Here's your chance right wingers , back up your claims


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
There is a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't post every one of them. But you are happy to check it out for yourself. Consider that an invitation. :)

There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.

Here's the DNC admitting that even having an accurate voter database, eliminating the non-living, illegals and Mickey Mouse is an "existential threat" to the Tammany Hall Party

LinkedIn co-founder backs $35 million voter data project in 'existential threat' to Democratic Party
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Trump is pushing the voter fraud lie for two reasons

1. Hold down the number of voters
2. Have an excuse when he loses
Notice the issue has come out as a right vs left argument. In a logical setup in the voting booth the ballots are untouched after they are filled out by the voter until they are tallied by sworn officials. The scenario that democrats are proposing has so many avenues for fraud that it turns the system upside down. Voter registration is out the window and there is no way to verify who filled out the ballots without a costly and lengthily (unnecessary) investigation. Hiring minimum wage workers to distribute and/or pick up ballots is a recipe for disaster. The electoral system worked out pretty well for the last hundred and fifty years so why change it just so the fat assed lazy generation can stay close to their potato chip bowls on election day.
There is a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't post every one of them. But you are happy to check it out for yourself. Consider that an invitation. :)

Like I said bullshit , come up with more then one a year per state , Even California with 40 million people have less then two a year, The joke of this list is that it includes every type of election known to man from little towns police chief to school boards , primary's and generals , even people who go out to get names for candidate selection. . Now Getting to federal charges make up maybe 1/3 of heritages numbers. That is whats called a who cares. That will be the rights best answer. a little more the a nothing.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.

Here's the DNC admitting that even having an accurate voter database, eliminating the non-living, illegals and Mickey Mouse is an "existential threat" to the Tammany Hall Party

LinkedIn co-founder backs $35 million voter data project in 'existential threat' to Democratic Party
example buddy , there is a lot of bullshit written about it , examples examples examples.
There is a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't post every one of them. But you are happy to check it out for yourself. Consider that an invitation. :)

You are the one making the accusation, so you are the one who is obligated to prove it. This evidence must have been compiled before the accusation was made or it would not have been made, right?
Like I said bullshit , come up with more then one a year per state , Even California with 40 million people have less then two a year, The joke of this list is that it includes every type of election known to man from little towns police chief to school boards , primary's and generals , even people who go out to get names for candidate selection. . Now Getting to federal charges make up maybe 1/3 of heritages numbers. That is whats called a who cares. That will be the rights best answer. a little more the a nothing.

I am sure you are a smart about you do your own damned research.
Have a good day! :)
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Trump is pushing the voter fraud lie for two reasons

1. Hold down the number of voters
2. Have an excuse when he loses
It's the policy of the right all around this country to take the vote away from any group populated with the majority of democrats. which shows how unpatriotic these people are.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Sorry. Saw a few elections that were local and fishy in the city I lived in. Always the worst neighborhoods coming in late with massive votes. No one questions for accusations of hate, racism and well you know the drill.
Notice the issue has come out as a right vs left argument. In a logical setup in the voting booth the ballots are untouched after they are filled out by the voter until they are tallied by sworn officials. The scenario that democrats are proposing has so many avenues for fraud that it turns the system upside down. Voter registration is out the window and there is no way to verify who filled out the ballots without a costly and lengthily (unnecessary) investigation. Hiring minimum wage workers to distribute and/or pick up ballots is a recipe for disaster. The electoral system worked out pretty well for the last hundred and fifty years so why change it just so the fat assed lazy generation can stay close to their potato chip bowls on election day.
I don't care about your opinion , I want example , charges , people who were thrown in jail. You will need thousands to even get me to blink. Otherwise it is a who cares.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
What good is it to give you proof ?.....(many well-researched studies),,,,,when as soon as you see you don't like the conclusions, like all liberals do, you'll claim the studies are invalid. Ho hum. Yawn*****
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Here, I’ll dispel your belief it doesn’t exist.

1982 Adlai Stevenson III and Republican James Thompson
Adlai Stevenson came within 5,074 votes of capturing the governorship out of 3.67 million votes. Chief Judge Frank McGarr of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois publicly released the federal grand jury's report (one of only 3 times in history that had happened), and the evidence revealed substantial vote fraud in Chicago during the November 2, 1982, election and found "that similar fraudulent activities have occurred prior to 1982.” Based on FBI agent Ernest Locker investigation, he was struck how routine voter fraud was in Chicago. Locker believes the claims, that Mayor Daley threw the 1960 presidential election for John Kennedy with massive ballot stuffing in Chicago. This type of voter fraud, stated Locker, "was an accepted way of life in Chicago.” Conclusions: 3,000 votes had been cast in the names of individuals who were dead, and more than 31,000 individuals had voted twice in different locations in the city. Thousands of individuals had supposedly voted despite being incarcerated at the time of the election, and utility records showed that some individuals who voted were registered as living on vacant lots. 100,000 phony votes were counted in total, bringing the defendant within 5,000 votes of stealing the governorship.

Examples of Voter Fraud - iGeek
It was so reprehensible it was even noted in Congressional records.
And NC has so many voting 110 and over. Please. And this from Pew-
112-Year-Old Voters in North Carolina?
Early voting began in North Carolina in October, and soon after almost 900 voters aged 112 reportedly cast ballots. In fact in 2008, almost 10,000 108-year olds cast ballots and just over 9,000 110-year olds voted in 2010.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Sorry. Saw a few elections that were local and fishy in the city I lived in. Always the worst neighborhoods coming in late with massive votes. No one questions for accusations of hate, racism and well you know the drill.

There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
What good is it to give you proof ?.....(many well-researched studies),,,,,when as soon as you see you don't like the conclusions, like all liberals do, you'll claim the studies are invalid. Ho hum. Yawn*****
You didn't give me one study, just smoke. Ho hum yawn.
There is a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't post every one of them. But you are happy to check it out for yourself. Consider that an invitation. :)

A conservative think tank, I doubt it.
It's the policy of the right all around this country to take the vote away from any group populated with the majority of democrats. which shows how unpatriotic these people are.
It's the policy of the LEFT all around this country, to NOT take the vote away from any group populated with the majority of Democrats, specifically ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Furthermore, It's the policy of the LEFT all around this country, to give the vote TO ILLEGAL ALIENS, by importing them here, protecting them in sanctuary cities, and stopping any attempts at voter ID requiring PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Well, it appears that Trump and the GOP can bitch all they like, but states are still making their own decisions about it and while I HOPE that by November we will no longer need to be so concerned about the large crowds that assemble to vote/spread Virus, states that are contemplating mail in voting for all their citizens can't make that decision in October. It is a massive and expensive undertaking that takes months of preparation. And it seems the federal government can't stop them.

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