Here Are The Grand Jury Subpoenas To Show How Screwed Trump Really Is

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Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Today our Supreme Court ruled that Trump is just like anyone else when it comes to a Grand Jury Subpoena.

To see how screwed he really is, here are the two subpoenas from the New York Grand Jury he tried to stop which are contained in his own Petition to our Supreme Court:

Trump Subpoenas

The subpoena to the Trump Organization is Appendix I starting on Page 160.

The subpoena to Mazars is Appendix J starting on Page 167.

Interesting to see that it is the “Major Economic Crimes Bureau” of the New York County District Attorney’s Office that is investigating this matter.

Let that sink in for a minute…. Trump is being investigated by the “Major Economic Crimes Bureau!”

Hope they don't put him in the same cell his buddy Jeffrey Epstein was in.
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