Hey Man, It's Cool....redux

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Why should Americans be upset with the Democrats/Obama?

Hope & Change...Yup, it's just like we promised

8.3 unemployment... that's nothing, the real numbers are much worse

Bribes to Congress members for legislation most Americans didn't want...Hey, no problem, that's the way it's done

Union/Contributors waivers from Obamacare...well sure, they deserved them

Government waste and abuse...Ya Ya we're getting to it.. next year

Explosion of the national debt...we blame Bush, our constituents just suck that up

Iran getting nukes...hey we're kissing their ass, trust us, it's working

North Korea...who?

Government transparency...what, you took that seriously

Corporate, "Fat Cat" contributions...what, you took that seriously also
I was kinda hoping for a response...even an insult...:lol:
Vote for the man who promises least; he'll be the least disappointing. ~Bernard M. Baruch

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