Hey Joe Biden, If Antifa Is an 'Idea,' Who Is Burning Down American Cities?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Hey Joe Biden, If Antifa Is an 'Idea,' Who Is Burning Down American Cities?

3 Oct 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
In the first presidential debate on Tuesday, Democratic nominee Joe Biden cited FBI Director Christopher Wray in claiming that “antifa’s an idea, not an organization.” The Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) released a powerful ad exposing just how absurd Biden’s statement was, in light of the violent and deadly riots across America this summer.
“If Antifa is only an idea then who is burning down our cities, assaulting our law enforcement officers, and causing the violence we’ve seen over the last four months?” Adam Piper, RAGA’s executive director, asked in a statement.
“Biden’s remarks don’t come as a surprise to anybody who has paid attention to the Democrats’ recent rhetoric. As lives and livelihoods are being destroyed by lawless liberal mobs across the country, Democrat attorneys general are either encouraging the violence or downplaying its existence,” Piper warned. “Voters this November must hold Democrats up and down the ballot accountable for their recklessness and incitement of this violence.”
The ad begins with the damning debate footage of Joe Biden.
“I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the Left,” President Donald Trump begins.
“Antifa’s an idea, not an organization,” Biden responds.
“Oh? You gotta be kidding me,” Trump says.
Then the ad zeroes in on the destruction of the riots. As rioters burn buildings and attack police officers, text on the screen asks, “Can an idea… burn down buildings? Can an idea… commit violence?”
Rioters shout, “Death to America!” and burn the American flag.
“An idea didn’t create this anarchy. An organization did,” the text reads. “Why won’t Joe Biden condemn violent left-wing organizations?”
While Biden condemned the arson and looting early on and more recently, he remained silent for months. He singled out “right-wing militias” but never condemned antifa or Black Lives Matter agitators.
The left-leaning legacy media seized on Trump’s supposed refusal to condemn white supremacists (in the moment, he said, “sure,” he would condemn them, as he had many times in the past), but Biden’s refusal to condemn antifa was far more revealing. While Trump has condemned white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan, Biden hasn’t previously condemned Black Lives Matter or antifa rioters who perpetrated so much destruction in American cities this summer.

Hmm..., Maybe Biden is right. Antifa and Marxism are the ideas that the rioters, vandals, arsonists, and terrorists push. "Democrat" is the actual name of the organization behind pushing the Marx and Antifa ideas and destruction. Biden said that he was the "Democrat Party", and he is unable even to condemn and repudiate the evil ideas of Antifa and Marx.
All of which are organized ideological intentions to bring down America in Obama's proposal of the "Fundamental Transformation of America".
History shows us that "Antifa" was created and organized in the 1930's by anarchist Communists to combat Nationalist Socialism in Germany.
"Empirical and anecdotal evidence shows that Antifa is, in fact, highly networked, well-funded and has a global presence. It has a flat organizational structure with dozens and possibly hundreds of local groups".​
It was a Marxist Socialist Communist run organization then and is still a MSC organization today know to us as the Pogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left...
Germany's BfV domestic intelligence agency, in a special report on left-wing extremism, noted:
"Antifa's fight against right-wing extremists is a smokescreen. The real goal remains the 'bourgeois-democratic state,' which, in the reading of left-wing extremists, accepts and promotes 'fascism' as a possible form of rule and therefore does not fight it sufficiently. Ultimately, it is argued, 'fascism' is rooted in the social and political structures of 'capitalism.' Accordingly, left-wing extremists, in their 'antifascist' activities, focus above all on the elimination of the 'capitalist system.'"​
Typically, the PMS/DSA Democrat Left and the complicit Quisling Media accuses the right of the things the Left is responsible of doing in true Bernay's propagandist mode.
Hey Joe Biden, If Antifa Is an 'Idea,' Who Is Burning Down American Cities?

3 Oct 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
In the first presidential debate on Tuesday, Democratic nominee Joe Biden cited FBI Director Christopher Wray in claiming that “antifa’s an idea, not an organization.” The Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) released a powerful ad exposing just how absurd Biden’s statement was, in light of the violent and deadly riots across America this summer.
“If Antifa is only an idea then who is burning down our cities, assaulting our law enforcement officers, and causing the violence we’ve seen over the last four months?” Adam Piper, RAGA’s executive director, asked in a statement.
“Biden’s remarks don’t come as a surprise to anybody who has paid attention to the Democrats’ recent rhetoric. As lives and livelihoods are being destroyed by lawless liberal mobs across the country, Democrat attorneys general are either encouraging the violence or downplaying its existence,” Piper warned. “Voters this November must hold Democrats up and down the ballot accountable for their recklessness and incitement of this violence.”
The ad begins with the damning debate footage of Joe Biden.
“I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the Left,” President Donald Trump begins.
“Antifa’s an idea, not an organization,” Biden responds.
“Oh? You gotta be kidding me,” Trump says.
Then the ad zeroes in on the destruction of the riots. As rioters burn buildings and attack police officers, text on the screen asks, “Can an idea… burn down buildings? Can an idea… commit violence?”
Rioters shout, “Death to America!” and burn the American flag.
“An idea didn’t create this anarchy. An organization did,” the text reads. “Why won’t Joe Biden condemn violent left-wing organizations?”
While Biden condemned the arson and looting early on and more recently, he remained silent for months. He singled out “right-wing militias” but never condemned antifa or Black Lives Matter agitators.
The left-leaning legacy media seized on Trump’s supposed refusal to condemn white supremacists (in the moment, he said, “sure,” he would condemn them, as he had many times in the past), but Biden’s refusal to condemn antifa was far more revealing. While Trump has condemned white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan, Biden hasn’t previously condemned Black Lives Matter or antifa rioters who perpetrated so much destruction in American cities this summer.

Hmm..., Maybe Biden is right. Antifa and Marxism are the ideas that the rioters, vandals, arsonists, and terrorists push. "Democrat" is the actual name of the organization behind pushing the Marx and Antifa ideas and destruction. Biden said that he was the "Democrat Party", and he is unable even to condemn and repudiate the evil ideas of Antifa and Marx.
All of which are organized ideological intentions to bring down America in Obama's proposal of the "Fundamental Transformation of America".
History shows us that "Antifa" was created and organized in the 1930's by anarchist Communists to combat Nationalist Socialism in Germany.
"Empirical and anecdotal evidence shows that Antifa is, in fact, highly networked, well-funded and has a global presence. It has a flat organizational structure with dozens and possibly hundreds of local groups".​
It was a Marxist Socialist Communist run organization then and is still a MSC organization today know to us as the Pogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left...
Germany's BfV domestic intelligence agency, in a special report on left-wing extremism, noted:
"Antifa's fight against right-wing extremists is a smokescreen. The real goal remains the 'bourgeois-democratic state,' which, in the reading of left-wing extremists, accepts and promotes 'fascism' as a possible form of rule and therefore does not fight it sufficiently. Ultimately, it is argued, 'fascism' is rooted in the social and political structures of 'capitalism.' Accordingly, left-wing extremists, in their 'antifascist' activities, focus above all on the elimination of the 'capitalist system.'"​
Typically, the PMS/DSA Democrat Left and the complicit Quisling Media accuses the right of the things the Left is responsible of doing in true Bernay's propagandist mode.

The only thing more Stupid than Ol' Handsy's comment are the dumbass Leftist who believe him ...
Let’s ask Trumps FBI Director Wray
He is the one who made it clear that Antifa is an ideology not an organization.

Biden is only referencing him
If Antifa is an organization.....Who are its leaders?
Where are they based?
How do they communicate with its members?
If Antifa is an organization.....Who are its leaders?
Where are they based?
How do they communicate with its members?
Maybe you could ask K. Ellison.

Hey Joe Biden, If Antifa Is an 'Idea,' Who Is Burning Down American Cities?

3 Oct 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
In the first presidential debate on Tuesday, Democratic nominee Joe Biden cited FBI Director Christopher Wray in claiming that “antifa’s an idea, not an organization.” The Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) released a powerful ad exposing just how absurd Biden’s statement was, in light of the violent and deadly riots across America this summer.
“If Antifa is only an idea then who is burning down our cities, assaulting our law enforcement officers, and causing the violence we’ve seen over the last four months?” Adam Piper, RAGA’s executive director, asked in a statement.
“Biden’s remarks don’t come as a surprise to anybody who has paid attention to the Democrats’ recent rhetoric. As lives and livelihoods are being destroyed by lawless liberal mobs across the country, Democrat attorneys general are either encouraging the violence or downplaying its existence,” Piper warned. “Voters this November must hold Democrats up and down the ballot accountable for their recklessness and incitement of this violence.”
The ad begins with the damning debate footage of Joe Biden.
“I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the Left,” President Donald Trump begins.
“Antifa’s an idea, not an organization,” Biden responds.
“Oh? You gotta be kidding me,” Trump says.
Then the ad zeroes in on the destruction of the riots. As rioters burn buildings and attack police officers, text on the screen asks, “Can an idea… burn down buildings? Can an idea… commit violence?”
Rioters shout, “Death to America!” and burn the American flag.
“An idea didn’t create this anarchy. An organization did,” the text reads. “Why won’t Joe Biden condemn violent left-wing organizations?”
While Biden condemned the arson and looting early on and more recently, he remained silent for months. He singled out “right-wing militias” but never condemned antifa or Black Lives Matter agitators.
The left-leaning legacy media seized on Trump’s supposed refusal to condemn white supremacists (in the moment, he said, “sure,” he would condemn them, as he had many times in the past), but Biden’s refusal to condemn antifa was far more revealing. While Trump has condemned white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan, Biden hasn’t previously condemned Black Lives Matter or antifa rioters who perpetrated so much destruction in American cities this summer.

Hmm..., Maybe Biden is right. Antifa and Marxism are the ideas that the rioters, vandals, arsonists, and terrorists push. "Democrat" is the actual name of the organization behind pushing the Marx and Antifa ideas and destruction. Biden said that he was the "Democrat Party", and he is unable even to condemn and repudiate the evil ideas of Antifa and Marx.
All of which are organized ideological intentions to bring down America in Obama's proposal of the "Fundamental Transformation of America".
History shows us that "Antifa" was created and organized in the 1930's by anarchist Communists to combat Nationalist Socialism in Germany.
"Empirical and anecdotal evidence shows that Antifa is, in fact, highly networked, well-funded and has a global presence. It has a flat organizational structure with dozens and possibly hundreds of local groups".​
It was a Marxist Socialist Communist run organization then and is still a MSC organization today know to us as the Pogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left...
Germany's BfV domestic intelligence agency, in a special report on left-wing extremism, noted:
"Antifa's fight against right-wing extremists is a smokescreen. The real goal remains the 'bourgeois-democratic state,' which, in the reading of left-wing extremists, accepts and promotes 'fascism' as a possible form of rule and therefore does not fight it sufficiently. Ultimately, it is argued, 'fascism' is rooted in the social and political structures of 'capitalism.' Accordingly, left-wing extremists, in their 'antifascist' activities, focus above all on the elimination of the 'capitalist system.'"​
Typically, the PMS/DSA Democrat Left and the complicit Quisling Media accuses the right of the things the Left is responsible of doing in true Bernay's propagandist mode.

He repeatedly lied about what the FBI director said, and "Fact-Check" Wallace said nary a word.

Ideas Have Consequences and bad idea often have the worst consequences, like gulags. Antifa is one bad “idea” that any sensible person ought to be able to repudiate, but by dismissing Antifa as “an idea,” Biden shows that he actually doesn’t take ideas seriously.

He is the ultimate political chameleon without a single principled bone in his body; his only principle is what will promote Joe Biden.

That he is the last man standing from the Democrats’ large candidate field suggests a party that is exhausted and out of real ideas.
If Antifa is an organization.....Who are its leaders?
Where are they based?
How do they communicate with its members?
Maybe you could ask K. Ellison.

View attachment 396733
You think he is the leader?

Show us the Antifa organizational chart if you think they are an organized movement
Show me an organizational chart of the FFI between 1940 and 1944. I can't think of anyone stupid enough to say the French resistance (French Forces of the Interior) was a idea, not a organized fighting force. Antifa is organized into cells the same way, it's a horizontal organization, not a vertical one.
If Antifa is an organization.....Who are its leaders?
Where are they based?
How do they communicate with its members?
Maybe you could ask K. Ellison.

View attachment 396733
You think he is the leader?

Show us the Antifa organizational chart if you think they are an organized movement
Show me an organizational chart of the FFI between 1940 and 1944. I can't think of anyone stupid enough to say the French resistance (French Forces of the Interior) was a idea, not a organized fighting force. Antifa is organized into cells the same way, it's a horizontal organization, not a vertical one.

The FBI says there is no formal organization of Antifa
It is an ideology that people follow and act independently.
If Antifa is an organization.....Who are its leaders?
Where are they based?
How do they communicate with its members?
Maybe you could ask K. Ellison.

View attachment 396733
You think he is the leader?

Show us the Antifa organizational chart if you think they are an organized movement
Show me an organizational chart of the FFI between 1940 and 1944. I can't think of anyone stupid enough to say the French resistance (French Forces of the Interior) was a idea, not a organized fighting force. Antifa is organized into cells the same way, it's a horizontal organization, not a vertical one.

The FBI says there is no formal organization of Antifa
It is an ideology that people follow and act independently.

Can you back that up with factual informative links?
If Antifa is an organization.....Who are its leaders?
Where are they based?
How do they communicate with its members?
Maybe you could ask K. Ellison.

View attachment 396733
You think he is the leader?

Show us the Antifa organizational chart if you think they are an organized movement
Show me an organizational chart of the FFI between 1940 and 1944. I can't think of anyone stupid enough to say the French resistance (French Forces of the Interior) was a idea, not a organized fighting force. Antifa is organized into cells the same way, it's a horizontal organization, not a vertical one.

You are of course referring to the "Maquis" supported and funded by the allies of the SOE.

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