Why, Obama didn't know the parents of the 7 who died chasing an AWOL soldier with an anti-American antipathy would take umbrage with his beatification.

Poor little misunderstood Obama. :rolleyes:
I have never seen an American POW attacked the way Bergdahl has been

His biggest crime is that Obama secured his release
Oh, was it? Deserting his platoon which suffered 7 deaths because he ran away?

What did Obama have to do with that?

Why, Obama didn't know the parents of the 7 who died chasing an AWOL soldier with an anti-American antipathy would take umbrage with his beatification.

Poor little misunderstood Obama. :rolleyes:
And why did the PENTAGON peg him as a DESERTER? And why make those he served with sign NON Disclosure agreements?

This whole thing stinks. Profusely.
I have never seen an American POW attacked the way Bergdahl has been

His biggest crime is that Obama secured his release

well, . . . no, his biggest crime is that he's a deserter, and possibly even a traitor who collaborated with the enemy. The men he served with are the ones who are attacking him, not the TEA Party.
I have never seen an American POW attacked the way Bergdahl has been

His biggest crime is that Obama secured his release

I remember them getting spit at when they got back from Vietnam, maybe you weren't alive back then.

Name a single POW that was spat on .....you fucking liar

Disrespect for Vietnam vets is fact, not fiction | Star Tribune

But Lembcke is refuted by many other sources, including Jim Lindgren, a Northwestern University law professor who cited news accounts that documented many spitting incidents. One example: A 1967 Bucks County Courier Times article reporting that two sailors were spat on outside a high school football game by a gang of about 10 young men. One of the sailors was stabbed.


• In October 1967, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter James Reston's front page article in the New York Times described his eyewitness account of protest behavior so vulgar that spitting was the least of the transgressions.

• Even Medal of Honor recipients were abused and "spat upon as 'monsters'," according to the head of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, WWII medalist Thomas J. Kelly. Kelly recounted how about 200 anti-war protesters showed up one year to harass the Medal of Honor recipients at their annual dinner. WWII Medalist James Conners was unable to avoid a particularly obnoxious man yelling, "Killer, killer, killer." Conners decked him.

• Other spitting incidents were reported by Pulitzer Prize winners Max Frankel in the New York Times (November 1969) and Carl Bernstein in the Washington Post (May 1970).
Afghan War Logs Show Furious Search for Bergdahl in Early Hours

NBC News ^

Military logs show that Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl was in Taliban hands less than nine hours after he was reported missing from his outpost in Afghanistan, and they detail a scramble to find him, including armed drones, checkpoints and teams of dogs. The logs, made public by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, also appear to show that Taliban militants signaled they were willing to trade Bergdahl back to the Army in exchange for cash and the freedom of 15 jailed Taliban. The war logs have drawn new scrutiny since the Obama administration negotiated Bergdahl’s release, after five years in Taliban captivity, in...
Slain Soldier’s Family Blasts Defense Secretary (over Bergdahl)

The Chicago Daily Herald ^ T

he family of slain Bartlett soldier Matthew Martinek is blasting U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's assertion that he is unaware of any U.S. soldiers perishing while trying to retrieve another soldier who has been accused of desertion by comrades and was recently swapped for five imprisoned Taliban fighters. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has been accused by fellow soldiers of abandoning his post in Afghanistan, but military leaders have refused to label him a deserter. He was returned to U.S. custody Saturday in exchange for the release of captured Taliban officials who were being held at Guantanamo Bay. Hagel told reporters...
Bowe Bergdahl had deserted before and officers KNEW he was a risk

Daily Mail (UK) ^

A U.S. Army investigation found that Bowe Bergdahl had walked away from his post at least once before his capture - and that other soldiers in his unit knew he was a flight risk. The 2010 report, called an AR15-6, is still classified, but it appears to confirm allegations that the former prisoner of war violated military regulations - and that the Pentagon knew it all along. The revelation, attributed to anonymous sources by the Military Times, comes as the nation's top general, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, acknowledged the growing cloud of suspicion hanging over...
Aid and Comfort to the Enemy?...Why isn't this being investigated?

The curious case of Bob Bergdahl’s apparent tweet to the Taliban (had ONGOING contact with Taliban!)

Washington Post ^

...Bergdahl apparently published a tweet last week about Guantanamo’s detainees. Except this tweet was directed at a Taliban spokesman... “I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners,” the tweet said... And he has said he maintains constant e-mail contact with a Taliban member with knowledge of his son’s whereabouts.
Video of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Reveals More Than Just a Handover

ABC News - Yahoo! ^

The video of the Taliban handing Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl over to the US military is one of the most fascinating pieces of footage the world has ever seen. But take another look. There’s a lot more to the tape than meets the eye, says retired Col. Steve Ganyard, a former Marine Corps pilot. In an interview with On the Radar, Ganyard explains everything you see has a purpose. "I’m sure there’s a whole series of things that the Taliban and US went through to build enough confidence to say ‘I’m not going to let you trick me’.” The handover was...

Chris Matthews Slams White House For Saying Soldiers Are ‘Swift-Boating’ Bergdahl

The Daily Caller ^

(VIDEO-AT-LINK)Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews continued his attacks on the Obama administration for the trade of five dangerous Taliban prisoners for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, slamming the White House’s claim that soldiers who served with Bergdahl are “swift-boating” him and asking “where is the dishonesty in the portrayal?” of Bergdahl as a deserter. Matthews, who strongly questioned the trade even while facts continued to pour in on Monday, has been the only host on his network so far to even remotely challenge the Obama administration’s narrative on the prisoner trade and Bergdahl’s history of service. And on Wednesday, he angrily...

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