Here comes the IRS!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Grover's upset, and I bet there are a bunch of nervous millionaire tax cheats at this news. They can't wait for Trump to take over and get rid of all those new IRS agents President Biden budgeted money for. Grover makes the absurd statement that middle class taxpayers are next in line for audits. I think that there are enough wealthy tax cheats to keep the IRS busy for many years. This should have happened years ago.

Grover's upset, and I bet there are a bunch of nervous millionaire tax cheats at this news. They can't wait for Trump to take over and get rid of all those new IRS agents President Biden budgeted money for. Grover makes the absurd statement that middle class taxpayers are next in line for audits. I think that there are enough wealthy tax cheats to keep the IRS busy for many years. This should have happened years ago.
most millionares have certified accnts moron............they're coming after waiters and tips.i hope you are audited and indicted for tax fraud

Grover's upset, and I bet there are a bunch of nervous millionaire tax cheats at this news. They can't wait for Trump to take over and get rid of all those new IRS agents President Biden budgeted money for. Grover makes the absurd statement that middle class taxpayers are next in line for audits. I think that there are enough wealthy tax cheats to keep the IRS busy for many years. This should have happened years ago.

Make sure they go after Sharpton and all of the other race baiters, and politicians, who owe millions in taxes too.

Grover's upset, and I bet there are a bunch of nervous millionaire tax cheats at this news. They can't wait for Trump to take over and get rid of all those new IRS agents President Biden budgeted money for. Grover makes the absurd statement that middle class taxpayers are next in line for audits. I think that there are enough wealthy tax cheats to keep the IRS busy for many years. This should have happened years ago.
Al Sharpton?
I just got nice little check in the mail from the IRS. Seems I over reported my income for the 2022 tax year.

Thanks guys and keep up the good work!
I just got nice little check in the mail from the IRS. Seems I over reported my income for the 2022 tax year.

Thanks guys and keep up the good work!

Be careful, the State of MO sent me a check for 3 grand saying we overpaid and 6 months later sent me a bill for 3500 for paying 3000 under plus a fee and interest
So the Republicans are now enthusiastically pro-tax cheat.

Are there any criminals of any sort that the GOP doesn't try to help?

That's a rhetorical question, there aren't. The Republican goal is complete destruction of the rule of law, replaced by rule of their fascist overlords.
most millionares have certified accnts moron............they're coming after waiters and tips
That’s exactly how the system should work. That’s why I (middle class) have my taxes handled by a professional and don’t do it myself. I use every legitimate tax break they can find for me. If you want me (or millionaires) to pay more, change the tax code. Get rid of the exemptions and write offs.
Be careful, the State of MO sent me a check for 3 grand saying we overpaid and 6 months later sent me a bill for 3500 for paying 3000 under plus a fee and interest

That's interesting, your location seems to change every few months.

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