Hezbollah Offers Support for Gaza Resistance

Most of the world sees a much different picture of Israel's occupation of Palestine than those in the US. For 66 years Jews have systematically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous Arab population; the Arabs aren't running anymore. If you back the Jews in this land grab, you're no better than they are.

They aren't occupied. There is an actual legal definition. I suggest you look into it. Quickly.
Been there, done that.
Israel controls the land, airspace, and coastal waters of Gaza.
Consult your closest prison where inmates control 95% to 99% of the territory yet lack the freedom to come and go as they choose.
Jews have inflicted a prison upon Palestine, and now they're reaping what they've sown since 1948.

So this is the new agenda?
The first agenda was the famous 3 No's -> Human Rights/Israel Enemy of Humanity -> Justify the extinction of Israel since this is what "Israel sown"?
They aren't occupied. There is an actual legal definition. I suggest you look into it. Quickly.
Been there, done that.
Israel controls the land, airspace, and coastal waters of Gaza.
Consult your closest prison where inmates control 95% to 99% of the territory yet lack the freedom to come and go as they choose.
Jews have inflicted a prison upon Palestine, and now they're reaping what they've sown since 1948.

So this is the new agenda?
The first agenda was the famous 3 No's -> Human Rights/Israel Enemy of Humanity -> Justify the extinction of Israel since this is what "Israel sown"?
How would you define the Agenda of Zionism in Palestine over the past hundred years?
Here is my choice: "creeping annexation."
They aren't occupied. There is an actual legal definition. I suggest you look into it. Quickly.
Been there, done that.
Israel controls the land, airspace, and coastal waters of Gaza.
Consult your closest prison where inmates control 95% to 99% of the territory yet lack the freedom to come and go as they choose.
Jews have inflicted a prison upon Palestine, and now they're reaping what they've sown since 1948.

So this is the new agenda?
The first agenda was the famous 3 No's -> Human Rights/Israel Enemy of Humanity -> Justify the extinction of Israel since this is what "Israel sown"?

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.
Begining and end of application

ARTICLE 6 [ Link ]

The present Convention shall apply from the outset of any conflict or occupation mentioned in Article 2 [ Link ] .
In the territory of Parties to the conflict, the application of the present Convention shall cease on the general close of military operations.
In the case of occupied territory, the application of the present Convention shall cease one year after the general close of military operations; however, the Occupying Power shall be bound, for the duration of the occupation, to the extent that such Power exercises the functions of government in such territory, by the provisions of the following Articles of the present Convention: 1 [ Link ] to 12, 27 [ Link ] , 29 [ Link ] to 34, 47 [ Link ] , 49 [ Link ] , 51 [ Link ] , 52 [ Link ] , 53 [ Link ] , 59 [ Link ] , 61 [ Link ] to 77, 143 [ Link ] .
Protected persons whose release, repatriation or re-establishment may take place after such dates shall meanwhile continue to benefit by the present Convention.
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BAM! Just like that. No occupation.
Jews are ethnically cleansing Gaza just as they have for the last 66 years.
Maybe you should catch up with the other 93% of global public opinion on this issue?

Maybe you should do something about your seeming anti-semitism even your 93% number is accurate which I highly doubt just because a majority believe something does not make it a make a fact.
Most of the world sees a much different picture of Israel's occupation of Palestine than those in the US. For 66 years Jews have systematically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous Arab population; the Arabs aren't running anymore. If you back the Jews in this land grab, you're no better than they are.

Most of the world does not view it like this. The rest of them are going to realize what the hell has been happening when they start paying attention to where the money is going.
Maybe you should do something about your seeming anti-semitism even your 93% number is accurate which I highly doubt just because a majority believe something does not make it a make a fact.
Most of the world sees a much different picture of Israel's occupation of Palestine than those in the US. For 66 years Jews have systematically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous Arab population; the Arabs aren't running anymore. If you back the Jews in this land grab, you're no better than they are.

Most of the world does not view it like this. The rest of them are going to realize what the hell has been happening when they start paying attention to where the money is going.
Most of the world turned on Israel's occupation of Palestine years ago:
Most of the world sees a much different picture of Israel's occupation of Palestine than those in the US. For 66 years Jews have systematically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous Arab population; the Arabs aren't running anymore. If you back the Jews in this land grab, you're no better than they are.

Most of the world does not view it like this. The rest of them are going to realize what the hell has been happening when they start paying attention to where the money is going.
Most of the world turned on Israel's occupation of Palestine years ago:

Most of the Arab world you mean, 66 years ago when they also said they will throw the Jews to the sea.. instead we pushed them to the desert-poetic justice.
Most of the world sees a much different picture of Israel's occupation of Palestine than those in the US. For 66 years Jews have systematically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous Arab population; the Arabs aren't running anymore. If you back the Jews in this land grab, you're no better than they are.

Most of the world does not view it like this. The rest of them are going to realize what the hell has been happening when they start paying attention to where the money is going.
Most of the world turned on Israel's occupation of Palestine years ago:

I'm going to tell you what's going to happen when this is done. The NGOs and people like yourself will lose way more than you gain. Hamas, the Islamic Jihadists and the PA are responsible for the murder of innocent people.

What it is going to boil down to is .............

Where is the money?
Most of the world does not view it like this. The rest of them are going to realize what the hell has been happening when they start paying attention to where the money is going.
Most of the world turned on Israel's occupation of Palestine years ago:

I'm going to tell you what's going to happen when this is done. The NGOs and people like yourself will lose way more than you gain. Hamas, the Islamic Jihadists and the PA are responsible for the murder of innocent people.

What it is going to boil down to is .............

Where is the money?
Ask the Jews; they stole it.

"On 23 April 2014, Hamas agreed to a reconciliation deal with the other main Palestinian faction, Fatah[21][43] following seven years of division. The Palestinian unity government was sworn in by 2 June 2014[44][45] and Israel announced it would not negotiate any peace deal with the new government and would push punitive measures.[46]

"Declaring this unity will 'strengthen terrorism' a day before the agreement, Benjamin Netanyahu said: 'The international community must not embrace it.'[47]

"The agreement was likely to have a significant impact on the current round of peace talks between Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority and Israel, and shortly after the announcement of the agreement, Israel launched an airstrike in the northern Gaza Strip that injured four people, according to medical officials.[45][48]."

Operation Protective Edge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews have been stealing land and water from Arabs in Palestine for nearly a hundred years.

Where's that money?
"Leading Zionist thinkers developed numerous plans to carry out the ethnic cleansing of Palestine so as to enable their movement to establish and maintain a homogenous Jewish state.

"During the British Mandate, these included the Weizman Transfer Scheme (1930), the Soskin Plan of Compulsory Transfer (1937), the Weitz Transfer Plan (1937), the Bonne Scheme (1938), the al-Jazirah Scheme (1938), the Norman Transfer Plan to Iraq (1934–38), and the Ben-Horin Plan (1943–48).

"The idea of transfer did not end with the establishment of Israel in 1948. Between 1948 and 1966, various official and unofficial transfer plans were put forward to resolve the 'Palestinian problem.'

"These included plans to resettle Palestinian refugees in Iraq (1948), in Libya (1950–58), and further plans for resettlement as a result of the 1956–57 Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai.iv Israel also established several transfer committees during this period."

Population Transfer and Political Zionism
Hezbollah won't be missed. I promise you this. Put the Lebanese people in the middle of that again and you can kiss Hezbollah good-bye.

Hezbollah kicked the shit out of those jewish weenies last time in 2006. No doubt that they would do it again if it got to that point.
Most of the world turned on Israel's occupation of Palestine years ago:

I'm going to tell you what's going to happen when this is done. The NGOs and people like yourself will lose way more than you gain. Hamas, the Islamic Jihadists and the PA are responsible for the murder of innocent people.

What it is going to boil down to is .............

Where is the money?
Ask the Jews; they stole it.

"On 23 April 2014, Hamas agreed to a reconciliation deal with the other main Palestinian faction, Fatah[21][43] following seven years of division. The Palestinian unity government was sworn in by 2 June 2014[44][45] and Israel announced it would not negotiate any peace deal with the new government and would push punitive measures.[46]

"Declaring this unity will 'strengthen terrorism' a day before the agreement, Benjamin Netanyahu said: 'The international community must not embrace it.'[47]

"The agreement was likely to have a significant impact on the current round of peace talks between Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority and Israel, and shortly after the announcement of the agreement, Israel launched an airstrike in the northern Gaza Strip that injured four people, according to medical officials.[45][48]."

Operation Protective Edge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews have been stealing land and water from Arabs in Palestine for nearly a hundred years.

Where's that money?

he Israel Air Force targeted one or more terrorists in northern Gaza involved in firing rockets at Israel, but the strike missed the intended target, security forces said Wednesday.

Palestinian media later said four civilians had been hurt in the attack.

The Shin Bet (Israeli Security Agency) had identified the target, which constituted an &#8220;imminent threat to Israeli security,&#8221; security sources told The Jerusalem Post after the air strike.

Soon afterward, Palestinian rocket-launching squads fired at least two rockets at the South. The projectiles triggered the Color Red alert and fell in open areas; one exploded in Sha&#8217;ar Hanegev and the second on the Ashkelon coast. There were no casualties in the attacks.

The attack came two days after terrorists in the Palestinian enclave launched seven rockets into southern Israel.

Security sources have declined to say which terrorist organization the air strike targeted.

MK Nachman Shai (Labor) criticized the decision to have the IAF strike targets in Gaza after the Hamas-Fatah agreement was signed.

&#8220;This act will be seen as an attempt to sabotage Palestinian reconciliation and makes Israel once again look like we&#8217;re trying to avoid any chance of an agreement. This plays into the hands of [PA President Mahmoud] Abbas and [Hamas leader Ismail] Haniyeh,&#8221; Shai added.

Gazans set off border bomb in failed attack on IDF | JPost | Israel News

Your wiki missed that, hey?
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Most of the world sees a much different picture of Israel's occupation of Palestine than those in the US. For 66 years Jews have systematically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous Arab population; the Arabs aren't running anymore. If you back the Jews in this land grab, you're no better than they are.

Most of the world does not view it like this. The rest of them are going to realize what the hell has been happening when they start paying attention to where the money is going.
Most of the world turned on Israel's occupation of Palestine years ago:

Majority of Americans however support the Israeli incursion into Gaza. Of course American liberals are a much different matter.
Hezbollah kicked the shit out of those jewish weenies last time in 2006. No doubt that they would do it again if it got to that point.

Really? Ask the Lebanese how that went.

Not well, for Lebanon, actually.
Things haven't gone well there since Jews transferred 100,000 Palestinians into Lebanon in 1948. Creating a Jewish state among a population that was only one-third Jew was designed to create the misery you see today in Lebanon and Gaza.
Really? Ask the Lebanese how that went.

Not well, for Lebanon, actually.
Things haven't gone well there since Jews transferred 100,000 Palestinians into Lebanon in 1948. Creating a Jewish state among a population that was only one-third Jew was designed to create the misery you see today in Lebanon and Gaza.

I'm certain many Germans claimed Jews were causing misery in Germany about ten years before that.
The best line I have heard on this whole thing is Israel uses Iron Dome to protect it's people from missiles Hamas uses people to protect it's missiles.

Yup. Hope Hezbullah sends men so they can be blown up just like Hamas. No one will miss either one.
Hezbollah won't be missed. I promise you this. Put the Lebanese people in the middle of that again and you can kiss Hezbollah good-bye.

Hezbollah kicked the shit out of those jewish weenies last time in 2006. No doubt that they would do it again if it got to that point.

Really? Ask the Lebanese how that went.

Pretty well, Hezbollah forced Israeli invaders to withdraw from Southern Lebanon when they were outnumbered and outgunned. A divine victory if you will. One could say they are the "chosen people" the way that war went.

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