“He’s red in the face and going off the rails.”

A British citizen citing a British source, regarding how our country is and should be run. We kicked Britain's ass very hard, twice, over them trying to tell us how to run our country, in 1776 and again in 1812. I'm beginning to think that they are way overdue for another serious ass-kicking.
1812 was a draw. Get your facts straight. Oh yeah, that's right; I'm talking to a Trumpkin. :doubt:
If the the war of 1812 was a "draw" I guess the Battle of the Bulge was a "draw" also. To quote an old Johnny Horton song "we fired once more and they began a runnin down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico". We kicked the Brits off the U.S. while the monarchy was crumbling and the British empire began a slow decline until the U.S. had to rescue the empire about 150 years later.
A British citizen citing a British source, regarding how our country is and should be run. We kicked Britain's ass very hard, twice, over them trying to tell us how to run our country, in 1776 and again in 1812. I'm beginning to think that they are way overdue for another serious ass-kicking.
1812 was a draw. Get your facts straight. Oh yeah, that's right; I'm talking to a Trumpkin. :doubt:
Oh. So our independence from London wasn't assured, and the Indian barrier to Westward expansion wasn't removed? When did those things not happen? Oh wait, they didn't. Looks like we won what we were fighting for, doesn't it?
The Napoleonic Wars were over, so the reasons for the war were moot. Given that they had troops to send elsewhere, they could have launched a major invasion, but said "why bother?" Hence, a draw.
Trump 'red in the face and going off the rails' after historic impeachment vote

We know that there are concerns about his mental health.
Do you think that the impeachment thing will tip him over the edge.
Not if he grows the attitude that I think that he should have about the whole picture. He should be glad that anyone pays any attention to him at all in the first place. Would he rather be like my late beautiful precious Billy Joe Royal and be completely ignored pretty much in the grand scheme? Would he rather be like another one of my most favorite singers named Shane Minor who never once even saw the top ten as a singer? Being a songwriter I guess was the only way that his name could finally have a place in there.

God bless you and him and our current leader always!!!


P.S. Then there is my late beautiful precious Steve Sanders of the Oak Ridge Boys and all that led up to his suicide.....okay, now it may be my turn to "go off the freaking rails..." Don't worry though, I have no intention of following him. After all, one dead person can not preserve the beautiful and precious memory of another dead person.
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I think Pelosi has been very clever in slowing down the process. Trump will have a miserable Christmas stewing on this and is likely to do something stupid.
Oh, yeah. She's managed this farce so wonderfully! :113:

Stick to what you know....sex worker for Welsh livestock.
Trump 'red in the face and going off the rails' after historic impeachment vote

We know that there are concerns about his mental health.
Do you think that the impeachment thing will tip him over the edge.

Not at all.

You are listening to that goofy Señor Jim Acosta.

A master of fake news, who is really pissed at President Trump as Trump has chopped him down to irrelevancy.

Trump now has all of his press conferences on the lawn or with foreign leaders while boarding Marine 1. Acosta is no longer the big shot he was before, and he doesn't like it. Trump answers q's- more than any other president, but doesn't allow blowhards like Acosta to dominate him.

Its been a little chilly here in the United States lately, standing outside in front of an helicopter will turn anyone's face red.

BTW, President Trump has already beaten this impeachment rubbish. Pelosi refuses even to send the articles over, so its business as usual.
The U.K. is in chaos with a newly elected conservative majority and "brexit" is looming. Meanwhile the #1 name for a child born in London is "Mohammed", there seems to be a pervert pedophile in the freaking castle and a "consort" (what ever the hell that is) is dying. Yet the Brit liberals spend time attacking the President of the United States as if they are agents of the Russians like that strange guy the Obama administration used.
This is "Red in the face and going off the rails" UK style...






We kicked Britain's ass very hard, twice, over them trying to tell us how to run our country, in 1776 and again in 1812. I'm beginning to think that they are way overdue for another serious ass-kicking.
1812 was a draw. Get your facts straight. Oh yeah, that's right; I'm talking to a Trumpkin. :doubt:

Britain tried to take our sovereignty from us and to reestablish itself as our ruler. When it was over, we were still an independent, sovereign nation, and the British still had no say in how we ran our country. I guess it takes an America-hating left wrong-wing cretin to call that a “draw”.

But your odd admission that only a “Trumpkin” could actually understand our country's history is noted.
A British citizen citing a British source, regarding how our country is and should be run.

We kicked Britain's ass very hard, twice, over them trying to tell us how to run our country, in 1776 and again in 1812. I'm beginning to think that they are way overdue for another serious ass-kicking.

…….and yet you don't have a problem with Russian interference or the President asking Ukraine to investigate a US citizen. Smfh.
What she is doing is trying to create tension between trump and McConnell. Trump wants this to go to the senate and be finished quickly. Pelosi wants democrats to be able to call witnesses, a few in particular (Mulvaney, Bolton). Mcconnell opposes this.

Knowing Trump's hubris and disconnect from reality, she is hoping that trump decides he has nothing to fear and urges mcconnell to let her have this concession, in order to expedite the beginning (and end) of the senate trial.

It's chess, but it's not complicated, grandmaster chess.

What she is doing, if not as a hard legal matter, then at least as a matter of principle, is denying the right of the accused, as affirmed in the Sixth Amendment, to a speedy trial. She presided over a mockery of a hearing, in which the President was, in effect, indicted for an alleged crime, and at this point, he has every right to expect the trial to take place in a timely manner, to give him the chance to defend himself against this charge, and to have the matter resolved quickly.

The only reason that Congresscriminal Pelosi is dragging her feet is that she knows the whole indictment is bullshit, and that if it is properly brought to trial, not only will it not stand up, but her role and that of her accomplices in abusing their power to bring it to this point will be fully exposed.
What she is doing, if not as a hard legal matter, then at least as a matter of principle, is denying the right of the accused, as affirmed in the Sixth Amendment, to a speedy trial.
Haha, no. Trump is not protected by that in regards to speedy trial in the senate, as this is not a criminal trial. While the orange turd has taken full advantage of the special protections afforded the president, he also loses some of the protections afforded criminal defendants. I dont know where you are getting your hilariously inaccurate information, but you might want to consider getting some new sources of info.
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We kicked Britain's ass very hard, twice, over them trying to tell us how to run our country, in 1776 and again in 1812. I'm beginning to think that they are way overdue for another serious ass-kicking.
1812 was a draw. Get your facts straight. Oh yeah, that's right; I'm talking to a Trumpkin. :doubt:

Britain tried to take our sovereignty from us and to reestablish itself as our ruler. When it was over, we were still an independent, sovereign nation, and the British still had no say in how we ran our country. I guess it takes an America-hating left wrong-wing cretin to call that a “draw”.

But your odd admission that only a “Trumpkin” could actually understand our country's history is noted.
Trump could speed up the process by allowing his lackeys to give evidence.
What she is doing, if not as a hard legal matter, then at least as a matter of principle, is denying the right of the accused, as affirmed in the Sixth Amendment, to a speedy trial.
Haha, no. Trump is not protected by that in regards to speedy trial in the senate, as this is not a criminal trial. While the orange turd has taken full advantage of the special protections afforded the president, he also loses some of the protections afforded criminal defendants. I dont [sic] know where you are getting your hilariously inaccurate information, but you might want to consider getting some new sources of info.

I'm getting my “hilariously inaccurate information” by reading where it is explicitly stated in the Constitution.

In any event, even if the Sixth Amendment is not legally-binding, here, it is certainly a sound ethical principle, which Congresscriminal Pelosi is unethically disregarding, for reasons which have no basis in law or ethics. It just goes as one more point to expose the unseemly political nature of the whole proceeding; that this whole impeachment farce was pursued to further a political agenda, and not to fulfill any principle of law or justice. If this was a legitimate impeachment, pursued for legitimate reasons, then there is no rational reason for her now to obstruct the very process that she has set into motion. If her motives were legitimate, then she should be as eager as Mr. Trump to see it properly resolved.
We kicked Britain's ass very hard, twice, over them trying to tell us how to run our country, in 1776 and again in 1812. I'm beginning to think that they are way overdue for another serious ass-kicking.
1812 was a draw. Get your facts straight. Oh yeah, that's right; I'm talking to a Trumpkin. :doubt:

Britain tried to take our sovereignty from us and to reestablish itself as our ruler. When it was over, we were still an independent, sovereign nation, and the British still had no say in how we ran our country. I guess it takes an America-hating left wrong-wing cretin to call that a “draw”.

But your odd admission that only a “Trumpkin” could actually understand our country's history is noted.
Trump could speed up the process by allowing his lackeys to give evidence.

If this process were legit, you might have a point.

But when this is long gone, the liberals will just cook up another phony "scandal". It isn't like President Trump will just be allowed to rule in peace.
Trump 'red in the face and going off the rails' after historic impeachment vote

We know that there are concerns about his mental health.
Do you think that the impeachment thing will tip him over the edge.
Hopefully he gets the big one

President Trump isn't going to have a heart attack or any other major health emergency.

The reality is that President Trump was certified by Medical Experts to be "without a doubt, the healthiest President Almighty God ever created". His lab results are uniformly and almost unbelievably tremendous.

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