Here’s What We Know Now: The Warrant Was for EVERY Document Trump Had During His Entire Term

Advisors to the president do not need or should they present him with everything they know, only what they believe he needs to know.
Flippy. You just juxtaposed some shit you had posted with a “reply” from me. However, my reply was to a post from surada. Was that an intentional effort to be deceptive by you?

Be clear. My reply was to Surada’s post.

Surada had claimed that “They withheld information from Trump because he was so cavalier..” I said they had no right to do so. Now, your post seems to argue that they get to select what information “they” think he “needs.”

Nope. If they make a decision that the President is “too cavalier,” then their determination is corrupted.
I laid it out for you and you’re to fucking retarded to even look it up. We are discussing the Presidential Records Act.

That Act, as I correctly noted, has no criminal penalties associated with it. You’d know this if you read the Act. If and when you do, you’ll notice there is not one paragraph that declares what any “penalty” is for any alleged “violation” thereof. And that’s how even a dope like you can see that it is not a criminal statute.

Now get back to pontificating to your similarly ignorant pals. 😎
Read my link, retard.
Very good! You cited the article. But you didn’t provide the adjective. You dolt.

It is a felony, now, to mishandle CLASSIFIED Documents under some circumstances.

The Presidential Records Act still isn’t a criminal statute. And furthermore, if the President declassifies a document, it ain’t classified anymore.

You can’t be more wrong than being wrong on every point. But the good news, for you, is that you can always continue to be a pantload.

Do you do “double” work playing the role of Brandon’s Depends?
Classification has nothing to do with presidential records, dope.

Your search for a loophole has left you floundering.
Classification has nothing to do with presidential records, dope.

Your search for a loophole has left you floundering.
Moron: you couldn’t keep up with a rocket sled. The PRA IS NOT a criminal statute at all.

I haven’t had occasion to even want to look for any loopholes. None needed. The discussion (which you just ignorantly entered into) has involved several issues.

Maybe next time get caught up before you interject your nonsense.
Moron: you couldn’t keep up with a rocket sled. The PRA IS NOT a criminal statute at all.

I haven’t had occasion to even want to look for any loopholes. None needed. The discussion (which you just ignorantly entered into) has involved several issues.

Maybe next time get caught up before you interject your nonsense.
There are criminal statutes that cover the PRA, dope.

Read the link. That’s what it’s there for.
Read my link, retard.
Blow me — and try to stay on topic, you stupid scumbag.

The topic is not you trying to tell me what to do.

I’m thrilled that you think you’re on to something. I’ll take a peek.

But just to soften the blow, be aware. What I posted is still the dead-on accurate truth. And no matter how you may wish to scamper, the truth remains the truth. The PRA is not itself a criminal statute. 😎
Blow me — and try to stay on topic, you stupid scumbag.

The topic is not you trying to tell me what to do.

I’m thrilled that you think you’re on to something. I’ll take a peek.

But just to soften the blow, be aware. What I posted is still the dead-on accurate truth. And no matter how you may wish to scamper, the truth remains the truth. The PRA is not itself a criminal statute. 😎
Which of course is completely irrelevant when discussing possible criminal exposure. :uhoh3:
Which of course is completely irrelevant when discussing possible criminal exposure. :uhoh3:
Maybe. Maybe not. Of course, you know what else matters. If a President is in possession of documents (like Obama has been to the tune of like 33 or so million pages), after leaving office, maybe the law doesn’t apply to him or maybe even it shouldn’t.

In any event. I want you to have a good night’s sleep. So, as you lay yiur headnkn the pillow, remember to repeat the mantra:

“We’ve got him THIS time!”
That's right

Presidential records as defined in the Presidential Records Act are the property of the American people, not the president. The president while in office is the custodian of those records and it his duty to protect them. The day he leaves office, the Director of the National Achieves becomes the custodian. The president may make copies of those records but it is illegal for him to take any of the originals when he leaves office and of course it is illegal for the president to take any classified documents.

Since the DOJ had evidence that Trump had presidential documents as well as classified documents, they were included in the search warrant.§2202.-,Ownership of Presidential records,(Added Pub.
Me thinks you are confused! Nothing says what you said. A cnn lawyer analyst has stated I’m right! You have not presented any material that says otherwise. So, nope
“They” had no right to do so. And I value their assessment as much as I value yours which is to say, not at all.

Bullshit. More outlandish shit from ignorant you offered without basis.

We don’t know that ”he” took any. And we also don’t know which documents he tore up. Maybe something he was composing at home in his post Presidency.

No. He didn’t. Prove it. But you can’t. And you can’t because once he disclosed “it,” it wasn’t classified anymore. Try to think, you simpleton.

Yeah. I’ve read that. Doesn’t mean it was classified. And, frankly, It may have been a bad idea. After all, the non-criminal PRA does establish that the documents belong to the United States.

He tore up documents in briefings with his staff. It was a problem from the beginning.
You were there?

The staff has made it public for five years. They had a team dedicated to taping the torn documents back together. Where have you been the past six years? It was impossible for them to brief Trump. He got bored after 5 minutes and thought he knew it all. He said that he was his own advisor.
The staff has made it public for five years. They had a team dedicated to taping the torn documents back together. Where have you been the past six years? It was impossible for them to brief Trump. He got bored after 5 minutes and thought he knew it all. He said that he was his own advisor.
Yeah, sure. They all said that.

You’re a joke.

Yep.. all four years. He just refused to play by the rules especially about documents. He behaved like a petulant dictator. Trump has had 7 legal teams in the past six years. They can't stand him either. He doesn't listen and he doesn't pay his bills.

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