Hezbollah TV denies new Lebanese reservoir will deplete water flow into Israel


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The Hezbollah terror group’s al-Manar television channel on Friday denied that a reservoir being constructed by Lebanon near the northern border will limit water flow to the tributaries of Israel’s Jordan River.

On Thursday Kan news cited unnamed Israeli officials as expressing concern that work on the reservoir will deplete Israel’s water supply by halting the flow of the Wazzani Stream, which feeds into Israel’s Snir (or “Hatzbani”) Stream — a major source of water for the Jordan River.

The officials said an attempt by Lebanon to limit the flow of water into Israel would contravene international law.

Hezbollah should be eradicated. Really.
The Hezbollah freedom fighters should be admired for standing up to the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist psychopaths who rule it. ...
Funny. The Israelis are so practised at water theft you'd think they'd admire it where ever they saw it.
There is no place controlled by Hezbollah that could be described as "free".
Now that's what I call water theft.

Hazem Nasser, president and founder of the Middle East Water Forum, and former Jordanian minister of water and agriculture, said that “the Dead Sea is a closed lake mainly accessed by the Jordan River, so the diversion of the river’s water by Israel in 1964 has caused the water levels to shrink”.
“Historical flow to the Dead Sea before the diversion of its waters by Israel amounted to about 1.3 billion cubic metres annually, while the current flow does not exceed 0.2 billion cubic metres in the best rainy years,” he added.
"Save the dying Dead Sea"?

The Hezbollah freedom fighters should be admired for standing up to the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist psychopaths who rule it. ... :cool:
Freedom fighters ? LOL
I love how a Sunni supporter calls other terrorists. BTW, Hezbollah was the first terrorist group to use suicide bombings:Hezbollah were the first to use suicide bombers in the Middle East.

Now let’s look at Sunni terrorist attacks throughout the year

of course , those are just the ones that made the media.
Nasrallah who is still hiding because he is so scared of Israel.
Just one more example of the terrorist state of Israel trying to assassinate the citizen of another country. ... :cool:

So Sunni, what do you have to say about your people causing so much terrorism over the past several decades? Killing their own people, killing other people ... Considering you are a Sunni, how does it make you feel ??
In case you forgot, here once again is a list of Islamic terrorist attacks (just the ones that made the media)

I'm not aware of any Sunni's committing terrorism? ... :cool:
Lol. Yes you are. You just can’t admit that Islamic terrorism is something that you’re people partake in daily.

But it’s ok Sunni Man,you can’t hide the truth. One simple search on google and POOF, anyone can simply the murderous actions that so many Sunni’s have taken part in...
The Hezbollah terror group’s al-Manar television channel on Friday denied that a reservoir being constructed by Lebanon near the northern border will limit water flow to the tributaries of Israel’s Jordan River.

On Thursday Kan news cited unnamed Israeli officials as expressing concern that work on the reservoir will deplete Israel’s water supply by halting the flow of the Wazzani Stream, which feeds into Israel’s Snir (or “Hatzbani”) Stream — a major source of water for the Jordan River.

The officials said an attempt by Lebanon to limit the flow of water into Israel would contravene international law.

Hezbollah should be eradicated. Really.

Israel has over pumped and ruined the coastal aquifer since 1967 and they have destroyed the hydrology of the Jordan Basin.
I'm not aware of any Sunni's committing terrorism? ... :cool:
As a convert who is safely ensconced here in the Great Satan, you are far removed from the politico-religious ideology that exists outside of your basement. ... :cool:
Lol. Yes you are. You just can’t admit that Islamic terrorism is something that you’re people partake in daily.
The only terrorism I'm aware of in the Middle East is that by Israel's IDF goon squad and the Mossad psychopath murder teams. ... :cool:
LOL thank for proving my point Sunni. You make things so much easier with your ridiculous posts :lol:

It must be hard being a Sunni Muslim who hates Israel so much who keeps trying to say that Israelis are terrorists, all while a simple google search clearly shows how many people have been blown up, shit, stabbed , burned alive etc... all in the name of Allah.

Israel truly is the Gem of the Middle East, which is why more and more Arab countries are making peace with her.
It really isn’t a good time to be a Palestinian supporter these days :cool:

But then again, it never was

Oh BTW, Happy New Year Sunni Man !!

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