Here’s a video of Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors saying, “We are trained Marxists”

Patrisse Cullors is a founder of Black Lives Matter.

Here’s a screenshot from wikipedia, showing that Cullors is one of the founders of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives Matter - Wikipedia

View attachment 352044

Here’s a video of Cullors saying:

“We are trained Marxists”

If you go to thier website its all Marxism wrapped in a neat package

Its like any other lefty site ...they all use the same template

I posted this to the white privlage thread

From blm
We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.

Black modern nuclear family ...kid doing well in school.athlete murdered by an illegal

Jamiel Shaw Sr.



Jun 16

When my Son was Murdered I reached out to every so called Black leader in L.A. to get help with the Murder of my son. Every one of them was in the bed with the illegal aliens. BLM and Black Politicians in L.A. only support Black people who were Murdered by the Police, Period

Jamiel "Jas" Andre Shaw, II (December 22, 1990[2] – March 2, 2008) was a junior at Los Angeles High School. He played football, basketball, baseball, the piano, and ran track. On the morning of his murder, he had participated in a weekend football training program, that prepares top high school football players for college football and for a possible career in the National Football League. Shaw was also being prospected by several colleges, including Rutgers University and Stanford University.[citation needed] Shaw's mother Anita was serving her second tour in Iraq at the time of his death.

More From marxist BLM

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable

What happened to collective care...they didn't qualify for any at all comtades ? ...its all marxist bullshit

the kid was killed by an ally derp illegal alien who should of never been here to begin with

Borders are bad except in c h o p
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Here’s a video of Cullors saying:

“We are trained Marxists”

get the context:
Cullors weaves her intellectual influences into this narrative, from black feminist writers like Audre Lorde and bell hooks, to Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong. Reading those social philosophers “provided a new understanding around what our economies could look like,” she says. Reading Lorde and hooks “helped me understand my identity.”

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors on Her Book

Marx does provide a good perspective of capitalism
According to Marx's theory, surplus value is equal to the new value created by workers in excess of their own labor-cost, which is appropriated by the capitalist as profit when products are sold.

You quoted her as saying that reading Marxist authors, "provided a new understanding around what our economies could look like"

Please note her use of the word "could" in that quote.

Real world marxism is nothing like the theoretical marxism that she is referring to.

You quoted a text as saying, "According to Marx's theory, surplus value is equal to the new value created by workers in excess of their own labor-cost, which is appropriated by the capitalist as profit when products are sold."

Meanwhile, in the real world, immigration patterns prove that workers prefer to live in captialist countries, not marxist ones.

In both of these quotes, they are comparing theoretical marxism to real world capitalistm So of course, in both cases, theoretical marxism wins.

Meanwhile, I am comparing real world capitalism to real world marxism. And in both of those cases, real world capitalism is the winner.

The reason why marxism remains so popular is because its supporters focus on theoretical marxism instead of what marxism is like in the real world.

Here are the different systems, ranked from best to worst:

1) Theoretical marxism

2) Real world capitalism

3) Real world marxism
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Meanwhile, in the real world, immigration patterns prove that workers prefer living in capitalist countries, not communist countries.

Workers would rather live in South Korea than North Korea.

Workers would rather live in the U.S. than in Cuba.

Workers preferred to live in West Germany, not East Germany.

Workers moved out of the Soviet Union and to the United States, not the other way around.

In the real world, workers prefer to live in capitalist countries, not marxist ones.
One doesn’t need to train to be a Marxist. All one needs to do to be a Marxist is to not be a conservative.

Well, she admitted she was a Marxist. I'm not sure you guys can keep pretending you are not. Talking about all the different kinds of socialism and screaming McCarthy won't work forever. Especially since your media went bonkers.
Patrisse Cullors is a founder of Black Lives Matter.

Here’s a screenshot from wikipedia, showing that Cullors is one of the founders of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives Matter - Wikipedia

View attachment 352044

Here’s a video of Cullors saying:

“We are trained Marxists”

Those who have been oppressed often take up the ideals of the polar opposite of their oppressors. This should not be surprising.

Andrew Young was a committed marxist. I bet you don't know who that is.

None of those people rioting, protesting, destroying private property are oppressed.
Why do you care if this lady is a Marxist?

Because she is influencing a huge number of people.

I don't want the U.S. to become like the hellholes that every single country that has adopted marxism has become.

If enough people believe in marxism, and they elect enough marxists into office, the U.S. will become a marxist country.

I don't want that to happen.
Patrisse Cullors is a founder of Black Lives Matter.

Here’s a screenshot from wikipedia, showing that Cullors is one of the founders of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives Matter - Wikipedia

View attachment 352044

Here’s a video of Cullors saying:

“We are trained Marxists”

Those who have been oppressed often take up the ideals of the polar opposite of their oppressors. This should not be surprising.

Andrew Young was a committed marxist. I bet you don't know who that is.

Sounds like it would be a good time to leave the oppressive democrat party then. Not doubling down on that failure.

No, you're doubling down on the failure of Republican economics which have now crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years. That's a remarkable record of fiscal incompetence. And they did it the exact same way every time - massive tax cut following by the huge stimulus deficit.

When I do something stupid and hurt myself. I think, well that didn't go as planned, and if I try it again, I'm going to look for the reasons why I didn't get the expected result and try to do it differently to change the outcome. Not Republicans. The second time, they added in a couple of unfunded wars to the spending, and the deregulation of the banking laws, and actually made things, much, much worse, nearly taking down the world's economy in the process.

Now at this point, a sensible person would say "Hmmm, that's really NOT the result I wanted, and I nearly burned down the entire neighbourhood, so let's not do THAT again". Republicans aren't that smart. They couldn't wait to do that again, and guess what. The economy crashed again!!!!

Or maybe they are. Maybe crashing the economy is the goal. It keeps the people broke and hungry, and the billionaire class makes out like bandit. The "cut and crash" Republican economy is enriching billionaires at a remarkable rate. Jeff Bezos is poised to become the world's first trillionaire, because of the pandemic crash.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party is reducing the USA to a disease ridden, violent, banana republic.

If we had the same tax code as before Reagan, an individual or a married couple with about 50 thousand dollars a year and a few thousand in either direction would be at the 50% federal tax rate. They would be impoverished just from that.
Why do you care if this lady is a Marxist?

Because she is influencing a huge number of people.

I don't want the U.S. to become like the hellholes that every single country that has adopted marxism has become.

If enough people believe in marxism, and they elect enough marxists into office, the U.S. will become a marxist country.

I don't want that to happen.
So do you not believe in freedom of speech? She has the right to say whatever she wants and people have the right to agree with or reject what she is saying. Are you wanting to censor speech now?

Meanwhile, in the real world, immigration patterns prove that workers prefer living in capitalist countries, not communist countries.

Workers would rather live in South Korea than North Korea.

Workers would rather live in the U.S. than in Cuba.

Workers preferred to live in West Germany, not East Germany.

Workers moved out of the Soviet Union and to the United States, not the other way around.

In the real world, workers prefer to live in capitalist countries, not marxist ones.

At least we have the risk issue resolved, good.

As far as where one would rather live. SInce the USA is 19th on the world happiness rating, people here who know nothing of other countries dont have a clue. The happier countries treat workers better, among other factors.

Even among US states, its obvious red states are less happy.
Why do you care if this lady is a Marxist?

Because she is influencing a huge number of people.

I don't want the U.S. to become like the hellholes that every single country that has adopted marxism has become.

If enough people believe in marxism, and they elect enough marxists into office, the U.S. will become a marxist country.

I don't want that to happen.
So do you not believe in freedom of speech? She has the right to say whatever she wants and people have the right to agree with or reject what she is saying. Are you wanting to censor speech now?

I am in favor of freedom of speech.

I am against censoring her, or anyone else.

At the same time, I am also against the things that marxists do in the real world.
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As far as where one would rather live. SInce the USA is 19th on the world happiness rating, people here who know nothing of other countries dont have a clue. The happier countries treat workers better, among other factors.

Even among US states, its obvious red states are less happy.

Your first link says all of the happiest countries are in western Europe.

Then why do so many immigrants from Africa and the Middle East immigrate all the way to the U.S., when it would be so much easier for them to immigrate to western Europe?

Your second link says people in blue states are happier than people in red states.

Then why are so many people fleeing blue states and relocating to red states?

Source for my claim:

Why do you care if this lady is a Marxist?

Because she is influencing a huge number of people.

I don't want the U.S. to become like the hellholes that every single country that has adopted marxism has become.

If enough people believe in marxism, and they elect enough marxists into office, the U.S. will become a marxist country.

I don't want that to happen.
So do you not believe in freedom of speech? She has the right to say whatever she wants and people have the right to agree with or reject what she is saying. Are you wanting to censor speech now?

I am in favor of freedom of speech.

I am against censoring her, or anyone else.

At the same time, I am also against the things that marxists do in the real world.
Ok well since there is no definitive Marxist ideology and there are in fact several schools of thought on how Marxist theory can be applied in our society that conflict with eachother perhaps it would be more productive for you to critique specific things this person says instead just calling her a Marxist.
Ok well since there is no definitive Marxist ideology and there are in fact several schools of thought on how Marxist theory can be applied in our society that conflict with eachother perhaps it would be more productive for you to critique specific things this person says instead just calling her a Marxist.

She called herself a Marxist.

This quote is from The Communist Manifesto, which was written by Marx and Engels:

"In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property."


I will also add that Marxism is so horrible that even the people who claim to be in favor of it never actually more to Marxist countries.

When the Berlin Wall was taken down, people headed from east to west, not the other way around.

The armed guards at the border between North and South Korea are there to prevent people from leaving the north and heading south, not the other way around.

It's illegal for Cuban citizens to move out of the country. But every year, thousands risk their lives doing so on homemade rafts. Many end up drowning.

If there is any "single definitive Marxist theory," it's that the countries that have adopted Marxism have made it so horrible to live there that even the people in other countries who claim to be in favor of Marxism never immigrate to these countries that have adopted Marxism.
Marx was dead on about capitalism. It is designed to cause revolution from the workers. Look at inequities today. It’s only a matter of time. Hopefully the wealthy will realize that their money will all be gone if they doesn’t start distributing much of it back to the workers. I like capitalism but unchecked it’s cruel.

Marx was wrong that communism was the natural correction for capitalism.
Ok well since there is no definitive Marxist ideology and there are in fact several schools of thought on how Marxist theory can be applied in our society that conflict with eachother perhaps it would be more productive for you to critique specific things this person says instead just calling her a Marxist.

She called herself a Marxist.

This quote is from The Communist Manifesto, which was written by Marx and Engels:

"In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property."


I will also add that Marxism is so horrible that even the people who claim to be in favor of it never actually more to Marxist countries.

When the Berlin Wall was taken down, people headed from east to west, not the other way around.

The armed guards at the border between North and South Korea are there to prevent people from leaving the north and heading south, not the other way around.

It's illegal for Cuban citizens to move out of the country. But every year, thousands risk their lives doing so on homemade rafts. Many end up drowning.

If there is any "single definitive Marxist theory," it's that the countries that have adopted Marxism have made it so horrible to live there that even the people in other countries who claim to be in favor of Marxism never immigrate to these countries that have adopted Marxism.
There is not just one Marxist theory, there are many different ones, and as I said before, many conflict with each other. Just because somebody has Marxist beliefs and wants to see some of that theory materialize in the USA that doesn’t mean they need to move to a different country. A smart person would find out what specifically they want to do and then debate the virtues of those ideas. You’re just saying that she is a Marxist and then saying she should move. You can do better than that can’t you?!
There is not just one Marxist theory, there are many different ones, and as I said before, many conflict with each other. Just because somebody has Marxist beliefs and wants to see some of that theory materialize in the USA that doesn’t mean they need to move to a different country. A smart person would find out what specifically they want to do and then debate the virtues of those ideas. You’re just saying that she is a Marxist and then saying she should move. You can do better than that can’t you?!

No, I'm not saying that she herself should move.

I'm looking at this on a much, much larger scale. I'm looking at all of the Marxists, not just her. What I am am saying is that Marxism is so horrible, that none of the people who claim to be in favor of it ever moves to a Marxist country.

Likewise, huge numbers of people who were born in Marxist countries fled those countries, and took refuge in capitalist countries.

The best way to distinguish between the good countries and the bad countries is to look at immigration. People move away from the bad countries, and they immigrate to the good countries. And by this standard, Marxist countries are bad, and capitalist countries are good.
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Meanwhile, in the real world, workers are far, far better off in capitalist countries than in communist countries.

For example, here’s a six minute video on what it’s like to be a doctor in Cuba.

In Cuba, this doctor’s home has running water for only one hour a day.

At 4:53, when the doctor is at her home with her husband and their daughter, the narrator says:

“… they only have running water one hour a day…”

If that’s how Cuba treats its doctors, I wonder how they treat the average citizen.

No, I'm not saying that she herself should move.

I'm look at this on a much, much large scale. I'm looking at all of the Marxists, not just her. What I am am saying is that Marxism is so horrible, that none of the people who claim to be in favor of it ever moves to a Marxist country.

Likewise, huge numbers of people who were born in Marxist countries fled those countries, and taken refuge in capitalist countries.

The best way to distinguish between the good countries and the bad countries is to look at immigration. People move away from the bad countries, and they immigrate to the good countries. And by this standard, Marxist countries are bad, and capitalist countries are good.
Then start a thread on Marxism bs capital ism and keep talking in general terms like this. When you call out a person and organization then point to specifics not platitudes. We don’t live in a black and white world. People can support capitalism with socialist elements. That’s how our country is and we are better for it. If you can talk specifics then it’s a pointless unrealistic conversation

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