Here is the plan of scamdemic. How old 'conspiracy theories' become truth now.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Anything according the plan?
The first time the plan was revealed almost 1.5 years ago.
It was immediately blamed as a conspiracy theory
Now it's the sad truth.

The new world order ...

Phase 1: Simulate a threat and create fear. (December 2019-March 2020)
- Mount a pandemic in China.
- Kill tens of thousands of elderly people.
- Increase the number of cases and deaths
- Position vaccination as the only solution from the beginning.
- Focus all attention on Covid-19.
Result, (almost) general panic

Phase 2: Sow the tares and division. (March 2020-December 2020)
- Impose multiple unnecessary, liberticidal and unconstitutional coercive measures.
- Paralyze trade and the economy.
- Observe the submission of a majority and the resistance of a rebellious minority.
- Stigmatize the rebels and create a horizontal division.
- Censoring dissident leaders.
- Punish disobedience.
- Generalize PCR tests.
- Create confusion between cases, infected, sick, hospitalized and dead.
- Disqualify all effective treatments.
- Hope for a rescue vaccine.
Result, (almost) general panic.

Phase 3: Bring a treacherous and deadly solution. (December 2020-June 2021)
- Offer a free vaccine for everyone.
- Promise protection and return to normality.
- Establish a herd immunization target.
- Simulate a partial recovery of the economy.
- Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections.
- Passing off the side effects of the injections as "natural" effects of the virus and the disease.
- Recover the notion of a variant as a natural mutation of the virus.
- Justify the maintenance of coercive measures by not applying the herd immunity threshold.
- Punish health professionals for the illegal exercise of care and healing. -
Result, doubts and feelings of betrayal among the vaxx, discouragement among opponents.

Phase 4: Install Apartheid and the QR code. (June 2021-October 2021)
- Voluntarily plan for shortages.
- Impose the vaccination pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant.
- Create an Apartheid of the privileged against the others.
- Take away the right to work or study from non-vaxx.
- Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx.
- Impose PCR payment tests on non-vaxx.
Result, First stage of digital control, impoverishment of opponents

Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
- Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
- Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
- Let unemployment explode.
- Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
- Take up the murder of the living old men.
- Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
- Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
- Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
- Arrest opposition leaders.
- Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card ...
- Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.

Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)
- Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
- To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
- Activate the «Great Reset».
- Dematerialize money.
- Cancel debts, loans and loans.
- Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
- Seize properties and land.
- Ban all global medicines.
- Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
- Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
Extend the measures to emerging countries.
Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.

The braindead sheep here will never own up to it thst events like the virus hoax,election fraud in 2020 and 9/11 that what they keep insisting were conspiracy theories have been proven to be conspiracy fact
Anything according the plan?
The first time the plan was revealed almost 1.5 years ago.
It was immediately blamed as a conspiracy theory
Now it's the sad truth.

The new world order ...

Phase 1: Simulate a threat and create fear. (December 2019-March 2020)
- Mount a pandemic in China.
- Kill tens of thousands of elderly people.
- Increase the number of cases and deaths
- Position vaccination as the only solution from the beginning.
- Focus all attention on Covid-19.
Result, (almost) general panic

Phase 2: Sow the tares and division. (March 2020-December 2020)
- Impose multiple unnecessary, liberticidal and unconstitutional coercive measures.
- Paralyze trade and the economy.
- Observe the submission of a majority and the resistance of a rebellious minority.
- Stigmatize the rebels and create a horizontal division.
- Censoring dissident leaders.
- Punish disobedience.
- Generalize PCR tests.
- Create confusion between cases, infected, sick, hospitalized and dead.
- Disqualify all effective treatments.
- Hope for a rescue vaccine.
Result, (almost) general panic.

Phase 3: Bring a treacherous and deadly solution. (December 2020-June 2021)
- Offer a free vaccine for everyone.
- Promise protection and return to normality.
- Establish a herd immunization target.
- Simulate a partial recovery of the economy.
- Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections.
- Passing off the side effects of the injections as "natural" effects of the virus and the disease.
- Recover the notion of a variant as a natural mutation of the virus.
- Justify the maintenance of coercive measures by not applying the herd immunity threshold.
- Punish health professionals for the illegal exercise of care and healing. -
Result, doubts and feelings of betrayal among the vaxx, discouragement among opponents.

Phase 4: Install Apartheid and the QR code. (June 2021-October 2021)
- Voluntarily plan for shortages.
- Impose the vaccination pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant.
- Create an Apartheid of the privileged against the others.
- Take away the right to work or study from non-vaxx.
- Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx.
- Impose PCR payment tests on non-vaxx.
Result, First stage of digital control, impoverishment of opponents

Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
- Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
- Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
- Let unemployment explode.
- Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
- Take up the murder of the living old men.
- Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
- Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
- Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
- Arrest opposition leaders.
- Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card ...
- Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.

Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)
- Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
- To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
- Activate the «Great Reset».
- Dematerialize money.
- Cancel debts, loans and loans.
- Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
- Seize properties and land.
- Ban all global medicines.
- Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
- Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
Extend the measures to emerging countries.
Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.

I wonder where "extermination off all people" (as claimed before) is in that roadmap. After people didn´t die (imagine, this would only work if ALL the people would have been vaccinated simultaneously), conspiracy nuts greedy inhale the next bs. Guru-BS. Vaccinated Guru-BS, you know?
I wonder where "extermination off all people" (as claimed before) is in that roadmap. After people didn´t die (imagine, this would only work if ALL the people would have been vaccinated simultaneously), conspiracy nuts greedy inhale the next bs. Guru-BS. Vaccinated Guru-BS, you know?

In 2 - 3 years
A small amount of survivors becomes slave of satanists
Anything according the plan?
The first time the plan was revealed almost 1.5 years ago.
It was immediately blamed as a conspiracy theory
Now it's the sad truth.

The new world order ...

Phase 1: Simulate a threat and create fear. (December 2019-March 2020)
- Mount a pandemic in China.
- Kill tens of thousands of elderly people.
- Increase the number of cases and deaths
- Position vaccination as the only solution from the beginning.
- Focus all attention on Covid-19.
Result, (almost) general panic

Phase 2: Sow the tares and division. (March 2020-December 2020)
- Impose multiple unnecessary, liberticidal and unconstitutional coercive measures.
- Paralyze trade and the economy.
- Observe the submission of a majority and the resistance of a rebellious minority.
- Stigmatize the rebels and create a horizontal division.
- Censoring dissident leaders.
- Punish disobedience.
- Generalize PCR tests.
- Create confusion between cases, infected, sick, hospitalized and dead.
- Disqualify all effective treatments.
- Hope for a rescue vaccine.
Result, (almost) general panic.

Phase 3: Bring a treacherous and deadly solution. (December 2020-June 2021)
- Offer a free vaccine for everyone.
- Promise protection and return to normality.
- Establish a herd immunization target.
- Simulate a partial recovery of the economy.
- Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections.
- Passing off the side effects of the injections as "natural" effects of the virus and the disease.
- Recover the notion of a variant as a natural mutation of the virus.
- Justify the maintenance of coercive measures by not applying the herd immunity threshold.
- Punish health professionals for the illegal exercise of care and healing. -
Result, doubts and feelings of betrayal among the vaxx, discouragement among opponents.

Phase 4: Install Apartheid and the QR code. (June 2021-October 2021)
- Voluntarily plan for shortages.
- Impose the vaccination pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant.
- Create an Apartheid of the privileged against the others.
- Take away the right to work or study from non-vaxx.
- Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx.
- Impose PCR payment tests on non-vaxx.
Result, First stage of digital control, impoverishment of opponents

Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
- Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
- Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
- Let unemployment explode.
- Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
- Take up the murder of the living old men.
- Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
- Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
- Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
- Arrest opposition leaders.
- Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card ...
- Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.

Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)
- Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
- To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
- Activate the «Great Reset».
- Dematerialize money.
- Cancel debts, loans and loans.
- Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
- Seize properties and land.
- Ban all global medicines.
- Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
- Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
Extend the measures to emerging countries.
Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.

No, it started with the "Smoking Causes Cancer" hoax. Americans submitted to that one, which told the Statists they could get away with all these restrictions, too.
In 2 - 3 years
A small amount of survivors becomes slave of satanists
Won´t happen. At first you don´t simulate a pandemic in an Event 201 to launch a fake pandemic. That does not make sense at all. I guess the virus is true.
Not all reactions by governments might be correct, but that is not a reason to fearmonger 24h. You need to think on your own. Conspiracy theorists use every event to launch a new theory.
Won´t happen. At first you don´t simulate a pandemic in an Event 201 to launch a fake pandemic. That does not make sense at all. I guess the virus is true.
Not all reactions by governments might be correct, but that is not a reason to fearmonger 24h. You need to think on your own. Conspiracy theorists use every event to launch a new theory.

The term 'conspiracy theory' was invented by satanists who murdered Kennedy and wanted to stop investigation.
Anything according the plan?
The first time the plan was revealed almost 1.5 years ago.
It was immediately blamed as a conspiracy theory
Now it's the sad truth.

The new world order ...

Phase 1: Simulate a threat and create fear. (December 2019-March 2020)
- Mount a pandemic in China.
- Kill tens of thousands of elderly people.
- Increase the number of cases and deaths
- Position vaccination as the only solution from the beginning.
- Focus all attention on Covid-19.
Result, (almost) general panic

Phase 2: Sow the tares and division. (March 2020-December 2020)
- Impose multiple unnecessary, liberticidal and unconstitutional coercive measures.
- Paralyze trade and the economy.
- Observe the submission of a majority and the resistance of a rebellious minority.
- Stigmatize the rebels and create a horizontal division.
- Censoring dissident leaders.
- Punish disobedience.
- Generalize PCR tests.
- Create confusion between cases, infected, sick, hospitalized and dead.
- Disqualify all effective treatments.
- Hope for a rescue vaccine.
Result, (almost) general panic.

Phase 3: Bring a treacherous and deadly solution. (December 2020-June 2021)
- Offer a free vaccine for everyone.
- Promise protection and return to normality.
- Establish a herd immunization target.
- Simulate a partial recovery of the economy.
- Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections.
- Passing off the side effects of the injections as "natural" effects of the virus and the disease.
- Recover the notion of a variant as a natural mutation of the virus.
- Justify the maintenance of coercive measures by not applying the herd immunity threshold.
- Punish health professionals for the illegal exercise of care and healing. -
Result, doubts and feelings of betrayal among the vaxx, discouragement among opponents.

Phase 4: Install Apartheid and the QR code. (June 2021-October 2021)
- Voluntarily plan for shortages.
- Impose the vaccination pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant.
- Create an Apartheid of the privileged against the others.
- Take away the right to work or study from non-vaxx.
- Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx.
- Impose PCR payment tests on non-vaxx.
Result, First stage of digital control, impoverishment of opponents

Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
- Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
- Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
- Let unemployment explode.
- Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
- Take up the murder of the living old men.
- Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
- Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
- Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
- Arrest opposition leaders.
- Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card ...
- Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.

Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)
- Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
- To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
- Activate the «Great Reset».
- Dematerialize money.
- Cancel debts, loans and loans.
- Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
- Seize properties and land.
- Ban all global medicines.
- Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
- Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
Extend the measures to emerging countries.
Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.

Who writes this crap? Do you have link?
The term 'conspiracy theory' was invented by satanists who murdered Kennedy and wanted to stop investigation.
Conspiracy Theories are invented by people without actual access to facts. They are just fat ugly people fapping on disgusting stuff when not puzzling another conspiracy theory into existence. Pure accident if one should turn out to be halfway true.
Conspiracy Theories are invented by people without actual access to facts. They are just fat ugly people fapping on disgusting stuff when not puzzling another conspiracy theory into existence. Pure accident if one should turn out to be halfway true.

What facts you still need to the most common 'conspiracy theories'?

When 2,500 static engineers say 9/11 was an inside job it's the truth
When more as 100,000 world leading virologists, physicians, pathologists, biologists state mRNA 'vaccines' kill you it's the truth.
When the Holy Bible says what to do it's the truth
What facts you still need to the most common 'conspiracy theories'?

When 2,500 static engineers say 9/11 was an inside job it's the truth
When more as 100,000 world leading virologists, physicians, pathologists, biologists state mRNA 'vaccines' kill you it's the truth.
When the Holy Bible says what to do it's the truth
It actually is a conspiracy theorist who claims "more as 100.000...". That doesn´t make it true. The vaccine has been rushed, so it is not perfect, period.
You shouldn´t read that shit. Rather ask yourself, how the conspiracy theorist gathered the number of 100.000 experts. He either called them all and asked for their opinions, or, more likely, he made it up. There is no other option.
Stop World Control - Like SERIOUS?

Swiss Policy Research? Man, you clowns come up with the bestest loon sites EVA!!
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