Hezbollah Offers Support for Gaza Resistance

Oh are they really back to be friends now? -Touching. :lol:

Rats and roaches cluster together.
You claim to be a Christian.......but yet you call other human beings......rats and roaches.

Is that following the teachings of Jesus?? .. :cool:

Human beings that start battles are just as I wrote. I hope Palestinians receive human leadership instead of those rats and roaches that sacrifice lives for POWER.
Rats and roaches cluster together.
You claim to be a Christian.......but yet you call other human beings......rats and roaches.

Is that following the teachings of Jesus?? .. :cool:
I Personally prefer someone who classify rats as rats and roaches as roaches over someone who classify human beings as infidels, son of pigs and son of monkeys..

I refer to the leaders, they attack, they know innocents are vulnerable to counterattacks, yet they still sacrifice.............OTHERS.
Rats and roaches cluster together.
You claim to be a Christian.......but yet you call other human beings......rats and roaches.

Is that following the teachings of Jesus?? .. :cool:

Human beings that start battles are just as I wrote. I hope Palestinians receive human leadership instead of those rats and roaches that sacrifice lives for POWER.
You are a very strange Christian.

You claim to be a Christian.......but yet you call other human beings......rats and roaches.

Is that following the teachings of Jesus?? .. :cool:

Human beings that start battles are just as I wrote. I hope Palestinians receive human leadership instead of those rats and roaches that sacrifice lives for POWER.
You are a very strange Christian.


Jesus was a Jew, and where is the Palestinian land in TRANSJORDAN today?
"As day broke on Monday, the 14th day of Operation Protective Edge, Hamas gunmen infiltrated Israel, killing four soldiers and injuring several more before being pushed back.

"Overnight, three other soldiers were killed in battles, bringing the army’s death toll in the ground operation to 25.

"A day after a deadly battle in the Gaza City neighborhood of Shejaiya that left 13 soldiers and some 70 Palestinian dead, according to Gazan health officials, ceasefire efforts in Qatar and Egypt ramped up, with visits by US Secretary of State John Kerry and Ban Ki-moon to the region planned to push for a stop in fighting

Kerry in region for truce bid after day of bitter fighting raises IDF toll to 25 | The Times of Israel
Great news......they can both be bombed back to the stone age.

To Hezbollah I say.......go.......go.......go!!!
How many simultaneous fronts can the Jews manage today?
2006 didn't turn out too well for them.

2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With Netanyahu's "warning" bullshit this fight would have been over in less than a week.
Netanyahu has to stop worrying about the Jew haters because they're gonna hate Jews regardless.
Great news......they can both be bombed back to the stone age.

To Hezbollah I say.......go.......go.......go!!!
How many simultaneous fronts can the Jews manage today?
2006 didn't turn out too well for them.

2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With Netanyahu's "warning" bullshit this fight would have been over in less than a week.
Netanyahu has to stop worrying about the Jew haters because they're gonna hate Jews regardless.
Some Jews deserve your hatred, Sparky.
I just heard on the radio that 93% of global public opinion hates what Jews are currently doing in Gaza. If true, do you think you're on the wrong side?
How many simultaneous fronts can the Jews manage today?
2006 didn't turn out too well for them.

2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With Netanyahu's "warning" bullshit this fight would have been over in less than a week.
Netanyahu has to stop worrying about the Jew haters because they're gonna hate Jews regardless.
Some Jews deserve your hatred, Sparky.
I just heard on the radio that 93% of global public opinion hates what Jews are currently doing in Gaza. If true, do you think you're on the wrong side?

Not where I live, the world watches in horror(.) Why didn't Hamas accept a ceae fire instead of starting a slaughter?
The best line I have heard on this whole thing is Israel uses Iron Dome to protect it's people from missiles Hamas uses people to protect it's missiles.
Jews are ethnically cleansing Gaza just as they have for the last 66 years.
Maybe you should catch up with the other 93% of global public opinion on this issue?

Maybe you should do something about your seeming anti-semitism even your 93% number is accurate which I highly doubt just because a majority believe something does not make it a make a fact.
The best line I have heard on this whole thing is Israel uses Iron Dome to protect it's people from missiles Hamas uses people to protect it's missiles.
Jews are ethnically cleansing Gaza just as they have for the last 66 years.
Maybe you should catch up with the other 93% of global public opinion on this issue?

Maybe you should do something about your seeming anti-semitism even your 93% number is accurate which I highly doubt just because a majority believe something does not make it a make a fact.
Most of the world sees a much different picture of Israel's occupation of Palestine than those in the US. For 66 years Jews have systematically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous Arab population; the Arabs aren't running anymore. If you back the Jews in this land grab, you're no better than they are.
"Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah has offered support for Palestinian resistance factions battling thousands of Israeli troops deployed in the besieged Gaza Strip, which has been reeling under relentless Israeli attacks since July 7.

"In a Monday statement, the Lebanese group said Nasrallah had phoned Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal late Sunday.

He told Meshaal that 'Hezbollah and the Lebanese resistance stand by the resistance of the Palestinian people,' according to the statement.

"The Hezbollah chief also called Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah to reaffirm support for 'the resistance in the Gaza Strip and its readiness to cooperate to foil the [Israeli] aggression,' the statement said.

"Nasrallah is also scheduled to speak on the events in Gaza in the Sayyed al-Shuhadaa Complex in Beirut's southern suburbs to mark Jerusalem Day on Friday."

The racist attacks that Jews are launching in Gaza may be the last nail in the coffin of Zionism.

?Hezbollah chief offers support for Gaza factions | Middle East | Worldbulletin News

So you're a jihadist supporter. Nice.
"Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah has offered support for Palestinian resistance factions battling thousands of Israeli troops deployed in the besieged Gaza Strip, which has been reeling under relentless Israeli attacks since July 7.

"In a Monday statement, the Lebanese group said Nasrallah had phoned Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal late Sunday.

He told Meshaal that 'Hezbollah and the Lebanese resistance stand by the resistance of the Palestinian people,' according to the statement.

"The Hezbollah chief also called Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah to reaffirm support for 'the resistance in the Gaza Strip and its readiness to cooperate to foil the [Israeli] aggression,' the statement said.

"Nasrallah is also scheduled to speak on the events in Gaza in the Sayyed al-Shuhadaa Complex in Beirut's southern suburbs to mark Jerusalem Day on Friday."

The racist attacks that Jews are launching in Gaza may be the last nail in the coffin of Zionism.

?Hezbollah chief offers support for Gaza factions | Middle East | Worldbulletin News

So you're a jihadist supporter. Nice.
I don't support Zionism or violent jihad.
If it was up to me there would be a "Death Tax" on every penny of war profits after the first innocent died in the conflict.
Do you think that would ever be possible?
Hezbollah won't be missed. I promise you this. Put the Lebanese people in the middle of that again and you can kiss Hezbollah good-bye.
I have no idea what you mean by the above^
Do you?

"Since July 7, Israel has been pounding the besieged Gaza Strip with air and naval bombardments with the stated aim of halting rocket attacks.
On Thursday, Israel decided to send thousands of troops into the Palestinian territory.
At least 509 Palestinians have been killed and more than 3150 injured in the ongoing Israeli onslaught.
The military operation, dubbed operation "Protective Edge," is Israel's third major offensive against Gaza in the last six years."

Jews do their best work against women and kids, and Hezbollah figured that out long before you and I did. Your people are self-destructing again and the entire world sees it.
Good riddance to the Jewish state.

?Hezbollah chief offers support for Gaza factions | Middle East | Worldbulletin News

Jews are ethnically cleansing Gaza just as they have for the last 66 years.
Maybe you should catch up with the other 93% of global public opinion on this issue?

Maybe you should do something about your seeming anti-semitism even your 93% number is accurate which I highly doubt just because a majority believe something does not make it a make a fact.
Most of the world sees a much different picture of Israel's occupation of Palestine than those in the US. For 66 years Jews have systematically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous Arab population; the Arabs aren't running anymore. If you back the Jews in this land grab, you're no better than they are.

They aren't occupied. There is an actual legal definition. I suggest you look into it. Quickly.
SIDON, Lebanon: The Lebanese Army Monday apprehended a man suspected of having a role in one of the rocket attacks on Israel earlier this month, a security source told The Daily Star.

The Lebanese man, identified as Ziad Affara from Sidon, is suspected of having assisted Hussein Atwe in firing two rockets from the Khreibeh area in the Arkoub region.

Last week, the Army arrested Atwe, who belongs to Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya and confessed to firing rockets at Israel from the Hasbaya village of Mari earlier this month.

Atwe has reportedly said that his move was in retaliation for Israel’s aggression on Gaza.

Unidentified militants have launched salvoes of rockets from Lebanese territory toward Israel on several occasions last week, prompting Israeli retaliatory shelling of Lebanese villages.
Army arrests Lebanese over Israel rocket attack | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR
Maybe you should do something about your seeming anti-semitism even your 93% number is accurate which I highly doubt just because a majority believe something does not make it a make a fact.
Most of the world sees a much different picture of Israel's occupation of Palestine than those in the US. For 66 years Jews have systematically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous Arab population; the Arabs aren't running anymore. If you back the Jews in this land grab, you're no better than they are.

They aren't occupied. There is an actual legal definition. I suggest you look into it. Quickly.
Been there, done that.
Israel controls the land, airspace, and coastal waters of Gaza.
Consult your closest prison where inmates control 95% to 99% of the territory yet lack the freedom to come and go as they choose.
Jews have inflicted a prison upon Palestine, and now they're reaping what they've sown since 1948.
Hezbollah won't be missed. I promise you this. Put the Lebanese people in the middle of that again and you can kiss Hezbollah good-bye.

A good day in history, the end of Hezbollah.

I agree.

Hezbollah won't be missed. I promise you this. Put the Lebanese people in the middle of that again and you can kiss Hezbollah good-bye.
I have no idea what you mean by the above^
Do you?

"Since July 7, Israel has been pounding the besieged Gaza Strip with air and naval bombardments with the stated aim of halting rocket attacks.
On Thursday, Israel decided to send thousands of troops into the Palestinian territory.
At least 509 Palestinians have been killed and more than 3150 injured in the ongoing Israeli onslaught.
The military operation, dubbed operation "Protective Edge," is Israel's third major offensive against Gaza in the last six years."

Jews do their best work against women and kids, and Hezbollah figured that out long before you and I did. Your people are self-destructing again and the entire world sees it.
Good riddance to the Jewish state.

?Hezbollah chief offers support for Gaza factions | Middle East | Worldbulletin News


While sending missles from behind hospitals.

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