High tolerance from pain? RA?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
My mother was a mess and shouldn't have had kids. But, she did one good thing for which I am grateful, and that is having a high tolerance for pain. She passed that gene on to my sister and myself.

Anyway..I was wondering....who here has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis but take nothing for it except an nsaid now and then?

I know it is going to just get worse, but every damn med available for RA is nothing but poison since there is no cure. So in essence, you are killing off your good immune cells so they don't attack your joints but those cells also can't attack invading diseases either. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So I told myself I would rather be damned if I don't...so I haven't.

Thank God for ace bandages, wrist and ankle braces, and no deformity. Yet. But the pain sometimes is really bad. Can't take advil either cuz it fucks up my guts. If it ain't one thing, it's another as this life clock ticks.

But I digress. Who has RA and just deals with it the best they can without those damn meds they hand out like candy?
i dont have it ....i know one person with it..and she does oxys like they are going outta style...to the point she falls asleep mid ciggie....another friend died of the complications of the meds she took for ra and a couple of other things...thyroid cancer set in....i know pain management clinics make a lot of claims but i have never seen one really help a person with ra....a close friend is an 'infusion' nurse....i hope that is correct...she basically oversees the meds that are given in iv's to ra patients ....she was discussing the cost the other day...she preps the patient then goes to a room and mixes the chemicals and brings them back....she stated her biggest fear is dropping the stuff...due to the cost...of course they are all insured but her cheapest mix is 14 k....yes you read that right...her most expensive goes to 28 k....

and i agree that its so damn toxic.....i noticed my urologist pulled me off chemo as soon as he could...i even objected...i told him i didnt wanna come back in december with tumors....he flat out told me this is standard operating procedure and that i want to take a break from chemo....he refers to it as a three month vacation...now if the shit wasnt toxic ...would they pull you off of it immediately....

i do not think most people realize the long term effects of chemo....i am on what i call chemo lite.... no portal....no toxins put in ivs .....no 6 hour treatments.....i realize i will most likely be there one day but today is not that day....a friend underwent two rounds of massive chemo.....when she was young...18...she is now 35....she has already had one of the bones in her hip replaced due to it rotting from the chemo....her teeth are failing...she had 8 crowns last year....her hip is hurting again and they want to do a 'shave' down of it....she refuses....when she stands she shifts and does a short lunge due to the hip pain.....her thyroid is fucked and she takes meds for that....and apparently she is sterile due to the chemo...and it was a chemo they hoped would not to that since they gave it to so many young people....

in a bizarro sort of way....after having your body flushed with toxic chemicals....and radiation.....if you are really unlucky...smoking a fucking ciggie is just not that big a deal....

and i know of a lady who never smoked...died at 40 with lung cancer.....no one is gonna live forever but damn lets just try for social security at least?

but to answer your question.....no....i dont know anyone with that pain tolerance....plus at best you will end up with mild addition...to something
I have a ridiculously high pain tolerance level.

I take ibuprofen for the pain, it works best if I eat a little bit first, and if I take it before the pain gets too bad. If I wait too long, nothing will help.

One of my brothers has that electric jolt thing that buzzes his spine when his back hurts. He eats a lot of downers as well.

Fuck that.

An internet friend in Spain from a few years ago said that over there they're working on treatments involving stem cell therapy. I lost track of her not long after that, but I'm hoping that the treatments work and that someday soon they'll use them here.
My mother was a mess and shouldn't have had kids. But, she did one good thing for which I am grateful, and that is having a high tolerance for pain. She passed that gene on to my sister and myself.

Anyway..I was wondering....who here has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis but take nothing for it except an nsaid now and then?

I know it is going to just get worse, but every damn med available for RA is nothing but poison since there is no cure. So in essence, you are killing off your good immune cells so they don't attack your joints but those cells also can't attack invading diseases either. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So I told myself I would rather be damned if I don't...so I haven't.

Thank God for ace bandages, wrist and ankle braces, and no deformity. Yet. But the pain sometimes is really bad. Can't take advil either cuz it fucks up my guts. If it ain't one thing, it's another as this life clock ticks.

But I digress. Who has RA and just deals with it the best they can without those damn meds they hand out like candy?
I do and I have had it for 16 years. It wasn't until recently that I started taking big time drugs for it. It deformed my hands and feet significantly. How long have you had it? The initial onset is a pain that never ends. It falls on you light a weight. I went to a nauturopath for years and it helped a lot. Do you have metal fillings in your teeth? If so get them replaced with composite. You will feel way better. Get a Vitamin C IV drip from a naturopath. I am now on methotrexate and just started Humira. I held out on it for 16 years but it has helped greatly. I missed out on a lot in my daughters life not being able to even lift her when she was 2 years old. She is 14 now and I have just recently been able to go on a bike ride with her. I have been so sick all these years to where I was only out of bed for 2 hours total in a day. If you go the no treatment way you best have an iron will and be able to focus like someone does during labor because it can get really bad. Keep in touch, I will tell you all I know from my own experience
Ibuprofen causes stomach issues. Docs will give you Indomethacin. It is an anti-inflammatory but I believe it is not hard on the stomach. I have taken 5 mg of Prednisone for years as well. You may be put on a tapering dose of that then a steady dose of 5 mg and it could help. I tolerated it for years and the pain was extreme. Months that I could not even dress myself or turn over in bed. Icing knees to be able to walk, not being able to bend knees. Having to do my best to clean the house without bending knees (fun times when your toddler pours out play food and small toys everywhere). You have to figure out a different way to do everything a different way if you can at all. You have to get a car that works for you because climbing up or falling in too low will trap you. Not being able to put a seat belt on, not being able to lift your legs to get in the car or pull yourself out, being carried to the bathroom because you can't walk. You name it I have had to deal with it.
i got post surgery meds...hidden....damn if i will ever find them again....and he aint giving me anything else....right now....self confessed addicts get no respect
o fuck that shit...really...i mean hell my doctor calls it my thc theory...its not legal here but doctors dont go ape over it...he is more concerned i will start back on ciggies

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