Hey Mods/Admins

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Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Is this place going to be doomed to nothing but flame threads when someone clicks New Posts or Active topics? Bodey this, Bodey that, So and So is Creepy, Creepy this, Creepy that.

When was the last time someone NEW joined here and STAYED? Been awhile, hasn't it?
Hello??? Anyone home here or is the place left to this crap 24/7?
I know...but don't you think it is getting a tad overboard lately?
I guess I will just head to threads I am interested in and subscribe to them with thread tools, and from now on click UserCP and be done with it. No more clicking New Posts for me. Same shit, same people, different day.
sometime i spend hours just reading on here....you can select what threads you want to participate in and what threads you want to ignore or not participate in.....i voice my objection to this forum becoming a stormfront lite all the time...but damn it is that free speech issue once again....bigots, mean girls etc and so forth all have the right to speak freely....it is up to the listener or reader what they take in or select not to take in
Why am I not surprised Gracie is telling the admits how to run their forum? With the exception of one over enthusiastic mod, this is an excellently run forum.
howey...how would you know how to run a forum?

gracie is a nice poster...how would you treat her on your forum?
This is at least the second thread by Gracie asking the mods to censure people. She seems to think that if someone posts something she doesn't like it should be deleted. Last I checked there is no post restrictions on how many threads one can start nor on what the topic is in the flame zone.

Perhaps Gracie should take a break so that her desire to restrict free speech is not over taxed by the freedoms on this board.
Why am I not surprised Gracie is telling the admits how to run their forum? With the exception of one over enthusiastic mod, this is an excellently run forum.

You're an idiot. I didn't tell them how to run it. I asked them a question, moron.
Is this place going to be doomed to nothing but flame threads when someone clicks New Posts or Active topics? Bodey this, Bodey that, So and So is Creepy, Creepy this, Creepy that.

When was the last time someone NEW joined here and STAYED? Been awhile, hasn't it?
Hello??? Anyone home here or is the place left to this crap 24/7?

I guess what we need are more fun forums.
This is at least the second thread by Gracie asking the mods to censure people. She seems to think that if someone posts something she doesn't like it should be deleted. Last I checked there is no post restrictions on how many threads one can start nor on what the topic is in the flame zone.

Perhaps Gracie should take a break so that her desire to restrict free speech is not over taxed by the freedoms on this board.

Where did I ask them to censure someone or delete what someone says? Again, for the mentally ill, I asked a question. Sarge, you have a woody for me lately. I don't know if I should be flattered or if I should think it ....."creepy".

There's a new topic for y'all. Sarge's woody for Gracie.:lol:
Is this place going to be doomed to nothing but flame threads when someone clicks New Posts or Active topics? Bodey this, Bodey that, So and So is Creepy, Creepy this, Creepy that.

When was the last time someone NEW joined here and STAYED? Been awhile, hasn't it?
Hello??? Anyone home here or is the place left to this crap 24/7?

I guess what we need are more fun forums.

Trying, Chuck. Pacers thread The Fireplace is cool. Cheers is going pretty well too. CS is pumpin' right along, as is Eye Candy, just to name a few.

I dunno. Just seems so....negative lately here. It's a downer, man. (Shades of the 70's).
Is this place going to be doomed to nothing but flame threads when someone clicks New Posts or Active topics? Bodey this, Bodey that, So and So is Creepy, Creepy this, Creepy that.

When was the last time someone NEW joined here and STAYED? Been awhile, hasn't it?
Hello??? Anyone home here or is the place left to this crap 24/7?

I guess what we need are more fun forums.

Trying, Chuck. Pacers thread The Fireplace is cool. Cheers is going pretty well too. CS is pumpin' right along, as is Eye Candy, just to name a few.

I dunno. Just seems so....negative lately here. It's a downer, man. (Shades of the 70's).

I think we should just ask for the mods to improve zone 3 which includes (1) the forums and (2) the rules. I think it should be included in the rules for everyone there to keep it happy. More fun boards and keep it happy. I think they need you to improve the hobbies and community forums, mods.
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This is at least the second thread by Gracie asking the mods to censure people. She seems to think that if someone posts something she doesn't like it should be deleted. Last I checked there is no post restrictions on how many threads one can start nor on what the topic is in the flame zone.

Perhaps Gracie should take a break so that her desire to restrict free speech is not over taxed by the freedoms on this board.
Ya know, 99% of your posts I find disgusting, but censoring them has never crossed my mind. In fact, I'd be pretty pissed if someone did.

I don't like the things you say, but you definitely have a right to say them.
This is at least the second thread by Gracie asking the mods to censure people. She seems to think that if someone posts something she doesn't like it should be deleted. Last I checked there is no post restrictions on how many threads one can start nor on what the topic is in the flame zone.

Perhaps Gracie should take a break so that her desire to restrict free speech is not over taxed by the freedoms on this board.
Ya know, 99% of your posts I find disgusting, but censoring them has never crossed my mind. In fact, I'd be pretty pissed if someone did.

I don't like the things you say, but you definitely have a right to say them.

I think it has to do more with quality of life.
There should be a stated rule on zone 3 to be nice to everyone.

Gotta have balance, Chuck. All nice nice would make the board off kelter. Gotta have a place to vent. But when the venting gets out of whack and starts to override...that is when things need to be closed or moderated or something. Too much of one or the other makes everything topsy turvy. Its just been kinda bad lately is all. Maybe tonights mudfest took care of the puffed up boil that formed and now it has drained..until it puffs up again.
Is this place going to be doomed to nothing but flame threads when someone clicks New Posts or Active topics? Bodey this, Bodey that, So and So is Creepy, Creepy this, Creepy that.

When was the last time someone NEW joined here and STAYED? Been awhile, hasn't it?
Hello??? Anyone home here or is the place left to this crap 24/7?
It will balance out after the 2014 mid-terms. Right now, the dems smell their defeat and its driving them crazy that they don't seem to be able to move the needle. So, come what may in November, if the Dems manage to hold onto the Senate, the board will settle back down until 2016.

If the Dems lose, you can count on them picking up the practice that they accuse the Republicans of doing. That is, never saying a good thing about a conservative, a republican, or any "R" in congress. They will work diligently to be sure that the GOP agenda fails and they will ignore the hypocrisy of their actions and words. In other words, they will revert back to how they were all during the aughts...

And it will remain that way until 2018 and won't change unless they win that mid-term...

and so on, and so forth.....

Big fleas have little fleas,
Upon their backs to bite 'em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas,
and so, ad infinitum...

-- The Siphonaptera
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