Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?

From my understanding, "rich" in this country is considered to be $400k gross, per year. I would like to know what others in here perceive to be rich? What about you, Bezerk?
And whom is the arbitor? Gubmint?:eusa_whistle:

The marginal tax brackets. It's actually in the $380+K area. I'm just wondering what others consider to be "rich". I don't consider $400K to be rich. Well off? Yes. But rich, no.
From my understanding, "rich" in this country is considered to be $400k gross, per year. I would like to know what others in here perceive to be rich? What about you, Bezerk?
And whom is the arbitor? Gubmint?:eusa_whistle:

The marginal tax brackets. It's actually in the $380+K area. I'm just wondering what others consider to be "rich". I don't consider $400K to be rich. Well off? Yes. But rich, no.
As an individual? I would be obliged to agree with you. And that's the point, isn't it?

Gubmint has no business arbitrarily assuming anything...it only creates hate and discontent among other citizens to thie manipulation delight in the class warfare against thier own people the Gubmint is engaged in.

Too many people fall for it.

Discussions as this tend to highlight the reason the progressives fronted the 16th to become the tool it has for manipulation.

Thanks for the answer. *Merry Christmas*
You see, you're full of crap.

You claim every kid works the same except some rich kid, their family incomes have nothing to do with work ethic.

Now, if a rich kid brings his own cookies, you don't have a right to his cookies because you and your family are poor. Get a job and make some cookies.

Let's break this down to grade school level for the twits here...

Let's say some grade school kids for Christmas were baking cookies in school, some home economics course.

Some lazy kids didn't want to do the work making cookies or didn't take it seriously so they ended up with few good cookies or no cookies.

Some kids excelled and made extra cookies, even kept baking them during recess while the lazy kids were out beating each other up on the playground.

Some kids were smart and had their parents buy them cookies to bring to class.

So in the afternoon when they had their Christmas party the kids that brought extra cookies or worked hard making extra cookies were told to fork over their cookies for the lazy/dumb kids that screwed around all morning.....because it just isn't fair some kids had 5-6 cookies to eat compared to others with 1-2 cookies.

Ok ...let's see how it really works in America

Twenty kids spend all day baking cookies. They work hard and ensure they are making a good product. At the end of the day, the rich kid who just sits in the corner and tells the other kids they are not working hard enough takes all the cookies and leaves ten cookies for the other kids to split

When the other kids complain, He calls them socialists and threatens to not give them any cookies at all. He points to one kid who has been sick and has not made many cookies. He is to blame for your lack of cookies! If he worked harder, there would be more cookies for the rest of you

In our society, the rich kids will always get the cookies. When the market is down, and there are not as many cookies to be had, the rich kid will insist that the other kids get by without as many cookies as long as he keeps getting his big share
And whom is the arbitor? Gubmint?:eusa_whistle:

The marginal tax brackets. It's actually in the $380+K area. I'm just wondering what others consider to be "rich". I don't consider $400K to be rich. Well off? Yes. But rich, no.
As an individual? I would be obliged to agree with you. And that's the point, isn't it?

Gubmint has no business arbitrarily assuming anything...it only creates hate and discontent among other citizens to thie manipulation delight in the class warfare against thier own people the Gubmint is engaged in.

Too many people fall for it.

Discussions as this tend to highlight the reason the progressives fronted the 16th to become the tool it has for manipulation.

Thanks for the answer. *Merry Christmas*

Well, it bothers me that $400K is in the same bracket as X (the unknown, unlimited amount). This just seems unfair to me.
The marginal tax brackets. It's actually in the $380+K area. I'm just wondering what others consider to be "rich". I don't consider $400K to be rich. Well off? Yes. But rich, no.
As an individual? I would be obliged to agree with you. And that's the point, isn't it?

Gubmint has no business arbitrarily assuming anything...it only creates hate and discontent among other citizens to thie manipulation delight in the class warfare against thier own people the Gubmint is engaged in.

Too many people fall for it.

Discussions as this tend to highlight the reason the progressives fronted the 16th to become the tool it has for manipulation.

Thanks for the answer. *Merry Christmas*

Well, it bothers me that $400K is in the same bracket as X (the unknown, unlimited amount). This just seems unfair to me.

These people really get the shaft. Either their tax rate needs to go down, or the multi millionaires and billionaires taxes need to go up. Not fair at all.
As an individual? I would be obliged to agree with you. And that's the point, isn't it?

Gubmint has no business arbitrarily assuming anything...it only creates hate and discontent among other citizens to thie manipulation delight in the class warfare against thier own people the Gubmint is engaged in.

Too many people fall for it.

Discussions as this tend to highlight the reason the progressives fronted the 16th to become the tool it has for manipulation.

Thanks for the answer. *Merry Christmas*

Well, it bothers me that $400K is in the same bracket as X (the unknown, unlimited amount). This just seems unfair to me.

These people really get the shaft. Either their tax rate needs to go down, or the multi millionaires and billionaires taxes need to go up. Not fair at all.

Continuing my rant....these people are your surgeons, other physician specialists...your educated, valuable citizens. They worked HARD to get to this level. I say cut their taxes, and raise the taxes on the Madoffs of America. I'm not saying to punish the rich; but we sure as hell don't need to be punishing the people who take care of us. :mad:
As an individual? I would be obliged to agree with you. And that's the point, isn't it?

Gubmint has no business arbitrarily assuming anything...it only creates hate and discontent among other citizens to thie manipulation delight in the class warfare against thier own people the Gubmint is engaged in.

Too many people fall for it.

Discussions as this tend to highlight the reason the progressives fronted the 16th to become the tool it has for manipulation.

Thanks for the answer. *Merry Christmas*

Well, it bothers me that $400K is in the same bracket as X (the unknown, unlimited amount). This just seems unfair to me.

These people really get the shaft. Either their tax rate needs to go down, or the multi millionaires and billionaires taxes need to go up. Not fair at all.

It was a masterful stroke by Republicans to "simplify the tax code" they dumped those who were making $400 k in with those who were making $40 million. Now when you try to raise the upper bracket they scream....."it's an unfair burden on those who only make $400k"
Well, it bothers me that $400K is in the same bracket as X (the unknown, unlimited amount). This just seems unfair to me.

These people really get the shaft. Either their tax rate needs to go down, or the multi millionaires and billionaires taxes need to go up. Not fair at all.

It was a masterful stroke by Republicans to "simplify the tax code" they dumped those who were making $400 k in with those who were making $40 million. Now when you try to raise the upper bracket they scream....."it's an unfair burden on those who only make $400k"

That is very masterful. NOT FAIR at all. Huge difference between the two.
These people really get the shaft. Either their tax rate needs to go down, or the multi millionaires and billionaires taxes need to go up. Not fair at all.

It was a masterful stroke by Republicans to "simplify the tax code" they dumped those who were making $400 k in with those who were making $40 million. Now when you try to raise the upper bracket they scream....."it's an unfair burden on those who only make $400k"

That is very masterful. NOT FAIR at all. Huge difference between the two.

At a 35% rate with no deductions-

$400K=$260K net (gee thanx)

$40million=$26million (they're going to starve. What will they do?)
It was a masterful stroke by Republicans to "simplify the tax code" they dumped those who were making $400 k in with those who were making $40 million. Now when you try to raise the upper bracket they scream....."it's an unfair burden on those who only make $400k"

That is very masterful. NOT FAIR at all. Huge difference between the two.

At a 35% rate with no deductions-

$400K=$260K net (gee thanx)

$40million=$26million (they're going to starve. What will they do?)

That's assuming a flat rate....

The person making 400k nets somewhere in the neighborhood of 300k.
As an individual? I would be obliged to agree with you. And that's the point, isn't it?

Gubmint has no business arbitrarily assuming anything...it only creates hate and discontent among other citizens to thie manipulation delight in the class warfare against thier own people the Gubmint is engaged in.

Too many people fall for it.

Discussions as this tend to highlight the reason the progressives fronted the 16th to become the tool it has for manipulation.

Thanks for the answer. *Merry Christmas*

Well, it bothers me that $400K is in the same bracket as X (the unknown, unlimited amount). This just seems unfair to me.

These people really get the shaft. Either their tax rate needs to go down, or the multi millionaires and billionaires taxes need to go up. Not fair at all.
It's not by accident that productive small business owners working 70-80 hours a week for $340K a year are in the same tax bracket as parasites earning $340 million per year. Elected Republicans AND Democrats engage in this type of class war, and it seems to me the only solution is for millions of Americans to start voting against all Republicans AND Democrats on their ballots.
Oh ferchrissake, stuff the stupid analogies. Under voodoo the last 30 years, historically low tax rates on the richest 1% have doubled to quadrupled their wealth while the 99% have suffered and the country has fallen apart and debt has jumped; at the same time health and college costs have skyrocketed and shortsighted policies have outsourced jobs for short term profit.
Obama and the Dems are slowly turning that ship around, despite the greedy rich/corporations and their bought off charlatans' brainwashed dittoheads/haters...

Merry Christmas!!
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Continuing my rant....these people are your surgeons, other physician specialists...your educated, valuable citizens. They worked HARD to get to this level. I say cut their taxes, and raise the taxes on the Madoffs of America. I'm not saying to punish the rich; but we sure as hell don't need to be punishing the people who take care of us. :mad:

"Punish the rich" is exactly what you're saying. Who do you think you're fooling with this horseshit? Why should Steve jobs pay a higher tax rate than some scumbag politician like Bawney Fwank?
These people really get the shaft. Either their tax rate needs to go down, or the multi millionaires and billionaires taxes need to go up. Not fair at all.

It was a masterful stroke by Republicans to "simplify the tax code" they dumped those who were making $400 k in with those who were making $40 million. Now when you try to raise the upper bracket they scream....."it's an unfair burden on those who only make $400k"

That is very masterful. NOT FAIR at all. Huge difference between the two.

How much do you think the guy making $40 million should pay?

I'm sure when I read your response that I'll be rolling on the floor.
Scouring the lefty sites for talking points. Most involve whining about fairness. Of course, "fair" means "me getting something for free".

Really? Then why is it that the red states are the ones that are taking more federal dollars than the blue states? The Liberal states give, and the 'Conservative' states take.

So why don't you lazy ass wingnuts get off your dead asses, clean the beer cans from the door of your single wide, and go out and get a job. This Lib is getting tired of supporting you whining bigoted bastards and bitchs.:badgrin:
*yawn* Yes, these people look awfully productive, don't they?


That chick in the pink bra looks awfully hungry! :lol:
It was a masterful stroke by Republicans to "simplify the tax code" they dumped those who were making $400 k in with those who were making $40 million. Now when you try to raise the upper bracket they scream....."it's an unfair burden on those who only make $400k"

That is very masterful. NOT FAIR at all. Huge difference between the two.

At a 35% rate with no deductions-

$400K=$260K net (gee thanx)

$40million=$26million (they're going to starve. What will they do?)

So what did the ticks on the ass of society do to deserve $14 million from any single person? What service did the government provide this person that was worth $14 million?
Well, it bothers me that $400K is in the same bracket as X (the unknown, unlimited amount). This just seems unfair to me.

These people really get the shaft. Either their tax rate needs to go down, or the multi millionaires and billionaires taxes need to go up. Not fair at all.
It's not by accident that productive small business owners working 70-80 hours a week for $340K a year are in the same tax bracket as parasites earning $340 million per year. Elected Republicans AND Democrats engage in this type of class war, and it seems to me the only solution is for millions of Americans to start voting against all Republicans AND Democrats on their ballots.

What makes someone earning $340 million a year a "parasite," nothing more than your say-so? Was Steve Jobs a "parasite?" I'd really like to know how you define the term. One suspects that you just throw it around because you've that it has some impact so you use it even though it doesn't appl.
So you want to raise taxes on the poor, the working class, the middle class, and everyone else who's in the not-Rich category,

to make it 'fair'.

What's new...

You want to raise taxes on only the rich, asshole. We want everyone to pay taxes.
to make it "fair"

Why should taxes be "fair", if incomes are not?

At what point did "fairness" become such an important issue to free-market conservatives?

When I was a secretary I didn't understand why my work wasn't valued as much as that of, say, a nurse - who is really just an assistant as well. Then I became a nurse making life and death decisions every day, and I understood. My guess is you have done nothing in your life to be valued. That's why you think incomes are not fair.

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